Prof. Dr. Christian Greiner

Group Leader

Full Profile

Tel.: +49 721 608-26407
Fax: +49 721 608-24567
Email: greiner∂kit edu

Gebäude 30.48 (MZE)
Strasse am Forum 7
76131 Karlsruhe



The group focuses on materials science aspects of materials under a tribological load.

Our main research topics are:

  • The elementary mechanisms for microstructural and chemical changes
  • The materials science origins of friction and wear
  • Size effects
  • Contact mechanics
  • Bio-inspired materials and structures
  • Laser surface texturing
  • Data Science in tribology



  • We develop and build our own equipment and instrumentation, e.g. an extremely high resolution in situ reciprocating tribometer
  • Make use of ultra-high resolution electron and ion microscopy, including 3D reconstruction techniques
  • Morphologically texture surfaces by means of laser radiation
  • Employ modern x-ray techniques, including from synchrotron sources
  • Collaborate with scientists on an international basis

With this unique combination of scientific expertise and analytical tools we aim at strategically tayloring materials and microstructures for lower friction and less wear.

We always have very attractive topics available for bachelor and master theses, so please do contact us in case you are interested in joining the group!


Developing multimodal in-situ tribometry: a core activity in the ERC Starting Grant project TriboKey


Copper oxide formation under tribological loading. (a) TEM lamellae extraction from sliding track (b-d) Cross-sectional HAADF-STEM images (from TEM lamellae) at varius stages of the sliding sequence.


3D-EBSD: crystallographic orientation in 3D, here within a copper wear track.

Group Members
Portrait Name Focus E-Mail Tel.
  Microstructural Evolution of High-entropy Alloys under Tribological Load antje dollmann does-not-exist.kit edu
  Elementary Mechanisms of Tribo-oxidation in Copper ines blatter does-not-exist.kit edu
  Additive Manufacturing roxane lung does-not-exist.kit edu
1 weitere Person ist nur innerhalb des KIT sichtbar.


Name Focus Area
Matz, Patrick,  
Merkle, Lena, B.Sc.  
Bieber, Beatrix,  
Sutschet, Susanne, B.Sc.  
Chen, Xiang, Postdoc  
Becker, Sarah, Ph.D.  
Liu, Zhilong, Ph.D.  
Popp, Uwe,  
Braun, Daniel, Ph.D.  
Messer, Philipp,  
Schneider, Stefan  
Welter, Vasco,  
Schäfer, Michael,  
del Gardo, Thais  
Wettich, Helene,  
Schmidt, Oliver, M.Sc.  
Gorenflo, Max, M.Sc.  
Ruebeling, Frederike, Ph.D.  


Name Focus Area
Schweiger, Max,  
Mersch, Simon,  
Laube, Stephan, M.Sc.  
Günther, Elisabeth,  
Heinrich, Julius, M.Sc.  
Kurpiers, Chantal, M.Sc.  
Salgando, Leonardo  
Merz, Tobias  
Wolff, Karsten,  
Lahane, Pratik  
Okle, Philipp  
Otero, Ruben  
Eberle, Valerie  
Roskosch, Thomas  
Aeenehvand, Fatemeh,  
Franziska, Meyer, M.Sc.  
Schreiber, Paul, Postdoc  



Corrosion and tribological behavior of Cr–Y–N multilayers grown by HIPIMS as a function of progressive changes in the coating architecture
Apolinario, R. C.; Rêgo, G. C.; Rodrigues, A. M.; David da Silva, D.; Ospina Ramirez, C. A.; Zhou, Q.; Greiner, C.; Moreto, J. A.; Pinto, H. C.
2025. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 335, 130496. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2025.130496
Macroscopic low-friction via twinning assisted lattice reconstruction in magnesium
Li, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Liang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, W.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Greiner, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Chen, X.
2024. Acta Materialia, 271, 119888. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119888
Effect of height waviness on the friction behavior of 100Cr6 steel under mixed or hydrodynamic lubrication
Yue, H.; Vaitkunaite, G.; Li, Y.; Schneider, J.; Greiner, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2023. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, 70 (eOnly Son…rausgabe 2), 4–8. doi:10.24053/TuS-2023-0040
Wear-resistant CrCoNi nanocrystalline film via friction-driven surface segregation
Zhou, Q.; Jiao, Z.; Huang, Z.; Shi, Y.; Li, Y.; Yin, C.; Wang, H.; Pinto, H. C.; Greiner, C.; Liu, W.
2024. Acta Materialia, 279, 120299. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120299
Deformation twins as a probe for tribologically induced stress states
Dollmann, A.; Kübel, C.; Tavakkoli, V.; Eder, S. J.; Feuerbacher, M.; Liening, T.; Kauffmann, A.; Rau, J.; Greiner, C.
2023. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.02101
Influence of multilayer nanoarchitecture on phase transformations in the Ti-Cr-Zr system
Pereira, J. N.; Ott, V.; Afonso, C. R. M.; de Sousa Malafaia, A. M.; Stüber, M.; Greiner, C.; Pinto, H. C.
2024. Surface and Coatings Technology, 477, Art.-Nr.: 130369. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130369
Deformation twins as a probe for tribologically induced stress states
Dollmann, A.; Kübel, C.; Tavakkoli, V.; Eder, S. J.; Feuerbacher, M.; Liening, T.; Kauffmann, A.; Rau, J.; Greiner, C.
2024. Communications Materials, 5 (1), Art.-Nr.: 4. doi:10.1038/s43246-023-00442-8
Friction anisotropy and associated surface deformation mechanisms in heterogeneous copper/bronze laminates
Zhang, Q.; Li, Y.; Liang, F.; Zhou, Z.; Li, Y.; Rau, J.; Greiner, C.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Chen, X.
2024. Materials Characterization, 208, 113644. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2024.113644
Wear-resistant CoCrNi multi-principal element alloy at cryogenic temperature
Ren, Y.; Zhou, Q.; Hua, D.; Huang, Z.; Li, Y.; Jia, Q.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.; Wang, H.; Liu, W.
2024. Science Bulletin, 69 (2), 227–236. doi:10.1016/j.scib.2023.12.003
A Framework to Generate, Store, and Publish FAIR Data in Experimental Sciences
Garabedian, N.; Bagov, I.; Flachmann, M.; Ye, N.; Meller, M.; Bresser, F.; Greiner, C.
2023. SEMPDS 2023: Posters and Demos at SEMANTiCS 2023 - 19th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTICS), Leipzig, 20th-22nd September 2023, 5 S., CEUR-WS
Formation and thermal stability of two-phase microstructures in Al-containing refractory compositionally complex alloys
Kauffmann, A.; Laube, S.; Schellert, S.; Seils, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Greiner, C.; Eggeler, Y.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials : Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (Thermec 2023), Wien, Österreich, 2.–7. Juli 2023
Waviness Affects Friction and Abrasive Wear
Li, Y.; Garabedian, N.; Schneider, J.; Greiner, C.
2023. Tribology Letters, 71 (2), Art.-Nr.: 64. doi:10.1007/s11249-023-01736-1
Temporal sequence of deformation twinning in CoCrNi under tribological load
Dollmann, A.; Rau, J. S.; Bieber, B.; Mantha, L.; Kübel, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Greiner, C.
2023. Scripta Materialia, 229, Art.-Nr.: 115378. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115378
MetaCook: FAIR Vocabularies Cookbook
Garabedian, N. T.; Bagov, I.; Weber, K.; Greiner, C.; Bock, F.; Klusemann, B.; Eschke, C.; Wieland, F.; Held, M.
2022. 1st Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Konferenz 2023 (HMC 2022), Online, 5.–6. Oktober 2022. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7125644
Outstanding Bio-Tribological Performance Induced by the Synergistic Effect of 2D Diamond Nanosheet Coating and Silk Fibroin
Chen, H.; Cai, T.; Ruan, X.; Jiao, C.; Xia, J.; Wei, X.; Wang, Y.; Gong, P.; Li, H.; Atkin, R.; Yin, G.; Zhou, X.; Nishimura, K.; Rosenkranz, A.; Greiner, C.; Wang, B.; Yu, J.; Jiang, N.
2022. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14 (42), 48091–48105. doi:10.1021/acsami.2c12552
Formation and thermal stability of two-phase microstructures in Al-containing refractory compositionally complex alloys
Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Schellert, S.; Seils, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Greiner, C.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 23 (1), 692–706. doi:10.1080/14686996.2022.2132118
Injection Molding of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Nanocomposites for High‐Throughput Manufacturing of Transparent Ceramics
Mader, M.; Prediger, R.; Schell, K. G.; Schmidt, G.; Dorn, A.; Dorn, A.; Jenne, S.; Kluck, S.; Hambitzer, L.; Luitz, M.; Luitz, M.; Schwarz, C.; Milich, M.; Greiner, C.
2022. Advanced Science, 9 (31), Art.Nr. 2204385. doi:10.1002/advs.202204385
Dislocation-mediated and twinning-induced plasticity of CoCrFeMnNi in varying tribological loading scenarios
Dollmann, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Srinivasan Tirunilai, A.; Mantha, L. S.; Kübel, C.; Eder, S. J.; Schneider, J.; Greiner, C.
2022. Journal of Materials Science, 57, 17448–17461. doi:10.1007/s10853-022-07661-3
Replicative manufacturing of metal moulds for low surface roughness polymer replication
Kluck, S.; Hambitzer, L.; Luitz, M.; Mader, M.; Sanjaya, M.; Balster, A.; Milich, M.; Greiner, C.; Kotz-Helmer, F.; Rapp, B. E.
2022. Nature Communications, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 5048. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-32767-2
Tribological mechanisms of slurry abrasive wear
Li, Y.; Schreiber, P.; Schneider, J.; Greiner, C.
2022. Friction, 11 (6), 1079–1093. doi:10.1007/s40544-022-0654-1
Tailoring the Hybrid Magnetron Sputtering Process (HiPIMS and dcMS) to Manufacture Ceramic Multilayers: Powering Conditions, Target Materials, and Base Layers
de Castilho, B. C. N. M.; de Sousa Mazuco, F.; Rodrigues, A. M.; Avila, P. R. T.; Apolinario, R. C.; Daum, P.; da Costa, F. P.; Menezes, R. R.; de Araújo Neves, G.; Greiner, C.; Pinto, H. C.
2022. Nanomaterials, 12 (14), Art.-Nr.: 2465. doi:10.3390/nano12142465
On the origin of plasticity-induced microstructure change under sliding contacts
Xu, Y.; Balint, D. S.; Greiner, C.; Dini, D.
2022. Friction, 11 (3), 473–488. doi:10.1007/s40544-022-0624-7
Role of Nitrogen and Yttrium Contents in Manufacturing (Cr, Y)Nx Film Nanostructures
Apolinario, R. C.; Rodrigues, A. M.; Avila, P. R. T.; Pereira, J. N.; Ramirez, C. A. O.; Daum, P.; Costa, F. P. da; Lira, H. de L.; Neves, G. de A.; Greiner, C.; Pinto, H. C.
2022. Nanomaterials, 12 (14), Art.Nr.: 2410. doi:10.3390/nano12142410
A wear-resistant metastable CoCrNiCu high-entropy alloy with modulated surface and subsurface structures
Ren, Y.; Jia, Q.; Du, Y.; Zhou, Q.; Greiner, C.; Hua, K.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.
2022. Friction, 10 (10), 1722–1738. doi:10.1007/s40544-022-0606-9
Generating FAIR research data in experimental tribology
Garabedian, N. T.; Schreiber, P. J.; Brandt, N.; Zschumme, P.; Blatter, I. L.; Dollmann, A.; Haug, C.; Kümmel, D.; Li, Y.; Meyer, F.; Morstein, C. E.; Rau, J. S.; Weber, M.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Selzer, M.; Greiner, C.
2022. Scientific Data, 9 (1), Art.Nr. 315. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01429-9
Three regimes in the tribo‐oxidation of high purity copper at temperatures of up to 150°C
Rau, J. S.; Schmidt, O.; Schneider, R.; Debastiani, R.; Greiner, C.
2022. Advanced Engineering Materials, 24 (11), Art.Nr. 2200518. doi:10.1002/adem.202200518
Deformation and phase transformation in polycrystalline cementite (FeC) during single- and multi-pass sliding wear
Tsybenko, H.; Tian, C.; Rau, J.; Breitbach, B.; Schreiber, P.; Greiner, C.; Dehm, G.; Brinckmann, S.
2022. Acta Materialia, 227, Art.-Nr.: 117694. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117694
Managing FAIR Tribological Data Using Kadi4Mat
Brandt, N.; Garabedian, N. T.; Schoof, E.; Schreiber, P. J.; Zschumme, P.; Greiner, C.; Selzer, M.
2022. Data, 7 (2), Art.-Nr. 15. doi:10.3390/data7020015
Melt-Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Transparent Fused Silica Glass
Mader, M.; Hambitzer, L.; Schlautmann, P.; Jenne, S.; Greiner, C.; Hirth, F.; Helmer, D.; Kotz-Helmer, F.; Rapp, B. E.
2021. Advanced Science, 8 (23), Art.-Nr. 2103180. doi:10.1002/advs.202103180
High diffusivity pathways govern massively enhanced oxidation during tribological sliding
Rau, J. S.; Balachandran, S.; Schneider, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Gault, B.; Greiner, C.
2021. Acta Materialia, 221, Art.-Nr.: 117353. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117353
Subsurface microstructural evolution during scratch testing on Bcc iron
Linsler, D.; Ruebeling, F.; Greiner, C.
2021. Metals, 11 (8), 1258. doi:10.3390/met11081258
The Force Cone Method Applied to Explain Hidden Whirls in Tribology
Mattheck, C.; Greiner, C.; Bethge, K.; Tesari, I.; Weber, K.
2021. Materials, 14 (14), Art.-Nr. 3894. doi:10.3390/ma14143894
Tribological Performance of Additively Manufactured AISI H13 Steel in Different Surface Conditions
Guenther, E.; Kahlert, M.; Vollmer, M.; Niendorf, T.; Greiner, C.
2021. Materials, 14 (4), 928. doi:10.3390/ma14040928
On the origin of microstructural discontinuities in sliding contacts: A discrete dislocation plasticity analysis
Xu, Y.; Ruebeling, F.; Balint, D.; Greiner, C.; Dini, D.
2021. International Journal of Plasticity, 138, Article no: 102942. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2021.102942
Effect of temperature on the tribo-oxidation of high-purity copper
Lehmann, J.; Schmidt, O.; Schneider, R.; Greiner, C.
2020, September 24. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2020), Online, 22.–25. September 2020
Characterization of the Microstructure After Composite Peening of Aluminum
Seitz, M.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Kauffmann, A.; Kurpiers, C.; Greiner, C.; Weidenmann, K. A.
2021. Advanced engineering materials, 23 (2), Art.Nr. 2000575. doi:10.1002/adem.202000575
Site-Specific Controlled Growth of Coiled Lambda-Shaped Carbon Nanofibers for Potential Application in Catalyst Support and Nanoelectronics
Lutz, C.; Bog, U.; Thelen, R.; Syurik, J.; Malik, S.; Greiner, C.; Hölscher, H.; Hirtz, M.
2020. ACS applied nano materials, 3 (8), 7899–7907. doi:10.1021/acsanm.0c01374
Microstructural changes in CoCrFeMnNi under mild tribological load
Dollmann, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Haug, C.; Greiner, C.
2020. Journal of materials science, 55 (26), 12353–12372. doi:10.1007/s10853-020-04806-0
Raw Data to manuscript on tribologically induced oxidation
Lehmann, J.; Schneider, R.; Greiner, C.
2020, März 23. doi:10.5445/IR/1000117786
Sliding Velocity and Exposure Time Affect Tribologically-Induced Oxidation in Copper
Lehmann, J.; Greiner, C.; Schneider, R.
2020, Januar 30. 22nd International Colloquium Tribology (2020), Ostfildern, Deutschland, 28.–30. Januar 2020
Solid solution strengthening and deformation behavior of single-phase Cu-base alloys under tribological load
Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Ruebeling, F.; Freudenberger, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Greiner, C.
2020. Acta materialia, 185, 300–308. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.12.005
Velocity-dependence of Tribologically-induced Oxidation of High-purity Copper
Lehmann, J.; Schneider, R.; Greiner, C.
2019, September 4. 46th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (2019), Lyon, Frankreich, 2.–4. September 2019
Solids Under Extreme Shear: Friction-Mediated Subsurface Structural Transformations
Greiner, C.; Gagel, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2019. Advanced materials, 31 (26), Art.Nr.: 1806705. doi:10.1002/adma.201806705
Formation of copper oxide clusters in high-purity copper under a reciprocating tribological load
Lui, Z.; Lehmann, J.; Patzig, C.; Selle, S.; Höche, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2018, Juni 27. Gordon Research Conference on Tribology - Progress in Tribology at the Interface Between Disciplines (GRC 2018), Lewiston, ME, USA, 24.–29. Juni 2018
Copper oxide cluster formation under a reciprocating tribological load in high-purity copper
Lui, Z.; Lehmann, J.; Patzig, C.; Selle, S.; Höche, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2018, September 27. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2018), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 26.–28. September 2018
Bio-inspired scale-like surface textures and their tribological properties
Lehmann, J.; Matz, P.; Schäfer, M.; Greiner, C.
2017, Mai 30. 644. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar (2017), Bad Honnef, Deutschland, 28.–31. Mai 2017
Influence of Sliding Velocity on the Tribologically-Induced Oxidation in High-Purity Copper
Lehmann, J.; Liu, Z.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2019, April 25. Spring Meeting and Exhibit (MRS 2019), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 22.–26. April 2019
Formation of copper oxide clusters in high-purity copper under a reciprocating tribological load
Liu, Z.; Lehmann, J.; Patzig, C.; Selle, S.; Höche, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2018, Juni 23. Gordon Research Seminar on Tribology - Progress in Tribology at the Interface Between Disciplines (GRS 2018), Lewiston, ME, USA, 23.–24. Juni 2018
Carbon Nanofibers: Locally Controlled Growth of Individual Lambda-Shaped Carbon Nanofibers
Lutz, C.; Bog, U.; Loritz, T.; Syurik, J.; Malik, S.; Kumar, C. N. S.; Kübel, C.; Bruns, M.; Greiner, C.; Hirtz, M.; Hölscher, H.
2019. Small, 15 (7), 1970036. doi:10.1002/smll.201970036
Nano-scale surface steps as the origin of friction anisotropy of snake scales
Wu, W.; Yu, S.; Greiner, C.; Gomard, G.; Hölscher, H.
2019. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Fachverband Oberflächenphysik (2019), Regensburg, Deutschland, 31. März–5. April 2019
Glassomer-Processing Fused Silica Glass Like a Polymer
Kotz, F.; Schneider, N.; Striegel, A.; Wolfschläger, A.; Keller, N.; Worgull, M.; Bauer, W.; Schild, D.; Milich, M.; Greiner, C.; Helmer, D.; Rapp, B. E.
2018. Advanced materials, 30 (22), 1707100. doi:10.1002/adma.201707100
Locally Controlled Growth of Individual Lambda-Shaped Carbon Nanofibers
Lutz, C.; Bog, U.; Loritz, T.; Syurik, J.; Malik, S.; Kumar, C. N. S.; Kübel, C.; Bruns, M.; Greiner, C.; Hirtz, M.; Hölscher, H.
2019. Small, Article no 1803944. doi:10.1002/smll.201803944
Friction reduction through biologically inspired scale-like laser surface textures
Schneider, J.; Djamiykov, V.; Greiner, C.
2018. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 9, 2561–2572. doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.238
Characterization of the microscopic tribological properties of sandfish (Scincus scincus) scales by atomic force microscopy
Wu, W.; Lutz, C.; Mersch, S.; Thelen, R.; Greiner, C.; Gomard, G.; Hölscher, H.
2018. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 9, 2618–2627. doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.243
Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms during high rate and cryogenic sliding of copper
Chen, X.; Schneider, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2018. Acta materialia, 161, 138–149. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.09.016
Nanocomposites: Glassomer-Processing Fused Silica Glass Like a Polymer (Adv. Mater. 22/2018) [Nur Titelseite]
Kotz, F.; Schneider, N.; Striegel, A.; Wolfschläger, A.; Keller, N.; Worgull, M.; Bauer, W.; Schild, D.; Milich, M.; Greiner, C.; Helmer, D.; Rapp, B. E.
2018. Advanced materials, 30 (22), Art.Nr. 1870151. doi:10.1002/adma.201870151
Stages in the tribologically-induced oxidation of high-purity copper
Liu, Z.; Patzig, C.; Selle, S.; Höche, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2018. Scripta materialia, 153, 114–117. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.05.008
The origin of surface microstructure evolution in sliding friction
Greiner, C.; Liu, Z.; Schneider, R.; Pastewka, L.; Gumbsch, P.
2018. Scripta materialia, 153, 63–67. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.04.048
Transparent, abrasion-insensitive superhydrophobic coatings for real-world applications
Helmer, D.; Keller, N.; Kotz, F.; Stolz, F.; Greiner, C.; Nargang, T. M.; Sachsenheimer, K.; Rapp, B. E.
2017. Scientific reports, 7, Art.Nr. 15078. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15287-8
Gecko-Inspired Nanomaterials
Greiner, C.
2007. Bio-mimetic and Bio-inspired Nanomaterials for Life Sciences, Wiley-VCH Verlag. doi:10.1002/9783527610419.ntls0203
Sequence of Stages in the Microstructure Evolution in Copper under Mild Reciprocating Tribological Loading
Greiner, C.; Liu, Z.; Strassberger, L.; Gumbsch, P.
2016. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 8 (24), 15809–15819. doi:10.1021/acsami.6b04035
Haften wie ein Gecko
Greiner, C.; Hölscher, H.
2016. Physik in unserer Zeit, 47 (3), 116–122. doi:10.1002/piuz.201601422
Bio-inspired scale-like surface textures and their tribological properties
Schaefer, M.; Greiner, C.
2015. Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 10 (4), Art.Nr.:044001. doi:10.1088/1748-3190/10/4/044001
Chronology of the microstructure evolution for pearlitic steel under unidirectional tribological loading
Wolff, K.; Liu, Z.; Braun, D.; Schneider, J.; Greiner, C.
2016. Tribology international, 102, 540–545. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2016.06.016
Liquid Glass: A Facile Soft Replication Method for Structuring Glass
Kotz, F.; Plewa, K.; Bauer, W.; Schneider, N.; Keller, N.; Nargang, T.; Helmer, D.; Sachsenheimer, K.; Schäfer, M.; Worgull, M.; Greiner, C.; Richter, C.; Rapp, B.
2016. Advanced materials, 28 (23), 4646–4650. doi:10.1002/adma.201506089
Optimum dimple diameter for friction reduction with laser surface texturing: the effect of velocity gradient
Greiner, C.; Merz, T.; Braun, D.; Codrignani, A.; Magagnato, F.
2015. Surface topography, 3 (4). doi:10.1088/2051-672X/3/4/044001
Contact Splitting and the Effect of Dimple Depth on Static Friction of Textured Surfaces
Greiner, C.; Schäfer, M.; Popp, U.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6 (11), 7986–7990. doi:10.1021/am500879m