5th METCOR-P Meeting, St. Petersburg, June 2011

Short Information


Project Number: 3592
Project Title: Investigation Of corium Melt Interaction With NPP Reactor Vessel Steel
Project Acromym: METCOR-P
Link on the ISTC Web: http://www.istc.ru/istc/db/projects.nsf/site-all-by-number-new?OpenView&Start=61&Count=20&Category=35&lang=Eng

Project Deliverables


Name Description
 METCORP5_status_Khabensky  Status of the ISTC project #3592
 METCORP5_MjXP6_U- Zr_melt_ocidation_kinetics_Sulatsky  Oxidation kinetics of metallic melt containing uranium and zirconium. MCP-6 test
 METCORP5_MCP7_corium_oxidation_kinetics_Sulatsky  Oxidation kinetics of suboxidized corium melt in the steam atmosphere. MCP-7 test
 METCORP5_MXP8_test_SS-Zr-U_Granosky  Interaction of SS - Zr - U melt with vertically positioned vessel steel specimen. MCP - 8 test
 Agenda of 5th METCOR-P meeting