Microstructure – Mechanics



The research group "Microstructure – Mechanics" investigates the interactions between microstructural and mechanical parameters on the mesoscopic length scale of materials. Both the evolution of grains and domains and the resulting heterogeneous microstructure have a decisive influence on the physical properties of materials. Therefore, the understanding of these mechanisms and possible defects is essential for the virtual development of materials (Virtual Materials Design). The physical processes at the interfaces are investigated by integrating mainly mechanical, but also chemical, thermal and electromagnetic driving forces. This is done using the phase-field method, coupled with numerical algorithms. Thus, process parameters can be optimized, production costs can be reduced, effective material properties can be optimized or new materials can be developed. Current research questions relate to the recrystallization process, solid-solid phase transformation processes as well as electrochemical processes and crack propagation. The materials considered are metals, fiber composite materials, lithium-ion batteries and piezo crystals.

Name Function
Group Leader
Research assistant
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
group leader
Research assistant
Akademischer Mitarbeiter
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
3 additional persons visible within KIT only.
Associated team members
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