Project Description and Deliverables

Project Number Project Acronym Project Title
0064 ZirConCatcher Design of a nuclear reactor core melt catcher on the basis of zirconia concrete
0833 METCOR Investigation of Corium Melt Interaction With NPP Reactor Vessel Steel
0833.2 METCOR.2 Investigation of Corium Melt Interaction With NPP Reactor Vessel Steel
1648.2 VVER-QUENCH Examination of VVER Fuel Behavior Under Severe Accident Conditions. Quench Stage
1950.2 CORPHAD Phase Diagrams For Multicomponent Systems Containing Corium and Products of Its Interaction With NPP Materials
2916 CHESS Development of the Models for Nuclear Fuel Behavior During Active Phase of the Chernobyl Accident
2936 REACTOR CORE MELTING Modelling of Reactor Core Behaviour Under Severe Accident Conditions. Melt Formation, Relocation and Evolution of Molten Pool
3194 PARAMETER Fuel Assembly Tests Under Severe Accident Conditions
3345 EVAN Source Term Assessment at Ex-Vessel Stage of Severe Accident
3592 METCOR-P Investigation of Corium Melt Interaction With NPP Reactor Vessel Steel
3635 VVER-VESSEL Scale Experimental Investigation of the Thermal and Structural Integrity of the VVER Pressure Vessel Lower Head in Severe Accident
3690 PARAMETER-2 Study of Fuel Assemblies under Severe Accident Top Quenching Conditions in the PARAMETER-SF Test Series
3813 PRECOS Phase Relations in Corium Systems
3831 LARGE SCALE MCCI Development and Experiments at Large-Scale Installation for Heating and Retention of Corium
3876 THOMAS Thermo-Hydraulics of U-Zr-O Molten Pool under Oxidising Conditions in Multi-Scale Approach (Crucible - Bundle - Reactor Scales)
4207 (STCU) CHERNOBYL SHELTER Long Time Behavior of Chernobyl Fuel
K-1265 INVECOR Experimental Study of the Processes at the Corium Melt Retention in the Reactor Pressure Vessel