GAMM PF 25 and Materials/Microstructure modelling: Analytics & Benchmarks

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is happy to announce and host the conference of the 10th GAMM Workshop on phase-field modeling along with the workshop "Materials/Microstructure modelling: Analytics & Benchmarks", a meeting supported by the working group "Phase Field Modeling" of the expert committee "Materials Modeling, Simulation and Data" of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. (DGM) and the MaTeLiS Focus Field "Virtual Materials Design and Digitalization" at the KIT. The conference will be organized and hosted by the Institute for Applied Materials - Microstructure Modelling and Simulation (IAM-MMS) at KIT with support by the Institute of Digital Materials Science at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences on February 12-14, 2025 in Karlsruhe.
GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) is an interdisciplinary network that brings together researchers from applied mathematics, mechanics, and related disciplines. Established by Ludwig Prandtl and Richard von Mises in 1922, GAMM has played a significant role in the development of hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, solid mechanics, and the fields of numerical and industrial mathematics. The GAMM Activity Group on Phase Field Modelling was established in 2013. Topics of interest include modeling and implementation of solidification processes and general phase transformations, as well as formulations for fracture mechanics, fluid mechanics, diffusion, wetting, and topology optimization, as well as coupled problems. Goal of the annual workshop is to bring together researchers from different institutions and scientific background to discuss current trends in phase-field modeling.
The meeting Materials/Microstructure modelling: Analytics & Benchmarks focuses on Computer-aided design of innovative materials, specifically utilizing the phase-field method. The phase-field method stands out as a critical tool in this domain, allowing for the detailed simulation of materials’ microstructures at the mescoscopic length scale. It is adept at capturing complex material behaviors influenced by diverse driving forces for interfacial motion due to diffusive, electrochemical, mechanical, etc. processes. In addition, large-scale numerical simulations can be performed by numerically solving the coupled multiphysics differential equations on high performance computers. Because of this versatility, phase-field methods are used in various communities in materials science and physics.
Networking between the different communities and identifying methodological commonalities in a collaborative and transparent way are the main objectives of the event. In parallel with the joint meeting, we are organizing a special issue of the journal Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering titled Phase Field Modeling: Analytics & Benchmarks.
Registration, abstract submission and other information will follow soon. Please contact the conference office if you have any urgent questions.
References in title image:
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