Materials Science and Irradiation Experiments
The group operates the scanning electron, transmission electron and focused-ion-beam microscopes
Our facilities
- Shielded 30 kV SEM with EDX, WDX, and 3D-analytic equipment: for fracture and elemental analysis of massive specimens
- FEI SCIOS FIB-SEM with Nanomechanics actuator: for specimen cutting, for nanomechanical tests, and for TEM specimen preparation
- Fully analytical FEI Tecnai TEM with 200 kV FEG, in-situ high-resolution camera, EDX, EELS, EFTEM, HAADF detector: for microstructural analysis and characterization of irradiation damages
The electron microscopes are accessible for qualified external users.
Further working fields are irradiation experiments in external facilities and development of new investigation techniques, p. ex. the Karlsruhe High-Temperature Indenter for instrumented hardness tests up to 650°C.