Name Description Modified
2916_Part1_Input_Bogatov Current results of the ISTC project #2916 (CHESS) Part 1: Input data and general approaches to modeling 29/07/2008
2916_Part2_Modeling_Bogatov Current results of the ISTC project #2916 (CHESS) Part2: Modeling and results 29/07/2008
CHESS2_Proposal_Bogatov Long-term behavior oif corium after the accident (using the data of the Chernobyl NPP accident). "CHESS-"2 - anticipated Project of the ISTC #3702 29/07/2008
STCU_4207_Bogatov long term prognosis of transformation of the fuel-containing materials (FCM) in Chernobyl Shelter 29/07/2008