BeYOND VI - Industrial Forum


BeYOND VI Industrial Forum

Wednesday, 1 October 2014, San Sebastian

 08:30 - 12:00 SOFT Conference, Poster
 11:00 - 12:00 Registration BeYOND
 12:00 - 12:15


Dr. Dirk Radloff, Christopher Dorn, Aniceto Goraieb

 12:15 - 14:15

Session A, R&D Beryllium & Alloys

Dr. Anton P.J. Stampfl, Bragg Institute, Australia, to be confirmed

Dr. Radmir Giniiatulin, et al, Efremov Institute, Beryllium work in Russia

Dr. Cristian P. Lungu, et al, INFLPR, Romania, Be film preparation (TVA)

Dr. Masaru Nakamichi, JAEA, Status Beryllides, Japan

Dr. Sören Müller, et al, TUB, FZS, Status Hot Extrusion of Beryllides

Dr. Petr Kurinskiy, KIT, New Results with Hot Extrusion

Milan Zmitko, F4E, Status ITER Blanket

 14:15 - 15:00 Lunch Snack, Poster
 15:00 - 15:35

Session B, Beryllium Products

Keigo Nojiri, NGK, Beryllium products, Berylco France

Christopher Dorn, et al, MBI, Status Beryllium Pebble Production

Aniceto Goraieb, KBHF, Pilot Production Beryllides

 15:35 - 17:00

Session C, Health & Safety

Caroline Calvez, NGK, Hygiene & Environmental issues

Mr. Yonehara, KAKEN, Japan

Christopher Dorn, MBI, Health & Safety concerning Beryllium

Aniceto Goraieb, KBHF, Overview KBHF H&S concepts

 17:00 - 17:15 Coffee Break, Poster
 17:15 - 19:00

Round Table, Health & Safety

Dr. Günter Janeschitz, ITER, to be confirmed

 21:00 - 23:30 Workshop Dinner (for registered participants only)