Adrian Lindner, M.Sc.
- Scientific Assistant
- Group:
- Office Hours:
Nach Vereinbarung
- Room: 351
CS 50.40 - Phone: +49 721 608-48156
- adrian lindner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institute of Applied Materials -
Electrochemical Technologies (IAM-ET)
Adenauerring 20b
Gebäude 50.40
76131 Karlsruhe
title | chair | tutor | person in charge |
Performance and Error Evaluation of Image Segmentation Strategies for NMC Battery Electrodes | Adrian Lindner, M.Sc. |
Marceau Viornery |
Process-Structure-Property Correlations of Binder/Additive Networks in High-Capacity Electrodes for Lithium-Ion-Batteries | Lithium-Ion-Batteries | Kenny Dinh |
Einfluss der Mikrostruktur auf das dynamische Alterungsverhalten kommerzieller Lithium-Ionen-Batterien | Karsten Mehr |
Analyzing and Improving Conductive Networks in Commercial High-Energy Ni-rich Cathodes - Lindner, A.; Both, S.; Menesklou, W.; Hein, S.; Danner, T.; Latz, A.; Krewer, U. in Batteries & Supercaps 2024
Structure–activity correlation of thermally activated graphite electrodes for vanadium flow batteries - Lindner, A.; Radinger, H.; Scheiba, F.; Ehrenberg, H. in RSC Advances 2022
Impact of nickel on the surface reaction in ceria-based electrodes for solid oxide cells - Kullmann, F.; Esau, D.; Limbeck, K.; Dierickx, S.; Lindner, A.; Störmer, H.; Weber, A. in Journal of Power Sources, 2024
Direct Precursor Route for the Fabrication of LLZO Composite Cathodes for Solid-State Batteries - Kiyek, V.; Schwab, C.; Scheld, W.S.; Roitzheim, C.; Lindner, A.; Menesklou, W.; Finsterbusch, M.; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D.; Guillon, O. in Advanced Science, 2024
Material parameters affecting Li plating in Si/graphite composite electrodes - Boveleth, L.; Lindner, A.; Menesklou, M.; Danner, T.; Latz, A. in Electrochemica Acta 2024
Electrochemical Characterization of Nickel / Gadolinia Doped Ceria Fuel Electrodes under H2/H2O/CO/CO2-Atmospheres - Esau, D.; Grosselindemann, C.; Schuhr, S.; Kullmann, F.; Lindner, A.; Liang, Z.; Fuchs, F.M.; Weber, A. in Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2024
DRT analysis and transmission line modeling of ceria based electrodes for solid oxide cells - Kullmann, F.; Müller, M.; Lindner, A.; Dierickx, S.; Müller, E.; Weber, A. in Journal of Power Sources, 2023
Toward Calenderability of High-Energy Cathode based on NMC622 during the Roll-to-Roll Process - Tran, H.; Lindner, A.; Menesklou, W.; Braunwarth, W. in Energy Technology 2023
Towards FIB-SEM Based Simulation of Pore-Scale Diffusion in SCR Catalyst Layers - Proff, J.; Mail, M.; Lindner, A.; Scheuer, A.; Bendrich, M.; Quinet, E.; Schuler, A.; Scherer, T.; Kübel, C.; Votsmeier, M. in Topics in Catalysis 2023
Conference Contributions
- Relating Capacity Loss to Crack Propagation in All Solid State Batteries - A 3D Imaging Study - Lindner, A.; Kiyek, V.; Finsterbusch, M.; Mail, M.; Scherer, T.; Kübel, C.; Menesklou, W.; Guillon, O.; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D.; Krewer, U. for the PRiME 2024, Honolulu, HI, October 2024
- Performance Limitations in Nickel-Rich, High-Energy Lithium-Ion-Battery Cathodes - Lindner, A.; Both, S.; Abdolhosseini, S.; Danner, T.; Menesklou, W.; Latz, A.; Krewer, U. for the 243rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Boston, MA, June 2023
- High Resolution Tomography Techniques for the Development and Optimization of Structurally Resolved Battery Simulation - Lindner, A.; Both, S.; Abdolhosseini, S.; Menesklou, W.; Danner, T.; Latz, A.; Krewer, U. for the Advanced Battery Power Conference, Aachen, April 2023
- Probing the Influence of Calandering Parameters on the Performance of Nickel-rich Lithium-Ion-Battery Cathodes - Abdolhosseini, S.; Lindner, A.; Diener, A.; Menesklou, W. for the Materials Science and Engineering Congress, Darmstadt, September 2022
Short CV
- May 2021: Graduated M.Sc. Material Science and Engineering at Karlsruher Institute for Technology (KIT) - Title of the Thesis: "Structure-Function-Correlation of modified Graphite Felt Electrodes for All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries"
- 2017: Internship at Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Herzogenaurach - Department of Surface Technology with focus on PEM Fuel Cells
- January 2017: Graduated B.Sc. Material Science and Engineering at Karlsruher Institute for Technology (KIT) - Title of the Thesis: "The Influence of Surface Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of additive manufactured Aluminium Alloys"