Joint Publications

Project No. Publication Title Link
833.2 METCOR Corrosion of vessel steel during its interaction with molten corium:Part 1: Nuclear Engineering and Design; Volume 236, Issue 17, September 2006, Pages 1810-1829
833.2 METCOR Corrosion of vessel steel during its interaction with molten corium: Part 2: Model development Nuclear Engineering and Design; Volume 236, Issue 13, July 2006, Pages 1362-1370
833.2; 1950.2 Corium phase equilibria based on MASCA, METCOR and CORPHAD results. Nuclear Engineering and Design; Volume 238, Issue 10, October 2008, Pages 27861-2771
833.2 METCOR VVER vessel steel corrosion at interaction with Molten corium in oxidizing atmosphere Nuclear Engineering and Design; Volume 239, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1103-1112
1648.2 QUENCH-VVER; 3194, 3690 PARAMETER High-temperature oxidation and quench behaviour of Zircaloy-4 and E110 cladding alloys Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 19-36
1950.2 CORPHAD Phase diagram of the ZrO2-Fe system. Journal of Nuclear Materials; Volume 348, Issues 1-2, 1 January 2006, Pages 114-121
1950.2 CORPHAD Phase diagram of the UO2-FeO1+x system. Journal of Nuclear Materials; Volume362, Issue 1, 15 May 2007, Pages 46-52
1950.2 CORPHAD Eutectic crystallization in the FWEO.5-UO2+x-ZrO2 system. Journal of Nuclear Materials; Volume 389, Issue1, 15 May 2009, Pages 52-56
1950.2 CORPHAD Improvement of the European thermodynamic database NUCLEA. Progress in Nuclear Energy; Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 84-96
3345 EVAN Influence of corium ocidation on fission product release from molten pool. Nuclear Engineering and Design; Volume 240, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 1229-1241
3194 PARAMETER Behacior of a model VVER fuel assembly under the conditions of an unanticipated accidenat with Cooldawn by pouring water from above. Atomic Energy (translated from Russian). Volume 104, Nurmber 5 / Mai 2008. pp. 360364
3813 PRECOS Phase equilibria in the FeO1+x-UO2-ZrO2 system in the FeO1+x-enriched domain. journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 400, Issue 2, 15 May 2010, Pages 119-126.
3818 PRECOS Eutectic crystallization in the FeO1.5-UO2+x-ZrO2 system. Journal of Nuclear Materials; Volume 389, Issue 1, 15 May 2009, Pages 52-56, Thermochemistry and Thermophysics of Nuclear Materials, Poceedings of the Twelfth Symposium on Thermochemistry and Thermophysics of Nuclear Materials.
all projects Servere accident research in the core degration area: An example of effective international cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) by the International Science and Technology Center Nuclear Engineering and Design 252 (2012) 226-241