Solar Hydrogen – high purity and pressurized

  • Contact:

    Weber, André

  • Project Group:


  • Funding:

    Helmholtz - Programm MTET

  • Partner:

    Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, DLR, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


The Innovationpool-project "Solar Hydrogen - high purity and pressurized" aims to deliver fundamental insights as well as sustainable technologies for the conversion of solar energy into green hydrogen. A generation of solar hydrogen with preferably high purity and under elevated pressures is feasible with the technologies followed in this project. Thereby, the effort for further pressurerization can be reduced and therefore increase the overall efficiency. Hydrogen carrying these properties can be used in PEM-Fuel Cells or for the production of valuable chemicals and e-fuels. Technologies providing ultrapure and compressed hydrogen by converting solar energy perspectively at low cost are able to significantly contribute to a sustainable energy system in Germany and the whole world. 

The IAM-ET performs the characterization and model development of reversible solid oxide cells in order to optimize them under pressurization and increase the endurance of hightemperature-electrolyzers. Detailed investigations are carried out under a close cooperation with the FZJ at oxygen- as well as protonconducting cells. Investigating the pressure dependency of the electrochemical processes is the main focus of the IAM-ET.