Martin Dienwiebel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Dienwiebel

Curriculum Vitae

Martin Dienwiebel studierte Physik an der Universität Dortmund und der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn. Seine Diplomarbeit fand am Forschungszentrum Jülich auf dem Gebiet der Tieftemperatur-Rastertunnelmikroskopie statt. Seine Doktorarbeit entstand bei Joost Frenken am Institut für Atom- und Molekülphysik in Amsterdam, dem Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium in Leiden und dem Tokyo Institute of Technology. Dienwiebel promovierte 2003 an der Universität Leiden mit dem Thema "Superlubricity of Graphite". 

Nach der Promotion arbeitete er in der Tribologieforschung der IAVF Antriebstechnik AG. 2008 wurde er mit einer Emmy-Noether Förderung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ausgezeichnet und etablierte am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie und dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM eine Nachwuchsgruppe. 2011 habilitierte er sich in der Fakultät für Maschinenbau am KIT und trat 2016 eine Heisenberg-Professur für angewandte Nanotribologie an.

Seit 2017 ist Martin Dienwiebel Gastprofessor an der Kumamoto Universität, Japan und Mitglied der Advanced Structural Materials Group von IROAST. Er ist außerdem Associate Editor der Zeitschrift WEAR.

Vorlesungen im Sommersemester 2017
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Block-Vorlesung (BV)

Gebäude 10.91, Raum 227

Praktikum (P)
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Sonstige (sonst.)
Seminar (S)
Vorlesungen im Wintersemester 2017/18
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Vorlesung / Übung (VÜ)
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Jüngere Publikationen

Influencing factors on high temperature tribology
König, T.; Wolf, E.; Daum, P.; Kürten, D.; Kailer, A.; Dienwiebel, M.
2025. Wear, 566-567, Art.-Nr.: 205758. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2025.205758
Covalently armoring graphene on diamond abrasives with unprecedented wear resistance and abrasive performance
Lin, Q.; Chen, S.; Li, H.; Sun, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Dienwiebel, M.; Moseler, M.; Shen, B.
2025. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 206, Article no: 104254. doi:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2025.104254
Image Based Detection of Coating Wear on Cutting Tools With Machine Learning
Wolf, J.; Bandaru, N. K.; Dienwiebel, M.; Möhring, H.-C.
2025. Journal of Machine Engineering. doi:10.36897/jme/196725
Damping behaviour of different materials in fretting contact – Experiment and simulation using finite element method
Kugler, M.; Rödiger, S.; Könke, C.; Dienwiebel, M.
2024. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, 71 (4), 5–10. doi:10.24053/TuS-2024-0018
Multiscale Parametrization Of a Friction Model For Metal Cutting Using Contact Mechanics, Atomistic Simulations, And Experiments
Holey, H.; Sauer, F.; Ganta, P. B.; Mayrhofer, L.; Dienwiebel, M.; Schulze, V.; Moseler, M.
2024. Tribology Letters, 72 (4), 113. doi:10.1007/s11249-024-01906-9
Solid lubrication by carbon-based coatings under high mechanical loads
Dienwiebel, M.
2024, September 19. 1st International Conference on Surface Science, Engineering & Technology (2024), Manchester, Vereinigtes Königreich, 16.–19. September 2024
Premature Damage in Bearing Steel in Relation with Residual Stresses and Hydrogen Trapping
Baur, M.; Khader, I.; Kürten, D.; Schieß, T.; Kailer, A.; Dienwiebel, M.
2024. Lubricants, 12 (9), 311. doi:10.3390/lubricants12090311
On the humidity dependence of highly loaded graphite contacts
Dienwiebel, M.; Morstein, C. E.; Klemenz, A.; Moseler, M.
2024, Juni 6. Kolloquium des Forschungszentrums DAEDALUS an der TU Dortmund (2024), Dortmund, Deutschland, 6. Juni 2024
Transient Wear Modelling of Coated Cutting Tools
Wolf, J.; Reeber, T.; Bandaru, N. K.; Dienwiebel, M.
2024. Procedia CIRP, 130, 1827 – 1831. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2024.10.323
Surface Depassivation via B–O Dative Bonds Affects the Friction Performance of B-Doped Carbon Coatings
Peeters, S.; Kuwahara, T.; Härtwig, F.; Makowski, S.; Weihnacht, V.; Lasagni, A. F.; Dienwiebel, M.; Moseler, M.; Moras, G.
2024. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c18803
Studying the Function of Surface-active Lubricant Components by Surface Analytical Methods
Dienwiebel, M.; Rühle, T.
2023, September 30. 9th International Tribology Conference (ITC 2023), Fukuoka, Japan, 25.–30. September 2023
Graphite Lubrication: Humidity-dependence and Structural Transformation of Highly Loaded Contacts Graphite and a Structural Transition (Keynote)
Dienwiebel, M.
2023, September 29. 9th International Tribology Conference (ITC 2023), Fukuoka, Japan, 25.–30. September 2023
Plenarvortrag: Understanding tribological mechanisms through combination of multiscale experiments and simulations
Dienwiebel, M.
2023, September 23. 65. Tribologie-Fachtagung (2024), Göttingen, Deutschland, 23.–25. September 2024
On the humidity dependence of highly loaded graphite contacts
Dienwiebel, M.; Morstein, C.; Klemenz, A.; Moseler, M.
2023, September 22. 10th Tribochemistry (2023), Beppu, Japan, 22.–24. September 2023
On the humidity dependence of highly loaded graphite contacts
Dienwiebel, M.
2023, September 19. 99th IROAST Seminar (2023), Kumamoto, Japan, 19.–20. September 2023
Influence of high temperatures on the friction and wear of highly stressed tribological systems
Dienwiebel, M.; König, T.; Kimpel, T.; Kürten, D.; Kailer, A.
2023, Mai 22. 49th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2023), San Diego, CA, USA, 21.–26. Mai 2023
Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes for Solid Lubrication of Highly Loaded Contacts
MacLucas, T.; Klemenz, A.; Grünewald, P.; Presser, V.; Mayrhofer, L.; Moras, G.; Suarez, S.; Dienwiebel, M.; Mücklich, F.; Moseler, M.
2023. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6 (3), 1755–1769. doi:10.1021/acsanm.2c04729
Gas phase lubrication study with an organic friction modifier
Eickworth, J.; Wagner, J.; Daum, P.; Dienwiebel, M.; Rühle, T.
2023. Lubrication Science, (1), 40–55. doi:10.1002/ls.1620
Nanoscale mechanisms of graphite lubrication in technical systems (keynote)
Dienwiebel, M.
2022, August 17. Friction and Wear Across Scales (2022), Ascona, Schweiz, 15.–18. August 2022
In-Situ Adsorption of Friction Modifier Additives: A Combined QCM-D and CLSM Study
Eickworth, J.; Wagner, J.; Daum, P.; Rühle, T.; Dienwiebel, M.
2022, Juli 14. 7th World Tribology Congress (WTC 2022), Lyon, Frankreich, 10.–15. Juli 2022
Humidity-dependent lubrication of highly loaded contacts by graphite and a structural transition to turbostratic carbon
Morstein, C. E.; Klemenz, A.; Dienwiebel, M.; Moseler, M.
2022. Nature Communications, 13 (1), Art.Nr. 5958. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-33481-9
Correlation of wear behaviour and microstructural evolution in Mg–Zn–Y alloys with long-period stacking ordered phase
Takagi, K.; Hashamova, E.; Dienwiebel, M.; Mine, Y.; Takashima, K.
2021. Wear, 482–483, Art. Nr.: 203983. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2021.203983
Graphite Lubrication Mechanisms Under High Mechanical Load
Morstein, C. E.; Dienwiebel, M.
2021. Wear, 477, Art. Nr.: 203794. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2021.203794
Achieving Ultra-Low Friction with Diamond/Metal Systems in Extreme Environments
Stoyanov, P.; Merz, R.; Stricker, M.; Kopnarski, M.; Dienwiebel, M.
2021. Materials, 14 (14), 3791. doi:10.3390/ma14143791
Panel Discussion: Educating the next generation of tribologists
Martini, A.; Dienwiebel, M.; Jin, Z.
2021, April 27. 23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials WOM (2021), Online, 26.–29. April 2021
Multiscale Friction Simulation of Dry Polymer Contacts: Reaching Experimental Length Scales by Coupling Molecular Dynamics and Contact Mechanics
Savio, D.; Hamann, J.; Romero, P. A.; Klingshirn, C.; Bactavatchalou, R.; Dienwiebel, M.; Moseler, M.
2021. Tribology letters, 69 (2), 70. doi:10.1007/s11249-021-01444-8
In-situ studies of the competitive adsorption of lubricant additives
Dienwiebel, M.; Eickworth, J.; Wagner, J.; Daum, P.; Wilke, P.; Rühle, T.
2020, November 19. Annual meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (2020), Online, 18.–19. November 2020
Reversibly tuneable viscosity of anthracene-functionalized silicone oil
Linsler, D.; Rosenstingl, T.; Gäbert, C.; Reinicke, S.; Dienwiebel, M.
2020, September 22. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2020), Online, 22.–25. September 2020
In-situ studies of the competitive adsorption of lubricant additives
Dienwiebel, M.; Eickworth, J.; Rühle, T.; Wilcke, P.
2020, September 22. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2020), Online, 22.–25. September 2020
Effect of Environment on Microstructure Evolution and Friction of Au–Ni Multilayers
Cihan, E.; Jungjohann, K.; Argibay, N.; Chandross, M.; Dienwiebel, M.
2020. Tribology letters, 68 (1), Art. Nr.: 30. doi:10.1007/s11249-019-1245-9
Examples of third body formation in sliding metal surfaces
Dienwiebel, M.
2020, Februar 6. 10th Nanobrücken (2020), Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 4.–6. Februar 2020
In Situ Studies on the Competitive Adsorption of Lubricant Additives
Dienwiebel, M.; Honselmann, J.; Wagner, J.; Daum, P.; Wilke, P.; Rühle, T.
2020, Januar 30. 22nd International Colloquium Tribology (2020), Ostfildern, Deutschland, 28.–30. Januar 2020
Vacuum Tribology with Gas Phase Deposited Lubricant Additives
Eickworth, J.; Wagner, J.; Dienwiebel, M.; Daum, P.; Rühle, T.
2020, Januar 29. 22nd International Colloquium Tribology (2020), Ostfildern, Deutschland, 28.–30. Januar 2020
Programming Viscosity in Silicone Oils: Reversible Tuning of Rheological Properties in 9-Anthracene Ester-Terminated Polydimethylsiloxanes
Gäbert, C.; Rosenstingl, T.; Linsler, D.; Dienwiebel, M.; Reinicke, S.
2020. ACS applied polymer materials, 2 (12), 5460–5468. doi:10.1021/acsapm.0c00794
Synergistic effects of antiwear and friction modifier additives
Eickworth, J.; Aydin, E.; Dienwiebel, M.; Rühle, T.; Wilke, P.; Umbach, T. R.
2020. Industrial lubrication & tribology, 72 (8), 1019–1025. doi:10.1108/ILT-07-2019-0293
Formation of the third bodies of steel sliding against brass under lubricated conditions
Liu, L.; Sheng, Y.; Liu, M.; Dienwiebel, M.; Zhang, Z.; Dastan, D.
2019. Tribology international, 140, Article no: 105727. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2019.04.011
Low friction of metallic multilayers by formation of a shear-induced alloy
Cihan, E.; Störmer, H.; Leiste, H.; Stüber, M.; Dienwiebel, M.
2019. Scientific reports, 9 (1), 9480. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45734-7
Angewandte Nanotribologie – Einfluss der oberflächennahen Mikrostruktur und Chemie auf Reibung und Verschleiß
Dienwiebel, M.
2019, November 27. Worshop des Bosch Arbeitskreises Tribologie (2019), Renningen, Deutschland, 27. November 2019
Running-In and Wear Behavior of Thermal Spray Wire Arc Coatings under the Influence of Regenerative Fuels
Dienwiebel, M.; Linsler, D.; Böttcher, R.; Winkler, H.-J.
2019, September 19. International Tribology Conference (ITC 2019), Sendai, Japan, 17.–21. September 2019
The Influence of Microstructure on the Friction of Metallic Multilayers
Dienwiebel, M.; Cihan, E.
2019, September 17. International Tribology Conference (ITC 2019), Sendai, Japan, 17.–21. September 2019
In-situ studies of the competitive adsorption of lubricant additives
Dienwiebel, M.; Honselmann, J.; Wilke, P.; Rühle, T.
2019, September 14. 8th Tribochemistry (2019), Hakodate, Japan, 12.–14. September 2019
Multi-analytical study on the origin of wear reduction synergy of anti-wear and friction modifier additives in synthetic base oil
Honselmann, J.; Aydin, E.; Dienwiebel, M.; Rühle, T.; Wilke, P.
2019, Mai 9. 3rd Young Tribological Reseacher Symposium (YTRS 2019), Wiener Neustadt, Österreich, 8.–10. Mai 2019
Structure Evolution in Tribological Interfaces Studied by Multilayer Model Alloys
Dienwiebel, M.; Cihan, E.
2019, April 23. Spring Meeting and Exhibit (MRS 2019), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 22.–26. April 2019
Message from the Editorial Chairman
Dienwiebel, M.
2019. Wear, (Part A), 426–427. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2019.04.010
Atomistic insights into lubricated tungsten/diamond sliding contacts
Romero, P. A.; Mayrhofer, L.; Stoyanov, P.; Merz, R.; Kopnarski, M.; Dienwiebel, M.; Moseler, M.
2019. Frontiers in mechanical engineering. doi:10.3389/fmech.2019.00006
Evolution of the True Contact Area of Laser Textured Tungsten Under Dry Sliding Conditions
Lechthaler, B.; Ochs, G.; Mücklich, F.; Dienwiebel, M.
2019. Frontiers in mechanical engineering, 5, Article no 3. doi:10.3389/fmech.2019.00003
The Mechanisms of Folding and Wear Particle Generation in Metallic Tribosystems
Dienwiebel, M.
2018, Oktober 31. STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference (2018), Chicago, IL, USA, 28.–31. Oktober 2018
Tribology of Wire Arc Spray Coatings under the Influence of Regenerative Fuels
Böttcher, R.; Winkler, H.-J.; Dienwiebel, M.; Scherge, M.
2018. Lubricants, 6 (3), 60. doi:10.3390/lubricants6030060
Analysis of the running-in of thermal spray coatings by time-dependent stribeck maps
Linsler, D.; Kümmel, D.; Nold, E.; Dienwiebel, M.
2017. Wear, 376-377 (Part B), 1467–1474. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2017.02.026
Microstructure, mechanical properties and friction behavior of magnetron-sputtered V-C coatings
Stoyanov, P.; Schneider, J.; Rinke, M.; Ulrich, S.; Nold, E.; Dienwiebel, M.; Stüber, M.
2017. Surface and coatings technology, 321, 366–377. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.04.050
Combining in situ and online approaches to monitor interfacial processes in lubricated sliding contacts
Stoyanov, P.; Shockley, J. M.; Dienwiebel, M.; Chromik, R. R.
2016. MRS communications, 6 (3), 301–308. doi:10.1557/mrc.2016.35
Microscale study of frictional properties of graphene in ultra high vacuum
Marchetto, D.; Feser, T.; Dienwiebel, M.
2015. Friction, 3 (2), 161–169. doi:10.1007/s40544-015-0080-8
Surface Softening in Metal - Ceramic Sliding Contacts: An Experimental and Numerical Investigation
Stoyanov, P.; Merz, R.; Romero, P.; Wählisch, F. C.; Abad, O. T.; Gralla, R.; Stemmer, P.; Kopnarski, M.; Moseler, M.; Bennewitz, R.; Dienwiebel, M.
2015. ACS nano, 9 (2), 1478–1491. doi:10.1021/nn505968m
Micro- and Nanotribology of Graphene
Dienwiebel, M.; Bennewitz, R.
2015. Fundamentals of Friction and Wear on the Nanoscale, 453–460, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10560-4_20
Origins of Folding Instabilities on Polycrystalline Metal Surfaces
Beckmann, N.; Romero, P. A.; Linsler, D.; Dienwiebel, M.; Stolz, U.; Moseler, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Applied physics reviews, 2 (6), Art.Nr.: 064004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.2.064004
Nanoscale sliding friction phenomena at the interface of diamond-like carbon and tungsten
Stoyanov, P.; Romero, P. A.; Merz, R.; Kopnarski, M.; Stricker, M.; Stemmer, P.; Dienwiebel, M.; Moseler, M.
2014. Acta Materialia, 67, 395–408. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2013.12.029
Superlubric to stick-slip sliding of incommensurate graphene flakes on graphite
Van Wijk, M. M.; Dienwiebel, M.; Frenken, J. W. M.; Fasolino, A.
2013. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88 (23). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.88.235423
The running-in mechanisms of binary brass studied by in-situ topography measurements
Feser, T.; Stoyanov, P.; Mohr, F.; Dienwiebel, M.
2013. Wear, 303 (1-2), 465–472. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2013.03.047
Friction and wear mechanisms of tungsten-carbon systems: A comparison of dry and lubricated conditions
Stoyanov, P.; Stemmer, P.; Järvi, T. T.; Merz, R.; Romero, P. A.; Scherge, M.; Kopnarski, M.; Moseler, M.; Fischer, A.; Dienwiebel, M.
2013. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5 (13), 6123–6135. doi:10.1021/am4010094
Microstructure, properties and microtribological performance of magnetron-sputtered V-C coatings
Stüber, M.; Stoyanov, P.; Nold, E.; Dienwiebel, M.; Ulrich, S.
2013. 40th Internat.Conf.on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, Calif., April 29 - May 3, 2013
Friction and Wear on Single-Layer Epitaxial Graphene in Multi-Asperity Contacts
Marchetto, D.; Held, C.; Hausen, F.; Wählisch, F.; Dienwiebel, M.; Bennewitz, R.
2012. Tribology Letters, 48 (1), 77–82. doi:10.1007/s11249-012-9945-4
Experimental and numerical atomistic investigation of the third body formation process in dry tungsten/tungsten-carbide tribo couples
Stoyanov, P.; Romero, P.; Scherge, M.; Moseler, M.; Dienwiebel, M.; Fischer, A.
2012. Tribology Letters, 50 (1), 67–80. doi:10.1007/s11249-012-0085-7
Design and testing of ultrahigh vacuum microtribometer
Marchetto, D.; Benzig, R.; Korres, S.; Dienwiebel, M.
2012. Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 6 (3), 95–101. doi:10.1179/1751584X12Y.0000000012
In situ observation of wear particle formation on lubricated sliding surfaces
Korres, S.; Feser, T.; Dienwiebel, M.
2011. Acta Materialia, 60 (1), 420–429. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.09.046
Angewandte Nanotribologie: Reibungs- und Verschleißforschung auf der Nanoskala in technischen Anwendungen. Habilitation
Dienwiebel, M.
2011. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
On the tribochemical action of engine soot
Antusch, S.; Dienwiebel, M.; Nold, E.; Peter, A.; Scherge, M.; Spicher, U.
2010. Wear, 269 (1-2), 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2010.02.028
The effect of sample finishing on the tribology of metal/metal lubricated contacts
Berlet, P.; Dienwiebel, M.; Scherge, M.
2010. Wear, 268 (11-12), 1518–1523. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2010.02.030
Message from the Scientific Organizers (Guest Editorial)
Dienwiebel, M.; Scherge, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Tribology Letters, 39 (1), 1. doi:10.1007/s11249-009-9482-y
Design and construction of a novel tribometer with online topography and wear measurement
Korres, S.; Dienwiebel, M.
2010. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81 (6), 063904/1–7
Torque and twist against superlubricity
Filippov, A. E.; Dienwiebel, M.; Frenken, J. W. M.; Klafter, J.; Urbakh, M.
2008. Physical review letters, 100, 046102. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.046102
Nanoscale evolution of sliding metal surfaces during running-in
Dienwiebel, M.; Pöhlmann, K.
2007. Tribology Letters, 27 (3), 255–260
Origins of the wear resistance of AlSi cylinder bore surfaces studies by surface analytical tools
Dienwiebel, M.; Pöhlmann, K.; Scherge, M.
2007. Tribology international, 40 (10-12), 1597–1602
Thermally induced suppression of friction at the atomic scale
Krylov, S. Y.; Jinesh, K. B.; Valk, H.; Dienwiebel, M.; Frenken, J. W. M.
2005. Physical Review E, 71 (6), 065101R/4
Design and performance of a high-resolution frictional force microscope with quantitative three-dimensional force sensitivity
Dienwiebel, M.; Kuyper, E. de; Crama, L.; Frenken, J. W. M.; Heimberg, J. A.; Spaanderman, D.-J.; Glastra van Loon, D.; Zijlstra, T.; Drift, E. van der
2005. Review of Scientific Instruments, 76 (4), 043704 /1–7
Model experiments of superlubricity of graphite
Dienwiebel, M.; Pradeep, N.; Verhoeven, G. S.; Zandbergen, H. W.; Frenken, J. W. M.
2005. Surface Science, 576 (1-3), 197–211
Model calculations of superlubricity of graphite
Verhoeven, G. S.; Dienwiebel, M.; Frenken, J. W. M.
2004. Physical Review B, 70 (16), 165418/1–10
Superlubricity of Graphite
Dienwiebel, M.; Verhoeven, G. S.; Pradeep, N.; Frenken, J. W. M.; Heimberg, J. A.; Zandbergen, H. W.
2004. Physical Review Letters, 92 (12), 126101/1–4