Prof. Dr. Peter Gumbsch
- Professor for mechanics of materials
- Office Hours:
Dienstag, 11.00-12.00 Uhr, nach Vereinbarung
- Room: 109
- Phone: +49 721 608-44363
- Fax: +49 721 608-44364
- peter gumbsch ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Current research interests
Current research fields include
- dislocation-based plasticity
- dislocation dynamics and atomistic simulation of tribological contacts
- friction behavior and microstructure evolution in tribological model systems
- mechanical metamaterials and programmable material response
Curriculum Vitae
Peter Gumbsch received his degree in physics (1988) and his doctoral degree (1991) from the University of Stuttgart. After extended visits at the Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, postdoctoral work at the Imperial College, London and the University of Oxford, he returned to the Max-Planck-Institute in Stuttgart as a group leader and established the group “Modeling and Simulation of Thin Film Phenomena”. In 2001, he took the chair for Mechanics of Materials at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT and the position as head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Freiburg.
Peter Gumbsch is a German materials scientist working in the field of mechanics of materials on questions concerning materials behavior under load. The focus is on a better understanding of the behavior of materials, components and systems at the limits of their load bearing capacity. His aim is safety and reliability in the use of materials and components, as well as the improvement of material and energy efficiency in technical systems.
Peter Gumbsch investigates materials, their internal structure and their properties. His research is directed towards the understanding and the mathematical modeling of deformation and fracture processes with the aim of making materials and components safer, more reliable and more durable. His concepts of multiscale materials modeling, which link mechanisms at the nano, micro and macro scales are internationally recognized. He and his team are pioneering the integration of materials data and materials modeling into the product development process. His current interests are directed towards the investigation of friction and wear processes, where complex interactions of mechanics, physics and chemistry are important.
Amongst other accolades, he was awarded the Masing Memorial Award (1998), the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (2007) and the DGM-Prize (2013). In 2009 he was nominated as a Hector Fellow, in 2011 he was appointed as Advisory Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China and in 2016 as Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara UCSB. He is member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Science and Engineering acatech, and the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE). 2015 he was appointed to the German Council of Science and Humanities and chaired its Scientific Commission from 2017 until 2021.
Since 2019 he serves as Chairman of the Fraunhofer Group MATERIALS. Peter Gumbsch is a member of the presidium (executive committee) of the Fraunhofer Society. 2016 until 2020 Gumbsch was an elected member of the Senate of the Fraunhofer Society.
Recent publications
Debastiani, R.; Kurpiers, C. M.; Lemma, E. D.; Breitung, B.; Bastmeyer, M.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.
2025. Microscopy Research and Technique, 88 (3), 832–838. doi:10.1002/jemt.24746
Yue, H.; Schneider, J.; Frohnapfel, B.; Gumbsch, P.
2024. Tribology International, 200, Art.-Nr.: 110083. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2024.110083
Radners, J.; Schweizer, C.; Schlesinger, M.; Eckmann, S.; Al-Ameri, M.; Amann, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Kadau, K.
2024. Volume 10B: Structures and Dynamics — Fatigue, Fracture, and Life Prediction; Probabilistic Methods; Rotordynamics; Structural Mechanics and Vibration, London, 24th-28th June 2024, Art.-Nr.: 124232, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2024-124232
Li, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Liang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, W.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Greiner, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Chen, X.
2024. Acta Materialia, 271, 119888. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119888
Boushehri, S.; Holey, H.; Brosz, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Pastewka, L.; Aponte-Santamaría, C.; Gräter, F.
2024. Biomacromolecules, 25 (7), 3893–3908. doi:10.1021/acs.biomac.3c01348
Holey, H.; Gumbsch, P.; Pastewka, L.
2024. Physical Review Fluids, 9 (1), Art.-Nr.: 014203. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.014203
Ren, Y.; Zhou, Q.; Hua, D.; Huang, Z.; Li, Y.; Jia, Q.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.; Wang, H.; Liu, W.
2024. Science Bulletin, 69 (2), 227–236. doi:10.1016/j.scib.2023.12.003
Sun, Q.; Dolle, C.; Kurpiers, C.; Kraft, K.; Islam, M.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Eggeler, Y. M. M.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.-Nr.: 2302358. doi:10.1002/adfm.202302358
Eggeler, Y. M.; Chan, K. C.; Sun, Q.; Lantada, A. D.; Mager, D.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Schröder, R.; Wenzel, W.; Korvink, J. G.; Islam, M.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.-Nr.: 2302068. doi:10.1002/adfm.202302068
Yue, H.; Vaitkunaite, G.; Li, Y.; Schneider, J.; Greiner, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2023. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, 70 (eOnly Son…rausgabe 2), 4–8. doi:10.24053/TuS-2023-0040
Radners, J.; Schweizer, C.; Eckmann, S.; Al-Ameri, M.; Amann, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Kadau, K.
2023. Structures and Dynamics — Emerging Methods in Engineering Design, Analysis, and Additive Manufacturing; Fatigue, Fracture, and Life Prediction; Probabilistic Methods; Rotordynamics; Structural Mechanics and Vibration, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2023-101940
Holey, H.; Gumbsch, P.; Pastewka, L.
2023. Physical Review Letters, 131 (8), Article no: 084001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.084001
Thomas, A.; Durmaz, A. R.; Alam, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Sack, H.; Eberl, C.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13, Art.-Nr.: 12562. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-39400-2
Xia, K.; Dong, Z.; Sun, Q.; Debastiani, R.; Liu, S.; Jin, Q.; Li, Y.; Paetzold, U. W.; Gumbsch, P.; Lemmer, U.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Levkin, P. A.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.
2023. Advanced Materials Technologies, 8 (23), Art.Nr.: 2300408. doi:10.1002/admt.202300408
Zoller, K.; Gruber, P.; Ziemann, M.; Görtz, A.; Gumbsch, P.; Schulz, K.
2023. Computational Materials Science, 216, Art.-Nr.: 111839. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111839
Kulagin, R.; Reiser, P.; Truskovskyi, K.; Koeppe, A.; Beygelzimer, Y.; Estrin, Y.; Friederich, P.; Gumbsch, P.
2023. Advanced Engineering Materials, 25 (13), Art.-Nr.: 2300048. doi:10.1002/adem.202300048
Hansen, E.; Vaitkunaite, G.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Frohnapfel, B.
2023. Lubricants, 11 (2), Art.-Nr.: 75. doi:10.3390/lubricants11020075
Radaelli, F.; Amann, C.; Aydin, A.; Varfolomeev, I.; Gumbsch, P.; Kadau, K.
2022. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 144 (12), Art.-Nr.: 121026. doi:10.1115/1.4056044
Garabedian, N. T.; Schreiber, P. J.; Brandt, N.; Zschumme, P.; Blatter, I. L.; Dollmann, A.; Haug, C.; Kümmel, D.; Li, Y.; Meyer, F.; Morstein, C. E.; Rau, J. S.; Weber, M.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Selzer, M.; Greiner, C.
2022. Scientific Data, 9 (1), Art.Nr. 315. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01429-9
Hussain, N.; Scherer, T.; Das, C.; Heuer, J.; Debastiani, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hirtz, M.
2022. Small, 18 (42), Article no: 2202987. doi:10.1002/smll.202202987
Sun, Q.; Dolle, C.; Kurpiers, C.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2022. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28 (S1), 2346–2348. doi:10.1017/S1431927622009011
Holey, H.; Codrignani, A.; Gumbsch, P.; Pastewka, L.
2022. Tribology Letters, 70 (2), 36. doi:10.1007/s11249-022-01576-5
Radaelli, F.; Amann, C.; Aydin, A.; Varfolomeev, I.; Gumbsch, P.; Kadau, K.
2022. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 8B: Structures and Dynamics — Probabilistic Methods; Rotordynamics; Structural Mechanics and Vibration, Art.-Nr.:V08BT25A004, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2022-82303
Fang, X.; Wen, J.; Cheng, L.; Yu, D.; Zhang, H.; Gumbsch, P.
2022. Nature Materials, 21 (8), 869–876. doi:10.1038/s41563-022-01269-3
Durmaz, A. R.; Natkowski, E.; Arnaudov, N.; Sonnweber-Ribic, P.; Weihe, S.; Münstermann, S.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2022. International Journal of Fatigue, 160, Art.-Nr.: 106824. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.106824
Haug, C.; Molodov, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2022. Acta Materialia, 225, Art.-Nr.: 117566. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117566
Rau, J. S.; Balachandran, S.; Schneider, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Gault, B.; Greiner, C.
2021. Acta Materialia, 221, Art.-Nr.: 117353. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117353
Durmaz, A. R.; Hadzic, N.; Straub, T.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2021. Experimental mechanics, 61 (9), 1489–1502. doi:10.1007/s11340-021-00758-x
Radaelli, F.; Amann, C.; Aydin, A.; Varfolomeev, I.; Gumbsch, P.; Kadau, K.
2021. Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, 143 (10), 101012. doi:10.1115/1.4051426
Ruebeling, F.; Xu, Y.; Richter, G.; Dini, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2021. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (3), 4750–4760. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c19736
Durmaz, A. R.; Müller, M.; Lei, B.; Thomas, A.; Britz, D.; Holm, E. A.; Eberl, C.; Mücklich, F.; Gumbsch, P.
2021. Nature Communications, 12 (1), Art.Nr. 6272. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26565-5
Rohrmüller, B.; Gumbsch, P.; Hohe, J.
2021. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 150, Art.-Nr.: 106607. doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106607
Alam, M.; Birkholz, H.; Dessì, D.; Eberl, C.; Fliegl, H.; Gumbsch, P.; Hartrott, P. von; Mädler, L.; Niebel, M.; Sack, H.; Thomas, A.
2021. SemanticsP&Ds 2021: Semantics Compound Volume 2021 ; Joint Proceedings of the Semantics co-located events: Poster&Demo track and Workshop on Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twins, co-located with Semantics 2021 ; Amsterdam and Online, September 6-9, 2021. Ed.: I. Tiddi, RWTH Aachen
Estrin, Y.; Beygelzimer, Y.; Kulagin, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Fratzl, P.; Zhu, Y.; Hahn, H.
2021. Materials Research Letters, 9 (10), 399–421. doi:10.1080/21663831.2021.1961908
Frenzel, T.; Hahn, V.; Ziemke, P.; Schneider, J. L. G.; Chen, Y.; Kiefer, P.; Gumbsch, P.; Wegener, M.
2021. Communications materials, 2 (1), Art.Nr. 4. doi:10.1038/s43246-020-00107-w
Becker, S.; Schulz, K.; Scherhaufer, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2021. Journal of Materials Research, 36, 970–981. doi:10.1557/s43578-020-00050-z
Radaelli, F.; Amann, C.; Aydin, A.; Varfolomeev, I.; Gumbsch, P.; Kadau, K.
2021. ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, September 21–25, 2020, Virtual, Online. Volume 10B: Structures and Dynamics, GT2020–14606, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2020-14606
Gatti, F.; Amann, T.; Kailer, A.; Baltes, N.; Rühe, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), Art. Nr.: 17634. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-74709-2
Kulagin, R.; Beygelzimer, Y.; Estrin, Y.; Schumilin, A.; Gumbsch, P.
2020. Advanced engineering materials, 22 (12), Art.Nr. 2001069. doi:10.1002/adem.202001069
Srivastava, K.; Weygand, D.; Caillard, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2020. Nature Communications, 11 (1), Art. Nr.: 5098. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18774-1
Kümmel, D.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2020. Tribology letters, 68 (3), Art. Nr.: 96. doi:10.1007/s11249-020-01327-4
Dornheim, J.; Link, N.; Gumbsch, P.
2020. International journal of control, automation, and systems, 18 (5). doi:10.1007/s12555-019-0120-7
Findeisen, C.; Forest, S.; Hohe, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2020. Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, 32 (2), 1629–1645. doi:10.1007/s00161-020-00870-8
Haug, C.; Ruebeling, F.; Kashiwar, A.; Gumbsch, P.; Kübel, C.; Greiner, C.
2020. Nature Communications, 11 (1), Art.-Nr. 839. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14640-2
Trenkle, A.; Syha, M.; Rheinheimer, W.; Callahan, P. G.; Nguyen, L.; Ludwig, W.; Lenthe, W.; Echlin, M. P.; Pollock, T. M.; Weygand, D.; Graef, M.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Gumbsch, P.
2020. Journal of applied crystallography, 53, 349–359. doi:10.1107/S160057672000093X
Gola, A.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Pastewka, L.
2020. Physical review materials, 4 (1), Art.-Nr. 013603. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.013603
Ziemke, P.; Frenzel, T.; Wegener, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2019. Extreme mechanics letters, 32, Art:nr. 100553. doi:10.1016/j.eml.2019.100553
Greiner, C.; Gagel, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2019. Advanced materials, 31 (26), Art.Nr.: 1806705. doi:10.1002/adma.201806705
Fernandez-Corbaton, I.; Rockstuhl, C.; Ziemke, P.; Gumbsch, P.; Albiez, A.; Schwaiger, R.; Frenzel, T.; Kadic, M.; Wegener, M.
2019. Advanced materials, 31 (26), Art.Nr. 1807742. doi:10.1002/adma.201807742
Li, S.; Pastewka, L.; Gumbsch, P.
2019. Acta materialia, 165, 577–586. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.11.045
Radaelli, F.; Kadau, K.; Amann, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2019. ASME Turbo Expo 2019 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, June 17-21, 2019, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2019-90418
Wehmeyer, S.; Zok, F. W.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Cohen, N.; McMeeking, R. M.; Begley, M. R.
2019. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 133, 103693. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2019.103693
Schmitt, S.; Stricker, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Schulz, K.
2019. Acta materialia, 164, 663–672. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.11.013
Gagel, J.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2018. Acta materialia, 156, 215–227. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.06.002
Greiner, C.; Liu, Z.; Schneider, R.; Pastewka, L.; Gumbsch, P.
2018. Scripta materialia, 153, 63–67. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.04.048
Codrignani, A.; Frohnapfel, B.; Magagnato, F.; Schreiber, P.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2018. Tribology international, 122, 46–57. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2018.02.001
Amann, C.; Kadau, K.; Gumbsch, P.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2018; Oslo; Norway; 11 June 2018 through 15 June 2018, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2018-75561
Chellali, M. R.; Nandam, S. H.; Li, S.; Fawey, M. H.; Moreno-Pineda, E.; Velasco, L.; Boll, T.; Pastewka, L.; Kruk, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Hahn, H.
2018. Acta materialia, 161, 47–53. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.09.019
Chen, X.; Schneider, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2018. Acta materialia, 161, 138–149. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.09.016
Liu, Z.; Patzig, C.; Selle, S.; Höche, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
2018. Scripta materialia, 153, 114–117. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.05.008
Sudmanns, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Schulz, K.
2018. Computational materials science, 151, 317–327. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.04.065
Gola, A.; Gumbsch, P.; Pastewka, L.
2018. Acta materialia, 150, 236–247. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.02.046
Schulz, K.; Sudmanns, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2017. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 25 (6), 064003. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/aa7a88
Findeisen, C.; Hohe, J.; Kadic, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2017. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 102, 151–164. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2017.02.011
Stricker, M.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2017. Scripta materialia, 129, 69–73. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.10.029
Echlin, M. P.; Titus, M. S.; Straw, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Pollock, T. M.
2017. Acta materialia, 124, 37–46. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.10.055
Li, S.; Li, Q.; Carpick, R. W.; Gumbsch, P.; Liu, X. Z.; Ding, X.; Sun, J.; Li, J.
2016. Nature <London> (0028-0836, 1476-4687), 539 (7630), 541–545. doi:10.1038/nature20135
Xie, D.; Li, S.; Li, M.; Wang, Z.; Gumbsch, P.; Sun, J.; Ma, E.; Li, J.; Shan, Z.
2016. Nature Communications, 7, 13341. doi:10.1038/ncomms13341
Greiner, C.; Liu, Z.; Strassberger, L.; Gumbsch, P.
2016. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 8 (24), 15809–15819. doi:10.1021/acsami.6b04035
Lautz, J. von; Pastewka, L.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2016. Tribology letters, 63 (2), 1–9. doi:10.1007/s11249-016-0712-9
Salje, E. K. H.; Li, S.; Stengel, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Ding, X.
2016. Physical review / B, 94 (2), 024114. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.94.024114
Fliegener, S.; Hohe, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2016. Composites science and technology, 131, 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.05.006
Frenzel, T.; Findeisen, C.; Kadic, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Wegener, M.
2016. Advanced materials, 28 (28), 5865–5870. doi:10.1002/adma.201600610
Gagel, J.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2016. Acta Materialia, 111 (1), 399–406. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.04.002
Savio, D.; Pastewka, L.; Gumbsch, P.
2016. Science Advances, 2 (3), e1501585. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1501585
Schmitt, S.; Gumbsch, P.; Schulz, K.
2015. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 84, 528–544. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2015.08.012
Ziebarth, B.; Mrovec, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2015. Physical Review B, 92, 195308. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.195308
Li, S.; Li, Y.; Lo, Y.-C.; Neeraj, T.; Srinivasan, R.; Ding, X.; Sun, J.; Qi, L.; Gumbsch, P.; Li, J.
2015. International Journal of Plasticity, 74, 175–191. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2015.05.017
Ziebarth, B.; Mrovec, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2015. Physical Review B, 92, 115309. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.115309
Titus, M. S.; Echlin, M. P.; Gumbsch, P.; Pollock, T. M.
2015. Journal of Applied Physics, 118 (7), 075901. doi:10.1063/1.4928772
Weygand, D.; Mrovec, M.; Hochrainer, T.; Gumbsch, P.
2015. Annual Review of Materials Research, 45 (1), 369–390. doi:10.1146/annurev-matsci-070214-020852
Salje, E. K. H.; Li, S.; Zhao, Z.; Gumbsch, P.; Ding, X.
2015. Applied Physics Letters, 106 (21), 212907. doi:10.1063/1.4922036
Lenthe, W. C.; Echlin, M. P.; Trenkle, A.; Syha, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Pollock, T. M.
2015. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48 (4), 1034–1046. doi:10.1107/S1600576715009231
Ziebarth, B.; Mrovec, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2015. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91 (3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.91.035309
Bitzek, E.; Kermode, J. R.; Gumbsch, P.
2015. International Journal of Fracture. doi:10.1007/s10704-015-9988-2
De Barros Bouchet, M. I.; Matta, C.; Vacher, B.; Le-Mogne, T.; Martin, J. M.; Von Lautz, J.; Ma, T.; Pastewka, L.; Otschik, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2015. Carbon, 87 (C), 317–329. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2015.02.041
Seif, D.; Po, G.; Mrovec, M.; Lazar, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2015. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91 (18), 184102. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.91.184102
Stricker, M.; Gagel, J.; Schmitt, S.; Schulz, K.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2015. Meccanica, 51 (2), 271–278. doi:10.1007/s11012-015-0192-2
Bachurin, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22 (2), 025011. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/22/2/025011
Gumbsch, P.; Syha, M.; Lödermann, B.; Trenkle, A.; Graff, A.
2014. International Journal of Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations. Special issue: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations (AMTC4). Ed.: T. Hirayama, 80–81, Japan Fine Ceramics Center
Greiner, C.; Schäfer, M.; Popp, U.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6 (11), 7986–7990. doi:10.1021/am500879m
Merklein, M.; Gröbel, D. G.; Gumbsch, P.; Butz, A.; Helm, D.
2014. EFB-Verlag
Fliegener, S.; Luke, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Composites Science and Technology, 104, 136–145. doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2014.09.009
Braun, D.; Greiner, C.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Tribology International, 77, 142–147. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2014.04.012
Marichal, C.; Srivastava, K.; Weygand, D.; Van Petegem, S.; Grolimund, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Van Swygenhoven, H.
2014. Physical Review Letters, 113 (2), 025501. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.025501
Srivastava, K.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Journal of Materials Science, 49 (20), 7333–7337. doi:10.1007/s10853-014-8447-1
Ziebarth, B.; Mrovec, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Journal of applied physics, 116 (9), 093510. doi:10.1063/1.4894007
Dickel, D.; Schulz, K.; Schmitt, S.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Physical Review B, 90 (9, Art.094118), 1–8. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.094118
Beckmann, N.; Romero, P. A.; Linsler, D.; Dienwiebel, M.; Stolz, U.; Moseler, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Applied physics reviews, 2 (6), Art.Nr.: 064004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.2.064004
Zhang, X.; Schneider, R.; Müller, E.; Mee, M.; Meier, S.; Gumbsch, P.; Gerthsen, D.
2014. Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (6), 063508. doi:10.1063/1.4865742
Kadic, M.; Bückmann, T.; Schittny, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Wegener, M.
2014. Physical Review Applied, 2 (5), 054007/1–7. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.2.054007
Dickel, D.; Schulz, K.; Schmitt, S.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Technische Mechanik, 34 (3-4), 205–212
Schulz, K.; Dickel, D.; Schmitt, S.; Sandfeld, S.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22 (2), 025008. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/22/2/025008
Hochrainer, T.; Sandfeld, S.; Zaiser, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2014. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 63 (1), 167–178. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2013.09.012
Moras, G.; Pastewka, L.; Mulakaluri, N.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.; Gola, M.
2013. Proceedings of the 5th World Tribology Congress, Torino, Italy, September 8-13, 2013. Ed.: T. Raparelli, 799–800
Syha, M.; Bäurer, M.; Rheinheimer, W.; Ludwig, W.; Lauridsen, E. M.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 33 (10), 127–137
Dickel, D.; Schulz, K.; Schmitt, S.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Computational Plasticity XII: Fundamentals and Applications - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2013 12th International Conference on Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2013; Barcelona; Spain; 3 September 2013 - 5 September 2013, 862–871
Schmitt, S.; Schulz, K.; Dickel, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Special Issue: 84th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Novi Sad 2013; Editors: L. Cvetković, 13 (1), 273–274. doi:10.1002/pamm.201310132
Senn, M.; Link, N.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) : TMS ICME - manufacturing, design, materials ; held July 7 - 11, 2013 at Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek, Salt Lake City, Utah. Ed.: M. Li, 69–74, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Drebov, N.; Martinez-Limia, A.; Kunz, L.; Gola, A.; Shigematsu, T.; Eckl, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Elsässer, C.
2013. New Journal of Physics, 15, 125023. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/15/12/125023
Syha, M.; Rheinheimer, W.; Loedermann, B.; Graff, A.; Trenkle, A.; Baeurer, M.; Weygand, D.; Ludwig, W.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) : TMS ICME - manufacturing, design, materials ; held July 7 - 11, 2013 at Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek, Salt Lake City, Utah. Ed.: M. Li, 259–264, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Syha, M.; Trenkle, A.; Lödermann, B.; Graff, A.; Ludwig, W.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 46, 1145–1150. doi:10.1107/S002188981301580X
Bitzek, E.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Acta Materialia, 61 (4), 1394–1403. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.016
Srivastava, K.; Gröger, R.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. International Journal of Plasticity, 47 (August), 126–142. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.01.014
Chen, Z. M.; Mrovec, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21 (5), 055023/1–18. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/21/5/055023
Pastewka, L.; Klemenz, A.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2013. Physical Review B, 87 (20), 205410/1–12. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.205410
Li, M.; Campbell, C.; Thornton, K.; Holm, E.; Gumbsch, P.
2013. Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 65 (5), 583. doi:10.1007/s11837-013-0596-1
Syha, M.; Rheinheimer, W.; Bäurer, M.; Lauridsen, E. M.; Ludwig, W.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2012. Three-dimensional tomography of materials : November 28 - December 3, 2011, Boston, Massachusetts, USA ; [Symposium PP, Three-Dimensional Tomography of Materials ; held at 2011 MRS fall meeting]. Ed.: C. Larabell, 58–62, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1557/opl.2012.831
Heierli, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Sherman, D.
2012. Scripta Materialia, 67 (1), 96–99. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.03.032
Albina, J.-M.; Elsässer, C.; Weissmüller, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Umeno, Y.
2012. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85 (12). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.125118
Körner, W.; Gumbsch, P.; Elsässer, C.
2012. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 86 (16), 165210. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.165210
Pastewka, L.; Mrovec, M.; Moseler, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2012. MRS Bulletin, 37 (5), 493–503. doi:10.1557/mrs.2012.94
Bachurin, D. V.; Gumbsch, P.
2012. Physical Review B, 85 (8), 085407/1–9. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.085407
Schwaiger, R.; Weber, M.; Moser, B.; Gumbsch, P.; Kraft, O.
2012. Journal of Materials Research, 27 (1), 266–277. doi:10.1557/jmr.2011.248
Syha, M.; Rheinheimer, W.; Baurer, M.; Lauridsen, E. M.; Ludwig, W.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2012. Scripta Materialia, 66 (1), 1–4. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.08.005
Wahl, R.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2012. Tribology International, 55, 81–86. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2012.05.014
Wahl, R.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2012. Tribology Letters, 47 (3), 447–453. doi:10.1007/s11249-012-9999-3
Senger, J.; Weygand, D.; Kraft, O.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 19 (7), Art.Nr. 074004. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/19/7/074004
Senger, J.; Weygand, D.; Motz, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Kraft, O.
2011. Acta materialia, 59 (8), 2937–2947. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.01.034
Derlet, P. M.; Gumbsch, P.; Hoagland, R.; Li, J.; McDowell, D. L.; Van Swygenhoven, H.; Wang, J.
2011. MRS bulletin, 34 (03), 184–189. doi:10.1557/mrs2009.50
Schulze, V.; Michna, J.; Schneider, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Procedia engineering, 19, 331–336. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.11.121
Schulz, K.; Sandfeld, S.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11 (1), 437–438. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110210
Pastewka, L.; Moser, S.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2011. Nature materials, 10 (1), 34–38. doi:10.1038/nmat2902
Atrash, F.; Hashibon, A.; Gumbsch, P.; Sherman, D.
2011. Physical Review Letters, 106 (8), 085502. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.085502
Helm, D.; Butz, A.; Raabe, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. JOM, 63 (4), 26–33. doi:10.1007/s11837-011-0056-8
Mrovec, M.; Nguyen-Manh, D.; Elsässer, C. H.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Physical Review Letters, 106 (24), 246402. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.246402
Heierli, J.; Birkeland, K. W.; Simenhois, R.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 65 (3), 372–381. doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.10.008
Sandfeld, S.; Hochrainer, T.; Zaiser, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Journal of Materials Research, 26 (5), 623–632. doi:10.1557/jmr.2010.92
Gumbsch, P.; Sandfeld, S.; Senger, J.; Weygand, D.; Hochrainer, T.
2011. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2011: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, Shanghai, China, May 22-26, 2011. Ed.: J. Fan, 7–15, DEStech Publications
Chen, Z.; Mrovec, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 19 (7), 074002/1–14. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/19/7/074002
Moras, G.; Pastewka, L.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2011. Tribology Letters, 44 (3), 355–365. doi:10.1007/s11249-011-9864-9
Moras, G.; Pastewka, L.; Walter, M.; Schnagl, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2011. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 24653–24661. doi:10.1021/jp209198g
Jin, Z. H.; Dunham, S. T.; Gleiter, H.; Hahn, H.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Scripta Materialia, 64, 605–608. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.11.033
Khader, I.; Kürten, D.; Kailer, A.; Gumbsch, P.
2011. Abschlusskolloquium Sonderforschungsbereich 483 "Hochbeanspruchte Gleit- und Friktionssysteme auf Basis ingenieurkeramischer Werkstoffe", 25. Oktober 2011, Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe. Hrsg.: A. Albers, 5–16, KIT Scientific Publishing
Pastewka, L.; Peguiron, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2010. International journal of materials research, 101 (8), 981–988. doi:10.3139/146.110365
Eidel, B.; Hartmaier, A.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Multiscale Modelling of Plasticity and Fracture by Means of Dislocation Mechanics. Ed.: R. Pippan, 1–57, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-0283-1_1
Hohe, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 400 (3), 218–231. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.03.007
Heierli, J.; Birkeland, K. W.; Simenhois, R.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Proceedings of the 2010 International Snow Science Workshop. October 22nd, 2010, Squaw Valley, CA. Ed.: R. Osterhuber, 207–213
Senger, J.; Weygand, D.; Motz, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Kraft, O.
2010. Philosophical Magazine, 90 (5), 617–628. doi:10.1080/14786430903213353
Markmann, J.; Bachurin, D.; Shao, L.; Gumbsch, P.; Weissmüller, J.
2010. epl, 89 (6), 66002/1–5
Markmann, J.; Bachurin, D.; Shao, L.; Gumbsch, P.; Weissmüller, J.
2010. epl, 89 (6), Art. Nr. 66002. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/89/66002
Bachurin, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. High performance computing in science and engineering ’ 09 - Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart, 2009. Ed.: W. E. Nagel, 111–122, Springer-Verlag
Sandfeld, S.; Hochrainer, T.; Zaiser, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Philosophical Magazine, 90 (27-28), 3697–3728. doi:10.1080/14786430903236073
Dienwiebel, M.; Scherge, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Tribology Letters, 39 (1), 1. doi:10.1007/s11249-009-9482-y
Heierli, J.; Zaiser, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Physik in unserer Zeit, 41 (1), 31–35. doi:10.1002/piuz.201001224
Bachurin, D. V.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Acta Materialia, 58 (16), 5232–5241. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.05.037
Bachurin, D. V.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Acta Materialia, 58 (16), 5491–5501. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.06.026
Moras, G.; Colombi Ciacchi, L.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.; De Vita, A.
2010. Physical Review Letters, 105 (7), 075502/1–4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.075502
Mrovec, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 28 (6), 698–702. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2010.05.007
Syha, M.; Bäurer, M.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Lauridsen, E. M.; Ludwig, W.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Challenges in materials science and possibilities in 3D and 4D characterization techniques - Proceedings of the 31st Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark, 6 - 10 September 2010. Ed.: N. Hansen, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
Cheng, Y.; Bitzek, E.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2010. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 18 (2), 025006/1–11. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/18/2/025006
Hochrainer, T.; Zaiser, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. AIP conference proceedings, 1168 (1), 1133–1136. doi:10.1063/1.3241258
Gumbsch, P.; Goetz, T.
2009. Technology Guide. Ed.: H.-J. Bullinger, 56–59, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88546-7_12
Motz, C.; Weygand, D.; Senger, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Acta Materialia, 57 (6), 1744–1754
Bäurer, M.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Scripta materialia, 61 (6), 584–587
Cheng, Y.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Computational Materials Science, 45 (3), 783–787
Bako, B.; Samaras, M.; Weygand, D.; Chen, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Hoffelner, W.
2009. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 386-388, 112–114
Siska, F.; Weygand, D.; Forest, S.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Computational Materials Science, 45 (3), 793–799
Hashibon, A.; Schravendijk, P.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Philosophical Magazine, 89 (34-36), 3413–3433
Mrovec, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Philosophical Magazine, 89 (34-36), 3179–3194
Autenrieth, H.; Weber, M.; Schulze, V.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’08 - Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2008. Hrsg.: W. Nagel, 543–558, Springer-Verlag
Autenrieth, H.; Delonnoy, L.; Weber, M.; Hochrainer, T.; Deuchert, M.; Kotschenreuther, J.; Schulze, V.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Größeneinflüsse bei Fertigungsprozessen: Beiträge zum Abschlusskolloquium des SSP 1138, Bonn, 11. - 12. Februar 2009. Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, 415–467, BIAS
Hoffmann, M. J.; Baurer, M.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2009. Scripta Materialia, 61 (6), 584–587
Heierli, J.; Herwijnen, A. van; Gumbsch, P.; Zaiser, M.
2008. Proceedings of the 2008 International Snow Science Workshop in Whistler, 9–15
Bitzek, E.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 2 (10), 1348–1359. doi:10.1299/jmmp.2.1348
Boroch, R. E.; Müller-Fiedler, R.; Bagdahn, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Scripta materialia, 59 (9), 936–940. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2008.05.047
Kermode, J. R.; Albaret, T.; Sherman, D.; Bernstein, N.; Gumbsch, P.; Payne, M. C.; Csányi, G.; De Vita, A.
2008. Nature <London>, 455 (7217), 1224–1227. doi:10.1038/nature07297
Pastewka, L.; Moser, S.; Moseler, M.; Blug, B.; Meier, S.; Hollstein, T.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. International journal of materials research, 99 (10), 1136–1143. doi:10.3139/146.101747
Pastewka, L.; Pou, P.; Pérez, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Moseler, M.
2008. Physical review / B, 78 (16), 161402. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.161402
Colombi Ciacchi, L.; Cole, D. J.; Payne, M. C.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 112 (32), 12077–12080. doi:10.1021/jp804078n
Jin, Z.; Gao, H.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Physical review / B, 77 (9), 094303. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.094303
Hashibon, A.; Lozovoi, A. Y.; Mishin, Y.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Physical review / B, 77 (9), 094131. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.094131
Cheng, Y.; Mrovec, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Materials science and engineering / A, 483/484, 329–332
Siska, F.; Forest, S.; Gumbsch, P.; Weygand, D.
2008. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 15 (1), 217–238
Cheng, Y.; Mrovec, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Philosophical Magazine, 88 (4), 547–560
Heierli, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Zaiser, M.
2008. Science Magazine, 321 (5886), 240–243
Chen, Z.; Mrovec, M.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 27-31 October 2008. Ed.: A. El-Azab, 631–635, Department of Scientific Computing
Senger, J.; Weygand, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Kraft, O.
2008. Scripta Materialia, 58 (7), 587–590. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.11.031
Motz, C.; Weygand, D.; Senger, J.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. Acta Materialia, 56 (9), 1942–1955
Weygand, D.; Poignant, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Kraft, O.
2008. Materials Science and Engineering A, 483-484, 188–190. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2006.09.183
Weber, M.; Autenrieth, H.; Kotschenreuther, J.; Gumbsch, P.; Schulze, V.; Löhe, D.; Fleischer, J.
2008. Machining Science and Technology, 12 (4), 474–497
Autenrieth, H.; Weber, M.; Deuchert, D.; Löhe, D.; Schulze, V.; Gumbsch, P.; Fleischer, J.
2008. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Distortion Engineering 2008: Bremen, Germany, 17 - 19 September 2008. Ed.: H.-W. Zoch, 153–160, IWT
Weygand, D.; Senger, J.; Motz, C.; Augustin, W.; Heuveline, V.; Gumbsch, P.
2008. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’08. Ed.: W.E. Nagel, 507–523, Springer-Verlag
Umeno, Y.; Elsässer, C.; Meyer, B.; Gumbsch, P.; Weissmüller, J.
2008. EPL, 84, 13002/1–6. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/84/13002
Jin, Z. H.; Gumbsch, P.; Albe, K.; Ma, E.; Lu, K.; Gleiter, H.; Hahn, H.
2008. Acta Materialia, 56, 1126–35. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2007.11.020
Bitzek, E.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’06. Ed.: W. Nagel, 127–135, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-36183-1_10
Hashibon, A.; Elsässer, C.; Mishin, Y.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. Physical review / B, 76 (24), 245434. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.76.245434
Šiška, F.; Forest, S.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. Computational materials science, 39 (1), 137–141. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2006.02.025
Riedel, H.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. Technologieführer. Hrsg.: H.-J. Bullinger, 56–59, Springer-Verlag
Hochrainer, T.; Zaiser, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. The philosophical magazine, 87 (8-9), 1261–1282. doi:10.1080/14786430600930218
Mrovec, M.; Moseler, M.; Elsässer, C.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. Progress in Materials Science, 52 (2-3), 230–254
Bakó, B.; Weygand, D.; Samaras, M.; Chen, J.; Pouchon, M. A.; Gumbsch, P.; Hoffelner, W.
2007. The philosophical magazine, 87 (24), 3645–3656
Weber, M.; Hochrainer, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Autenrieth, H.; Delonnoy, L.; Schulze, V.; Löhe, D.; Kotschenreuther, J.; Fleischer, J.
2007. Machining Science and Technology, 11 (4), 447–473
Kotschenreuther, J.; Autenrieth, H.; Weber, M.; Fleischer, J.; Schulze, V.; Löhe, D.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Forming Technology, Bremen, Germany, September 20 - 21, 2007. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, 551–561, BIAS
Autenrieth, H.; Weber, M.; Kotschenreuther, J.; Schulze, V.; Löhe, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Fleischer, J.
2007. Proceedings of the 10th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Reggio Calabria, Italy, August 27 - 28, 2007. Ed.: F. Micari, 539–546, Univ. of Calabria
Khader, I.; Kailer, A.; Gumbsch, P.
2007. Hochbeanspruchte Gleit- und Friktionssysteme auf Basis ingenieurkeramischer Werkstoffe. 3. Statuskolloquium, SFB 483. Hrsg.: K.-H. Zum Gahr, 95–104, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Umeno, Y.; Elsässer, C.; Meyer, B.; Gumbsch, P.; Nothacker, M.; Weissmüller, J.; Evers, F.
2007. epl, 78 (1), Art.Nr. 13001. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/78/13001
Rösch, F.; Trebin, H.-R.; Gumbsch, P.
2006. Philosophical Magazine, 86 (6-8), 1015–1020
Jin, Z.-H.; Gumbsch, P.; Ma, E.; Albe, K.; Lu, K.; Hahn, H.; Gleiter, H.
2006. Scripta Materialia, 54 (6), 1163–1168. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2005.11.072
Hagelaar, J. H. A.; Bitzek, E.; Flipse, C. F. J.; Gumbsch, P.
2006. Physical Review B, 73 (4), 045425/1–14
Cheng, Y.; Mrovec, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2006. Proceedings of MMM - Third International Conference Multiscale Materials Modeling, Freiburg, Germany, September 18 - 22, 2006. Ed.: P. Gumbsch, 705–707, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Bitzek, E.; Koskinen, P.; Gahler, F.; Moseler, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2006. Physical Review Letters, 97 (17), 170201/1–4
Kotschenreuther, J.; Fleischer, J.; Delonnoy, L.; Schulze, V.; Löhe, D.; Hochrainer, T.; Weber, M.; Gumbsch, P.
2006. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Vienna, Austria, May 28th - June 1st, 2006. Ed.: H. Zervos, 156–159, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen)