M. Sc. Chukwudalu Okafor
- Doktorand
- IAM-MMI Werkstoffmechanik 1 (WM1)
- Gruppe:
- Raum: 123, Building 696 (Campus Nord)
- Tel.: +49 721 608-24944
- chukwudalu okafor2 ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Interests
- Dislocations in Ceramics
- Defect chemistry engineering
- Small scale plasticity
Curriculum Vitae
04.2024 – present |
PhD student, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Dislocations in Ceramics, Institute for Applied Materials (IAM) |
12.2022 – 03.2024 |
PhD Student, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany Dislocations in Ceramics, Nichtmetallisch-Anorganische Werkstoffe (NAW) |
04.2019 – 09.2022 |
MSc, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany Dislocations in Ceramics, Nichtmetallisch-Anorganische Werkstoffe (NAW) |
01.2011 – 12.2015 |
BSc, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology |
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=PT5bZY8AAAAJ
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chukwudalu-Okafor
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chukwudaluokafor