Welcome to the Home Page of the Contact Expert Croup on Servere Accident Management (CEG-SAM)

The CEG-SAM is a Commitee assembled by the European Commission of experienced research scientists to examine proposals in the area of severe accident managemant submitted to the ISTC (International Science and Technology Centre) by the former Russian military research centres and institutes. The ISTC offers grants to these institutes to help them reorient towards more civilian-based research.

The ISTC itself is currently funded by the European Commission, USA, Japan, Korea, and Canada. The CEG-SAM is the first to be set up and it is expected that other CEG's for other areas of former military research may be set up tn the future.

The ISTC having received the proposals passes the projects relevant to severe accident mangement on to the CEG-SAM. They examine and evaluate them and often pass comments on them with aim of improving the value of their work or propose collaborations with simliar research organisations in the West or other Russioan institutes working in the same field. The selected projects should have at least one Western partner organisation as a collaborator. This partner organisation is usually on the Steering Group Committee (SG) of the individual projects.

For projects of interest, the lead Russian organisation is often requested to make a presentation at the twice-yearly meetings of the CEG-SAM to give its members the opportunity to find out a bit more about the project details, the institute's experience and its personnel.

After the CEG-SAM meeting the presented projects are evaluated and a project (possibly two) from that meeting is selected for recommendation for financing. The CEG-SAM is also to make suggestions for the other non-selected projects: e.g. work programme improvements, probosals of Western collaborators or resubmission with proposed improvements.

The recommendations of the CEG-SAM are passed to the EC member on the ISTC Governing Board that meets quarterly; the EC member uses these recommendations as the Geverning Board selects the Severe Accident Management projects for financing.

Some of the individual projects SG meetings are held together with the CEG-SAM meetings, since a number of the CEG-SAM members are also on the individual project Teering Group Committees (these meetings are also held biannually).

Project Description and Deliverables
Joint Publications
Fukushima accident