KIT’s Fusion Materials Laboratory is dedicated to experimental and analytical work on radioactive and toxic materials and is therefore operating a controlled area.
Hot Cells laboratory
Hot Cells laboratory
Hand grip of a telemanipulator for work at a Hot Cell
Telemanipulator for work at a Hot Cell
Vacuum oven of a universal testing machine inside a Hot Cell
Vacuum oven inside a Hot Cell behind 200mm shielding



Key activities are


  • Characterization of neutron-irradiated and thus radioactive materials for future fusion reactors
  • Tritium-uptake and -retention behaviour of materials
  • Toxic materials
  • Development of safe handling- and adapted examination-techniques



Toxic or low-level radiating materials are handled in airtight glove boxes. Hot Cells are used for the work with highly radioactive substances: 200 mm of lead shielding and remote handling by telemanipulators ensure a safe work environment, but impose challenges for the handling of small and sensitive specimens.


Besides the shielding, a nuclear ventilation system with redundant filtering and permanent emission control systems enable the safe enclosure of the substances investigated.


The Fusion Materials Laboratory carries out work mainly integrated in the European research programmes, in collaboration with IAM-MMI, IAM-AWP, IAM-ESS and with international partners.