ISTC-SAM Workshop July 2008

Short Information


Project Number: 3690
Project Title: Study of Fuel Assemblies under Vevere Accident Top Qunching Conditions in the PARAMETER-SF Test Series
Project Acromym: PARAMETER-2
Link on the ISTC Web:

Project Deliverables


Name Description
 ISTC_SAM_Tochney  Overview of SAM activity
 MCCI_Sarov_Mochalov  Middle-scale experiment
 Overview_QUENCH_VERONIKA-MFPR-Veshchunov  Overview of projects based on cooperation between IBRAE and RIAR
 THOMAS_Proposal_Veshchunov  Proposal for the THOMAS project
 RPV_integrity_Loktionov  status of project #3635 by MPI (MEI)