Tobias Goosmann, M.Sc.

  • Institute for Applied Materials - Electrochemical Technologies (IAM-ET)
    Adenauerring 20b
    Building 50.40 
    D-76131 Karlsruhe

Research: Simulation of a fuel cell system


Fig. 1: Prototype of the fuel cell truck GenH2 (Source: Daimler Truck AG)

  • Fuel cell vehicles are part of electromobility
  • Power generation for electric motor by fuel cells in the vehicle while driving
  • Primarily for trucks in heavy-duty traffic with a long range as an alternative to very large and therefore heavy batteries
  • Improvement of efficiency and performance by simulating the operation of the fuel cell in combination with the directly necessary components in the vehicle

Peripheral system components: Gas supply (air and hydrogen).

Fig.2: Overview of the fuel cell system, on the left side the air supply and conditioning, on the right the hydrogen side. The fuel cell stack as the central element is located in between.

  • Modelling of the relevant components: Compressors, valves, pumps, heat exchangers etc.
  • Recording of steady-state operation and behaviour during load changes
  • Validation of the component models on the basis of measured data
  • Integration into an operating strategy, subsequent adaptation to the cell behaviour and the application case

Fuel cell and stack model: heart for the provision of electrical power.

Fig.3: Schematic structure of a fuel cell stack. The fuel cell (cathode, membrane and anode) is provided with a separate gas diffusion layer on both sides. The gas is supplied via the gas channels of the bipolar plates. These plates connect the cells connected in series to form a stack.

  • Modelling of the electrochemical behaviour of the fuel cell
  • Modelling of the fluid behaviour within the gas channels along the cell
  • Temperature management of the stack using cooling water
  • Validation based on test bench measurement data