QuaLiZell - Fehlermöglichkeits- und Einflussanalyse von sicherheitskritischen Aspekten in der Lithium-Ionen Zellproduktion
- Contact:
- Project Group:
- Funding:
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
- Partner:
Hochschule Aalen (IMFAA),
ZSW Ulm,
TU Braunschweig (IÖNC),
RWTH Aachen (ISEA)
- Startdate:
- Enddate:
QuaLiZell - Fehlermöglichkeits- und Einflussanalyse von sicherheitskritischen Aspekten in der Lithium-Ionen Zellproduktion
Ensuring high quality at the lowest possible cost - this is what scientists want to achieve in a new research platform that has been launched at KIT as part of the battery competence cluster AQua (stands for: analytics/quality assurance). To this end, each production step, from the starting materials to the finished cell, will first be examined to identify possible sources of error. Subsequently, the handling of errors during ongoing production is to be optimised and automated in such a way that a consistently high quality can be guaranteed in the end. In order to identify critical errors in the production process as early as possible and to interpret them correctly, the scientists in the AQua projects work according to the principle of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), among other things.
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