Daniel Ewald, M.Sc.

Daniel Ewald, M.Sc.

  • Adenauerring 20b
    76131 Karlsruhe



  • Since 01/2024: research associate at IAM-ET
  • 04/2020 – 10/2024: Master of Science (KIT), Chemical Engineering
    master thesis: "Invesitgation of a new Contact Design for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells"
  • 10/2015 – 04/2020: Bachelor of Science (KIT), Chemical Engineering

Research Topics

Join the Team

If you are interested in a student thesis or working as a research assistant, please send an email to daniel.ewald∂kit.edu, even if no specific positions are currently advertised.

Student Theses


Topic Supvervisors Person Period
Electrochemical Characterization and Parametrization of a High-Performance SOFC for Aviation Applications Ewald, Daniel, M.Sc., Großelindemann, Cedric, M.Sc. Felix Leonce Martinez Martinez finished 11/24

Student Assistants

Topic Supervisors Person Period
  • Model development in Matlab & Comsol
  • Post-processing analysis
Ewald, Daniel, M.Sc. Till Kasselmann 07/2024 - 03/2025

Seminar Theses

Topic Supervisors Person Period
Evaluation of current developments in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Aircraft Application Ewald, Daniel, M.Sc. Joshua Tuttas finished 01/25

Lecture assistance

Lecture University lecturer Semester
Internship Battery and Fuel Cells PD Dr.-Ing. André Weber winter-term

Publications and Conferences

Journal Paper

  1. D. Ewald, C. Grosselindemann, D. Esau, F.-M. Fuchs, and A. Weber, "Stack-like Contacting in Solid Oxide Cells: Electrochemical Characterization and Modeling", J. Electrochem. Soc.171, 044506 (2024). doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad3a16
  2. C. Grosselindemann, M. J. Reddy, H. Störmer, D. Esau, M. Dorn, F. M. Bauer, D. Ewald, L. Wissmeier, J. Froitzheim, and A. Weber, J. Electrochem. Soc.171, 054508 (2024). doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad44da
  3. C. Grosselindemann, M. Dorn, F. M. Bauer, M. Seim, D. Ewald, D. Esau, M. Geörg, R. Rössler, A. Pundt, and A. Weber, "Pressurized Single Cell Testing of Solid Oxide Cells", J. Power Sources614, 234963 (2024). doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.234963

Conference Paper

  1. D. Ewald, C. Grosselindemann, D. Esau, F.-M. Fuchs, and A. Weber, "Electrochemical Characterization and Modeling of stack-like Contacting for Solid Oxide Cells", Proceedings of the 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, July 2nd-5th, 2024.
  2. C. Grosselindemann, M. Dorn, F. M. Bauer, M. Seim, D. Ewald, D. Esau, M. Geörg, R. Rössler, A. Pundt and A. Weber, "Testing of Pressurized Solid Oxide Cells", Proceedings of the 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, July 2nd-5th, 2024. 
  3. L. Eichhorn, J.-C. Jeske, S. Kazula, D. Dimos, S. de Graaf, D. Ewald, A. Weber, L. Mantelli and M. L. Ferrari, "Review and Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine Hybrid System Design Choices for Aviation", Proceedings of the 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, July 2nd-5th, 2024. 

Conference Contributions

  1. D. Ewald, C. Grosselindemann, D. Esau, F.-M. Fuchs, and A. Weber, poster presentation by D. Ewald: "Electrochemical Characterization and Modeling of stack-like Contacting for Solid Oxide Cells", 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, July 2nd-5th, 2024.
  2. C. Grosselindemann, M. Dorn, F. M. Bauer, M. Seim, D. Ewald, D. Esau, M. Geörg, R. Rössler, A. Pundt and A. Weber, poster presentation by C. Grosselindemann: "Testing of Pressurized Solid Oxide Cells", 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, July 2nd-5th, 2024. 
  3. C. Grosselindemann, M. Dorn, F. M. Bauer, M. Seim, D. Ewald, D. Esau, M. Geörg, R. Rössler, A. Pundt and A. Weber, oral presentation by C. Grosselindemann: "Testing of Pressurized Solid Oxide Cells", 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, July 2nd-5th, 2024. 
  4. L. Eichhorn, J.-C. Jeske, S. Kazula, D. Dimos, S. de Graaf, D. Ewald, A. Weber, L. Mantelli and M. L. Ferrari, poster presentation by L. Eichhorn: "Review and Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine Hybrid System Design Choices for Aviation", 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, July 2nd-5th, 2024.