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Direct Lithium Extraction Symposium

Registration open until September 15th!

We are proud to announce the upcoming Symposium on Direct Lithium Extraction, a premier event that will bring together leading experts from research and industry. This symposium will delve into the latest advancements and innovative technologies in the field of direct lithium extraction (DLE), fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange to drive forward this critical sector.

Topical Overview:­

  • Liquid / solid Li extraction technologies
  • Membrane & precipitation technologies
  • Conversion to battery
  • Electrochem. Li extraction & Desalination Technologies
  • Concentration & Purification of Li-brines

Moreover, we want to promote scientific exchange and networking opportunities by hosting a

  • Industry Session
  • Poster Session (You can propose a poster abstract here)
Planned Program

Thursday, 17.10.2024, KIT - Campus South, Karlsruhe

    from 09:00 to 17:00: Lectures

    from 18:00 to 19:30: Poster session

Friday, 18.10.2024, KIT - Campus South, Karlsruhe

    from 09:00 to 13:00: Lectures


More information about the program will be announced soon here.


Invited Speakers (confirmed)

Prof. Dr. Fabio La Mantia (University of Bremen / Fraunhofer IFAM)
Prof. Dr. Volker Presser (Saarland University / INM – Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien gGmbH)
Dr. Joachim Koschikowski (Fraunhofer ISE)



  • Start registration:              July 1st
  • End of registration: September 15th

Poster Abstracts

  • Start of abstract submission:   July 1st
  • End of abstract deadline (poster): August 31st

Abstract notifications will be send out on a rolling basis (first come first serve). Please find the details of abstract submission below.

Final Program

  • Upload of final lecture program: August 30th
Scientific Spokesperson:

Dr. Fabian Jeschull

Raum: 206

Tel.: +49 721 608 28515

fabian jeschull does-not-exist.kit edu


Dr-Ing. Isabelle Südmeyer

Raum: Geb. 441-1, R. 205

Tel.: +49 721 608 28582

isabelle suedmeyer∂kit edu

PNO Innovation

Dr. Nader Akil