Britta Nestler

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Britta Nestler

  • Büro: Geb. 30.48 (Campusplan)
    Institut für Angewandte Materialien
    Computational Materials Science (IAM-CMS)
    MZE - Geb. 30.48
    Straße am Forum 7
    76131 Karlsruhe

    Inken Heise
    Tel.: +49 721 608 - 45314

    Birgitt Hardt
    Tel.: +49 721 608 - 41454


Mikrostruktursimulation mit der Phasenfeldmethode

Neue Simulationsverfahren erlauben das Design von Werkstoffen nach Maß wie z.B. komponierte Legierungen, die Analyse von Einflussfaktoren und Prozessführungsbedingungen auf die Mikrostrukturausbildung sowie die systematische Untersuchung von Gefüge-Eigenschafts-Korrelationen. Oftmals können Qualitätsmerkmale von Werkstoffen und Prozessen durch eine geringe Änderung des Bearbeitungsvorgangs oder durch eine Variation der Zusammensetzung erreicht werden. Eine solche detaillierte Bestimmung der Reaktion des Werkstoffs auf eine externe Beanspruchung wie z.B. auf thermische, magnetfeldinduzierte und mechanische Belastung leisten neue Softwarepakete zur Mikrostruktursimulation.


Die charakteristischen Kenngrößen der Mikrostruktur sind ausschlaggebend für die Eigenschaften des Werkstoffs. Als ein Beispiel ist in vielen Herstellungsprozessen die Kornstruktur und die Korngrößenverteilung ein entscheidendes Kriterium für die Härte und Bruchfestigkeit des Materials. Simulationen ermöglichen erstmalig  den in-situ Einblick nicht nur in das Endgefüge, sondern auch in den dreidimensionalen Strukturbildungsprozess. Durch eine gezielte Prozessführung lässt sich die Gefügeentstehung kontrolliert beeinflussen und Material mit spezifischen Eigenschaften computergestützt designen. Die Berechnungen ersetzen zu einem hohen Maß die experimentelle, metallographische und mechanische Gefügecharakterisierung, die oftmals eine Zerstörung der Bauteile erforderlich macht. Der Werkstoff, das Bauteil und der Prozessablauf der Zukunft lassen sich durch Verfahren der Werkstoffsimulation ressourcen- und energieeffizient am Computer entwerfen. Aufwendige Versuche lassen sich einsparen und Schwachstellen können im Designstadium am Computer verbessert werden.


Multiphase-field simulation of ferroelectric materials. Dissertation
Fan, L.
2025, Februar 7. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000178716/v2
Solidification of a quaternary X5CrNi18-10 alloy during laser beam welding using CALPHAD data in a phase-field approach
Umar, M.; Seiz, M.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.; Schneider, D.
2025. Computational Materials Science, 249, Art.-Nr.: 113627. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.113627
Phase-field-simulation of the static recrystallization and grain growth kinetics of ultrafine-grained aluminum processed by high pressure torsion extrusion
Abramova, O.; Nugmanov, D.; Schneider, D.; Prahs, A.; Mittnacht, T.; Ivanisenko, J.; Baretzky, B.; Nestler, B.
2025. Computational Materials Science, 248, 113553. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.113553
Petrophysical Characterization of Metamorphic Rocks using X-ray Micro-CT data – Implications for fluid flow
Chakraborty, R.; Späth, M.; Kumar, A.; Busch, B.; Nestler, B.; Mamtani, M. A.; Hilgers, C.
2025. Journal of Structural Geology, 191, Article no: 105338. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2025.105338
Triple junction benchmark for multiphase-field models combining capillary and bulk driving forces
Hoffrogge, P. W.; Daubner, S.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Zhou, B.; Eiken, J.
2025. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 33 (1), Art.-Nr.: 015001. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/ad8d6f
Chemo-mechanical benchmark for phase-field approaches
Kannenberg, T.; Prahs, A.; Svendsen, B.; Nestler, B.; Schneider, D.
2025. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 33 (1), 015004. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/ad90f7
Multi-scale modeling of geometric flow control in lateral flow assays. Dissertation
Jamshidi, F.
2025, Januar 27. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000178409
Thermodynamics, constitution and kinetics in the Mo-Si-Ti system. Dissertation
Czerny, A. K.
2025, Januar 14. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000177734
Numerical investigation of bubble dynamics in ageing foams using a phase-field model
Holland-Cunz, J.; Reiter, A.; Hötzer, J.; August, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2025. Computational Materials Science, 248, Article no: 113557. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.113557
Multiphase-field modeling of domain structure evolution in ferroelectric thin film
Fan, L.; Reder, M.; Schneider, D.; Hinterstein, M.; Nestler, B.
2025. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 45 (1), Art.-Nr.: 116875. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.116875
Liquid-liquid phase separation with phase-field method. Dissertation
Zhang, H.
2024, Dezember 17. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000176479
Chemo-elasto-electro free energy of non-uniform system in the diffuse interface context
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Zhang, H.; Nestler, B.
2024. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36, Article no: 495702. doi:10.1088/1361-648X/ad7660
Wetting Phenomena: Line Tension and Gravitational Effect
Wang, F.; Zhang, H.; Nestler, B.
2024. Physical Review Letters, 133 (24), 246201. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.246201
Viscous stress approximations in diffuse interface methods for two-phase flow based on mechanical jump conditions
Reder, M.; Prahs, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2024. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 432, 117341. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2024.117341
Exploration of contact angle hysteresis mechanisms: From microscopic to macroscopic
Zhang, H.; Zhang, H.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161 (19), Art.-Nr.: 194705. doi:10.1063/5.0232287
Geometric flow control in lateral flow assays: Macroscopic two-phase modeling
Jamshidi, F.; Bayat, S.; Ernst, A.; Nestler, B.
2024. Physics of Fluids, 36 (11), Art.-Nr.: 112108. doi:10.1063/5.0233556
Wetting phenomena of droplets and gas bubbles: Contact angle hysteresis based on varying liquid–solid and solid–gas interfacial tensions
Aurbach, F.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161 (16), Art.-Nr. : 164708
Datengetriebene Analyse der strukturabhängigen Flüssigkeitsausbreitung in porösen Membranen. Dissertation
Kunz, W.
2024, Oktober 21. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000175158
Modeling of martensitic phase transformation accounting for inertia effects
Liu, X.; Schneider, D.; Reder, M.; Hoffrogge, P. W.; Nestler, B.
2024. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 278, Art.-Nr.: 109443. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109443
Multiphase transformation and mechanical analysis of polycrystalline Cu Li Sn nanoparticle during lithiation via phase diagram-guided phase-field approach
Huang, Q.; Daubner, S.; Schneider, D.; Zheng, X.; Liu, S.; Du, Y.; Nestler, B.
2024. Electrochimica Acta, 495, Art.-Nr.: 144471. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2024.144471
Surface energies control the anisotropic growth of β -Ni(OH) nanoparticles in stirred reactors
Streichhan, N.; Goonetilleke, D.; Li, H.; Soleymanibrojeni, M.; Hoffrogge, P. W.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Wenzel, W.
2024. Surfaces and Interfaces, 51, 104736. doi:10.1016/j.surfin.2024.104736
Digital twins - Synthetic and real porous materials
Jamshidi, F.; Kunz, W.; Holland-Cunz, J.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2024, Juli 16. 2nd IAM Networking Seminar (2024), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 16. Juli 2024
A U-Net-based self-stitching method for generating periodic grain structures
Ji, Y.; Koeppe, A.; Altschuh, P.; Griem, L.; Rajagopal, D.; Nestler, B.
2024. Physica Scripta, 99 (7), Art.-Nr.: 076010. doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ad52cf
Wetting Effect Induced Depletion and Adsorption Layers: Diffuse Interface Perspective
Zhang, H.; Zhang, H.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. ChemPhysChem, Art.-Nr.: 202400086. doi:10.1002/cphc.202400086
Applications of Machine Learning in Materials Science. Dissertation
Zhao, Y.
2024, Juni 4. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000171281
Multi-component electro-hydro-thermodynamic model with phase-field method. I. Dielectric
Zhang, H.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. Journal of Computational Physics, 505, 112907. doi:10.1016/
Understanding Degradation Phenomena in Solid-Oxide Fuel-Cell Anodes by Phase-Field Modeling and Analytics. Dissertation
Hoffrogge, P. W.
2024, Mai 8. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000170474
Flow‐Induced Microfluidic Assembly for Advanced Biocatalysis Materials
Lemke, P.; Schneider, L.; Kunz, W.; Rieck, A. L.; Jäger, P. S.; Bruckmann, A.; Nestler, B.; Rabe, K. S.; Niemeyer, C. M.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (18), Art.-Nr.: 2313944. doi:10.1002/adfm.202313944
Phase-field modeling of microstructural evolution in multicomponent alloy systems. Dissertation
Cai, Y.
2024, April 4. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000169694
Wetting and Contact-Angle Hysteresis: Density Asymmetry and van der Waals Force
Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. Physical Review Letters, 132 (12), Art.-Nr.: 126202. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.126202
Experimental evaluation of phase-field-based load-specific shape optimization of nature-inspired porous structures
Wallat, L.; Koeppe, A.; Selzer, M.; Seiler, M.; Poehler, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. Materials Today Communications, 38, 108088. doi:10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108088
Influence of the Phase Fractions on the Formation of Eutectic Colonies: A Large‐Scale Phase‐Field Study
Kellner, M.; Hierl, H.; Nestler, B.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, Art.-Nr.: 2301766. doi:10.1002/adem.202301766
Strukturiertes Management von Forschungsdaten in den Ingenieurwissenschaften. Dissertation
Brandt, N.
2024, Februar 23. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000168522
Evolution dynamics of thin liquid structures investigated using a phase-field model
Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Zheng, S.; Nestler, B.
2024. Soft Matter, 20 (7), 1523–1542. doi:10.1039/D3SM01553J
Brownian motion of droplets induced by thermal noise
Zhang, H.; Wang, F.; Ratke, L.; Nestler, B.
2024. Physical Review E, 109 (2), 024208. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.109.024208
Junction dynamics in phase-field simulations vis-à-vis asymptotics predictions : A beginning study
Nani, E. S.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.
2024. Computational Materials Science, 233, Art.-Nr.: 112729. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112729
Towards automatic feature extraction and sample generation of grain structure by variational autoencoder
Ji, Y.; Koeppe, A.; Altschuh, P.; Rajagopal, D.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, W.; Chen, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zheng, Y.; Nestler, B.
2024. Computational Materials Science, 232, Art.-Nr.: 112628. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112628
Multiscale Modeling of Curing and Crack Propagation in Fiber-Reinforced Thermosets. Dissertation
Schöller, L.
2024, Januar 16. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000167095
Datenzentriertes Deep Learning für die Hochdurchsatzbildverarbeitung in interdisziplinären Projekten. Dissertation
Schilling, M.
2024, Januar 15. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000167262
Phase-field based shape optimization of uni- and multiaxially loaded nature-inspired porous structures while maintaining characteristic properties
Selzer, M.; Wallat, L.; Kersch, N.; Reder, M.; Seiler, M.; Poehler, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. Discover Mechanical Engineering, 3 (1), Art.-Nr.: 45. doi:10.1007/s44245-024-00065-4
Triple junction benchmark for multiphase-field models combining capillary and bulk driving forces
Hoffrogge, P. W.; Daubner, S.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Zhou, B.; Eiken, J.
2024. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Crystallization and crystal morphology of polymers: A multiphase-field study
Afrasiabian, N.; Elmoghazy, A.; Blarr, J.; Scheuring, B.; Prahs, A.; Schneider, D.; Liebig, W. V.; Weidenmann, K. A.; Denniston, C.; Nestler, B.
2024. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. doi:10.1177/08927057241296472
Optimierung der Grundwasserreinigung mittels eines digitalen Zwillings
Rehner, G.; August, A.; Alesi, E.; Kneer, A.; Reder, M. D.; Nestler, B.
2024. Forschung aktuell, 66–69
Dual-porosity approach: heat transfer and heat storage processes in porous media
Kneer, A.; August, A.; Alesi, E.; Reiter, A.; Wirtz, M.; Koeppe, A. H.; Barbe, S.; Nestler, B.
2024. Mathematical and computer modelling of dynamical systems, 30 (1), 202–227. doi:10.1080/13873954.2024.2328663
Combined study of phase transitions in the P2-type NaNiMnO cathode material: experimental, ab-initio and multiphase-field results
Daubner, S.; Dillenz, M.; Pfeiffer, L. F.; Gauckler, C.; Rosin, M.; Burgard, N.; Martin, J.; Axmann, P.; Sotoudeh, M.; Groß, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2024. npj Computational Materials, 10 (1), Art.-Nr.: 75. doi:10.1038/s41524-024-01258-x
Revealing process and material parameter effects on densification via phase-field studies
Seiz, M.; Hierl, H.; Nestler, B.; Rheinheimer, W.
2024. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), Art.-Nr.: 5350. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-51915-w
Wetting Behavior of Inkjet-Printed Electronic Inks on Patterned Substrates
Arya, P.; Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Wang, Z.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Levkin, P. A.; Nestler, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. Langmuir, 40 (10), 5162–5173. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03297
Microstructure evolution accounting for crystal plasticity in the context of the multiphase-field method
Kannenberg, T.; Schöller, L.; Prahs, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2024. Computational Mechanics, 74, 67–84. doi:10.1007/s00466-023-02423-7
Digital twin of a droplet microarray platform: Evaporation behavior for multiple droplets on patterned chips for cell culture
Wu, Y.; Urrutia Gómez, J. E.; Zhang, H.; Wang, F.; Levkin, P. A.; Popova, A. A.; Nestler, B.
2024. Droplet, 3 (1), Art.-Nr. e94. doi:10.1002/dro2.94
A multiphase-field approach to small strain crystal plasticity accounting for balance equations on singular surfaces
Prahs, A.; Schöller, L.; Schwab, F. K.; Schneider, D.; Böhlke, T.; Nestler, B.
2024. Computational Mechanics, 73, 773–794. doi:10.1007/s00466-023-02389-6
Modeling battery intercalation materials with the multiphase-field method. Dissertation
Daubner, S.
2023, Dezember 1. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000164858
Shape optimization of porous structures by phase-field modeling with strain energy density reduction
Wallat, L.; Reder, M.; Selzer, M.; Poehler, F.; Nestler, B.
2023. Materials Today Communications, 37, Art.-Nr. 107018. doi:10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107018
Realization of adaptive mesh refinement for phase-field model of thermal fracture within the FEniCS framework
Hirshikesh; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2023. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 293, Art.-Nr.: 109676. doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2023.109676
Erratum: An improved grand-potential phase-field model of solid-state sintering for many particles (2023 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 31 055006)
Seiz, M.; Hierl, H.; Nestler, B.
2023. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 31 (8), Art.-Nr.: 089601. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/acf9be
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Manage Materials Data with Kadi4Mat and Chemotion
Altschuh, P.; Bräse, S.; Hartmann, T.; Jaeger, D.; Jung, N.; Koeppe, A.; Krauss, P.; Leister, C.; Nestler, B.; Schiefer, G.; Schreiber, C.; Selzer, M.; Starmann, M.; Tosato, G.
2023. E-Science-Tage 2023: Empower Your Research – Preserve Your Data. Ed.: Vincent Heuveline, Nina Bisheh, Philipp Kling, 264–269, heiBOOKS. doi:10.11588/heibooks.1288.c18086
The effect of subgrain mobility on recrystallization kinetics: phase-field simulation study
Abramova, O.; Prahs, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2023. 8th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Chongqing, 15th - 19th May 2023, Art.-Nr.: 012032, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd (IOP Publishing Ltd). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2635/1/012032
Identification of Lithium Compounds on Surfaces of Lithium Metal Anode with Machine-Learning-Assisted Analysis of ToF-SIMS Spectra
Zhao, Y.; Otto, S.-K.; Lombardo, T.; Henss, A.; Koeppe, A.; Selzer, M.; Janek, J.; Nestler, B.
2023. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (43), 50469 – 50478. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c09643
Investigation of microstructure evolution accounting for crystal plasticity in the multiphase‐field method
Kannenberg, T.; Schöller, L.; Prahs, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2023. PAMM, 23 (3), Art.-Nr.: e202300138. doi:10.1002/pamm.202300138
Thermomechanically coupled theory in the context of the multiphase-field method
Prahs, A.; Reder, M.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2023. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 257, Art.-Nr.: 108484. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108484
Phase-Field Simulation of Abnormal/Normal Recrystallization Kinetics in Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum Processed by High-Pressure Torsion Extrusion
Abramova, O.; Nugmanov, D.; Schneider, D.; Prahs, A.; Mittnacht, T.; Ivanisenko, J.; Baretzky, B.; Nestler, B.
2023. Elsevier. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4617296
Effect of wall free energy formulation on the wetting phenomenon: Conservative Allen–Cahn model
Zhang, H.; Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2023. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 159 (16). doi:10.1063/5.0168394
Data‐Driven Virtual Material Analysis and Synthesis for Solid Electrolyte Interphases
Rajagopal, D.; Koeppe, A.; Esmaeilpour, M.; Selzer, M.; Wenzel, W.; Stein, H.; Nestler, B.
2023. Advanced Energy Materials, 13 (40), Art.-Nr.: 2301985. doi:10.1002/aenm.202301985
A phase-field model for ferroelectric materials—Based on the multiphase-field method
Fan, L.; Reder, M.; Schneider, D.; Hinterstein, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Computational Materials Science, 230, 112510. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112510
Phase-field investigation on the microstructural evolution of eutectic transformation and four-phase reaction in Mo-Si-Ti system
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Czerny, A.; Seifert, H. J.; Nestler, B.
2023. Acta Materialia, 258, 119178
Unravelling densification during sintering by multiscale modelling of grain motion
Seiz, M.; Hierl, H.; Nestler, B.
2023. Journal of Materials Science, 58 (35), 14051–14071. doi:10.1007/s10853-023-08859-9
Phase-field modelling of electromigration-induced intergranular slit propagation in metal interconnects
Mukherjee, A.; Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Computational Materials Science, 228, Art.-Nr.: 112330. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112330
An improved CFD-DEM framework for gas-liquid-solid multiphase free surface flow. Dissertation
Xia, H.
2023, August 9. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000161217
Phase‐Field Simulations of Epitaxial Crystal Growth in Open Fractures With Reactive Lateral Flow
Späth, M.; Selzer, M.; Busch, B.; Schneider, D.; Hilgers, C.; Urai, J. L.; Nestler, B.
2023. Water Resources Research, 59 (8), Nr.: e2023WR034605. doi:10.1029/2023WR034605
Simulation of dendritic–eutectic growth with the phase-field method
Seiz, M.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Acta Materialia, 254, Art.-Nr.: 118965. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118965
Simulative Determination of Effective Mechanical Properties for Digitally Generated Foam Geometries
Reder, M.; Holland-Cunz, J.; Lorson, P.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2023. Advanced Engineering Materials. doi:10.1002/adem.202300340
AI 2 Seg: A Method and Tool for AI-based Annotation Inspection of Biomedical Instance Segmentation Datasets
Schilling, M. P.; Klinger, L.; Schumacher, U.; Schmelzer, S.; López, M. B.; Nestler, B.; Reischl, M.
2023. 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Sydney, Australia, 24-27 July 2023, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EMBC40787.2023.10341074
Microstructure evolution in the self-propagating reaction in Al/Ru bilayers by phase-field simulations and experiments
Dargahi Noubary, K.; Schäfer, C.; Pauly, C.; Kellner, M.; Ott, V.; Stüber, M.; Mücklich, F.; Nestler, B.
2023. Journal of vacuum science & technology / A, 41 (4), Art.-Nr.: 043407. doi:10.1116/6.0002587
Characterization of porous membranes using artificial neural networks
Zhao, Y.; Altschuh, P.; Santoki, J.; Griem, L.; Tosato, G.; Selzer, M.; Koeppe, A.; Nestler, B.
2023. Acta Materialia, 253, Art.-Nr.: 118922. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118922
Performance estimation by multiphase-field simulations and transmission-line modeling of nickel coarsening in FIB-SEM reconstructed Ni-YSZ SOFC anodes I: Influence of wetting angle
Hoffrogge, P. W.; Schneider, D.; Wankmüller, F.; Meffert, M.; Gerthsen, D.; Weber, A.; Nestler, B.; Wieler, M.
2023. Journal of Power Sources, 570, Art.-Nr.: 233031. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233031
Multiple Object Tracking in Light Microscopy Images Using Graph-based and Deep Learning Methods. Dissertation
Löffler, K.
2023, Juni 29. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000158917
Wetting Effect on Patterned Substrates
Wang, F.; Wu, Y.; Nestler, B.
2023. Advanced Materials, 35 (25), Art.-Nr.: 2210745. doi:10.1002/adma.202210745
Modeling Anisotropic Transport in Polycrystalline Battery Materials
Daubner, S.; Weichel, M.; Hoffrogge, P. W.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2023. Batteries, 9 (6), Art.Nr.: 310. doi:10.3390/batteries9060310
Establishing structure–property linkages for wicking time predictions in porous polymeric membranes using a data-driven approach
Kunz, W.; Altschuh, P.; Bremerich, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Materials Today Communications, 35, Art.-Nr.: 106004. doi:10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106004
An improved grand-potential phase-field model of solid-state sintering for many particles
Seiz, M.; Hierl, H.; Nestler, B.
2023. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 31 (5), Art.-Nr.: 055006. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/acd56d
Qualitative Dissolution Modeling of Etch‐Pit Formation on the K‐Feldspar Surface Through Phase‐Field Approach
Kumar, A.; Prajapati, N.; Späth, M.; Busch, B.; Schneider, D.; Hilgers, C.; Nestler, B.
2023. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128 (4), e2022JB025749. doi:10.1029/2022JB025749
Phase-field modeling of crack propagation based on multi-crack order parameters considering mechanical jump conditions
Schöller, L.; Schneider, D.; Prahs, A.; Nestler, B.
2023. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 22 (1, SI), Art.-Nr.: e202200039. doi:10.1002/pamm.202200039
Phase-field simulation for voltage profile of Li Sn nanoparticle during lithiation/delithiation
Huang, Q.; Daubner, S.; Zhang, S.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Mao, H.; Liu, S.; Du, Y.
2023. Computational Materials Science, 220, Art.-Nr.: 112047. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112047
A 3D computational method for determination of pores per inch (PPI) of porous structures
Jamshidi, F.; Kunz, W.; Altschuh, P.; Lu, T.; Laqua, M.; August, A.; Löffler, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Materials Today Communications, 34, Art.-Nr.: 105413. doi:10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.105413
Simulative Optimierung von plasmagestützten Vakuumbeschichtungsprozessen. Dissertation
Hofmann, P.
2023, Februar 28. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Triple junction benchmark for multiphase-field and multi-order parameter models
Daubner, S.; Hoffrogge, P. W.; Minar, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Computational Materials Science, 219, Art.-Nr.: 111995. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111995
Asymptotic analysis of multi-phase-field models: A thorough consideration of junctions
Nani, E. S.; Nestler, B.
2023. Physical Review E, 107 (2), Art.-Nr.: 024803. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.107.024803
Phase-field modelling of mechanical wave propagation in polycrystalline materials: Validation study
Liu, X.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2023. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 262-263, Art.-Nr.: 112053. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2022.112053
Line tension of sessile droplets: Thermodynamic considerations
Zhang, H.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2023. Physical review / B, 108 (5), Art.-Nr.: 054121. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.108.054121
The effect of compression shock heating in collision welding
Ganzenmüller, G. C.; Hütter, S.; Reder, M.; Prahs, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Halle, T.; Hiermaier, S.
2023. arxiv
A U-Net-Based Self-Stitching Method for Generating Periodic Grain Structures
Ji, Y.; Koeppe, A.; Altschuh, P.; Griem, L.; Rajagopal, D.; Nestler, B.; Chen, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zheng, Y.
2023. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2310.20379
State-of-the-art review of porous polymer membrane formation characterization—How numerical and experimental approaches dovetail to drive innovation
Bohr, S. J.; Wang, F.; Metze, M.; Vukušić, J. L.; Sapalidis, A.; Ulbricht, M.; Nestler, B.; Barbe, S.
2023. Frontiers in Sustainability, 4, 1093911
Wetting Behavior of Ink-Jet Printed Electronic Inks on Patterned Substrates
Arya, P.; Wu, Y.; Fei, W.; Cadilha Marquesa, G.; Levkin, P. A.; Nestler, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.35097/954
Vom Labor in die digitale Welt
Holland-Cunz, J.; Laqua, M.; Wagner, F. N. P. H.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2023. Forschung aktuell / Hochschule Karlsruhe
Role of orientation relationship for the formation of morphology and preferred orientation in NiAl-(Cr,Mo) during directional solidification
Kauffmann, A.; Schulz, C.; Laube, S.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials : Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (Thermec 2023), Wien, Österreich, 2.–7. Juli 2023
Phase-Field Simulation of the Microstructure Evolution in the Eutectic Alloy NiAl-31Cr-3Mo
Kellner, M.; Schulz, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Crystals, 13 (7), Article no: 1046. doi:10.3390/cryst13071046
State-of-the-art review of porous polymer membrane formation characterization—How numerical and experimental approaches dovetail to drive innovation
Bohr, S. J.; Wang, F.; Metze, M.; Vukušić, J. L.; Sapalidis, A.; Ulbricht, M.; Nestler, B.; Barbe, S.
2023. Frontiers in Sustainability, 4, Art.-Nr.: 1093911. doi:10.3389/frsus.2023.1093911
An interdisciplinary approach to data management
Altschuh, P.; Bräse, S.; Hartmann, T.; Jaeger, D.; Jung, N.; Krauss, P.; Leister, C.; Nestler, B.; Schiefer, G.; Schreiber, C.; Selzer, M.; Starman, M.; Tosato, G.; Koeppe, A.
2023. E-Science-Tage 2023: Empower Your Research – Preserve Your Data (2023), Heidelberg, Deutschland, 1.–3. März 2023. doi:10.11588/heidok.00033126
Automated high-throughput image processing as part of the screening platform for personalized oncology
Schilling, M. P.; El Khaled El Faraj, R.; Urrutia Gómez, J. E.; Sonnentag, S. J.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.; Orian-Rousseau, V.; Popova, A. A.; Levkin, P. A.; Reischl, M.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13, Article no: 5107. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-32144-z
Nanoliter Scale Parallel Liquid–Liquid Extraction for High‐Throughput Purification on a Droplet Microarray
Wiedmann, J. J.; Demirdögen, Y. N.; Schmidt, S.; Kuzina, M. A.; Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.; Hopf, C.; Levkin, P. A.
2023. Small, 19 (9), Art.Nr. 2204512. doi:10.1002/smll.202204512
Multiphase-field modelling of anisotropic elasticity at finite deformation in Eulerian space
Daubner, S.; Reder, M.; Prajapati, N.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2023. Journal of Computational Science, 66, Art.-Nr.: 101930. doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2022.101930
Modeling of temperature- and strain-driven intermetallic compound evolution in an Al–Mg system via a multiphase-field approach with application to refill friction stir spot welding
Raza, S. H.; Mittnacht, T.; Diyoke, G.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Klusemann, B.
2022. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 169, Art.-Nr.: 105059. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2022.105059
Phase-field simulation for the formation of porous microstructures due to phase separation in polymer solutions on substrates with different wettabilities
Farzaneh Kalourazi, S.; Wang, F.; Zhang, H.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2022. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34 (44), Art.-Nr.: 444003. doi:10.1088/1361-648X/ac8b4d
Energy absorption capability of graded and non-graded sheet-based gyroid structures fabricated by microcast processing
Wallat, L.; Selzer, M.; Wasmuth, U.; Poehler, F.; Nestler, B.
2022. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 21, 1798–1810. doi:10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.09.093
A phase‐field based model for coupling two‐phase flow with the motion of immersed rigid bodies
Reder, M.; Hoffrogge, P. W.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2022. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 123 (16), 3757–3780. doi:10.1002/nme.6988
Incomplete Crack Sealing Causes Localization of Fracturing in Hydrothermal Quartz Veins
Späth, M.; Urai, J. L.; Nestler, B.
2022. Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (15), e2022GL098643. doi:10.1029/2022GL098643
Qualitative modeling of etch-pit formation (dissolution) on the K-feldspar surface through phase-field approach
Kumar, A.; Prajapati, N.; Späth, M.; Schneider, D.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.; Nestler, B.
2022, Juli. 15th / 8. World Congress on Computational Mechanics & Asian Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-APCOM 2022), Online, 31. Juli–5. August 2022
Materialwissenschaft um Luftlöcher
Holland-Cunz, J.; August, A.; Reder, M.; Nestler, B.
2022. Forschung aktuell, 2022 (Juni), 16–19
Geometric flow control in lateral flow assays: Macroscopic single-phase modeling
Jamshidi, F.; Kunz, W.; Altschuh, P.; Bremerich, M.; Przybylla, R.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2022. Physics of Fluids, 34 (6), Art.-Nr.: 062110. doi:10.1063/5.0093316
Capillary adsorption of droplets into a funnel-like structure
Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Huang, W.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2022. Physical Review Fluids, 7 (5), Art.-Nr.: 054004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.054004
Formation of radiator structures in quartz veins - Phase-field modeling of multi-crack sealing
Späth, M.; Urai, J. L.; Nestler, B.
2022. Journal of Structural Geology, 158, Art.-Nr.: 104576. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104576
Multigrain phase-field simulation in ferroelectrics with phase coexistences: An improved phase-field model
Fan, L.; Werner, W.; Subotić, S.; Schneider, D.; Hinterstein, M.; Nestler, B.
2022. Computational Materials Science, 203, Art.-Nr.: 111056. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.111056
Modeling of a two-stage polymerization considering glass fibre sizing using molecular dynamics
Schöller, L.; Nestler, B.; Denniston, C.
2022. Nanoscale Advances, 5 (1), 106–118. doi:10.1039/d2na00562j
Phase-field investigation on three- and four-phase microstructural evolution in Mo-Si-Ti system
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Czerny, A. K.; Seifert, H. J.; Nestler, B.
2022. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2022), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 27.–29. September 2022
Computational Design and Characterisation of Gyroid Structures with Different Gradient Functions for Porosity Adjustment
Wallat, L.; Altschuh, P.; Reder, M.; Nestler, B.; Poehler, F.
2022. Materials, 15 (10), Art.-Nr.: 3730. doi:10.3390/ma15103730
Phase-field modeling of crack propagation in heterogeneous materials with multiple crack order parameters
Schöller, L.; Schneider, D.; Herrmann, C.; Prahs, A.; Nestler, B.
2022. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 395, Art.-Nr.: 114965. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2022.114965
A Two-Dimensional Phase-Field Investigation on Unidirectionally Solidified Tip-Splitting Microstructures
Laxmipathy, V. P.; Wang, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2022. Metals, 12 (3), Art.-Nr.: 376. doi:10.3390/met12030376
Role of orientation relationship for the formation of morphology and preferred orientation in NiAl-(Cr,Mo) during directional solidification
Schulz, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Laube, S.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Acta Materialia, 231, Art.Nr. 117857. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117857
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Mechanics: Physics-Explaining Neural Networks for Constitutive Models
Koeppe, A.; Bamer, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Markert, B.
2022. Frontiers in Materials, 8, Art.-Nr.: 824958. doi:10.3389/fmats.2021.824958
Machine Learning Assisted Design of Experiments for Solid State Electrolyte Lithium Aluminum Titanium Phosphate
Zhao, Y.; Schiffmann, N.; Koeppe, A.; Brandt, N.; Bucharsky, E. C.; Schell, K. G.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2022. Frontiers in Materials, 9, Art.-Nr.: 821817. doi:10.3389/fmats.2022.821817
Equilibrium droplet shapes on chemically patterned surfaces: theoretical calculation, phase-field simulation, and experiments
Wu, Y.; Kuzina, M.; Wang, F.; Reischl, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Levkin, P. A.
2022. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 606, 1077–1086. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2021.08.029
3D printing of inherently nanoporous polymers via polymerization-induced phase separation
Dong, Z.; Cui, H.; Zhang, H.; Wang, F.; Zhan, X.; Mayer, F.; Nestler, B.; Wegener, M.; Levkin, P. A.
2021. Nature Communications, 12 (1), Art:nr. 247. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20498-1
Some Implications of Constraints in Phasefield Models. Dissertation
Reiter, A.
2021, November 16. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000139899
Droplet wetting on chemically and mechanically structured surfaces. Dissertation
Wu, Y.
2021, November 9. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000139649
Numerische Untersuchung von mechanischen und thermischen Eigenschaften von Gusseisen mit Lamellengraphit. Dissertation
Herrmann, C. J.
2021, Oktober 27. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000139258
Kinematics of Crystal Growth in Single‐Seal Syntaxial Veins in Limestone ‐ A Phase‐Field Study
Späth, M.; Spruženiece, L.; Urai, J. L.; Selzer, M.; Arndt, M.; Nestler, B.
2021. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 126 (10), e2021JB022106. doi:10.1029/2021JB022106
Simulating mechanical wave propagation within the framework of phase-field modelling
Liu, X.; Schneider, D.; Daubner, S.; Nestler, B.
2021. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 381, Article: 113842. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2021.113842
Phase-field formulation of a fictitious domain method for particulate flows interacting with complex and evolving geometries
Reder, M.; Schneider, D.; Wang, F.; Daubner, S.; Nestler, B.
2021. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93 (8), 2486–2507. doi:10.1002/fld.4984
Phase-field modeling of unidirectionally solidified microstructures under diffusive-convective regime. Dissertation
Veluvali, P. L.
2021, Juli 5. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000134624
Morphological stability of three-dimensional cementite rods in polycrystalline system : A phase-field analysis
Mittnacht, T.; Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2021. Journal of materials science & technology, 77, 252–268. doi:10.1016/j.jmst.2020.11.019
Some refinements in the phase-field and sharp interface treatments of eutectic growth. Dissertation
Enugala, S. N.
2021, Juni 25. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000134170
Wide-blocky veins explained by dependency of crystal growth rate on fracture surface type: Insights from phase-field modeling
Spruženiece, L.; Späth, M.; Urai, J. L.; Ukar, E.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2021. Geology, 49 (6), 641–646. doi:10.1130/G48472.1
Quantitative Phase-Field Modeling of Faceted Crystal Dissolution Processes
Prajapati, N.; Späth, M.; Knecht, L.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2021. Crystal growth & design, 21 (6), 3266–3279. doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.0c01715
Formation of wide-blocky calcite veins by extreme growth competition
Spruženiece, L.; Späth, M.; Urai, J. L.; Ukar, E.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Schwedt, A.
2021. Journal of the Geological Society, 178 (2), jgs2020–104. doi:10.1144/jgs2020-104
Phase-field simulations of grain boundary grooving under diffusive-convective conditions
Laxmipathy, V. P.; Wang, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2021. Acta materialia, 204, Art.-Nr.: 116497. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.116497
Phase-field modeling on the diffusion-driven processes in metallic conductors and lithium-ion batteries. Dissertation
Santoki, J.
2021, Januar 13. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000128098
Workflow concepts to model nonlinear mechanics with computational intelligence
Koeppe, A.; Bamer, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Markert, B.
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MoMaF Science Data Center für Molekulare Materialforschung
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MoMaF Science Data Center für Molekulare Materialforschung
Altschuh, P.; Bach, F.; Bräse, S.; Hartmann, T.; Jung, N.; Krauß, P.; Nestler, B.; Schiefer, G.; Schreiber, C.; Selzer, M.; Terzijska, D.
2021. E-Science-Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data, Heidelberg, 04.03. - 05.03.2021. doi:10.11588/heidok.00029699
Phase-Field Model for the Simulation of Brittle-Anisotropic and Ductile Crack Propagation in Composite Materials
Herrmann, C.; Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Schwab, F.; Nestler, B.
2021. Materials, 14 (17), Art.-Nr.: 4956. doi:10.3390/ma14174956
Phase-field investigation on the peritectic transition in Fe-C system
Cai, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Nestler, B.; Fei, W.
2021. Acta Materialia, 219, Art.-Nr.: 117223. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117223
Effect of tortuosity, porosity, and particle size on phase-separation dynamics of ellipsoid-like particles of porous electrodes: Cahn-Hilliard-type phase-field simulations
Santoki, J.; Daubner, S.; Schneider, D.; Kamlah, M.; Nestler, B.
2021. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 29 (6), Art.Nr. 065010. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/ac11bc
Phase-Field Modeling of Multiple Emulsions Via Spinodal Decomposition
Zhang, H.; Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Guo, F.; Nestler, B.
2021. Langmuir, 37 (17), 5275–5281. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c00275
Kleine Bausteine mit großer Wirkung
Kneer, A.; August, A.; Wirtz, M.; Herrmann, C.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2021. Forschung aktuell, 44–51
Liquid Wells as Self-Healing, Functional Analogues to Solid Vessels
Scheiger, J. M.; Kuzina, M. A.; Eigenbrod, M.; Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Heißler, S.; Hardt, S.; Nestler, B.; Levkin, P. A.
2021. Advanced Materials, 33 (23), Art.-Nr.: 2100117. doi:10.1002/adma.202100117
Data workflow to incorporate thermodynamic energies from Calphad databases into grand-potential-based phase-field models
Dargahi Noubary, K.; Kellner, M.; Hötzer, J.; Seiz, M.; Seifert, H. J.; Nestler, B.
2021. Journal of Materials Science, 56 (20), 11932–11952. doi:10.1007/s10853-021-06033-7
Lustre I/O performance investigations on Hazel Hen: experiments and heuristics
Seiz, M.; Offenhäuser, P.; Andersson, S.; Hötzer, J.; Hierl, H.; Nestler, B.; Resch, M.
2021. The journal of supercomputing, 77, 12508–12536. doi:10.1007/s11227-021-03730-7
Multiphase-field model for surface diffusion and attachment kinetics in the grand-potential framework
Hoffrogge, P. W.; Mukherjee, A.; Nani, E. S.; Amos, P. G. K.; Wang, F.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2021. Physical review / E, 103 (3), Article no: 033307. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.103.033307
Wetting transition and phase separation on flat substrates and in porous structures
Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2021. Journal of Chemical Physics, 154 (9), Art.-Nr.: 094704. doi:10.1063/5.0044914
Multiphase-field modeling of spinodal decomposition during intercalation in an Allen-Cahn framework
Daubner, S.; Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Schoof, E.; Santoki, J.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2021. Physical review materials, 5 (3), Article no: 035406. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.035406
Modelling and simulation of the freeze casting process with the phase-field method
Seiz, M.; Nestler, B.
2021. Computational materials science, 193, Art.-Nr.: 110410. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110410
Effect of conductivity on the electromigration-induced morphological evolution of islands with high symmetries of surface diffusional anisotropy
Santoki, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2021. Journal of applied physics, 129 (2), Ar. Nr.: 025110. doi:10.1063/5.0033228
A two-dimensional phase-field study on dendritic growth competition under convective conditions
Laxmipathy, V. P.; Wang, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2021. Computational materials science, 186, Art.-Nr.: 109964. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109964
Grand-potential based phase-field model for systems with interstitial sites
Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Nestler, B.
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Extreme Scale Phase-Field Simulation of Sintering Processes
Hierl, H.; Hötzer, J.; Seiz, M.; Reiter, A.; Nestler, B.
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Microstructural transition in monotectic alloys: A phase-field study
Laxmipathy, V. P.; Wang, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2020. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 159, Art.-Nr. 120096. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.120096
Development of synthetic open porous structures for improved heat transfer
August, A.; Jamshidi, F.; Kneer, A.; Wolf, R. H.; Wirtz, M.; Nestler, B.
2020. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 159, Article No.: 120071. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.120071
Calibrating micro-computed tomography data to permeability experiments and petrography – insights from Digital Rocks
Monsees, A. C.; Subhedar, A.; Busch, B.; Nestler, B.; Hilgers, C.
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Computational modeling of syntaxial overgrowth cementation and fracture propagation in sedimentary rocks. Dissertation
Prajapati, N.
2020, August 27. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000122917
Skalenübergreifende Analyse makroporöser Membranen im Kontext digitaler Zwillinge. Dissertation
Altschuh, P.
2020, August 26. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000122904
A digital workflow for learning the reduced-order structure-property linkages for permeability of porous membranes
Yabansu, Y. C.; Altschuh, P.; Hötzer, J.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Kalidindi, S. R.
2020. Acta materialia, 195, 668–680. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.06.003
How do chemical patterns affect equilibrium droplet shapes?
Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Ma, S.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2020. Soft matter, 16 (26), 6115–6127. doi:10.1039/d0sm00196a
Morphological stability of rod-shaped continuous phases
Wang, F.; Tschukin, O.; Leisner, T.; Zhang, H.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. Acta materialia, 192, 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.04.028
Quadrijunctions-stunted grain growth in duplex microstructure: A multiphase-field analysis
Perumal, R.; Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2020. Scripta materialia, 182, 16–20. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.02.041
Multiphase-field modelling of concurrent grain growth and coarsening in complex multicomponent systems
Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Perumal, R.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2020. Journal of materials science & technology, 45, 215–229. doi:10.1016/j.jmst.2019.11.011
Chemomechanische Modellierung der Wärmebehandlung von Stählen mit der Phasenfeldmethode. Dissertation
Schoof, E.
2020, April 1. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000117917
Quartz Cementation in Polycrystalline Sandstone: Insights From Phase‐Field Simulations
Prajapati, N.; Abad Gonzalez, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2020. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 125 (2). doi:10.1029/2019JB019137
Influence of stress-free transformation strain on the autocatalytic growth of bainite: A multiphase-field analysis
Schoof, E.; Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
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NFDI4Ing - the National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences
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Application of Random Forests in ToF-SIMS Data
Zhao, Y.; Otto, S.-K.; Brandt, N.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
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Phase-inherent linear visco-elasticity model for infinitesimal deformations in the multiphase-field context
Schwab, F. K.; Reiter, A.; Herrmann, C.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2020. Advanced modeling and simulation in engineering sciences, 7 (1), Art.-Nr.: 47. doi:10.1186/s40323-020-00178-x
The application of digital rock models to petrography and fluid flow simulations in reservoir sandstones
Monsees, A. C.; Subhedar, A.; Busch, B.; Nestler, B.; Hilgers, C.
2020. Student Technical Congress - German Section (STC 2020), Online, 4.–6. November 2020
Multiphase-field modelling of crack propagation in geological materials and porous media with Drucker-Prager plasticity
Späth, M.; Herrmann, C.; Prajapati, N.; Schneider, D.; Schwab, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2020. Computational geosciences, 25 (1), 325–343. doi:10.1007/s10596-020-10007-0
Bad Nodes Considered Harmful: How to Find and Fix the Problem
Seiz, M.; Hötzer, J.; Hierl, H.; Andersson, S.; Nestler, B.
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Brittle anisotropic fracture propagation in quartz sandstone: insights from phase-field simulations
Prajapati, N.; Herrmann, C.; Späth, M.; Schneider, D.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2020. Computational geosciences, 24, 1361–1376. doi:10.1007/s10596-020-09956-3
On counting cells in open pore foams
August, A.; Nestler, B.
2020. Engineering Research Express, 2 (2), Art. Nr.: 025029. doi:10.1088/2631-8695/ab8c94
Interface tracking characteristics of color-gradient lattice Boltzmann model for immiscible fluids
Subhedar, A.; Reiter, A.; Selzer, M.; Varnik, F.; Nestler, B.
2020. Physical review / E, 101 (1), Article: 013313. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.101.013313
About the surface area to volume relations of open cell foams
August, A.; Nestler, B.
2020. Engineering Research Express, 2 (1), Article No.015021. doi:10.1088/2631-8695/ab6ac6
Microstructural coarsening of multicomponent multiphase polycrystalline materials. Dissertation
Perumal, R.
2020. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000105110
The non-steady-state growth of divergent pearlite in Fe–C–Mn steels: a phase-field investigation
Mushongera, L. T.; Amos, P. G. K.; Schoof, E.; Kumar, P.; Nestler, B.
2020. Journal of materials science, 55, 5280–5295. doi:10.1007/s10853-019-04307-9
Limitations of preserving volume in Allen-Cahn framework for microstructural analysis
Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Schoof, E.; Santoki, J.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2020. Computational materials science, 173, Article No.109388. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109388
Phase-field study of eutectic colony formation in NiAl-34Cr
Kellner, M.; Hötzer, J.; Schoof, E.; Nestler, B.
2020. Acta materialia, 182, 267–277. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.10.028
A Stochastic Study of Flow Anisotropy and Channelling in Open Rough Fractures
Marchand, S.; Mersch, O.; Selzer, M.; Nitschke, F.; Schoenball, M.; Schmittbuhl, J.; Nestler, B.; Kohl, T.
2020. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 53, 233–249. doi:10.1007/s00603-019-01907-4
... mit Prof. Dr. Britta Nestler
Paetz, A.-G.; Nestler, B.
2019. (Strategische Entwicklung und Kommunikation (SEK), Hrsg.)
Influence of melt convection on the morphological evolution of seaweed structures: Insights from phase-field simulations
Pavan Laxmipathy, V.; Wang, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Ankit, K.
2019. Computational materials science, 170, Art.-Nr. 109196. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109196
Droplets on chemically patterned surface: A local free-energy minima analysis
Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2019. Physical review / E, 100 (4), Art.Nr. 041102. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.100.041102
Application of Gaussian process autoregressive models for capturing the time evolution of microstructure statistics from phase-field simulations for sintering of polycrystalline ceramics
Yabansu, Y. C.; Rehn, V.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.; Kalidindi, S. R.
2019. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 27 (8), Art.-Nr. 084006. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/ab413e
Non-Arrhenius grain growth in strontium titanate: Quantification of bimodal grain growth
Rheinheimer, W.; Schoof, E.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Hoffmann, M. J.
2019. Acta materialia, 174, 105–115. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.05.040
Progress Report on Phase Separation in Polymer Solutions
Wang, F.; Altschuh, P.; Ratke, L.; Zhang, H.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2019. Advanced materials, 31 (26), Art.Nr. 1806733. doi:10.1002/adma.201806733
On the multiphase-field modeling of martensitic phase transformation in dual-phase steel using J2-viscoplasticity
Schoof, E.; Herrmann, C.; Streichhan, N.; Selzer, M.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2019. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 27 (2), 025010. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/aaf980
Integrating Geology and Petrophysics into Numerical Models – A Step Towards the Digitalization of Rocks
Monsees, A. C.; Busch, B.; Subhedar, A.; Nestler, B.; Hilgers, C.
2019. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung "Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and Storage Technologies" (2019), Celle, Deutschland, 25.–26. April 2019
Effects of structure and diagenesis on reservoir quality in siliciclastics – insights from case studies
Hilgers, C.; Becker, I.; Busch, B.; Prajapati, N.; Nestler, B.
2019. 22nd International Conference on Petroleum-, Mineral Resources and Development (2019), Kairo, Ägypten, 26.–28. Februar 2019
Phase-field study of microstructure evolution in directionally solidified NiAl-34Cr during dynamic velocity changes
Kellner, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.; Dargahi Noubary, K.; Kunz, W.
2019. Solidification processing 2017 : proceedings of the 6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing : 25-28 July 2017, Beaumont Estate, Old Windsor, UK / SP 17 ; edited by Z. Fan, 372–375, BCAST
On the Volume-Diffusion Governed Termination-Migration Assisted Globularization in Two-Phase Solid-State Systems: Insights from Phase-Field Simulations
Amos, P. G. K.; Schoof, E.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2019. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering – Volume 2: Numerical Modelling in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, NME 2018, 28-29 August 2018, Ghent University, Belgium. Ed.: M. Abdel Wahab, 47–63, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-2273-0_5
Phase-Field Study of Electromigration-Induced Shape Evolution of a Transgranular Finger-Like Slit
Santoki, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Schneider, D.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2019. Journal of electronic materials, 48 (1), 182–193. doi:10.1007/s11664-018-6619-5
Code generation for massively parallel phase-field simulations
Bauer, M.; Hötzer, J.; Ernst, D.; Hammer, J.; Seiz, M.; Hierl, H.; Hönig, J.; Köstler, H.; Wellein, G.; Nestler, B.; Rüde, U.
2019. SC ’19: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Art.-Nr.: a59, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3295500.3356186
Role of conductivity on the electromigration-induced morphological evolution of inclusions in {110}-oriented single crystal metallic thin films
Santoki, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2019. Journal of applied physics, 126 (16), Article No.165305. doi:10.1063/1.5119714
Understanding the influence of neighbours on the spheroidization of finite 3-dimensional rods in a lamellar arrangement: Insights from phase-field simulations
Mittnacht, T.; Amos, P. G. K.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2019. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering : NME 2018, 28-29 August 2018, Ghent, Belgium. Ed.: M. Abdel Wahab, 290–299, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-2273-0_23
Phase-field investigation on the growth orientation angle of aluminum carbide with a needle-like structure at the surface of graphite particles
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2019. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 27 (6), Art.-Nr.: 065010. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/ab2351
Curing Simulations of a Fibre-Reinforced Thermoset on a Micro- and Nano-Scale. Dissertation
Schwab, F. K.
2019. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000096963
Theoretical and numerical investigations of rod growth of an Ni–Zr eutectic alloy
Enugala, S. N.; Kellner, M.; Kobold, R.; Hötzer, J.; Kolbe, M.; Nestler, B.; Herlach, D.
2019. Journal of materials science, 54 (19), 12605–12622. doi:10.1007/s10853-019-03802-3
Investigation of the microstructure adjustment by velocity variations during the directional solidification of Al-Ag-Cu with the phase-field method
Hötzer, J.; Kellner, M.; Kunz, W.; Nestler, B.
2019. Joint 5th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes (ICASP-5) & 5th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR-5) 17–21 June 2019, Salzburg, Austria, Article No.012007, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd (IOP Publishing Ltd). doi:10.1088/1757-899X/529/1/012007
Phase-field study of grain growth in porous polycrystals
Rehn, V.; Hötzer, J.; Rheinheimer, W.; Seiz, M.; Serr, C.; Nestler, B.
2019. Acta materialia, 174, 439–449. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.05.059
Multiphase-Field Modeling and Simulation of Martensitic Phase Transformation in Heterogeneous Materials
Schoof, E.; Herrmann, C.; Schneider, D.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.
2019. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’18. Ed.: W. Nagel, 475–488, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-13325-2_30
Understanding the volume-diffusion governed shape-instabilities in metallic systems. Dissertation
Kubendran Amos, P. G.
2019. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000095355
Phase-field study on the growth of magnesium silicide occasioned by reactive diffusion on the surface of Si-foams
Wang, F.; Altschuh, P.; Matz, A. M.; Heimann, J.; Matz, B. S.; Nestler, B.; Jost, N.
2019. Acta materialia, 170, 138–154. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.03.008
Extension of Jackson-Hunt analysis for curved solid-liquid interfaces
Nani, E. S.; Nestler, B.
2019. Journal of crystal growth, 512, 230–240. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.01.025
A scalable and extensible checkpointing scheme for massively parallel simulations
Kohl, N.; Hötzer, J.; Schornbaum, F.; Bauer, M.; Godenschwager, C.; Köstler, H.; Nestler, B.; Rüde, U.
2019. The international journal of high performance computing applications, 33 (4), 571–589. doi:10.1177/1094342018767736
Phase-field analysis of quenching and partitioning in a polycrystalline Fe-C system under constrained-carbon equilibrium condition
Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Schoof, E.; Streichan, N.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2019. Computational materials science, 159, 281–296. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.12.023
A bionic approach for heat generation and latent heat storage inspired by the polar bear
August, A.; Kneer, A.; Reiter, A.; Wirtz, M.; Sarsour, J.; Stegmaier, T.; Barbe, S.; Gresser, G. T.; Nestler, B.
2019. Energy, 168, 1017–1030. doi:10.1016/
Concurrent grain growth and coarsening of two-phase microstructures; large scale phase-field study
Perumal, R.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2019. Computational materials science, 159, 160–176. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.12.017
Phase-field simulation of solid state sintering
Hötzer, J.; Seiz, M.; Kellner, M.; Rheinheimer, W.; Nestler, B.
2019. Acta materialia, 164, 184–195. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.10.021
Multiphase-field model of small strain elasto-plasticity according to the mechanical jump conditions
Herrmann, C.; Schoof, E.; Schneider, D.; Schwab, F.; Reiter, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational mechanics, 62 (6), 1399–1412. doi:10.1007/s00466-018-1570-0
Chemo-elastic phase-field simulation of the cooperative growth of mutually-accommodating Widmanstätten plates
Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Schoof, E.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2018. Journal of alloys and compounds, 767, 1141–1154. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.07.138
An elasto-chemical phase-field model for isotropic solids
Tschukin, O.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2018. European journal of mechanics / A, 73, 181–191. doi:10.1016/j.euromechsol.2018.06.014
Evaporation rate analysis of capillaries with polygonal cross-section
Schweigler, K. M.; Seifritz, S.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 121, 943–951. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.12.090
Study of pattern selection in 3D phase-field simulations during the directional solidification of ternary eutectic Al-Ag-Cu
Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Kellner, M.; Genau, A.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational materials science, 148, 131–140. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.02.040
Modeling of yield point phenomenon using multiphase field method
Kulkarni, N.; Herrmann, C.; Schoof, E.; Hoffrogge, P.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Schwab, R.
2018, Mai 11. International Materials Science Winter School (2018), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 5. November 2018
The parallel multi-physics phase-field framework PACE3D
Hötzer, J.; Reiter, A.; Hierl, H.; Steinmetz, P.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Journal of computational science, 26, 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2018.02.011
Phase-field study of the transient phenomena induced by ’abnormally’ large grains during 2-dimensional isotropic grain growth
Perumal, R.; Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational materials science, 147, 227–237. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.02.028
Phase-field study of dynamic velocity variations during directional solidification of eutectic NiAl-34Cr
Kellner, M.; Kunz, W.; Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational materials science, 145, 291–305. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.12.053
Experimental Investigations on Pressure Loss and Heat Transfer of Two-Phase Carbon Dioxide Flow in a Horizontal Circular Pipe of 0.4 mm Diameter
Kneer, A.; Wirtz, M.; Laufer, T.; Nestler, B.; Barbe, S.
2018. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 119, 828–840. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.11.146
Phase-field analysis of volume-diffusion controlled shape-instabilities in metallic systems-II: Finite 3-dimensional rods
Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Mushongera, L. T.; Mittnacht, T.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational materials science, 144, 374–385. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.12.046
Phase-field analysis of volume-diffusion controlled shape-instabilities in metallic systems-I: 2-Dimensional plate-like structures
Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Mushongera, L. T.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational materials science, 144, 363–373. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.12.045
Multiphase-field modeling of martensitic phase transformation in a dual-phase microstructure
Schoof, E.; Schneider, D.; Streichhan, N.; Mittnacht, T.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. International journal of solids and structures, 134, 181–194. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.10.032
Phase-field modeling of reactive wetting and growth of the intermetallic Al2 Au phase in the Al-Au system
Wang, F.; Reiter, A.; Kellner, M.; Brillo, J.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Acta materialia, 146, 106–118. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.12.015
Correction to: Small strain multiphase-field model accounting for configurational forces and mechanical jump conditions
Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Tschukin, O.; Reiter, A.; Herrmann, C.; Schwab, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational mechanics, 61 (3), 297. doi:10.1007/s00466-017-1485-1
Small strain multiphase-field model accounting for configurational forces and mechanical jump conditions
Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Tschukin, O.; Reiter, A.; Herrmann, C.; Schwab, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Computational mechanics, 61 (3), 277–295. doi:10.1007/s00466-017-1458-4
Influence of velocity changes during directional solidification using large-scale phase-field simulations
Nestler, B.; Kellner, M.; Hötzer, J.; Kunz, W.
2018. Gauss Centre for Supercomputing
Quantitative Comparison of Ternary Eutectic Phase-Field Simulations with Analytical 3D Jackson–Hunt Approaches
Steinmetz, P.; Kellner, M.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.
2018. Metallurgical and materials transactions / B, 49 (1), 213–224. doi:10.1007/s11663-017-1142-2
The Impact of Pores on Microstructure Evolution: A Phase-Field Study of Pore-Grain Boundary Interaction
Rehn, V.; Hötzer, J.; Kellner, M.; Seiz, M.; Serr, C.; Rheinheimer, W.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Nestler, B.
2018. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’ 17: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2017. Ed.: W. Nagel, 485–502, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68394-2_29
Groundwater remediation – numerical models and experiments
Nestler, B.; Kellner, M.; Hötzer, J.; Kunz, W.
2018. Forschung aktuell, 59–63
Anisotropy and flow channeling with shearing in rough self-affine single fractures
Marchand, S.; Selzer, M.; Mersch, O.; Schoenball, M.; Nitschke, F.; Schmittbuhl, J.; Nestler, B.; Gaucher, E.; Kohl, T.
2018. 6th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2018), Straßburg, Frankreich, 10.–11. Oktober 2018
Hydraulic anisotropy in simulated sheared fractures: a statistical analysis with comparison of aperture determination methods
Marchand, S.; Selzer, M.; Mersch, O.; Schoenball, M.; Nitschke, F.; Schmittbuhl, J.; Nestler, B.; Gaucher, E.; Kohl, T.
2018. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2018), Wien, Österreich, 8.–13. April 2018
Three-Dimensional Phase-Field Investigation of Pore Space Cementation and Permeability in Quartz Sandstone
Prajapati, N.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.; Ankit, K.
2018. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 123 (8), 6378–6396. doi:10.1029/2018JB015618
Mechanisms of pearlite spheroidization: Insights from 3D phase-field simulations
Amos, P. G. K.; Bhattacharya, A.; Nestler, B.; Ankit, K.
2018. Acta materialia, 161, 400–411. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.09.043
Phase-field study of surface irregularities of a cathode particle during intercalation
Santoki, J.; Schneider, D.; Selzer, M.; Wang, F.; Kamlah, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 26 (6), 065013. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/aad20a
Characterization of a macro porous polymer membrane at micron-scale by Confocal-Laser-Scanning Microscopy and 3D image analysis
Ley, A.; Altschuh, P.; Thom, V.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Vana, P.
2018. Journal of membrane science, 564, 543–551. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2018.07.062
Graph-based investigation of three-dimensional microstructure rearrangement during ternary eutectic directional solidification of Al-Ag-Cu
Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Dennstedt, A.; Serr, C.; Nestler, B.; Genau, A.
2018. Journal of crystal growth, 498, 230–243. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2018.06.028
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Composite Materials Based on Open Cell Foams
August, A.; Reiter, A.; Kneer, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2018. Heat and Mass Transfer Research Journal, 2 (1), 33–45
Computergestütztes Design gradierter Metallschäume
August, A.; Kneer, A.; Nestler, B.
2018. Forschung aktuell, 2018 (März), 56–58
Modeling fracture cementation processes in calcite limestone: a phase-field study
Prajapati, N.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2018. Geothermal Energy, 6 (1), 7. doi:10.1186/s40517-018-0093-4
Perspectives on material modelling: Porous and particle-based microstructures
Nestler, B.; August, A.; Selzer, M.; Hötzer, J.; Kellner, M.; Prajapati, N.; Rehn, V.; Seiz, M.
2018. Ceramic applications, 6 (1), 73–77
Phase-field simulations of pearlitic divergence in Fe-C-Mn steels
Mushongera, L. T.; Amos, P. G. K.; Nestler, B.; Ankit, K.
2018. Acta materialia, 150, 78–87. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.02.059
Phase-field simulation of the microstructure evolution in the eutectic NiAl-34Cr system
Kellner, M.; Sprenger, I.; Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Computational materials science, 128, 379–387. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.11.049
Phase-field study of pore space cementation in polycrystalline quartz sandstone
Prajapati, N.; Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2017. 5th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2017), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 12.–13. Oktober 2017
Analyse geometrieabhängiger Verdunstungsraten in ungesättigter, konvektionsfreier Atmosphäre. Dissertation
Schweigler, K. M.
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000077924
Concepts of modeling surface energy anisotropy in phase-field approaches
Tschukin, O.; Silberzahn, A.; Selzer, M.; Amos, P. G. K.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.
2017. Geothermal Energy, 5 (1), Art.Nr. 19. doi:10.1186/s40517-017-0077-9
Phase-field study on the formation of first-neighbour topological clusters during the isotropic grain growth
Perumal, R.; Kubendran Amos, P. G.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2017. Computational materials science, 140, 209–223. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.08.043
Computational modeling of calcite cementation in saline limestone aquifers : a phase-field study
Prajapati, N.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2017. Geothermal Energy, 5 (1), Art. Nr.: 15. doi:10.1186/s40517-017-0072-1
Phasenfeldsimulationen zur Mikrostrukturentwicklung während des Sinterprozesses
Hölzer, J.; Kellner, M.; Rehn, V.; Seiz, M.; Nestler, B.
2017. Forschung aktuell, 8–12
Numerical and experimental investigations on the growth of the intermetallic Mg₂Si phase in Mg infiltrated Si-foams
Wang, F.; Matz, A. M.; Tschukin, O.; Heimann, J.; Mocker, B. S.; Nestler, B.; Jost, N.
2017. Advanced engineering materials, 19 (10), Art.Nr. 1700063. doi:10.1002/adem.201700063
Influence of growth velocity variations on the pattern formation during the directional solidification of ternary eutectic Al-Ag-Cu
Hötzer, J.; Steinmetz, P.; Dennstedt, A.; Genau, A.; Kellner, M.; Sargin, I.; Nestler, B.
2017. Acta materialia, 136, 335–346. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.07.007
Phase-field study on the effects of process and material parameters on the tilt angle during directional solidification of ternary eutectics
Dargahi Noubary, K.; Kellner, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.
2017. Computational materials science, 138, 403–411. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.07.006
Simulation der martensitischen Transformation in polykristallinen Gefügen mit der Phasenfeldmethode
Schoof, E.; Streichhan, N.; Schneider, D.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2017. Forschung aktuell, 13–16
Magische Schäume
August, A.; Matz, A. M.; Mocker, B. S.; Heimann, J.; Nestler, B.; Jost, N.; Krug, P.
2017. Horizonte, 49, 3–5
Phase-Field Modelling of Welding and of Elasticity-Dependent Phase Transformations. Dissertation
Tschukin, O.
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000072502
Large-scale multiphase-field simulations of microstructures
Nestler, B.
2017. Mechanikkolloquium, RWTH Aachen, Germany, 2017
On stress and driving force calculation within multiphase-field models : Applications to martensitic phase transformation in multigrain systems
Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Schwab, F.; Herrmann, C.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2017. 4th GAMM Workshop on Phase Field Modeling, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2nd - 3rd February 2017
Data science approaches for microstructure quantification and feature identification in porous membranes
Altschuh, P.; Yabansu, Y. C.; Hötzer, J.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Kalidindi, S. R.
2017. Journal of membrane science, 540, 88–97. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2017.06.020
On the stress calculation within phase-field approaches : a model for finite deformations
Schneider, D.; Schwab, F.; Schoof, E.; Reiter, A.; Herrmann, C.; Selzer, M.; Böhlke, T.; Nestler, B.
2017. Computational mechanics, 60 (2), 203–217. doi:10.1007/s00466-017-1401-8
Integrated Research as Key to the Development of a Sustainable Geothermal Energy Technology
Meller, C.; Bremer, J.; Ankit, K.; Baur, S.; Bergfeldt, T.; Blum, P.; Canic, T.; Eiche, E.; Gaucher, E.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Heberling, F.; Held, S.; Herfurth, S.; Isele, J.; Kling, T.; Kuhn, D.; Mayer, D.; Müller, B.; Nestler, B.; Neumann, T.; Nitschke, F.; Nothstein, A.; Nusiaputra, Y.; Orywall, P.; Peters, M.; Sahara, D.; Schäfer, T.; Schill, E.; Schilling, F.; Schröder, E.; Selzer, M.; Stoll, M.; Wiemer, H.-J.; Wolf, S.; Zimmermann, M.; Kohl, T.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 965–1006. doi:10.1002/ente.201600579
Extraction of reduced-order process-structure linkages from phase-field simulations
Yabansu, Y. C.; Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Kalidindi, S. R.; Nestler, B.
2017. Acta materialia, 124, 182–194. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.10.071
Phase-field simulations of curvature-induced cascading of Widmanstätten-ferrite plates
Bhattacharya, A.; Ankit, K.; Nestler, B.
2017. Acta materialia, 123, 317–328. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.10.035
Experimental and numerical investigation of drop evaporation depending on the shape of the liquid/gas interface
Schweigler, K. M.; Ben Said, M.; Seifritz, S.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2017. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 105, 655–663. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.10.033
Surface rippling during solidification of binary polycrystalline alloy : Insights from 3-D phase-field simulations
Ankit, K.; Xing, H.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Glicksman, M. E.
2017. Journal of Crystal Growth, 457, 52–59. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.05.033
Application of Large-Scale Phase-Field Simulations in the Context of High-Performance Computing
Hötzer, J.; Jainta, M.; Ben Said, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’15: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2015. Ed.: W. Nagel, 659–674, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24633-8_42
Optimierung des Gewichts und des Energieverlusts von um- und durchströmten Bauteilen
Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Sarstedt, P.; Kachel, G.
2016. Horizonte, 48, 23–25
Generierung von dreidimensionalen Pulverstrukturen
Hölzer, J.; Serr, C.; Nestler, B.
2016. Forschung aktuell, 32–35
Three-dimensional phasefield investigation of pore-space and permeability in sandstone
Prajapati, N.; Ankit, K.; Nestler, B.; Schmidt, C.; Hilgers, C.
2016. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, California, 12th - 16th December 2016
Threedimensional phasefield investigation of pore space cementation and permeability in quartz sandstone
Prajapati, N.; Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Schmidt, C.; Hilgers, C.
2016. Workshop "Geothermische Fluide in Salinaren Systemen", KIT- Karlsruhe, Germany, 2016
Evolution von Mikroporen in Kristallen mit hexagonaler Gitteranisotropie
Schneider, D.; Langerome, B.; Selzer, M.; Reiter, A.; Nestler, B.
2016. Forschung aktuell, 36–38
Threedimensional phasefield investigation of pore space cementation and permeability in quartz sandstone
Prajapati, N.; Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Schmidt, C.; Hilgers, C.
2016. AGU 2016 : American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 12th - 16th December 2016
On stress and driving force calculation within phase-field models : Applications to martensitic phase transformation and crack propagation in multiphase systems
Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Tschukin, T.; Schwab, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. Interdisziplinäres Seminar Mathematik und Mechanik, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland, 2016
Phase-field modeling of crack propagation in multiphase systems
Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Schwab, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. EMMC15 : 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Brussel, Belgium, 7th - 9th September 2016
Phase-field modeling of crack propagation in multiphase systems
Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Schwab, F.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. ECCOMAS 2016 : European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete Island, Greece, 5th - 10th June 2016
Pattern formation studies by large-scale phase-field simulations
Nestler, B.
2016. GAMM-Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, Deutschland, 7. - 11. März 2016
Multiscale simulations on the coarsening of Cu-rich precipitates in α-Fe using kinetic monte carlo, molecular dynamics, and phase-field simulations
Molnar, D.; Mukherjee, R.; Choudhury, A.; Mora, A.; Binkele, P.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Schmauder, S.
2016. Multiscale Materials Modeling : Approaches to Full Multiscaling. Ed.: S. Schmauder, 15–36, De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783110412451-004
Study of complex microstructure evolution in ternary eutectic alloys with massive parallel large-scale phasefield simulations
Hötzer, J.; Jainta, M.; Bauer, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Kellner, M.; Köstler, H.; Rüde, U.; Nestler, B.
2016. High performance computing in science and engineering, Garching/Munich 2016. Ed.: S. Wagner, 194–195, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Detachment of nanowires driven by capillarity
Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2016. Scripta materialia, 113, 167–170. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2015.11.002
Analytics for microstructure datasets produced by phase-field simulations
Steinmetz, P.; Yabansu, Y. C.; Hötzer, J.; Jainta, M.; Nestler, B.; Kalidindi, S. R.
2016. Acta materialia, 103, 192–203. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.09.047
Calibration of a multi-phase field model with quantitative angle measurement
Hötzer, J.; Tschukin, O.; Ben Said, M.; Berghoff, M.; Jainta, M.; Barthelemy, G.; Smorchkov, N.; Schneider, D.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. Journal of materials science, 51 (4), 1788–1797. doi:10.1007/s10853-015-9542-7
Microstructures in a ternary eutectic alloy : devising metrics based on neighbourhood relationships
Dennstedt, A.; Choudhury, A.; Ratke, L.; Nestler, B.
2016. IOP conference series / Materials science and engineering, 117, Art.Nr. 012025. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/117/1/012025
Large-scale phase-field simulations of ternary eutectic microstructure evolution
Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Kellner, M.; Dennstedt, A.; Nestler, B.
2016. Computational materials science, 117, 205–214. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.02.001
Phase-field simulations of spiral growth during directional ternary eutectic solidification
Hötzer, J.; Steinmetz, P.; Jainta, M.; Schulz, S.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.; Genau, A.; Dennstedt, A.; Bauer, M.; Köstler, H.; Rüde, U.
2016. Acta materialia, 106, 249–259. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.12.052
Influence of substrate interaction and confinement on electric-field-induced transition in symmetric block-copolymer thin films
Mukherjee, A.; Mukherjee, R.; Ankit, K.; Bhattacharya, A.; Nestler, B.
2016. Physical review / E, 93 (3), Art.Nr.: 032504. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.93.032504
Mesoskopischer Ansatz zur Festigkeitsberechnung von Bremsscheiben. Dissertation
Schmid, S.
2016. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000062541
Heat propagation in computer designed and real metal foam structures
August, A.; Matz, A. M.; Nestler, B.; Jost, N.
2016. Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures, 12 (4). doi:10.1108/MMMS-03-2016-0012
Applications of the phase-field method for the solidification of microstructures in multi-component systems
Hötzer, J.; Kellner, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Nestler, B.
2016. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 96 (3), 235–256
Electric-field-induced lamellar to hexagonally perforated lamellar transition in diblock copolymer thin films: Kinetic pathways
Mukherjee, A.; Ankit, K.; Reiter, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. Physical chemistry, chemical physics, 18 (36), 25609–25620. doi:10.1039/c6cp04903f
Phase-Field Modeling of Grain-Boundary Grooving Under Electromigration
Mukherjee, A.; Ankit, K.; Mukherjee, R.; Nestler, B.
2016. Journal of electronic materials, 45 (12), 6233–6246. doi:10.1007/s11664-016-4848-z
3D Synchrotron Imaging of a Directionally Solidified Ternary Eutectic
Dennstedt, A.; Helfen, L.; Steinmetz, P.; Nestler, B.; Ratke, L.
2016. Metallurgical and materials transactions / A, 47 (3), 981–984. doi:10.1007/s11661-015-3294-5
Phase-field modeling of crack propagation in multiphase Systems
Schneider, D.; Schoof, E.; Huang, Y.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 312, 186–195. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2016.04.009
Modeling of crack propagation on a mesoscopic length scale
Nestler, B.; Schneider, D. M.; Schoof, E.; Huang, Y.; Selzer, M.
2016. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 39 (1), 78–91. doi:10.1002/gamm.201610005
A multiscale approach for thermomechanical simulations of loading courses in cast iron brake discs
Schmid, S.; Schneider, D. M.; Herrmann, C.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2016. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 14 (1), 25–43. doi:10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2015014764
Phase-field study of the pattern formation in Al-Ag-Cu under the influence of the melt concentration
Steinmetz, P.; Kellner, M.; Hötzer, J.; Dennstedt, A.; Nestler, B.
2016. Computational Materials Science, 121, 6–13. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.04.025
Phase-field study of pore-grain boundary interaction
Hötzer, J.; Rehn, V.; Rheinheimer, W.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Nestler, B.
2016. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 124 (4), 329–339. doi:10.2109/jcersj2.15266
Large-Scale and Massively Parallel Phase-Field Simulations of Pattern Formation in Ternary Eutectic Alloys
Hötzer, J.; Bauer, M.; Jainta, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Berghoff, M.; Schornbaum, F.; Godenschwager, C.; Köstler, H.; Rüde, U.; Nestler, B.
2015. SC15, Austin, TX, November 16 - 19 in Austin, Texas, USA
Elasto-plastic phase-field model accounting for mechanical jump conditions during solid-state phase transformations
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials (PTM), Whistler, Canada, 28th June - 3rd July 2015
Elasto-plastic phase-field model based on mechanical jump conditions
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. 2. GAMM Seminar on Phase-Field-Modelling, Siegen University, Germany, 5th - 6th February 2015
Elastoplastic phase-field model accounting for mechanical jump conditions during solid-state phase transformations
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Schoof, E.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. PTM 2015 : International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials, Westin Whistler Resort & Spa, Canada, 28th June - 3rd July 2015
Elastoplastic phase-field model accounting for mechanical jump conditions during solid-state phase transformations
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Schoof, E.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. ICM12 : 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Karlsruhe, Germany, 10th - 14th May 2015
Phase-Field Modeling of Solid-Solid Phase Transformations
Schneider, D.; Kumar, A.; Tschukin, O.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. ESMC9 : 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Madrid, Spain, 6th - 10th July 2015
Die Elite der Maschinenbauer. Professorin Britta Nestler forscht am KIT
Nestler, B.
2015. Stadtgespräche aus Karlsruhe. Hrsg.: M. Kehle, 119–124, Gmeiner
Die Vielfalt der Musterbildung in Metallen - Großskalige Phasenfeldsimulationen zur gerichteten Erstarrung ternärer eutektischer Systeme
Hötzer, J.; Jainta, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Dennstedt, A.; Nestler, B.
2015. Horizonte, 45, 10–13
Elasto-plastic phase-field model accounting for mechanical jump conditions during solid-state phase transformations
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials 2015 (PTM), Whistler, Canada, 28th June - 3rd July 2015. Ed.: M. Militzer, 899–900, PTM
Large scale phase-field simulations of directional ternary eutectic solidification
Hötzer, J.; Jainta, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Nestler, B.; Dennstedt, A.; Genau, A.; Bauer, M.; Köstler, H.; Rüde, U.
2015. Acta materialia, 93, 194–204. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.03.051
Underdamped capillary wave caused by solutal Marangoni convection in immiscible liquids
Wang, F.; Ben Said, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. Journal of materials science, 51 (4), 1820–1828. doi:10.1007/s10853-015-9600-1
Compound Droplets on Fibers
Weyer, F.; Ben Said, M.; Hötzer, J.; Berghoff, M.; Dreesen, L.; Nestler, B.; Vandewalle, N.
2015. Langmuir, 31 (28), 7799–7805. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b01391
Diffuse interface method for fluid flow and heat transfer in cellular solids
Ettrich, J.; Nestler, B.
2015. Advances in engineering software, 87, 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2015.04.012
A method for coupling the phase-field model based on a grand-potential formalism to thermodynamic databases
Choudhury, A.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. Current opinion in solid state & materials science, 19 (5), 287–300. doi:10.1016/j.cossms.2015.03.003
Massively parallel phase-field simulations for ternary eutectic directional solidification
Bauer, M.; Hötzer, J.; Jainta, M.; Steinmetz, P.; Berghoff, M.; Schornbaum, F.; Godenschwager, C.; Köstler, H.; Nestler, B.; Rüde, U.
2015. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2015; Austin; United States; 15 November 2015 through 20 November 2015, Art.Nr.: 8, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/2807591.2807662
Phase field crystal modeling of ternary solidification microstructures
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. Computational condensed matter, 4, 46–58. doi:10.1016/j.cocom.2015.08.002
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Phase Separation Affected by Cooling Rates and Marangoni Convection in Cu-Cr Alloys
Wang, F.; Klinski-Wetzel, K. von; Mukherjee, R.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. Metallurgical and materials transactions / A, 46 (4), 1756–1766. doi:10.1007/s11661-015-2745-3
Microstructural evolution in bitaxial crack-seal veins: A phase-field study
Ankit, K.; Urai, J. L.; Nestler, B.
2015. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 120 (5), 3096–3118. doi:10.1002/2015JB011934
Phase‐field Modeling of Fracture Cementation Processes in 3‐D
Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Hilgers, C.; Nestler, B.
2015. Journal of Petroleum Science Research, 4 (2), 79–96. doi:10.12783/jpsr.2015.0402.04
Evolution of mixed cementite morphologies during non-cooperative eutectoid transformation in Fe-C steels
Ankit, K.; Mittnacht, T.; Mukherjee, R.; Nestler, B.
2015. Computational materials science, 108, 342–347. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.03.002
Dynamische Lastverteilung auf einem HPC Framework mit nachrichtenbasierter Kommunikation
Heisler, C.; Hötzer, J.; Maier, M.; Reiter, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. Forschung aktuell, 2015, 16–18
Modellierung und Simulation der Starrkörperbewegung in Rückschlagventilen
Jainta, M.; Reiter, A.; August, A.; Moik, F.; Nestler, B.
2015. Forschung aktuell, 2015, 13–15
Sonnenbäder am Nordpol: Das Eisbär-Prinzip für Gebäude
August, A.; Nestler, B.; Kneer, A.
2015. Horizonte : Forschung an Fachhochschulen in Baden-Württemberg, (45), 68
Small strain elasto-plastic multiphase-field model
Schneider, D.; Schmid, S.; Selzer, M.; Boehlke, T.; Nestler, B.
2015. Computational Mechanics, 55 (1), 27–35. doi:10.1007/s00466-014-1080-7
Phase-field elasticity model based on mechanical jump conditions
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Böhlke, T.; Nestler, B.
2015. Computational mechanics, 55 (5), 887–901. doi:10.1007/s00466-015-1141-6
Prediction of heat conduction in open-cell foams via the diffuse interface representation of the phase-field method
August, A.; Ettrich, J.; Rölle, M.; Schmid, S.; Berghoff, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 84, 800–808. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2015.01.052
Phase-field simulations of large-scale microstructures by integrated parallel algorithms
Hötzer, J.; Jainta, M.; Vondrous, A.; Ettrich, J.; August, A.; Stubenvoll, D.; Reichardt, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2015. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS), 2014. Hrsg.: W. E. Nagel, 629–644, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10810-0_41
Combined crystal plasticity and phase-field method for recrystallization in a process chain of sheet metal production
Vondrous, A.; Bienger, P.; Schreijäg, S.; Selzer, M.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Helm, D.; Mönig, R.
2015. Computational mechanics, 55 (2), 439–452. doi:10.1007/s00466-014-1115-0
Lamellar eutectic simulations in ternary phase-field crystal
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Multiscale modeling of materials with atomic scale resolution using phase-field-crystal methods, MULTIMAT, Lausanne, 21.- 23. May, 2014
Scale-Bridging Phase-Field Simulations of Microstructure Responses on Nucleation in Metals and Colloids
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. SPP1296 Abschlusskolloquium, Bayreuth, 2014
Scale-Bridging Phase-Field Simulations of Microstructure Responses on Nucleation in Metals and Colloids
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. SPP1296 Abschlusskolloquium, Bayreuth, 2014
Numerical methods to study phase transformation and transport mechanisms in veins
Ankit, K.; Nestler, B.
2014. PetroTherm-Seminar SS 2014 : Introduction to GeoLab, Karlsruhe, Germany, 17th April 2014
Comprehending the mechanism of vein formation : Insights from three-dimensional phase-field modeling and innovative post-processing techniques
Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. The Clustered ECCM V and ECFD VI Jointly Organized with WCCM XI : 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics - 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics Barcelona, Spain, 20-25 July 2014
A three-dimensional phase-field study of grain boundary tracking behavior in crack-seal microstructures
Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2014), Wien, Österreich, 27. April–2. Mai 2014
Phase-field modeling of crystal growth in geological veins : A first look
Ankit, K.; Urai, J.; Hilgers, C.; Nestler, B.
2014. PFM 2014 : The Third International Symposium on Phase-field Method 2014, State College, Pennsylvania, 26th-29th August 2014
Mathematical modeling of microstructural evolution in geological vein networks and solid-state phase transformations
Ankit, K.; Nestler, B.
2014. Workshop on polycrystalline growth : New insights from experiments and modeling, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2014
Phasenfeldmodellierung der Spannungsentwicklung in heterogenen Gefügen
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Sitzung Fachausschuss Computersimulation, Bochum, Deutschland, 2014
Phase-field modeling of stress evolution in heterogen structures
Schneider, D.; Tschukin, O.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, 20–25 July 2014
Packungsalgorithmen zur Generierung granularer Partikelstrukturen für die Simulation von Sinterprozessen
Hötzer, J.; Rölle, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Forschung aktuell, 2014, 57–60
Molecular Dynamics virtual testing of thermally aged Fe–Cu microstructures obtained from multiscale simulations
Molnar, D.; Binkele, P.; Mora, A.; Mukherjee, R.; Nestler, B.; Schmauder, S.
2014. Computational materials science, 81, 466–470. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2013.08.057
Growth rate distributions for regular two-dimensional grains with Read–Shockley grain boundary energy
Vondrous, A.; Reichardt, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 22 (2), 025014. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/22/2/025014
Phase-field modeling of diffusion coupled crack propagation processes
Schneider, D.; Selzer, M.; Bette, J.; Rementeria, I.; Vondrous, A.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Nestler, B.
2014. Advanced Engineering Materials, 16 (2), 142–146. doi:10.1002/adem.201300073
Virtuelle Material- und Prozessentwicklung am Beispiel der Konstrukturausbildung in Schweißnähten
Nestler, B.; Tschukin, O.; Jainta, M.; Daubermann, M.; Selzer, M.; Widak, V.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.
2014. Forschungsreport für den Maschinenbau in Baden-Württemberg, 2014, 56–58
Digital representation of complex cellular structures for numerical simulations
Ettrich, J.; August, A.; Roelle, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Cellular Materials (CellMAT 2014), Dresden, October 22-24, 2014
Open cell metal foams: Measurement and numerical modelling of fluid flow and heat transfer
Ettrich, J.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2014. Cellular Materials (CellMAT 2014), Dresden, October 22-24, 2014
A numerical approach to derive analytical correlations for pressure drop and heat transfer for open cell porosities
August, A.; Kneer, A.; Janßen-Tapken, K.; Nestler, B.
2014. Cellular Materials (CellMAT 2014), Dresden, October 22-24, 2014
Digital representation of complex cellular structures for numerical simulations
Ettrich, J.; August, A.; Roelle, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Cellular Materials (CellMAT 2014), Dresden, 22.-24. Oktober 2014, CD-ROM
Open cell metal foams: Measurement and numerical modelling of fluid flow and heat transfer
Ettrich, J.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2014. Cellular Materials (CellMAT 2014), Dresden, 22.-24. Oktober 2014, CD-ROM
Three-dimensional phase-field study of crack-seal microstructures - insights from innovative post-processing techniques
Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Geoscientific model development discussions, 7, 631–658. doi:10.5194/gmdd-7-631-2014
Metallische Schneeflocken
Wesner, E.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2014. Horizonte : Forschung an Fachhochschulen in Baden-Württemberg, (43), 29–31
Modelling of transient heat conduction with diffuse interface methods
Ettrich, J.; Choudhury, A.; Tschukin, O.; Schoof, E.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2014. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 22 (8), Art.Nr. 085006/1–29. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/22/8/085006
Mechanische und Strömungsmechanische Topologieoptimierung mit der Phasenfeldmethode. Dissertation
Selzer, M.
2014. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000049243
Numerical study on solutal Marangoni instability in finite systems with a miscibility gap
Wang, F.; Mukherjee, R.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. Physics of fluids, 26 (12), Art.Nr. 1.4902355. doi:10.1063/1.4902355
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Cellular Solids. Dissertation
Ettrich, J.
2014. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000042041
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Cellular Solids. Dissertation
Ettrich, J.
2014. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000041877
Scale-bridging phase-field simulations of microstructure responses on nucleation in metals and colloids
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2014. European physical journal special topics, 223 (3), 409–419. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2014-02099-8
A Phase-Field Approach for Wetting Phenomena of Multiphase Droplets on Solid Surfaces
Ben Said, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Braun, D.; Greiner, C.; Garcke, H.
2014. Langmuir, 30 (14), 4033–4039. doi:10.1021/la500312q
Parallel computing for phase-field models
Vondrous, A.; Selzer, M.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.
2014. The international journal of high performance computing applications, 28 (1), 61–72. doi:10.1177/1094342013490972
Scale-Bridging Phase-Field Simulations of Microstructure Responses on Nucleation in Metals and Colloids
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2013. SPP1296-Final Meeting, Raunheim, 2013
Flow anisotropy in sheared fractures with self-affine surfaces
Schoenball, M.; Selzer, M.; Kühnle, N.; Nestler, B.
2013. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2013), Pisa, Italien, 3.–7. Juni 2013
Adaptive Gitterverfahren für großskalige Mikrostruktursimulationen
Kröger, P.; Berghoff, M.; Reichardt, M.; Nestler, B.
2013. Forschung aktuell (1613-4958), 2013, 74–77
Meso- und Makrosimulation der Wärme- und Spannungsentwicklung in Bremsscheiben
Neufeld, W.; Schmid, S.; Nestler, B.
2013. Forschung aktuell (1613-4958), 2013, 23–25
Energieeffiziente Um- und Durchströmungsprozesse durch automatisierte Formgebung
Bühler, K.; Kachel, G.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Peichel, D.
2013. Forschungsreport für den Maschinenbau in Baden-Württemberg, 2013, 61–64
Im Gespräch: Fünf KIT Maschinenbauprofessorinnnen
Frohnapfel, B.; Deml, B.; Nestler, B.; Lanza, G.; Ovtcharova, J.
2013. LookKIT. Das Magazin für Forschung, Lehre, Innovation. The magazine for research, teaching, innovation, 2013 (3), 10–15
Rearrangement of martensitic variants in Ni2MnGa studied with the phase-field method
Mennerich, C.; Wendler, F.; Jainta, M.; Nestler, B.
2013. The European physical journal / B, 86 (4), 171. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2013-30941-6
New Metallographic Method for Estimation of Ordering and Lattice Parameter in Ternary Eutectic Systems
Dennstedt, A.; Ratke, L.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2013. Metallography, microstructure, and analysis, 2 (3), 140–147. doi:10.1007/s13632-013-0072-x
Composition pathway in Fe–Cu–Ni alloy during coarsening
Mukherjee, R.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2013. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 21 (7), 075012. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/21/7/075012
Oscillative surface morphology in peritectic NiAl using phase-field modeling
Kist, M.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2013. International journal of materials research, 104 (11), 1096–1107. doi:10.3139/146.110966
Phase-field study of grain boundary tracking behavior in crack-seal microstructures
Ankit, K.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Reichardt, M.
2013. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166 (6), 1709–1723. doi:10.1007/s00410-013-0950-x
Advanced coupled simulation methods for heat transfer and stiffnessphenomena induced by fluid flow in metal foams
Kneer, A.; Janssen-Tapken, K.; Reimann, K.; August, A.; Nestler, B.
2013. 5th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Sciennce and Engineering, Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, E, June 17-19, 2013
Development and numerical investigation of metal foam based modular latent heat storage cell
Kneer, A.; August, A.; Nestler, B.; Martens, E.
2013. 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy (EnMat 2013), Karlsruhe, 12.-16. Mai 2013
Thermal conductivity of air filled open cell aluminum foams
August, A.; Nestler, B.; Rölle, M.; Schmid, S.; Ettrich, J.
2013. 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy (EnMat 2013), Karlsruhe, 12.-16. Mai 2013
Flow anisotropy in sheared fractures with self-affine surfaces
Schoenball, M.; Selzer, M.; Kühnle, N.; Nestler, B.; Schmittbuhl, J.; Kohl, T.
2013. Proceedings of the European Geothermal Congress 2013, Pisa, I, June 3-7, 2013, European Geothermal Congress
Phase-field simulations at the atomic scale in comparison to molecular dynamics
Berghoff, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2013. The ScientificWorld journal, 2013, 564272. doi:10.1155/2013/564272
Efficient techniques for bridging from atomic to mesoscopic scale in phase-field simulations
Berghoff, M.; Selzer, M.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2013. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 13 (5-6), 441–454. doi:10.3233/JCM-130476
Theoretical and numerical study of lamellar eutectoid growth influenced by volume diffusion
Ankit, K.; Choudhury, A.; Qin, C.; Schulz, S.; McDaniel, M.; Nestler, B.
2013. Acta Materialia, 61 (11), 4245–4253. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2013.03.050
Scale-Bridging Simulation from Atomistic to Mesoscopic Length Scale
Berghoff, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Rozas, R. E.; Horbach, J.
2012. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2018), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 26.–28. September 2018
Elasto-plastisches Materialverhalten – ein Mikrostrukturmodell für plastische Verformung
Höhn, J.; Schneider, D.; Schmid, S.; Nestler, B.
2012. Forschung aktuell, 2012, 56–57
A combined MRT Lattice-Boltzmann and phase-field method for fluid flow and heat transfer simulations in cellular solids
Ettrich, J.; Nestler, B.; Rölle, M.
2012. ECCOMAS 2012 : September 10 - 14, 2012, Vienna, Austria ; proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 8461–8472, Wien
Eisbärbauten - Simulation der physikalischen Eigenschaften von textilen Wärmedämmstoffen
Römmelt, M.; August, A.; Kneer, A.; Stegmaier, T.; Nestler, B.
2012. Forschung aktuell, 2012, 21–24
Grand-potential formulation for multicomponent phase transformations combined with thin-interface asymptotics of the double-obstacle potential
Choudhury, A. N.; Nestler, B.
2012. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85 (2), 021602. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.85.021602
Thermal conductivity of air filled open cell aluminum foams
August, A.; Nestler, B.; Rölle, M.; Schmid, S.; Ettrich, J.
2012. Biannual Internat.Conf.on Materials Science Engineering (MSE 2012), Darmstadt, September 25-27, 2012
Computational analysis of bio inspired thermal absorber systems made of textile fabrics
Schoof, E.; Römmelt, M.; Selzer, M.; August, A.; Nestler, B.; Kneer, A.; Stegmaier, T.
2012. International School and Conference on Biological Materials Science, Potsdam, March 20-23, 2012
A phase-field study of large-scale dendrite fragmentation in Al-Cu
Wesner, E.; Choudhury, A.; August, A.; Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2012. Journal of crystal growth, 359 (1), 107–121. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.08.036
Spinodal decomposition and droplets entrapment in monotectic solidification
Wang, F.; Choudhury, A.; Straßacker, C.; Nestler, B.
2012. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 (3), 034702/1–9. doi:10.1063/1.4734485
Metallic foam structures, dendrites and implementation optimizations for phase-field modeling
Vondrous, A.; Nestler, B.; August, A.; Wesner, E.; Choudhury, A.; Hötzer, J.
2012. High performance computing in science and engineering ’ 11 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2011. Ed.: W.E. Nagel, 595–606, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23869-7_43
Comparison of phase-field and cellular automaton models for dendritic solidification in Al-Cu alloy
Choudhury, A.; Reuther, K.; Wesner, E.; August, A.; Nestler, B.; Rettenmayr, M.
2012. Computational materials science, 55, 263–268. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.12.019
Multiscale simulations on the coarsening of Cu-rich precipitates in α-Fe using kinetic Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics and phase-field simulations
Molnar, D.; Mukherjee, R.; Choudhury, A.; Mora, A.; Binkele, P.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Schmauder, S.
2012. Acta materialia, 60, 6961–6971. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.08.051
Effect of solutal Marangoni convection on motion, coarsening, and coalescence of droplets in a monotectic system
Wang, F.; Choudhury, A.; Selzer, M.; Mukherjee, R.; Nestler, B.
2012. Physical review / E, 86 (6), 066318/1–13. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.86.066318
Simulation of diffusion and microstructure evolution in the Fe-C system
Qin, C.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2012. Proceedings of the Summer School 2011. Graduate School 1483. Process Chains in Production: Interaction, Modelling and Assessment of Process Zones. Ed.: R. Pabst, 51–54, KIT Scientific Publishing
Quantitative phase-field model for phase transformations in multi-component alloys. Dissertation
Choudhury, A. N.
2012. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000027108
A phase-field model for the magnetic shape memory effect
Mennerich, C.; Wendler, F.; Jainta, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. Archives of mechanics, 63 (5-6), 549–571
Scale-Bridging Phase-Field Simulations of Microstructure Responses on Nucleation in Metals and Colloids
Berghoff, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. SPP DFG Begutachtung, Bayreuth, 2011
Gauging the Phase Field Crystal Model on Simple Systems: Hard Spheres
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.; Oettel, M.; Schilling, T.
2011. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13.-18. März 2011
Scale-Bridging Phase-Field Simulations of Microstructure Responses on Nucleation in Metals and Colloids
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. SPP1296-Kick Off Meeting, Stuttgart, 2011
Scale-Bridging Phase-Field Simulations of Microstructure Responses on Nucleation in Metals and Colloids
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. SPP DFG Begutachtung, Bayreuth, 2011
Scale-Bridging Simulation on Atomistic and Mesoscopic Length Scales
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 25-29 April 2011
Scale-Bridging Simulation on Atomistic and Mesoscopic Length Scales
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. 75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011
Untersuchung der Diffusionsabhängigkeit des Schmelzverhaltens nadelförmiger Kristallstrukturen
Kist, M.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2011. Forschung aktuell, 2011, 24–26
A phase-field model for polycrystalline thin film growth
Wendler, F.; Mennerich, C.; Nestler, B.
2011. Journal of crystal growth, 327 (1), 189–201. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.04.044
Phase-field modeling of multi-component systems
Nestler, B.; Choudhury, A.
2011. Current opinion in solid state & materials science, 15 (3), 93–105. doi:10.1016/j.cossms.2011.01.003
Theoretical and numerical study of lamellar eutectic three-phase growth in ternary alloys
Choudhury, A.; Plapp, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. Physical review / E, 83 (5), 051608. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.83.051608
Solidification morphologies in monotectic alloys
Wang, F.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2011. IOP conference series / Materials science and engineering, 27, 012027/1–6. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/27/1/012027
Metallic foam structures, dendrites and implementation optimizations for phase-field modeling
Vondrous, A.; Nestler, B.; August, A.; Wesner, E.; Choudhury, A.; Hötzer, J.
2011. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Stuttgart, October 4-5, 2011
Phase-field study of the fragmentation secondary arm in Al-Cu alloys
Wesner, E.; Choudhury, A.; August, A.; Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. Euromat 2011 : European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, F, September 12-15, 2011
Generierung offenporiger metallischer Schaumstrukturen zur Simulation der Wärmeübertragungseigenschaften
Rölle, M.; August, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2011. Forschung aktuell, 2011, 21–23
Analysis of thermal evolution in textile fabrics using advanced microstructure simulation techniques
Römmelt, M.; August, A.; Nestler, B.; Kneer, A.
2011. 5th Internat.Conf.on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures (Structural Membranes 2011), Barcelona, E, October 5-7, 2011
Analysis of thermal evolution in textile fabrics using advanced microstructure simulation techniques
Römmelt, M.; August, A.; Nestler, B.; Kneer, A.
2011. 5th Internat.Conf.on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures (Structural Membranes 2011), Barcelona, E, October 5-7, 2011. Ed.: E. Onate, 614–626
Offenporige metallische Schäume
August, A.; Nestler, B.; Kneer, A.; Wendler, F.; Rölle, M.; Selzer, M.
2011. Werkstoffe in der Fertigung, 2011 (6), 45–46
Nass- und Trockenräumen von 16MnCr5
Meier, H.; Rilli, R.; Schulze, V.
2010. R. Pabst, B. Nestler & V. Schulze (Hrsg.), 1. Klausurtagung des Graduiertenkollegs 1483, 3. Symposium des CCMSE Hrsg.: Pabst, Rüdiger; Nestler, Britta; Schulze, Volker, 39–43, Shaker Verlag
Phase-field crystal model for fcc structures
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2010. SPP Fokustreffen, Mainz, 2010
Phase-Field Crystal Simulation
Berghoff, M.; Nestler, B.
2010. SPP1296-Kick Off Meeting, Aachen, January 2010
Efficiency Study of Metal Foams for Heat Storage and Heat Exchange
August, A.; Nestler, B.; Wendler, F.; Selzer, M.; Kneer, A.; Martens, E.
2010. CELLMAT 2010 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Cellular Materials, Dresden, Germany, October 27 - 29, 2010. Ed.: G. Stephan, 148–151, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials
Development of a metal foam based latent heat cooling system in the field of solar power generation
Kneer, A.; Engeda, S.; Girlich, D.; Martens, E.; Nestler, B.
2010. CELLMAT 2010 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Cellular Materials, Dresden, Germany, October 27 - 29, 2010. Ed.: G. Stephan, 152–159, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials
Segmentierung und Visualisierung von polykristallinen MikroStrukturen
Brauchle, S.; Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen. Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg.: R. Pabst, 119–124, Shaker Verlag
Das Exzellenzzentrum CCMSE - Center of Computational Materials Science and Engineering
Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen. Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg.: R. Pabst, 91–94, Shaker Verlag
Phase-field modeling of three phase eutectic solidification
Choudhury, A.; Plapp, M.; Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen. Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg.: R. Pabst, 95–100, Shaker Verlag
Ein Phasenfeldmodell zur Beschreibung polykristallinen Kornwachstums auf dünnen Filmen
Mennerich, C.; Wendler, F.; Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen. Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg.: R. Pabst, 107–112, Shaker Verlag
Kristallwachstum und Schmelzen in der NiZr-Legierung: Kombination von Phasenfeldmodellierung und Molekulardynamik-Simulationen
Guerdane, M.; Wendler, F.; Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen : Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg. R. Pabst, 79–84, Shaker Verlag
Modellierung und Simulation der Kohlenstoffdiffusion in Austenit mit der Multiphasenfeldmethode
Qin, C.; Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen : Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg. R. Pabst, 69–74, Shaker Verlag
Anwendung thermodynamischer Datensätze in der Phasenfeldsimulation
Schulz, S.; Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen : Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg. R. Pabst, 101–106, Shaker Verlag
High Performance Computing in der Materialforschung
Vondrous, A.; Buch, J.; Müller, A.; Nestler, B.
2010. Forschung aktuell, 2010, 8–11
Nutzung thermodynamischer Datensätze in der computergestützten Materialforschung
Schulz, S.; Nestler, B.
2010. Forschung aktuell, 2010, 5–7
Large grain systems based on experimental EBSD-data and influence of elastic forces
Selzer, M.; Jainta, M.; Reichardt, M.; Unser, A.; Nestler, B.
2010. Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik, Regensburg, 21.- 26.März 2010 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.45(2010) MM 44.4
Efficiency study of metal foams for heat storage and heat exchange
August, A.; Nestler, B.; Wendler, F.; Selzer, M.; Kneer, A.; Martens, E.
2010. Gumbsch, P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 5th Internat.Conf.on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM 2010), Freiburg, October 4-8, 2010 Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verl., 2010, 355–358
Efficiency study of metal foams for heat storage and heat exchange
August, A.; Nestler, B.; Wendler, F.; Selzer, M.; Kneer, A.; Martens, E.
2010. 5th Internat.Conf.on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM 2010), Freiburg, October 4-8, 2010
Subkorngenerierung in plastisch deformierten MikroStrukturen im kombinierten Simulationsprozess Walzen und Glühen zur statischen Rekristallisation mit der Phasenfeldmethode
Vondrous, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2010. Graduiertenkolleg 1483 - Prozessketten in der Fertigung: Wechselwirkung, Modellbildung und Bewertung von Prozesszonen : Begleitband zur 1. jährlichen Klausurtagung 2010. Hrsg. R. Pabst, 17–20, Shaker Verlag
Crystal growth and melting in NiZr alloy: Linking phase-field modeling to molecular dynamics simulations
Guerdane, M.; Wendler, F.; Danilov, D.; Teichler, H.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Wendler, F.
2010. Physical review / B, 81 (22), 224108. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.224108
A multigrid solver for phase field simulation of microstructure evolution
Vanherpe, L.; Wendler, F.; Nestler, B.; Vandewalle, S.
2010. Mathematics and computers in simulation, 80 (7), 1438–1448. doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2009.10.007
Conversion of EBSD data by a quaternion based algorithm to be used for grain structure simulations
Melcher, A.; Unser, A.; Reichhardt, M.; Nestler, B.; Pötschke, M.; Selzer, M.
2010. Technische Mechanik, 30, 401–413
Growth Morphologies in Peritectic Solidication of Fe-C: A Phase-Field Study
Choudhury, A.; Nestler, B.; Telang, A.; Selzer, M.; Wendler, F.
2010. Acta Materialia, 58 (10), 3815–3823. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.03.030
Combined Lattice Boltzmann and phase-field simulations for incompressible fluid flow in porous media
Nestler, B.; Aksi, A.; Selzer, M.
2010. Mathematics and computers in simulation, 80 (7), 1458–1468. doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2009.11.003
3-D-Visualisierung in der computergestützten Materialforschung
Nestler, B.; Waniorek, S.
2009. Forschung aktuell, 2009, 36–38
3D-Simulationsumgebung für haptische Sensor- und Aktorkomponenten im Cockpit
Wettach, M.; Frodl, T.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Schyr, C.
2009. Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift, 111 (3), 208–215
Mikrostruktursimulation in der Werkstofftechnik
Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Jainta, M.
2009. Werkstoffe in der Fertigung, 2009, 37–38
Simulationsmethoden in der Werkstoffkunde
Aksi, A.; Dewal, G.; Jainta, M.; Melcher, A.; Nestler, B.; Nyamsuren-von Stackelberg, O.; Selzer, M.; Wendler, F.
2009. Werkstoffe und Technologien zur Kaltverformung. Tagungsband zum Technik-Forum 2008, Hochschule Pforzheim. Hrsg.: N. Jost, 9–36, Hochschule
Microstructure simulations
Aksi, A.; Choudhury, A.; Schulz, S.; Mennerich, C.; Melcher, A.; Nestler, B.
2009. 8th IIR Conference on Phase-Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Karlsruhe, June 3 - 5, 2009, CD-ROM, IIR
Comparative study of two phase-field models for grain growth
Moelans, N.; Wendler, F.; Nestler, B.
2009. Computational Materials Science, 46, 479–490
Two-dimensional numerical model for the analysis of macrosegregation during solidification
Ferreira, I. L.; Voller, V. R.; Nestler, B.; Garcia, A.
2009. Computational Materials Science, 46 (3), 358–366
Phase-field simulations of partial melts in geological materials
Wendler, F.; Becker, J. K.; Nestler, B.; Bons, P. D.; Walte, N. P.
2009. Computers & Geosciences, 35, 1907–1916
A Lattice-Boltzmann model to simulate the growth of dendritic and eutectic microstructures under the influence of fluid flow
Selzer, M.; Jainta, M.; Nestler, B.
2009. Physica Status Solidi - B - Basic Solid State Physics, 246 (6), 1197–1205
Atomistic and mesoscale simulations of free solidification in comparison
Maltsev, I.; Mirzoev, A.; Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.
2009. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 17, 055006. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/17/5/055006
Phase-field simulations of nuclei and early stage solidification microstructures
Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Danilov, D.
2009. Journal of physics / Condensed matter, 21, 464107. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/21/46/464107
Massive multi-phase-field simulations: Methods to compute large grain systems
Nestler, B.; Reichardt, M.; Selzer, M.
2008. Aluminium alloys : their physical and mechanical properties. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys, 22 - 26 Sept. 2008, Aachen, Germany. Ed.: J. Hirsch, 1251–1255, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Simulations of solidification microstructures in the presence of phases with volume constraints and fluid flow
Jainta, M.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.
2008. Aluminium alloys : their physical and mechanical properties. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys, 22 - 26 Sept. 2008, Aachen, Germany. Ed.: J. Hirsch, 1199–1203, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Mikrostrukturen in geologischen Materialien: Kornstrukturen und Rissversiegelungsprozesse
Dewal, G.; Reichardt, M.; Nestler, B.
2008. Forschung aktuell, 2008, 33–35
Simulation von Strömungsprozessen mit der Lattice-Boltzmann-Methode
Jainta, M.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2008. Forschung aktuell, 2008, 84–86
Phase-Field Modeling of Solidification in Multi-Component and Multi-Phase Alloys
Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.
2008. Phase Transformations in Multicomponent Melts. Ed.: D. Herlach, 339–351, Wiley-VCH Verlag. doi:10.1002/9783527624041.ch21
Phase-field modeling of solidification in multi-component and multi phase alloys
Danilow, D.; Nestler, B.
2008. Phase transformations in multicomponent melts. Hrsg.: D.M. Herlach, 339–352, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Massive multi-phase-eld simulations. Methods to compute large grain systems
Nestler, B.; Reichardt, M.; Selzer, M.
2008. Aluminium alloys. Bd. 2. Ed.: J. Hirsch, 1251–1255, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Simulations of solidication microstructures in the presence of phases with volume constraints and fluid flow
Jainta, M.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.
2008. Aluminium alloys. Bd. 2. Ed.: J. Hirsch, 1199–1203, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Allen-Cahn systems with volume constraints
Garcke, H.; Nestler, B.; Stinner, B.; Wendler, F.
2008. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 18 (8), 1347–1381
Phase-field model for multiphase systems with preserved volume fractions
Nestler, B.; Wendler, F.; Selzer, M.
2008. Physical review / E, 78, 011604/1–7
Phase-field modelling
Nestler, B.
2007. Computational materials engineering: an introduction to microstructure evolution. Ed.: K. G. F. Janssens, 319–386, Elsevier
Optimierte parallele Algorithmen zur numerischen Simulation von Mikrostrukturen
Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.
2007. Aktuelle Trends in der Softwareforschung. Hrsg.: K. Haasis, 95–105, MFG-Stiftung BW
Computational materials engineering. An introduction to microstructure evolution
Janssens, K. G. F.; Raabe, D.; Kozeschnik, E.; Miodownik, M. A.; Nestler, B.
2007. Acad. Pr
A metallic glass composite: Phase-field simulations and experimental analysis of microstructure evolution
Nestler, B.; Danilov, D.; Bracchi, A.; Huang, Y.-L.; Niermann, T.; Seibt, M.; Schneider, S.
2007. Materials Science and Engineering A, 452-453, 8–14
Modelling of dendritic solidification in undercooled dilute Ni-Zr melts
Galenko, P. K.; Reutzel, S.; Herlach, D. M.; Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.
2007. Acta Materialia, 55, 6834–6842
Phase field modeling of fracture and stress-induced phase transitions
Spatschek, R.; Müller-Gugenberger, C.; Brener, E.; Nestler, B.
2007. Physical review / E, 75, 066111/1–14
3D phase-field simulations of polycrystalline and multiphase microstructures
Wendler, F.; Nestler, B.
2006. Modeling of casting, welding and advanced solidification processes - XI, Opio, France, May 28 - June 2, 2006. Ed.: C. A. Gandin, 433–440, TMS
Numerical and experimental analysis of macrosegregation during upward and downward solidification of a ternary Al-Cu-Si alloy
Ferreira, I. L.; Spinelli, J. E.; Nestler, B.; Garcia, A.
2006. Modeling of casting, welding and advanced solidification processes - XI, Opio, France, May 28 - June 2, 2006. Ed.: C. A. Gandin, 251–266, TMS
Lecture Notes on Computational Condensed Matter Physics
Nestler, B.
2006. Computational condensed matter physics. Ed.: S. Blügel, C3.1-C3.27, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Ein Kontinuumsmodell zur Beschreibung der Mikrostrukturausbildung bei der Versiegelung von Brüchen in Gesteinsadern
Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Wendler, F.
2006. Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Hrsg.: J. Wittmann, 205–214, Shaker Verlag
Phasenfeldsimulation der Korngrenzenbewegung und des Kornwachstums in geologischen Materialien
Wendler, F.; Zamora-Morschhäuser, M.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.
2006. Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Hrsg.: J. Wittmann, 215–224, Shaker Verlag
Phase-field simulations of dendritic/globular and eutectic solidification in Ni-Cu-Cr and Al-Cu alloys
Nestler, B.; Danilov, D.
2006. Modeling of casting, welding and advanced solidification processes - XI. Ed.: Ch. -A. Gandin, 441–448, TMS
Numerical and experimantal analysis of macrosegregation during upward and downward solidification of a ternary Al-Cu-Si alloy
Ferreira, I. L.; Spinelli, J. E.; Nestler, B.; Garcia, A.
2006. Modeling of casting, welding and advanced solidification processes. Ed.: C.-A. Gandin, 251–266, MS
Simulations of Complex Microstructure Formations in Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems
Nestler, B.; Wengler, F.
2006. Analysis, modeling and simulation of multiscale problems. Ed.: A. Mielke, 113–152, Springer-Verlag
Nestler, B.
2006. Handbuch Programmiersprachen. Hrsg. P. Henning, 663–683, Carl Hanser Verlag
Nestler, B.
2006. Handbuch Programmiersprachen. Hrsg.: P. Henning, 613–637, Carl Hanser Verlag
Phase-field modelling of nonequilibrium partitioning during rapid solidification in a non-dilute binary alloy
Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.
2006. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Part A, 15 (4), 1035–1048
Phase-field simulations of eutectic solidication using an adaptive finite element method
Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.
2006. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 20 (7), 853–867
Phasefield modelling of solute trapping during rapid solidication of a Si-As alloy
Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.
2006. Acta Materialia, 54, 4659–4664
A 3D parallel simulator for crystal growth and solidification in complex alloy systems
Nestler, B.
2005. Journal of Crystal Growth, 275, e273-e278
Parallelization and Optimization of Microstructure Simulations
Frodl, T.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.
2005. Proceedings / 18. Symposium Simulationstechnique, Erlangen, September 12-15, 2005 / Hrsg.: F. Hülsemann, 161–169, SCS Publ. House
A coupled 3D Simulator for Solidification Microstructures with Fluid Flow
Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Wendler, F.
2005. Proceedings / 18. Symposium Simulationstechnique, Erlangen, September 12-15, 2005 / Hrsg.: F. Hülsemann, 124–130, SCS Publ. House
Dendritic and Eutectic Pattern Formations: 3D Phase-Field Simulations
Nestler, B.
2005. Proceedings / 18. Symposium Simulationstechnique : Erlangen, September 12-15, 2005. Hrsg.: F. Hülsemann, 51–56, Erlangen : SCS Publ. House
Ein paralleler 3D Simulator zum mikrostrukturbasierten Materialdesign
Nestler, B.; Wendler, F.; Frodl, T.; Schabunow, D.
2005. Aktuelle Trends in der Softwareforschung. Hrsg.: D. Spath, 239–258, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Wettbewerb Informatik (WIn) 2005
Nestler, B.
2005. Aktuelle Trends in der Softwareforschung. Hrsg.: D. Spath, 307–310, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Mathematical methods and models in phase transitions
Nestler, B.
2005. Mathematical methods and models in phase transitions. Ed.: A. Miranville, 197–227, Nova Science Publ
Crystal growth of pure substances: Phase-field simulations in comparison with analytical and experimental results
Nestler, B.; Danilov, D.; Galenko, P.
2005. Journal of Computational Physics, 207, 221–239
Dendritic microstructure in the metallic glass matrix composite Zr56Ti14Nb5Cu7Ni6Be12
Huang, Y.-L.; Bracchi, A.; Niermann, T.; Seibt, M.; Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.; Schneider, S.
2005. Scripta materialia, 53 (1), 93–97. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2005.03.005
Multicomponent alloy solidification: Phase-field modeling and simulations
Nestler, B.; Garcke, H.; Stinner, B.
2005. Physical review / E, 71, 041609/1–6
Nestler, B.
2004. Forschung aktuell, 2004, 13–16
Nestler, B.
2004. Forschung aktuell, 2004, 9–12
On macrosegregation in ternary Al-Cu-Si alloys: numerical and experimental analysis
Ferreira, I. L.; Garcia, A.; Nestler, B.
2004. Scripta Materialia, 50 (4), 93–97
A diffuse interface model for alloys with multiple components and phases
Garcke, H.; Nestler, B.; Stinner, B.
2004. SIAM journal on applied mathematics, 64 (3), 775–799
Dendritic to Globular Morphology Transition in Ternary Alloy Solidification
Danilov, D.; Nestler, B.
2004. Physical Review Letters, 93 (21), 215501–1
Phase-Field Modeling of Phase Transitions in Ternary Alloys
Nestler, B.
2004. Solidification and crystallization. Ed.: D.M. Herlach, 61–69, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Motion of Multiple Interfaces: Grain Growth and Coarsening
Nestler, B.
2004. Continuum scale simulation of engineering materials. Ed.: D. Raabe, 327–342, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Computeralgebrasysteme: Maple und Matlab
Nestler, B.
2004. Taschenbuch Programmiersprachen. Hrsg.: P.A. Henning, 461–494, Carl Hanser Verlag
Modelling of microstructure formation and interface dynamics
Nestler, B.; Wheeler, A. A.; Garcke, H.
2003. Computational Materials Science, 26, 111–119
A phase-field model for the solidication process in multicomponent alloys
Garvcke, H.; Nestler, B.; Stinner, B.
2003. Interface and transport dynamics. Ed.: E. Emmerich, 142–149, Springer-Verlag
Interface and transport dynamics. Computational modelling
Emmerich, H.; Nestler, B.; Schreckenberg, M. (Hrsg.)
2003. Springer-Verlag
Phase-field modeling of multi-phase solidification
Nestler, B.; Wheeler, A. A.
2002. Computer physics communications, 147 (1-2), 230–233. doi:10.1016/S0010-4655(02)00252-7
Phase-field modeling of multi-phase solidication
Nestler, B.; Wheeler, A. A.
2002. Computer Physics Communications, 147, 230–233
Diffuse interface model for microstructure evolution
Nestler, B.
2002. Advances in solid state physics. Vol. 42. Ed.: B. Kramer, 207–218, Springer-Verlag
Phase-field modelling of grain growth
Nestler, B.; Garcke, H.
2001. Recrystallization and grain growth. Proceedings of the first joint international conference, August 27 - 31, 2001, Aachen. Vol. 1. Ed.: G. Gottstein, 275–282, Springer-Verlag
Phase-field modelling of multi-phase solidication
Nestler, B.
2001. Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics 2001 : 5 - 8 September 2001, Aachen, Germany ; book of abstracts / John-von-Neumann-Institute for Computing (NIC). Eds.: Friedel Hossfeld, Kurt Binder, NIC
Phase-field model for solidification of a monotectic alloy with convection
Nestler, B.; Wheeler, A. A.; Ratke, L.; Stöcker, C.
2000. Physica D, 141, 133–154
A mathematical model for grain growth in thin metallic films
Garcke, H.; Nestler, B.
2000. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 10 (6), 895–921
Multi-phase-field modelling of peritectic, eutectic and monotectic solidication
Nestler, B.; Wheeler, A. A.
2000. Modeling of casting, welding, and advanced solidification processes - IX. Ed.: P.R. Sahm, 505–512, Shaker Verlag
Phasenfeldmodellierung mehrphasiger Erstarrung. Dissertation
Nestler, B.
2000. Shaker Verlag
A multiphase field concept: numerical simulations of moving phase boundaries and multiple junctions
Garcke, H.; Nestler, B.; Stoth, B.
1999. SIAM journal on applied mathematics, 60 (1), 295–315. doi:10.1137/S0036139998334895
Anisotropy in multi-phase systems. A phase field approach
Nestler, B.; Garcke, H.; Stoth, B.
1999. Interfaces and free boundaries, 1, 175–198
Modellierung von Kornwachstum und mehrphasiger Erstarrung
Nestler, B.; Sahm, P. R.
1999. Erstarrung metallischer Schmelzen in Forschung und Gießereipraxis. Hrsg.: A. Ludwig, 131–136, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Nestler, B.; Rezende, J. L. L.
1999. Gießereiforschung, 51 (2), 58–59
Simulationsmethoden zur Gefügemodellierung bei schneller Erstarrung
Nestler, B.; Ludwig, A.; Sahm, P. R.
1999. Kurzzeitmetallurgie. Handbuch zum DFG-Schwerpunkt. Wiss. Barb.: H.W. Bergmann, 225–240, Univ
Simulation of phase transitions in multiphase systems: peritectic solidification of (RE)Ba2Cu3O7-x superconductors
Schmitz, G. J.; Nestler, B.
1998. Materials science & engineering / B, 53, 23–27
The multiphase-field model with an integrated concept for modelling solute diffusion
Tiaden, J.; Nestler, B.; Diepers, H. J.; Steinbach, I.
1998. Physica D, 115, 73–86
On anisotropic order parameter models for multi-phase systems and their sharp interface limits
Garcke, H.; Nestler, B.; Stoth, B.
1998. Physica D, 115, 87–108
Herstellung texturierter Hochtemperatursupraleiter-Massivmaterialien mit erhöhten Wachstumsraten in Nichtgleichgewichtsverfahren
Schmitz, G. J.; Seeßelberg, M.; Eßer, G.; Kugeler, O.; Nestler, B.
1998. Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik. Statusseminar 10.-11. Juni 1996. Hrsg.: VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien, Düsseldorf], 371–374, VDI Verlag
Microsimulation of rapidly resolidifying dendritic grain morphologies
Nestler, B.; Pavlik, V.
1998. ECLAT. European Conference on Laser Treatment of Materials, September 22-23, 1998, Hanover. Ed.: B.L. Mordike, 271–276, MAT INFO Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft mbH
Numerical simulation of microstructure formation during electron-beam surface remelting of an Al-Si alloy
Nestler, B.; Pavlik, V.; Ludwig, A.; Böhm, S.; Dilthey, U.; Sahm, P. R.
1998. Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena. Vol. 4. Ed.: H. Cerjak, 332–351, Institute of Materials
An anisotropic multiphase-field model: interfaces and junctions
Nestler, B.; Wheeler, A. A.
1998. Modeling of casting, welding, and advanced solidification processes - VIII. Ed.: B.G. Thomas, 541–548, Minerals & Metals & Materials Society
Anisotropic multi-phase-field model: Interfaces and junctions
Nestler, B.; Wheeler, A. A.
1998. Physical review / E, 57 (3), 2602–2609
Macroscopic and Microscopic Modeling of the Growth of YBaCuO Bulk Material
Seeßelberg, M.; Schmitz, G. J.; Nestler, B.; Steinbach, I.
1997. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 7 (2), 1739–1742
Modelling of RE-Ba-Cu-O growth using transparent organic analogues and numerical simulations
Schmitz, G. J.; Seeßelberg, M.; Nestler, B.; Terborg, R.
1997. Physica C, 282-287, 519–520
A phase field concept for multiphase systems
Steinbach, I.; Pezzolla, F.; Nestler, B.; Seeßelberg, M.; Prieler, R.; Schmitz, G. J.; Rezende, J. L. L.
1996. Physica D, 94, 135–147
Ein ortsaufgelöstes Simulationsverfahren der Gefügebildung in erstarrenden Schmelzen
Seeßelberg, M.; Nestler, B.; Prieler, R.; Schmitz, G. J.; Steinbach, I.
1996. Metall, 50 (9), 1451–1456
YBCO Melt-Processing Development by Numerical Simulation
Schmitz, G. J.; Nestler, B.; Seeßelberg, M.
1996. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 105 (5/6), 1451–1456
Numerical simulation of YBaCuO-growth phenomena using the phase field method
Schmitz, G. J.; Nestler, B.; Diepers, H. J.; Pezzolla, F.; Prieler, R.; Seesselberg, M.; Steinbach, I.
1995. Applied superconductivity 1995. Proceedings of EUCAS 1995, Edinburgh, Scotland, 3 - 6 July 1995. Vol. 1: Plenary talks and high current applications. Ed.: D. Dew-Hughes, 167–170, Inst. of Physics Publ
Numerical simulation of YBaCuO-growth phenomena using the phase field method
Schmitz, G. J.; Nestler, B.; Diepers, H. J.; Pezzolla, F.; R. Prieler; Seesselberg, M.; Steinbach, I.
1995. Verbundtreffen Texturierte HTSL-Massivmaterialien, Schöna, 1995
Simulation von Aspekten der Erstarrung von YBaCuO
Schmitz, G. J.; Nestler, B.; Seeßelberg, M.
1995. Verbundtreffen Texturierte HTSL-Massivmaterialien, Schöna, 1995