BeYOND VI - Industrial Forum

About BeYOND

BeYOND Vision             (Time horizon till 2045)

Support of the Mankindproject nuclear fusion. The realization of a project on the level of “copying the suns energy producing process” needs the linking of industry and science in a new dimension, because development based on a time horizon of more than 20 years is only possible within a common effort. This means to develop pilot production facilities, handling techniques and safety concepts that fit to the above mentioned effort with the support of partners from science and industry.
Production of components for energy research of the future in cooperation with industry. The ITER-Blanket for example needs Beryllium and/or its alloys, Lithium ceramics and structural material in an amount of about 1000 Kg. For the handling of these components an ITER Blanket Handling Facility, IBHF shall be built in South France, which will also allow the handling after the irradiation.


BeYOND Mission         (Time horizon till 2025)

Building and developing of a worldwide recognized and Europe-wide leading infrastructure for the Blanket handling at KIT. In addition, to the handling of Beryllium and its alloys (Beryllides) it will be necessary to build up an expertise connected to other Blanket relevant materials, for example Lithium-Ceramics. A Pilot production plant for Beryllides has already been built at the KBHF with the support of KIT and in cooperation with industry. The Health- and Safety technology for this Laboratory was supported by the company HIMA (Brühl, Germany). It can now also be seen as a “Model Facility” where a possible IBHF on the ITER site can be developed and tested.

Outlook: For DEMO (Demonstration Reactor) planed for the second half of this century a Blanket is foreseen containing more than 1000 tons of these materials!

BeYOND Goals             (Time horizon till 2017)

• To find partners for the planned industrial consortium
• To close the „Gap of Knowledge” in Be-based alloys for fusion application
• To find possible productions routes for the economic fabrication of Blanket relevant materials
• To have a platform for the discussion of necessary Health- and Safety conditions