
Arbeitsgebiete / Forschung

Weiterentwicklung von niedrig-aktivierenden 9%Cr Stählen

Speziell für die Fusion entwickelte neue 9%Cr Stähle (EUROFER97 Weiterentwicklung) werden detailliert charakterisiert. Diese Untersuchungen umfassen dabei z. B.:

  • Gefügecharakterisierung (Lichtmikroskopie)
  • Bestimmung der sekundären Ausscheidungen (Nitrid- und Carbidanteile) mittels TEM-Replika
  • Phasenanteile und Kristallographische Bestimmung durch Electron-backscatter-diffaction (EBSD). 

Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung von Neutronen-bestrahlten Materialien
Analyse von strahlungsinduzierten Schäden an einer Stahlprobe
Die Veränderung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von metallischen Werkstoffen durch Neutronenbestrahlung wird durch Veränderung in deren Mikrostruktur bestimmt. Diese Veränderungen werden maßgeblich durch die Bestrahlungstemperatur und Dosis beeinflusst. Die Bestrahlungsexperimente wurden in High Flux Reactor (HFR) in Petten und in BOR-60 Forschungsreaktor Dimitrovgrad (Russland) durchgeführt. Die Aufgabe der Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie ist die Abbildung und quantitative Charakterisierung von Strahlungsinduzierten Defekten wie Versetzungsringen und He gefüllten Bläschen.

Beryllium und Beryllide
Untersuchung von Be Proben aus HIDOBE Bestrahlungsexperimenten. Abbildung hexagonaler Bläschen und 3D Rekonstruktion deren Form. 
Zielpräparation von TEM-Lamellen aus neutronenbestrahltem Beryllium am Focused Ion Beam (FIB/SEM) im Kontrollbereich des Fusions-Material-Labors.

Niedrig-aktivierende 9%-Cr Stähle
Untersuchung von verschiedenen Niedrigaktivierenden Stählen bestrahlt bis 16dpa im Temperaturbereich von 250°C bis 450°C im Rahmen des SPICE Bestrahlungsprogramms.
Untersuchung von verschiedenen Niedrigaktivierenden Stählen bestrahlt bis 32dpa bei Temperatur von 330°C im Rahmen des ARBOR Bestrahlungsprogramms.

Wolfram und Refraktärmetalle
TEM Untersuchung von neutronenbestrahlten W Proben. Die Bestrahlung erfolgte bis zu einer Dosis von 1.6 dpa bei 900°C in HFR in Petten. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten in enger Kooperation mit der University of Oxford, UK


Thermo Scientific Talos F200X TEM/STEM

Transmissionselektronenmikroskop mit Schottky X-FEG Emitter mit variabler Arbeitsspannung von 60, 80, 120 oder 200 kV.
Super-X EDS System mit 4 Detektoren ermöglicht schnelle Aufnahme 2d-EDX Elementverteilungsbilder. Der maximale Öffnungswinkel der Detektoren beträgt 0.9 srad.
Gatan Enfinium ER Spektrometer erlaubt EELS Analysen mit UltraFast DualEELS Opti-on.

Thermo Scientific Tecnai F20

Analytisches Transmissionselektronenmikroskop mit Feldemissionsquelle, 200 kV Beschleunigungsspannung.

Ausgestattet mit der Möglichkeit zur Kombination von Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie, EELS (Fa. Gatan) mit energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie, EDS (Fa. EDAX), einem High-Angle-Annular-Dark-Field Detektor, HAADF, einem ACOM Modul zur Orientation-Mapping sowie einem Zugversuchshalter und Heizelement für in-situ Zugersuche bei bis zu 1000°C

Thermo Scientific Tecnai F20 (Fusionsmateriallabor-FML)

Analytisches Transmissionselektronenmikroskop mit Feldemissionsquelle, 200 kV Beschleunigungsspannung.

Ausgestattet mit der Möglichkeit zur Kombination von Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie, EELS (Fa. Gatan) mit energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie, EDS (Fa. EDAX), einem High-Angle-Annular-Dark-Field Detektor, HAADF.

Das Mikroskop befindet sich im Kontrollbereich mit der Möglichkeit zur Charakterisierung von radioaktiven Proben und toxischen Materialien (z. B. Beryllium).

Focused Ion Beam
Crossbeam-Auriga Zeiss

Crossbeam Gerät mit 3D EBSD und 3D EDX Detektor (Fa. EDAX) sowie der Möglich-keit zur TEM Zielpräparation oder Strukturierung von Materialien (Mikrobiegebal-kenherstellung).

Rasterelektronenmikroskop Zeiss Merlin

Rasterelektronenmikroskop (Feldemissionsquelle) mit hochauflösender Elektronensäule

Vollständige Analytik wie EDS, WDS, EBSD (Fa. EDAX) und Plasma-Cleaner zur kontaminationsreduzierten Elementanalytik

Voll ausgestattete Metallographie:

  •     Lichtmikroskope (Auflichtmikroskope, Stereomikroskop) mit Software für Gefügeauswertungen
  •     Makro- und Mikrohärteprüfer sowie Nanoindenter (z.B. Fa. CSM) mit automatisierter Messung
  •     Präparation von Dünnschliffen für Transmissionelektronenmikroskopie
  •     Präparation von metallischen Proben zur Gefüge- und Strukturanalyse für Rasterelektronenmikroskope
  •     Elektro-chemische Oberflächen-Ätzungen

Thermo Scientific Tecnai F20

Analytisches Transmissionselektronenmikroskop mit Feldemissionsquelle, 200 kV Beschleunigungsspannung.

Ausgestattet mit der Möglichkeit zur Kombination von Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie, EELS (Fa. Gatan) mit energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie, EDS (Fa. EDAX), einem High-Angle-Annular-Dark-Field Detektor, HAADF, einem ACOM Modul zur Orientation-Mapping sowie einem Zugversuchshalter und Heizelement für in-situ Zugersuche bei bis zu 1000°C


Thermo Scientific Tecnai F20 (Fusionsmateriallabor-FML)

Analytisches Transmissionselektronenmikroskop mit Feldemissionsquelle, 200 kV Beschleunigungsspannung.

Ausgestattet mit der Möglichkeit zur Kombination von Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie, EELS (Fa. Gatan) mit energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie, EDS (Fa. EDAX), einem High-Angle-Annular-Dark-Field Detektor, HAADF.

Das Mikroskop befindet sich im Kontrollbereich mit der Möglichkeit zur Charakterisierung von radioaktiven Proben und toxischen Materialien (z. B. Beryllium).

Focused Ion Beam
Crossbeam-Auriga Zeiss

Crossbeam Gerät mit 3D EBSD und 3D EDX Detektor (Fa. EDAX) sowie der Möglich-keit zur TEM Zielpräparation oder Strukturierung von Materialien (Mikrobiegebal-kenherstellung).

Rasterelektronenmikroskop Zeiss Merlin

Rasterelektronenmikroskop (Feldemissionsquelle) mit hochauflösender Elektronensäule

Vollständige Analytik wie EDS, WDS, EBSD (Fa. EDAX) und Plasma-Cleaner zur kontaminationsreduzierten Elementanalytik


Voll ausgestattete Metallographie:

  •     Lichtmikroskope (Auflichtmikroskope, Stereomikroskop) mit Software für Gefügeauswertungen
  •     Makro- und Mikrohärteprüfer sowie Nanoindenter (z.B. Fa. CSM) mit automatisierter Messung
  •     Präparation von Dünnschliffen für Transmissionelektronenmikroskopie
  •     Präparation von metallischen Proben zur Gefüge- und Strukturanalyse für Rasterelektronenmikroskope
  •     Elektro-chemische Oberflächen-Ätzungen


Datenbearbeitung mittels maschinenlernende Algorithmen

Mit der Einführung neuerer Elektronenmikroskope wie dem Thermofisher Talos sind groß angelegte analytische Untersuchungen im Nanometerbereich in der Materialwissenschaft heute üblich. So spielt zum Beispiel die Kenntnis der Größe, Verteilung und Zusammensetzung von nanoskaligen Ausscheidungen eine entscheidende Rolle für das Verständnis und die Erklärung der makroskopischen Eigenschaften eines Materials. Dieses Wissen kann durch die Erfassung von energiedispersiven Röntgenstralen (EDX) oder Elektronenenergieverlust- (EEL) Datensätzen gewonnen werden. Im Falle einer mehrphasigen Probe wie EUROFER-Stählen oder Beryllium einschließlich Verunreinigungsphasen ist die Auswertung und Interpretation dieser Daten jedoch selbst für einen erfahrenen Wissenschaftler nicht trivial. Maschinenlernende Algorithmen, insbesondere Zerlegungsalgorithmen wie die Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) oder Blind Source Separation (BSS) Algorithmen sind in diesen Fällen äußerst wertvoll, um die elementare Zusammensetzung jeder einzelnen Phase zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus können sie zur Rauschunterdrückung eingesetzt werden. Diese Algorithmen arbeiten so, dass sie die Komponenten des Ausgangsdatensatzes nach ihrer Varianz sortieren. Der Anteil der Varianz fällt zunächst exponentiell ab und wird dann linear. Für die weitere Analyse bleiben nur die Komponenten des exponentiellen Abfalls erhalten. Die Algorithmen liefern zwei Arten der Ausgabe: (i) die Faktoren (im Signalraum) und (ii) die Ladungen (im Navigationsraum). Die erhaltenen Daten können z.B. als Grundlage für die Erklärung mechanischer Eigenschaften wie Duktilität, Zähigkeit usw. oder für die Modellierung und Verifizierung thermodynamischer Daten verwendet werden.


High-dose neutron irradiation of beryllium and titanium beryllide: Summary and outlook
Chakin, V.; Rolli, R.; Schneider, H.-C.; Gaisin, R.; Vladimirov, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Duerrschnabel, M.; Zimber, N.; Rieth, M.; Gorr, B.; Hernández, F. A.; Radloff, D.; Fedorov, A.; Zmitko, M.; Nakamichi, M.; Udartsev, S.
2025. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 42, 101910. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2025.101910
Effect of irradiation parameters on defect evolution in neutron irradiated tungsten
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Schneider, H. C.; Terentyev, D.; Van Renterghem, W.
2025. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 607, 155673. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2025.155673
Phase formation, structure and properties of quaternary MAX phase thin films in the Cr-V-C-Al system: A combinatorial study
Tang, C.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Steinbrück, M.; Ulrich, S.; Hans, M.; Schneider, J. M.; Stüber, M.
2024. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44 (15), Art.-Nr.: 116763. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.116763
In-situ TEM investigation of recovery mechanisms in ion-irradiated ITER-grade tungsten
Iroc, K.; Terentyev, D.; Van Renterghem, W.; Dunatov, T.; Tadić, T.; Klimenkov, M.; Baumier, C.; Gentils, A.; Schryvers, D.
2024. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 599, Art.-Nr.: 155223. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155223
In-Situ synchrotron investigation of elastic and tensile properties of oxide dispersion strengthened EUROFER97 steel for advanced fusion reactors
Sparks, T.; Kuksenko, V.; Gorley, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Chiu, Y.-L.; Connolley, T.; Rieth, M.; Wang, Y.; Cai, B.
2024. Acta Materialia, 271, 119876. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119876
Influence of transmutation-induced Re/Os content on defect evolution in neutron-irradiated W
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Schneider, H. C.; Terentyev, D.; Renterghem, W. Van
2024. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 592, Art.-Nr.: 154950. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.154950
Evolution of the EUROFER97 microstructure during thermal treatment up to 122,000 h
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2023. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 35, Art.-Nr.: 101451. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2023.101451
TEM investigation of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic alloys developed by thermodynamic modeling
Kachko, O.; Puype, A.; Terentyev, D.; Duerrschnabel, M.; Klimenkov, M.; Petrov, R. H.
2023. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 582, Art.-Nr. 154480. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2023.154480
Radiation induced formation gas bubbles in beryllium after neutron irradiation up to 6000 appm helium production
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Chakin, V.; Zimber, N.; Vladimirov, P.
2023. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Beryllium Technology (BeWS-15) September, 14-15, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany, 194–205, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Synthesis of VAlC thin films by thermal annealing of nanoscale elemental multilayered precursors: Incorporation of layered Ar bubbles and impact on microstructure formation
Tang, C.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Steinbrück, M.; Ulrich, S.; Hans, M.; Schneider, J. M.; Stüber, M.
2023. Applied Surface Science, 629, Art.-Nr.: 157340. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.157340
Hydrogen and helium trapping in hcp beryllium
Zimber, N.; Lammer, J.; Vladimirov, P.; Kothleitner, G.; Keast, V. J.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Klimenkov, M.
2023. Communications Chemistry, 6 (1), 76. doi:10.1038/s42004-023-00877-7
Phase formation and thermal stability of quaternary MAX phase thin films in the Cr-V-C-Al system: an experimental combinatorial study
Tang, C.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Steinbrück, M.; Ulrich, S.; Hans, M.; Schneider, J. M.; Stüber, M.
2022, October 19. 4th International Conference on Materials: Advanced and Emerging Materials (2022), Barcelona, Spain, October 19–21, 2022
Microstructural analysis of W irradiated at different temperatures
Klimenkov, M.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Lied, P.; Rieth, M.; Schneider, H. C.; Terentyev, D.; Renterghem, W. Van
2022. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 572, Art.-Nr.: 154018. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.154018
Powder Particle Size Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mechanically Alloyed ODS Ferritic Steels
Oñoro, M.; Macías-Delgado, J.; Auger, M. A.; Hoffmann, J.; Castro, V. de; Leguey, T.
2021. Metals, 12 (1), Art. Nr.: 69. doi:10.3390/met12010069
Thermal conductivity of high-dose neutron irradiated beryllium and titanium beryllide
Chakin, V.; Fedorov, A.; Rolli, R.; Gaisin, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Reimann, J.; Nakamichi, M.
2022. Journal of nuclear materials, 559, Art.Nr.: 153430. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153430
Microstructure and precipitation behavior of advanced RAFM steels for high-temperature applications on fusion reactors
Fernández, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Gómez-Herrero, A.
2021. Materials Characterization, 180, Art.-Nr.: 111443. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2021.111443
Technological aspects in blanket design: Effects of micro-alloying and thermo-mechanical treatments of EUROFER97 type steels after neutron irradiation
Rieth, M.; Simondon, E.; Pintsuk, G.; Aiello, G.; Henry, J.; Terentyev, D.; Puype, A.; Cristalli, C.; Pilloni, L.; Tassa, O.; Klimenkov, M.; Schneider, H.-C.; Fernandez, P.; Gräning, T.; Chen, X.; Bhattacharya, A.; Reed, J.; Geringer, J. W.; Sokolov, M.; Katoh, Y.; Snead, L.
2021. Fusion Engineering and Design, 168, Art.-Nr.: 112645. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112645
High-temperature oxidation and hydrothermal corrosion of textured CrAlC-based coatings on zirconium alloy fuel cladding
Tang, C.; Große, M.; Ulrich, S.; Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Seifert, H. J.; Stüber, M.; Steinbrück, M.
2021. Surface and Coatings Technology, 419, Art.-Nr.: 127263. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127263
New insights into microstructure of neutron-irradiated tungsten
Dürrschnabel, M.; Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Schneider, H. C.; Terentyev, D.
2021. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), Art.-Nr.: 7572. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-86746-6
Infrared emissivity of reduced-activation Eurofer 97 for fusion reactor applications
Echániz, T.; Arrieta, I. G. de; Gil-Muñoz, A.; Fernández-Pereda, J.; Fuente, R.; Klimenkov, M.; López, G. A.
2021. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 549, Art.-Nr.: 152907. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.152907
Tritium release and retention in beryllium pebbles irradiated up to 640 appm tritium and 6000 appm helium
Chakin, V.; Rolli, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Zmitko, M.
2020. Journal of nuclear materials, 542, Art.-Nr.: 152521. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152521
Development and characterization of advanced neutron multiplier materials
Vladimirov, P. V.; Chakin, V. P.; Dürrschnabel, M.; Gaisin, R.; Goraieb, A.; Gonzalez, F. A. H.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Rolli, R.; Zimber, N.; Udartsev, S.; Kolmakov, M.; Vechkutov, A.; Frants, E.
2021. Journal of nuclear materials, 543, Art. Nr.: 152593. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152593
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) characterization of 13.5 Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel for fusion applications
Coppola, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Mangiapia, G.
2020. Nuclear materials and energy, 24, Art. Nr.: 100778. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2020.100778
Correlation of microstructural and mechanical properties of neutron irradiated EUROFER97 steel
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2020. Journal of nuclear materials, 538, Art.-Nr. 152231. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152231
Investigation of a high-dose irradiated beryllium microstructure
Zimber, N.; Vladimirov, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Kuksenko, V.
2020. Journal of nuclear materials, 540, Art. Nr.: 152374. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152374
New insights into microstructure of irradiated beryllium based on experiments and computer simulations
Klimenkov, M.; Vladimirov, P.; Jäntsch, U.; Kuksenko, V.; Rolli, R.; Möslang, A.; Zimber, N.
2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), Article: 8042. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-64654-5
Microstructural evolution of three potential fusion candidate steels under ion-irradiation
Zimber, N.; Vladimirov, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Vila, R.; Chakin, V.; Mota, F.
2020. Journal of nuclear materials, 535, Article No.152160. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152160
Textured growth of polycrystalline MAX phase carbide coatings via thermal annealing of M/C/Al multilayers
Tang, C.; Steinbrück, M.; Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Seifert, H. J.; Ulrich, S.; Stüber, M.
2020. Journal of vacuum science & technology / A, 38 (1), Article No.013401. doi:10.1116/1.5131544
Synthesis of Be₁₂Ti compound via arc melting or hot isostatic pressing
Gaisin, R.; Chakin, V.; Rolli, R.; Hoffmann, J.; Leiste, H.; Bergfeldt, T.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Lorenz, J.; Goraieb, A.; Vladimirov, P.; Möslang, A.
2020. Journal of alloys and compounds, 818, Article No.152919. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152919
First simultaneous detection of helium and tritium inside bubbles in beryllium
Klimenkov, M.; Vladimirov, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Zimber, N.; Möslang, A.; Kuksenko, V.
2019. Micron, 127, Art. Nr.: 102754. doi:10.1016/j.micron.2019.102754
Effects of neutron irradiation on the brittle to ductile transition in single crystal tungsten
Abernethy, R. G.; Gibson, J. S. K.-L.; Giannattasio, A.; Murphy, J. D.; Wouters, O.; Bradnam, S.; Packer, L. W.; Gilbert, M. R.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Schneider, H.-C.; Hardie, C. D.; Roberts, S. G.; Armstrong, D. E. J.
2019. Journal of nuclear materials, 527, Article: 151799. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.151799
Microstructural evolution of EUROFER-ODS alloy under neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2019. Microscopy Conference (MC 2019), Berlin, Germany, September 1–5, 2019
Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Al–Cr–Fe system
Rank, M.; Franke, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Seifert, H. J.
2019. Calphad, 66, 101638. doi:10.1016/j.calphad.2019.101638
Long-term stability of the microstructure of austenitic ODS steel rods produced with a carbon-containing process control agent
Gräning, T.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Heintze, C.; Möslang, A.
2019. Journal of nuclear materials, 523, 111–120. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.05.060
Microstructural investigation of an extruded austenitic oxide dispersion strengthened steel containing a carbon-containing process control agent
Gräning, T.; Rieth, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Seils, S.; Edmondson, P. D.; Möslang, A.
2019. Journal of nuclear materials, 516, 335–346. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.01.048
Thermal management materials based on molybdenum (Mo) and copper (Cu): Elucidation of the rolling-induced evolution of thermo-physical properties (e.g. CTE)
Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, A.; Hain, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Hohe, J.; Mrotzek, T.
2019. Journal of alloys and compounds, 776, 387–416. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.10.235
The brittle-to-ductile transition in cold rolled tungsten: Low-temperature toughness opens a new era in industrial application of tungsten
Bonnekoh, C.; Leiste, H.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, A.; Reiser, J.
2018. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2018), Darmstadt, Germany, September 26–28, 2018
The brittle-to-ductile transition in cold rolled tungsten plates: Impact of crystallographic texture, grain size and dislocation density on the transition temperature
Bonnekoh, C.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Leiste, H.; Hartmaier, A.; Weygand, D.; Hoffmann, A.; Reiser, J.
2019. International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 78, 146–163. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2018.09.010
Why Do secondary cracks preferentially form in hot-rolled ODS steels in comparison with hot-extruded ODS steels?
Das, A.; Viehrig, H.-W.; Altstadt, E.; Bergner, F.; Hoffmann, J.
2018. Crystals, 8 (8), 306. doi:10.3390/cryst8080306
ODS ferritic steels obtained from gas atomized powders through the STARS processing route: Reactive synthesis as an alternative to mechanical alloying
Pazos, D.; Cintins, A.; Castro, V. de; Fernández, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Vargas, W. G.; Leguey, T.; Purans, J.; Anspoks, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Iturriza, I.; Ordás, N.
2018. Nuclear materials and energy, 17, 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2018.06.014
3D structural analysis of selected high- temperature materials. 3D Gefüge-Analyse von ausgewählten Hochtemperaturwerkstoffen
Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Reinauer, F.; Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.
2018. Praktische Metallographie, 55 (7), 424–446. doi:10.3139/147.110525
Improvement of EUROFER’s mechanical properties by optimized chemical compositions and thermo-mechanical treatments
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Klimenkov, M.; Baumgärtner, S.
2018. Nuclear materials and energy, 16, 88–94. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2018.05.028
Expanding the operation window of RAFM steels by optimized chemical compositions and heat treatments
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Baumgärtner, S.; Klimenkov, M.; Dürrschnabel, M.
2018, June 12. 8th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC 2018), Perugia, Italy, June 10–14, 2018
Predicting the mechanical behaviour of tungsten in a fusion environment
Abernethy, R. G.; Howard, C.; Hardie, C.; Hosemann, P.; Schneider, H.-C.; Klimenkov, M.; Roberts, S. G.; Armstrong, D.
2017. 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-18) (2017), Aomori, Japan, November 5–17, 2017
First-principles modelling of anomalous precipitation in neutron-irradiated W(RE, OS) alloys
Nguyen-Manh, D.; Wrobel, J. S.; Klimenkov, M.; Dudarev, S. L.
2017. 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-18) (2017), Aomori, Japan, November 5–17, 2017
Long-term stability of austenitic ods steel
Gräning, T.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Seils, S.; Edmondson, P.; Heintze, C.
2017. 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-18) (2017), Aomori, Japan, November 5–17, 2017
EUROFER improvement by optimized chemical compositions
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Klimenkov, M.; Baumgärtner, S.
2017. 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-18) (2017), Aomori, Japan, November 5–17, 2017
Microstructural evaluation of beryllium after neutron irradiation up to 6000 appm helium production
Klimenkov; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Kuksenko, V.; Vladimirov, P.; Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.
2017. 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-18) (2017), Aomori, Japan, November 5–17, 2017
Radiation damage studies in fusion reactor steels by means of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS)
Coppola, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Rieth, M.; Valli, M.
2017. Physica / B, 551, 407–412. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2017.12.040
Atom probe tomography of the evolution of the nanostructure of oxide dispersion strengthened steels under ion irradiation
Orlov, N. N.; Rogozhkin, S. V.; Bogachev, A. A.; Korchuganova, O. A.; Nikitin, A. A.; Zaluzhnyi, A. G.; Kozodaev, M. A.; Kulevoy, T. V.; Kuibeda, R. P.; Fedin, P. A.; Chalykh, B. B.; Lindau, R.; Hoffmann, J.; Möslang, A.; Vladimirov, P.
2018. Russian metallurgy (metally), 2017 (9), 741–747. doi:10.1134/S0036029517090105
Tomographic atom probe study of nanostructure evolution of oxide dispersion strengthened steels under ion irradiation
Orlov, N. N.; Rogozhkin, S. V.; Bogachev, A. A.; Korchuganova, O. A.; Nikitin, A. A.; Zaluzhnyi, A. G.; Kozodaev, M. A.; Kulevoy, T. V.; Kuibeda, R. P.; Fedin, P. A.; Chalykh, B. B.; Lindau, R.; Hoffmann, J.; Möslang, A.; Vladimirov, P.
2017. МЕТАЛЛЫ, 2017 (5), 70–76
Modeling and Experimental Validation of Hydrogen Behavior in Beryllium
Vladimirov, P. V.; Bachurin, D.; Chakin, V.; Klimenkov, M.; Stihl, C.; Möslang, A.
2017, November 8. 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-18) (2017), Aomori, Japan, November 5–17, 2017
ODS ferritic steels obtained from gas atomized powders through the STARS processing route: Reactive synthesis as an alternative to mechanical alloying
Pazos, D.; Cintins, A.; Castro, V. de; Fernández, P.; Hoffmann, J.; García Vargas, W.; Leguey, T.; Anspoks, A.; Purans, J.; Iturriza, I.; Ordása, N.
2017. ICFRM-18. The 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aomori, J, November 5-10, 2017
Phases formation on new 9%Cr advanced steels for fusion reactors
Fernández, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Roldán, M.; Gómez-Herrero, A.
2017. ICFRM-18. The 18th International Conference of Fusion Reactor Materials, Aomori, J, November 5- 10, 2017
Industrial nitride hardening of EUROFER97 for improved fatigue lifetime
Hoffmann, J.; Seitz, M.; Rieth, M.; Margraf, P.; Senn, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Baumgärtner, S.; Lindau, R.; Jäntsch, U.; Franke, P.; Möslang, A.
2017. EUROMAT2017, Thessaloniki, 17.-22.09.2017
Corrigendum to ’On the influence of microstructure on the fracture behaviour of hot extruded ferritic ODS steels’
Das, A.; Viehrig, H. W.; Altstadt, E.; Heintze, C.; Hoffmann, J.
2017. Journal of nuclear materials, 499, 652. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.11.032
TEM characterization on new 9% Cr advanced steels thermomechanical treated after tempering
Fernández, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Roldán, M.; Gómez-Herrero, A.
2018. Journal of nuclear materials, 500, 1–10. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.12.025
On the influence of microstructure on the fracture behaviour of hot extruded ferritic ODS steels
Das, A.; Viehrig, H. W.; Altstadt, E.; Heintze, C.; Hoffmann, J.
2017. Journal of nuclear materials, 497, 60–75. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.10.051
Development of advanced high heat flux and plasma-facing materials
Linsmeier, C.; Rieth, M.; Aktaa, J.; Chikada, T.; Hoffmann, A.; Hoffmann, J.; Houben, A.; Kurishita, H.; Jin, X.; Li, M.; Litnovsky, A.; Matsuo, S.; Müller, A. von; Nikolic, V.; Palacios, T.; Pippan, R.; Qu, D.; Reiser, J.; Riesch, J.; Shikama, T.; Stieglitz, R.; Weber, T.; Wurster, S.; You, J.-H.; Zhou, Z.
2017. Nuclear fusion, 57 (SI), Article no 092007. doi:10.1088/1741-4326/aa6f71
Transmission electron microscopy study of the heavy-ion-irradiation-induced changes in the nanostructure of oxide dispersion strengthened steels
Rogozhkin, S. V.; Bogachev, A. A.; Orlov, N. N.; Korchuganova, O. A.; Nikitin, A. A.; Zaluzhnyi, A. G.; Kozodaev, M. A.; Kulevoy, T. V.; Kuibeda, R. P.; Fedin, P. A.; Chalykh, B. B.; Lindau, R.; Hoffman, Y.; Möslang, A.; Vladimirov, P.; Klimenkov, M.
2017. Russian metallurgy (metally), 2017 (7), 554–560. doi:10.1134/S0036029517070126
Ductilisation of tungsten (W) through cold-rolling: correlation of microstructure and mechanical properties
Bonk, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoffmann, A.; Reiser, J.
2017. 19th Plansee Seminar (2017), Reutte, Austria, May 29–June 2, 2017
Mechanisms of plastic deformation in cold-rolled, ultrafine-grained tungsten sheets
Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Lied, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Reiser, J.
2017. 18th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-18) (2017), Aomori, Japan, November 5–17, 2017
Ductilisation of tungsten (W) through cold-rolling: Correlation of microstructure and mechanical properties
Bonk, S.; Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.
2017. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2017), Thessaloniki, GR, September 17-22, 2017
Cold rolled tungsten (W) plates and foils : Evolution of the tensile properties and their indication towards deformation mechanisms
Bonk, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoffmann, A.; Reiser, J.
2018. International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 70, 124–133. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2017.09.007
High-temperature low-cycle fatigue behavior of a 9Cr-ODS steel : Part 1 - pure fatigue, microstructure evolution and damage characteristics
Chauhan, A.; Hoffmann, J.; Litvinov, D. N.; Aktaa, J.
2017. Materials science and engineering / A, 707, 207–220. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2017.09.031
Characterization of neutron irradiated tungsten by transmission electron microscopy
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Armstrong, D.; Gibson, J.; Roberts, S. G.
2017. 19th Plansee Seminar (2017), Reutte, Austria, May 29–June 2, 2017
Ductilitsation of tungsten (W) through cold-rolling
Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Pippan, R.; Hoffmann, A.; Rieth, M.
2017. 19th Plansee Seminar (2017), Reutte, Austria, May 29–June 2, 2017
Thermal stability of Eurofer 97 during long term thermal treatment
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.
2017. Microscopy Conference (MC 2017), Lausanne, CH, August 21-25, 2017
3D investigations at structural analysis of high temperature materials
Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.
2017. Microscopy Conference (MC 2017), Lausanne, CH, August 21-25, 2017
Ductilisation of tungsten (W): Tungsten laminated composites
Reiser, J.; Garrison, L.; Greuner, H.; Hoffmann, J.; Weingärtner, T.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Franke, P.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Sickinger, S.; Baumgärtner, S.; Bolich, D.; Hoffmann, M.; Ziegler, R.; Konrad, J.; Hohe, J.; Hoffmann, A.; Mrotzek, T.; Seiss, M.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2017. International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 69, 66–109. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2017.07.013
Effect of irradiation temperature on microstructure of ferritic-martensitic ODS steel
Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Jäntsch, U.; Möslang, A.
2017. Journal of nuclear materials, 493, 426–435. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.06.024
Assessment of industrial nitriding processes for fusion steel applications
Seitz, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Margraf, P.; Senn, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Baumgärtner, S.; Jäntsch, U.; Franke, P.; Möslang, A.
2017. Nuclear materials and energy, 13, 90–98. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2017.05.015
Reducing the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature of tungsten to -50⁰C by cold rolling
Bonnekoh, C.; Reiser, J.; Zaefferer, S.; Baumgärtner, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoffmann, A.
2017. 19th Plansee Seminar (2017), Reutte, Austria, May 29–June 2, 2017
Ductilisation of tungsten (W) through cold rolling
Reiser, J.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Pippan, R.; Hoffmann, A.; Rieth, M.
2017. 19th Plansee Seminar (2017), Reutte, Austria, May 29–June 2, 2017
Effect of microstructural anisotropy on fracture toughness of hot rolled 13Cr ODS steel – The role of primary and secondary cracking
Das, A.; Viehrig, H. W.; Bergner, F.; Heintze, C.; Altstadt, E.; Hoffmann, J.
2017. Journal of nuclear materials, 491, 83–93. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.04.059
The interface in molybdenum-copper-composites used for thermal management applications
Seiss, M.; Mrotzek, T.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Reiser, J.; Knabl, W.
2017. 33rd Annual Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, SEMI-THERM 2017, Double Tree Hotel San Jose, United States, 13. - 17. März 2017, 246–251, IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/SEMI-THERM.2017.7896937
Investigation of nanostructure phase composition and field emission properties in the Ge/Si(100) system
Nepijko, S. A.; Sapozhnik, A. A.; Naumovets, A. G.; Kozyrev, Y. N.; Klimenkov, M.; Protsenko, S. I.; Odnodvorets, L. V.; Protsenko, I. Y.
2016. Zurnal nano- ta elektronnoï fizyky, 8 (4), Art. Nr.: 04067. doi:10.21272/jnep.8(4(2)).04067
Micromechanical study on the deformation behavior of directionally solidified NiAl–Cr eutectic composites
Kumar, A.; Ensslen, C.; Krüger, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Kraft, O.; Schwaiger, R.
2017. Journal of materials research, 32 (11), 2127–2134. doi:10.1557/jmr.2017.23
Production, microstructure and mechanical properties of two different austenitic ODS steels
Gräning, T.; Rieth, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Möslang, A.
2017. Journal of nuclear materials, 487, 348–361. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.02.034
Ductilisation of tungsten (W): On the increase of strength AND room-temperature tensile ductility through cold-rolling
Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Hoffmann, A.; Mrotzek, T.; Rieth, M.
2016. International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 64, 261–278. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2016.10.018
Synthesis and characterization of Ti2AlC coatings by magnetron sputtering from three elemental targets and ex-situ annealing
Tang, C.; Klimenkov, M.; Jaentsch, U.; Leiste, H.; Rinke, M.; Ulrich, S.; Steinbrück, M.; Seifert, H. J.; Stueber, M.
2017. Surface and coatings technology, 309, 445–455. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.11.090
Transmission electron microscopy investigation of oxidation of (110)NiAl single crystal with wedge-shaped profile
Fedchenko, O.; Chernov, S. V.; Klimenkov, M.; Protsenko, S. I.; Nepijko, S. A.; Schönhense, G.
2016. Japanese journal of applied physics, 55 (2), Art.Nr.: 02BC15. doi:10.7567/JJAP.55.02BC15
Neutron irradiated ferritic-martensitic 9Cr steels: Effect of helium and nanoscaled ODS particles on microstructure, tensile and fatigue properties
Möslang, A.; Gaganidze, E.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Rolli, R.; Schneider, H. C.
2016. 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Symposium ES5, November 27 – December 2 2016, Boston, USA
The role of processing parameters on the Microstructure of ferritic ODS alloys
Hoffmann, J.
2016. 3rd Odisseus Workshop, Dresden, April 19-20, 2016
Tungsten for Divertor Components - Manufacturing and improving the performance of Tungsten
Hoffmann, J.; Reiser, J.; Antusch, M.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.
2016. European Student Divertor Research Workshop, Oxford, UK, September 26-28, 2016
Improvement of reduced activation 9%Cr steels by ausforming
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Commin, L.; Fernández, P.; Roldán, M.
2016. Nuclear materials and energy, 6, 12–17. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2015.12.001
Temperature-dependent EXAFS study of the local structure and lattice dynamics in cubic Y2O3
Jonane, I.; Lazdins, K.; Timoshenko, J.; Kuzmin, A.; Purans, J.; Vladimirov, P.; Graening, T.; Hoffmann, J.
2016. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 23 (2), 510–518. doi:10.1107/S1600577516001181
Ductilisation of tungsten through cold rolling: Change of brittle to ductile transition temperature (BDTT) in high deformed tungsten
Bonnekoh, C.; Reiser, J.; Bonk, S.; Hoffmann, J.
2016. SFB-TR 103 Young Researchers Interaction Week, Irsee, December 6, 2016
Fabrication and characterization of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) 14Cr steels consolidated by means of hot isostatic pressing, hot extrusion and spark plasma sintering
Hilger, I.; Boulnat, X.; Hoffmann, J.; Testani, C.; Bergner, F.; De Carlan, Y.; Ferraro, F.; Ulbricht, A.
2016. Journal of nuclear materials, 472, 206–214. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.09.036
Effect of neutron irradiation on the microstructure of tungsten
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Schneider, H. C.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Gibson, J.; Roberts, S. G.
2016. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 9, 480–483. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2016.09.010
Ductility in ultrafine-grained (UFG) tungsten foil: Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties
Bonk, S.; Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.
2016. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 2016, Darmstadt, September 27-29, 2016
Ductilisation of tungsten (W)
Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Hoffmann, A.; Wurster, S.; Rieth, M.
2016. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 2016, Darmstadt, September 27-29, 2016
Identification of laves- and Z-phase formed in 9%Cr ferritic alloy after long-term thermal treatment
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.
2016. 16th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2016), Lyon, F, August 28 - September 2, 2016. Abstracts publ.online, MS-06–827. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6367
Identification of laves- and Z-phase formed in 9%Cr ferritic alloy after long-term thermal treatment
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.
2016. 16th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2016), Lyon, F, August 28 - September 2, 2016
TEM characterization of irradiated beryllium
Klimenkov, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Kurinsky, P.; Kuksenko, V.; Vladimirov, P.; Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.
2016. 16th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2016), Lyon, F, August 28 - September 2, 2016. Abstracts publ.online, MS-05–820. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6366
TEM characterization of irradiated beryllium
Klimenkov, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Kurinsky, P.; Kuksenko, V.; Vladimirov, P.; Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.
2016. 16th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2016), Lyon, F, August 28 - September 2, 2016
Nanostructure evolution in ODS steels under ion irradiation
Rogozhkin, S.; Bogachev, A.; Korchuganova, O.; Nikitin, A.; Orlov, N.; Aleev, A.; Zaluzhnyi, A.; Kozodaev, M.; Kulevoy, T.; Chalykh, B.; Lindau, R.; Hoffmann, J.; Möslang, A.; Vladimirov, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Wagner, J.; Seils, S.
2016. Nuclear materials and energy, 9, 66–74. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2016.06.011
Comparative small angle neutron scattering (SANS) study of Eurofer97 steel neutron irradiated in mixed (HFR) and fast spectra (BOR60) reactors
Coppola, R.; Gaganidze, E.; Klimenkov, M.; Dethloff, C.; Lindau, R.; Valli, M.; Aktaa, J.; Möslang, A.
2016. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 9, 189–193. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2016.02.008
Cold rolled tungsten (W) plates and foils: Evolution of the microstructure
Bonk, S.; Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoffmann, A.
2016. International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 60, 92–98. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2016.06.020
Effects of strain-induced martensite and its reversion on the magnetic properties of AISI 201 austenitic stainless steel
Filho, I. R. S.; Sandim, M. J. R.; Cohen, R.; Nagamine, L. C. C. M.; Hoffmann, J.; Bolmaro, R. E.; Sandim, H. R. Z.
2016. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 419, 156–165. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.06.027
Ductilisation of tungsten (W) through cold rolling: Correlation of microstructure and mechanical properties of UFG-W sheets
Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Bonk, S.
2016. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 2016, Darmstadt, September 27-29, 2016
Ductilisation of tungsten through cold rolling: Change of brittle to ductile transition temperature (BDTT) in high deformed tungsten
Bonnekoh, C.; Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Bonk, S.
2016. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 2016, Darmstadt, September 27-29, 2016
Influence of annealing and the production route on austenitic ods steels
Gräning, T.; Hoffmann, J.; Antusch, S.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.; Müller, S.
2016. 3rd Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels Group of Young Scientists Meeting, Dresden, April 19-20, 2016
Neutron irradiated 9Cr-steel: Effect of nanoscaled ODS particles and helium on properties
Möslang, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Materna-Morris, E.; Rolli, R.; Schneider, H. C.
2016. 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction (CF-7), Kalpakkam, IND, January 19-22, 2016
Investigation of microstructure changes in ODS-EUROFER after hydrogen loading
Emelyanova, O. V.; Ganchenkova, M. G.; Malitskii, E.; Yagodzinskyy, Y. N.; Klimenkov, M.; Borodin, V. A.; Vladimirov, P. V.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Hänninen, H.
2016. Journal of nuclear materials, 468, 355–359. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.07.053
Achieving room-temperature ductility for monolithic tungsten (W)
Reiser, J.; Wurster, S.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Hoffmann, A.
2016. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 19.Mai 2016
Influence of preparation conditions on the microstructure of ODS materials
Klimenkov, M.
2016. 3rd International Workshop on ODS Materials, Dresden, April 21-22, 2016
Ductilisation of tungsten (W) through cold-rolling: R-curve behaviour
Reiser, J.; Wurster, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Kiener, D.; Pippan, R.; Hoffmann, A.; Rieth, M.
2016. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 58, 22–33. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2016.03.006
Ductilisation of tungsten (W)
Reiser, J.; Garrison, L. M.; Greuner, H.; Wurster, S.; Hohe, J.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Rieth, M.
2016. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 2016, Darmstadt, September 27-29, 2016
Ductilisation of tungsten (W): On the shift of the brittle-to-ductile transition (BDT) to lower temperatures through cold rolling
Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Rieth, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Mrotzek, T.
2016. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 54, 351–369. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2015.09.001
ICM: Insights in microstructure of austenitic ods steels
Gräning, T.; Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2015. 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 10–14, 2015
Creep in directionally solidified NiAl-X (Cr, Mo) composites and their microstructural analysis
Krüger, A.; Sprenger, I.; Klimenkov, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Möslang, A.
2015. 13th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (CREEP 2015), Toulouse, F, May 31 - June 4, 2015
Microstructural investigation of the intermetallic composites NiAl-(34-x)Cr-xMo before and after creep
Krüger, A.; Sprenger, I.; Klimenkov, M.; Hellmaier, M.; Möslang, A.
2015. Intermetallics 2015, Bad Staffelstein, September 28 - October 2, 2015
Advanced steels for water cooled applications
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.
2015. European Fusion Programme Workshop 2015, Bled, SLO, November 30 - December 2, 2015
Improvement of RAFM steels through thermo-mechanical treatments
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Commin, L.; Fernandez, P.; Roldan, M.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
Microstructural anisotropy of ferritic ODS alloys after different production routes
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Commin, L.; Antusch, S.
2015. Fusion engineering and design, 98-99, 1986–1990. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.05.002
Innovative materials and processes for liquid metal energy conversion systems (HEMCP-AMTEC)
Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Weisenburger, A.; Müller, G.
2015. Kolloquium zur offiziellen Eröffnung der Helmholtz Energy Materials Characterization Platform (HEMCP), Jülich, 20.November 2015
Structural materials lifetime assessment through modelling and experimental validation: The EUROFusion IREMEV project
Dudarev, S. L.; Rieth, M.; Diegele, E.; Apostolopoulos, G.; De Backer, A.; Barthe, M. F.; Becquart, C. S.; Caillard, D.; Caturla, M. J.; Dubiel, S. M.; Dupuy, L. M.; Fernandez, P.; Fu, C. C.; Gaganidze, E.; Gilbert, M. R.; Klimenkov, M.; Ma, P. W.; Marinica, M. C.; Mason, D.; Mergia, K.; Meslin, E.; Nguyen-Manh, D.; Nordlund, K.; Olsson, P.; Ortiz, C. J.; Proville, L.; Radiguet, B.; Rio, E. del; Robertson, C.; Sand, A. E.; Soisson, F.; Terentyev, D.; Ventelon, L.; Willaime, F.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
The impact of materials R&D on the operation of a water-cooled DEMO divertor
Rieth, M.; Antusch, S.; Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Brezinsek, S.; Biel, W.; Coenen, J.; Linke, J.; Linsmeier, C.; Litnovsky, A.; Loewenhoff, T.; Pintsuk, G.; Unterberg, B.; Wirtz, M.; Greuner, H.; Kallenbach, A.; Neu, R.; Riesch, J.; You, J. H.; Barrett, T.; Domptail, F.; Dudarev, S.; Fursdon, M.; Gilbert, M.; Garrison, L. M.; Snead, L. L.; Katoh, Y.; Armstrong, D.; Roberts, S.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
Nanostructure evolution in ODS steels under ion irradiation
Rogozhkin, S.; Bogachev, A.; Korchuganova, O.; Nikitin, A.; Orlov, N.; Aleev, A.; Zaluzhnyi, A.; Kulevoy, T.; Chalykh, B.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Vladimirov, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Wagner, J.; Seils, S.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
Experimental investigation of high He/dpa microstructural effects in neutron irradiated B alloyed EUROFER by means of small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and electron microscopy
Coppola, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Valli, M.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
Comparative small angle neutron scattering (SANS) study of EUROFER steel neutron irradiated in mixed (HFR) and fast spectrum (BOR60) reactors
Coppola, R.; Gaganidze, E.; Klimenkov, M.; Dethloff, C.; Lindau, R.; Valli, M.; Aktaa, J.; Möslang, A.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, Germany, October 11-16, 2015
Transmission electron microscopy at samples of thermo-mechanically treated RAFM steels
Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Hoffmann, J.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
A fabrication study on austenitic ODS steel
Gräning, T.; Hoffmann, J.; Antusch, S.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.; Müller, S.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
Hydrogen driven microstructural changes of ODS-EUROFER under tensile loading
Emelyanova, O. V.; Ganchenkova, M. G.; Malitskiy, E.; Yagodzinskyy, Y. N.; Klimenkov, M.; Borodin, V. A.; Vladimirov, P. V.; Lindau, R.; Dzhumaev, P. S.; Möslang, A.; Hanninen, H.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
Tungsten (W) foil laminates for structural divertor applications
Reiser, J.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Wurster, S.; Nemeth, A.; Franke, P.; Weingärtner, T.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12- 16, 2015
Virtuelle Material- und Prozessentwicklung am Beispiel der Konstrukturausbildung in Schweißnähten
Nestler, B.; Tschukin, O.; Jainta, M.; Daubermann, M.; Selzer, M.; Widak, V.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.
2014. Forschungsreport für den Maschinenbau in Baden-Württemberg, 2014, 56–58
Ductility in ultrafine-grained (UFG) tungsten foil: Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties
Bonk, S.; Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.
2015. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2015), Warszawa, PL, September 20-24, 2015
Analytical study of Z-phase precipitation in 9%Cr ferritic a
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.
2015. Microscopy Conference 2015, Göttingen, September 6-11, 2015 Book of Abstracts
Soft X-ray emission spectroscopy used for the characterization of a-C and CNₓ thin films
Nepijko, S. A.; Chernenkaya, A.; Medjanik, K.; Chernov, S. V.; Klimenkov, M.; Vlasenko, O. V.; Petrovskaya, S. S.; Odnodvorets, L. V.; Zaulichnyy, Y. V.; Schönhense, G.
2015. Thin solid films, 577, 109–113. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2015.01.065
Characterization and magnetic properties of nanoparticles based on FePt solid solution with an oxide shell
Shpetnyi, I.; Kovalenko, A. S.; Klimenkov, M.; Protsenko, I. Y.; Chernov, S. V.; Nepijko, S. A.; Elmers, H. J.; Schönhense, G.
2015. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 373, 231–235. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.01.071
Comparative study of helium effects on EU-ODS EUROFER and EUROFER97 by nanoindentation and TEM
Roldan, M.; Fernandez, P.; Rams, J.; Jimenez-Rey, D.; Materna-Morris, E.; Klimenkov, M.
2015. Journal of nuclear materials, 460, 226–234. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.02.025
TEM study of impurity segregations in beryllium pebbles
Klimenkov, M.; Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.; Rolli, R.
2014. Journal of nuclear materials, 455, 660–664. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.08.030
Helium influence on the microstructure and swelling of 9%Cr ferritic steel after neutron irradiation to 16.3 dpa
Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Materna-Morris, E.
2014. Journal of nuclear materials, 453, 54–59. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.05.001
Helium bubble morphology of boron alloyed EUROFER97 after neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Materna-Morris, E.; Schneider, H. C.
2013. Journal of Nuclear Materials / Supplement 1, 442 (1–3), S52–S57. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.04.022
Wolfram-Laminatrohre als Strukturkomponente für innovative Hochtemperaturenergiekonversionssysteme
Reiser, J.; Bonk, S.; Bonnekoh, C.; Hoffmann, J.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Wurster, S.; Nemeth, A.
2015. Werkstoffwoche, Dresden, 14.-17. September 2015
Mechanical and microstructural investigations of tungsten and doped tungsten materials produced via powder injection molding
Antusch, S.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Britton, T. B.; Commin, L.; Gibson, J. S. K. L.; Greuner, H.; Hoffmann, J.; Knabl, W.; Pintsuk, G.; Rieth, M.; Roberts, S. G.; Weingaertner, T.
2015. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 3 (3-4), 22–31. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2015.04.002
Correlation of microstructure and low cycle fatigue properties for 13.5Cr1.1W0.3Ti ODS steel
He, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Lindau, R.; Seifert, H. J.
2014. Journal of nuclear materials, 455, 167–173. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.05.024
Tungsten (W) laminate pipes for innovative high temperature energy conversion systems
Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.; Greuner, H.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Denk, T.; Gräning, T.; Hering, W.; Hoffmann, J.; Leiste, H.; Mrotzek, T.; Pippan, R.; Schulmeyer, W.; Weingärtner, T.; Zabernig, A.
2015. Advanced engineering materials, 17 (4), 491–501. doi:10.1002/adem.201400204
Current status of beryllium materials for fusion blanket applications
Vladimirov, P.; Bachurin, D.; Borodin, V.; Chakin, V.; Ganchenkova, M.; Fedorov, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Kupriyanov, I.; Moeslang, A.; Nakamichi, M.; Shibayama, T.; Van Til, S.; Zmitko, M.
2014. Fusion science and technology, 66, 28–37. doi:10.13182/FST13-776
Boron effect on the microstructure of 9% Cr ferritic-martensitic steels
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2015. Journal of nuclear materials, 462, 280–288. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.03.002
Tungsten laminates made of ultrafine-grained (UFG) tungsten foil. Ageing of tungsten-titanium (W-Ti) laminates
Reiser, J.; Franke, P.; Weingärtner, T.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoffmann, A.; Rieth, M.
2015. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 51, 264–274. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2015.04.032
Microstructure of ferritic ODS alloys after different production routes
Hoffmann, J.
2015. 2nd ODISSEUS Workshop on ODS Alloys for Nuclear Applications, Oxford, GB, March 23-24
Arbeitsmethoden der Materialforschung für die Fusionstechnik
Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.
2014. Meccanica Feminale, Furtwangen, 18.-22. Februar 2014
Microstructural changes of EUROFER-ODS steel after neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Jäntsch, U.; Schneider, H. C.; Möslang, A.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12-16, 2015
CuCrZr alloys reinforced by Tungsten. A candidate material for structural divertor applications for DEMO
Hoffmann, J.; Antusch, S.; Hohe, J.; Mueller, S.; Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.; Widak, V.
2015. 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM 2015), Karlsruhe, May 10-14, 2015
Microstructural characterization of neutron irradiated Tungsten
Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Gibson, J.; Roberts, S. G.
2015. 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Aachen, October 12-16, 2015
Microstructural study on the intermetallic compound NiAl-Cr
Krueger, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Moeslang, A.
2015. 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 10–14, 2015
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of annealed tungsten (W) and potassium-doped tungsten foils
Palacios, T.; Reiser, J.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Pastor, J. Y.
2015. International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 48, 145–149. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2014.09.005
Directionally solidified NiAl-Cr. Creep behavior and microstructural analysis
Krüger, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.
2014. Biennial International Conference ’Materials Science Engineering (MSE 2014)’, Darmstadt, September 23-25, 2014
Directionally solidified eutectic NiAl-Cr. A new material for turbine blades?
Krüger, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.
2014. 3. Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrums Energie, Karlsruhe, 26. Juni 2014
Microstructural analysis of the creep bahavior of directionally solidified eutectic NiAl-Cr
Krüger, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.
2014. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik, Dresden, 30.März - 4.April 2014 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.49(2014), MM 18.32
The creep bahavior of the composite NiAl-Cr and its microstructure
Krüger, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.
2014. Junior Euromat 2014, Lausanne, CH, July 21-25, 2014
The evolution of ferritic ODS alloys at KIT
Hoffmann, J.
2014. 2nd International Workshop on ODS Materials, Dresden, June 26-27, 2014
Characterization of dislocation loops in ferritic martensitic steels irradiated within the SPICE programme
Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Vladimirov, P.
2014. NuMat 2014: The Nuclear Materials Conference, Clearwater, Fla., October 27-30, 2014
Microstructural anisotropy of ferritic ODS alloys after different production routes
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Commin, L.; Antusch, S.
2014. 28th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2014), San Sebastian, E, September 29 - October 3, 2014 Book of Abstracts
W laminate materials made of UFG W foil
Reiser, J.; Nemeth, A.; Bonk, S.; Franke, P.; Weingärtner, T.; Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.; Armstrong, D.; Hoffmann, A.
2014. Biennial International Conference ’Materials Science Engineering (MSE 2014)’, Darmstadt, September 23-25, 2014
Imaging of Li and He distribution inside steel using low-loss EELS
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2014. 18th International Microscopy Congress, Praha, CZ, September 7-12, 2014 Book of Abstracts MS-4-O-3057
Tensile properties and microstructural analysis of neutron damage and helium embrittlement in European reference steel EUROFER97
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2014. Scientific Conference ’New Materials for Innovative Development of Nuclear Power Engineering’, Dimitrovgrad, Russia, March 24-27, 2014
Radiation damage in beryllium pebbles after high-temperature exposure at HFR up to 3000 appm helium production
Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Rolli, R.
2014. Scientific Conference ’New Materials for Innovative Development of Nuclear Power Engineering’, Dimitrovgrad, Russia, March 24-27, 2014
TEM investigation of the He bubbles in 9%Cr ferritic steel after neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2014. 18th International Microscopy Congress, Praha, CZ, September 7-12, 2014 Book of Abstracts MS-14-P-3196
Ferritische ODS-Stähle - Herstellung, Umformung und Strukturanalyse. PhD dissertation
Hoffmann, J.
2014. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000037770
Ferritische ODS-Stähle - Herstellung, Umformung und Strukturanalyse. PhD dissertation
Hoffmann, J.
2013. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000037768
Microstructural characterization of neutron irradiated EUROFER97
Klimenkov, M.
2013. 5th Workshop on Nuclear Fe Alloys : Modeling and Experiment, Roma, I, November 28-29, 2013
Tungsten (W) foil laminate materials. Advances for innovative high temperature energy conversion systems?
Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.; Hoffmann, J.; Franke, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Knabl, W.; Hoffmann, A.; Mrotzek, T.; Roberts, S.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Yi, X.; Pippan, R.; Wurster, S.
2013. Fraunhofer Seminar, Freiburg, 8.November 2013
Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.; Dafferner, B.; Hoffmann, J.; Baumgärtner, S.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Ziegler, R.; Bohlich, D.; Hoffmann, M.; Leiste, H.; Weingärtner, T.; Nemeth, A.; Scherbarth, J.; Möslang, A.; Franke, P.; Antusch, S.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Yi, X.; Mrotzek, T.; Hoffmann, A.
2013. 19.Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Karlsruhe, 3.-5.Juli 2013. Hrsg.: A. Wanner. Tagungsband, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. (DGM)
On the use of W-Cu laminate pipes as a heat sink
Rieth, M.; Commin, L.; Hoffmann, J.; Dafferner, B.; Heger, S.; Baumgärtner, S.
2013. Fusion Materials Topical Group Monitoring Meeting, Bucuresti, R, July 1-2, 2013
Development of a reduced activation (austenitic) stainless steel (RASS)
Rieth, M.; Commin, L.; Hoffmann, J.; Antusch, S.
2013. Fusion Materials Topical Group Monitoring Meeting, Garching, February 21-22, 2013
TEM characterization of beryllium pebbles after neutron-irradiation up to 3000 appm of helium production (HIDOBE-01)
Klimenkov, M.; Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.; Rolli, R.
2013. 11th IEA International Workshop on Beryllium Technology (BeWS 2013), Barcelona, E, September 12-13, 2013
TEM study of neutron irradiated beryllium pebbles
Klimenkov, M.; Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.; Rolli, R.
2013. 16th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-16), Beijing, China, October 20-26, 2013
TEM characterizaion of neutron irradiated defects in EUROFERS97
Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Lindau, R.; Coppola, R.
2013. 16th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-16), Beijing, China, October 20-26, 2013 Abstract on USB-Stick
TEM study of beryllium pebbles after neutron irradiation up to 3000 appm helium production
Klimenkov, M.; Chakin, V.; Möslang, A.; Rolli, R.
2013. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 443, 409–416. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.07.050
Fatigue-structure correlation of 13.5%Cr ODS steels at 550⁰C for fusion application
He, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Lindau, R.
2013. 16th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-16), Beijing, China, October 20-26, 2013
Neue Werkstoffe für die Solarenergiewandlung: Design, Produktion und Applikation
Hoffmann, J.; Möslang, A.; Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.
2013. Impulse für die Zukunft der Energie : 2.Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrums Energie, Karlsruhe, 13.Juni 2013
Fabrication and characterization of Al-containing ferritic ODS alloys for improved corrosion resistance
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Lorenz, M.; Möslang, A.
2013. International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles, Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios, Paris, F, March 4-7, 2013
Validation of the production of ODS alloys by extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)
Hoffmann, J.; Möslang, A.; He, P.; Rieth, M.
2013. 16th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-16), Beijing, China, October 20-26, 2013
Basic studies on processing of a large scale ODS batch
Hoffmann, J.; Antusch, S.; Dafferner, B.; Commin, L.; Jäntsch, U.; Rieth, M.; Ziegler, R.
2013. International Workshop on Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October 7-10, 2013
Al-containing ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened alloys. Production, microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2013. GETMAT International Workshop, Berlin, September 17-19, 2013
Al-containing ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened alloys. Production, microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2013. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2013), Sevilla, E, September 8-13, 2013
Al-containing ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened alloys
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.
2013. 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy (EnMat 2013), Karlsruhe, 12.-16. Mai 2013
Multicomponent powder injection molding as method for mass production, joining, and material development for tungsten armour materials
Antusch, S.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Britton, T. B.; Commin, L.; Gibson, J. S. K. L.; Greuner, H.; Hoffmann, J.; Knabl, W.; Müller, M.; Pintsuk, G.; Piotter, V.; Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.; Roberts, S. G.; Weingaertner, T.
2013. 16th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-16), Beijing, China, October 20-26, 2013
Tritium release retention properties of highly neutron-irradiated beryllium pebbles from HIDOBE-01 experiment
Chakin, V.; Rolli, R.; Moeslang, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Kolb, M.; Vladimirov, P.; Kurinskiy, P.; Schneider, H. C.; Til, S. van; Magielsen, A. J.; Zmitko, M.
2013. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 442 (Suppl. 1), S483-S489. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.03.032
Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.; Dafferner, B.; Hoffmann, J.; Baumgärtner, S.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Ziegler, R.; Bohlich, D.; Hoffmann, M.; Leiste, H.; Weingärtner, T.; Nemeth, A.; Scherbarth, J.; Möslang, A.; Franke, P.; Antusch, S.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Yi, X.; Mrotzek, T.; Hoffmann, A.
2013. 19.Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Karlsruhe, 3.-5.Juli 2013
Tungsten foil laminate for structural divertor applications. Joining of tungsten foils
Reiser, J.; Rieth, M.; Möslang, A.; Dafferner, B.; Hoffmann, J.; Mrotzek, T.; Hoffmann, A.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Yi, X.
2013. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 436, 47–55. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.295
Study of the spatial distribution of Li and He inside steel using low energy loss spectroscopy
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2013. Enhanced Data Generated by Electrons (EDGE 2013) : Internat.EELS Workshop, St.Maxime, F, MMay 26-31, 2013 Book of Abstracts
Detailed study of defects in thin fullerite films
Graivoronska, K. O.; Klimenkov, M.; Solonin, Y. M.; Nepijko, S. A.; Schönhense, G.
2012. Crystal Research and Technology, 47, 1255–1268. doi:10.1002/crat.201200304
Effects of oxide particle composition on structure property relations in reduced activation ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened steels
Hoffmann, J.; Britton, T. B.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Roberts, S. G.; Rieth, M.
2013. TMS 142nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Antonio, Tex., March 3-7, 2013
QUENCH-LOCA program at KIT on secondary hydriding and results of the commissioning bundle test QUENCH-L0
Stuckert, J.; Große, M.; Rössger, C.; Klimenkov, M.; Steinbrück, M.; Walter, M.
2013. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 255, 185–201. doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2012.10.024
The influence of boron on structural properties of martensitic 8-10% Cr-steels
Materna-Morris, E.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.
2013. Advanced Materials Forum IV : Proceeedings of 6th International Materials Symposium, Guimaraes, P, April 18-20, 2011. Ed.: A. M. Pinto, 877–882, Trans Tech Publ. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.730-732.877
Overview on fatigue results after neutron irradiation of EUROFER steel
Möslang, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Materna-Morris, E.; Rieth, M.
2012. 6th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction (CF-6), Mamallapuram, IND, January 22-25, 2012
Tomographic atom probe study of un- and irradiated ODS EUROFER steel
Rogozhkin, S.; Aleev, A.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Nikitin, A.; Vladimirov, P.; Zaluzhnyi, A.
2012. 2nd Joint IAEA - EC Topical Meeting on Development of New Structural Materials for Advanced Fission and Fusion Reactor Systems, Ispra, I, April 16-20, 2012
Investigations on the joining of 9-20Cr ODS and Non-ODS steels applying diffusion, electron beam and friction stir welding
Commin, L.; Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Norajitra, P.; Bergmann, L.; Santos, J. F. dos
2012. 2nd Joint IAEA - EC Topical Meeting on Development of New Structural Materials for Advanced Fission and Fusion Reactor Systems, Ispra, I, April 16-20, 2012
TEM characterization of precipitates in EUROFER 97
Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2012. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 57, 8–13. doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2011.10.006
Tensile and fracture toughness properties of the nanostructured oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic alloy 13Cr-1W-0.3Ti-0.3Y₂O₃
Eiselt, C. C.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Odette, G. R.; Yamamoto, T.; Gragg, D.
2011. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417, 193–196. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.12.066
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of electron beam welded reduced activation oxide dispersion strengthened - Eurofer steel
Lindau, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Möslang, A.; Commin, L.
2011. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 416, 22–29. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2011.01.025
XAFS and TEM studies of the structural evolution of yttrium-enriched oxides in nanostructured ferritic alloys fabricated by a powder metallurgy process
He, P.; Liu, T.; Möslang, A.; Lindau, R.; Ziegler, R.; Hoffmann, J.; Kurinskiy, P.; Commin, L.; Vladimirov, P.; Nikitenko, S.; Silveir, M.
2012. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 136, 990–998. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.08.038
Recrystallization of ODS alloys
Hoffmann, J.; Armstrong, D. E. J.; Britton, B. E.; Rieth, M.
2012. ODS Alloys for Nuclear Applications Workshop, Oxford, GB, September 24-26, 2012
Role of lithium in the formation of He bubbles in boron-alloyed steel after neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2012. 15th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2012), Manchester, GB, September 16-21, 2012
TEM study of boron effect on the microstructure of 9CrWTaVB martensitic steel
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.; Jäntsch, U.
2012. 15th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2012), Manchester, GB, September 16-21, 2012
Role of lithium in the formation of He bubbles in boron-alloyed steel after neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2012. 15th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2012), Manchester, GB, September 16-21, 2012
TEM study of boron effect on the microstructure of 9CrWTaVB martensitic steel
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.; Jäntsch, U.
2012. 15th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2012), Manchester, GB, September 16-21, 2012
Mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen am Transmissions-Elektronen-Mikroskop
Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.
2012. 46. Metallographie-Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Materialkunde. Rostock, 19.-21.September 2012
Applications of dual beam SEM/FIB for microstructure analysis of refractory materials
Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Scherer, T.
2012. 7.FIB-Workshop, Dresden, 25.-27.Juni 2012
TEM study of mechanically alloyed ODS steel powder
Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Rieth, M.
2012. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 428, 165–169. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2011.09.034
Characterization of precipitates in nano structured 14% Cr ODS alloys for fusion application
He, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.
2012. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 428, 131–138. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2011.08.026
Analysis of the absorbed hydrogen in cladding tubes applied in the QUENCH-LOCA tests
Grosse, M.; Rössger, K.; Stuckert, J.; Steinbrück, M.; Walter, M.; Klimenkov, M.; Kaestner, A.
2012. Internat.Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 12), Chicago, Ill., June 24-28, 2012
Investigation on different oxides as candidates for nano-sized ODS particles in reduced-activation ferritic (RAF) steels
Hoffmann, J.
2012. Ajou-KIT-Kyoto University Joint International Symp., Kyoto, J, January 31 - February 1, 2012
Investigation on different oxides as candidates for nano-sized ODS particles in reduced-activation ferritic (RAF) steels
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Lindau, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Zschommler Sandim, H. R.
2012. 2nd Joint IAEA - EC Topical Meeting on Development of New Structural Materials for Advanced Fission and Fusion Reactor Systems, Ispra, I, April 16-20, 2012
Microstructural characterizations of hot rolled ferritic ODS alloys
Hoffmann, J.
2012. Materials for Fusion and Fission Group Seminar, University of Oxford, GB, March 30, 2012
Current status of the KIT ODS steel development programme
Hoffmann, J.; Rieth, M.; Lindau, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Armstrong, D.; Britton, B.
2012. KIT-CCFE Divertor Technology Workshop, Culham, GB, May 29, 2012
Investigation on different oxides as candidates for nano-sized oDS particles in reduced-activation ferritic (RAF) steels
Hoffmann, J.
2012. Materials for Fusion and Fission Group Seminar, University of Oxford, GB, March 30, 2012
Microstructure-property correlation of 13.5%Cr nanostructured ODS steels for fusion application
He, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.
2011. 1st Internat.Workshop on Dispersion Strengthened Steels for Advanced Nuclear Applications (DIANA I), Aussois, April 4-8, 2011
Comparison microstructural investigation of neutron irradiated Eurofer-97 and ODS Eurofer-97 steel
Coppola, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Valli, M.; Wiedenmann, A.
2011. 15th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Charleston, S.C., October 16-22, 2011
Microstrutural response on high temperature low cycle fatigue of ODS Eurofer and 13.5% Cr ODS steels
He, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.
2011. 15th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Charleston, S.C., October 16-22, 2011
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of friction stir welded reduced activation Eurofer and Eurofer-ODS steels
Lindau, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Jäntsch, U.; Möslang, A.; Bergmann, L.; Staron, P.; Fischer, T.; Santos, J. F. dos
2011. 15th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Charleston, S.C., October 16-22, 2011
Characterization of radiation induced defects in EUROFER 97 after neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.
2011. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417, 124–126. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.12.261
Characterization and optimization of a nanoscale ferritic oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloy
Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Rieth, M.
2011. Fusion PhD Seminar, Bad Herrenalb, 27.-28.Juni 2011
TEM study of mechanically alloyed ODS powder
Hoffmann, J.; Klemenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Rieth, M.
2011. 1st Internat.Workshop on Dispersion Strengthened Steels for Advanced Nuclear Applications (DIANA I), Aussois, April 4-8, 2011
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of different oxides for oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) steels
Hoffmann, J.; Lindau, R.; Rieth, M.
2011. Evolution of Metals Structures : Modeling, Characterization and Design ; Gordon Research Conf.Physical Metallurgy, Easton, Mass., July 31- August 5, 2011
Microstructural and tritium release examination of titanium beryllides
Chakin, V.; Klimenkov, M.; Rolli, R.; Kurinskiy, P.; Moeslang, A.; Dorn, C.
2011. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417, 769–774. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.12.142
Microstructural characterisation of boron alloyed EUROFER 97 after neutron irradiation
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Möslang, A.; Schneider, H. C.
2011. 15th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Charleston, S.C., October 16-22, 2011
TEM study of irradiation induced copper precipitation in the presence of helium
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Vladimiriov, P.; Möslang, A.; Schneider, H. C.
2011. 15th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Charleston, S.C., October 16-22, 2011
TEM study of irradiation induced copper precipitation in boron alloyed EUROFER97 steel
Klimenkov, M.; Vladimirov, P.; Möslang, A.; Materna-Morris, E.; Schneider, H. C.
2011. International Journal of Materials Research, 102, 1089–1093. doi:10.3139/146.110570
Recent applications of small-angle neutron scattering in the characterization of irradiated steels for nuclear technologies
Coppola, R.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Valli, M.; Wiedenmann, A.
2011. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 409, 100–105. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.09.012
Investigation of oxide particles in unirradiated ODS Eurofer by tomographic atom probe
Aleev, A. A.; Iskandarov, N. A.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.; Nikitin, A. A.; Rogozhkin, S. V.; Vladimirov, P.; Zaluzhnyi, A. G.
2011. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 409, 65–71. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.09.008
Validation of the mechanical alloying process of ODS steel powder
Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Rieth, M.
2011. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Berlin, 17.-19.Mai 2011 Berlin : INFORUM GmbH, 2011 CD-ROM
Validation of the mechanical alloying process of ODS steel powder
Hoffmann, J.; Klimenkov, M.; Lindau, R.; Rieth, M.
2011. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Berlin, 17.-19.Mai 2011 Berlin : INFORUM GmbH, 2011 CD-ROM
Analytical TEM characterization of precipitates in EUROFER 97
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Lindau, R.; Möslang, A.
2011. European Materials Research Society Bilateral Energy Conf., Nice, F, May 9-13, 2011
Microstructure analysis of tungsten materials produced by different fabrication routes
Jäntsch, U.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Scherer, T.; Hoffmann, A.
2011. 13th Internat.Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, 1st Internat. Conf.on Fusion Energy Materials Science, Rosenheim, May 9-13, 2011 Book of Abstracts
Analytical TEM investigation of boron alloyed EUROFER 97
Klimenkov, M.; Materna-Morris, E.; Lindau, R.
2011. 13th Internat.Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, 1st Internat. Conf.on Fusion Energy Materials Science, Rosenheim, May 9-13, 2011 Book of Abstracts