M. Sc. Camila Aguiar Teixeira
- Ph. D. Student
- IAM-MMI Mechanics of Materials 1 (WM1)
- Gruppe:
- Raum: 125, Bau 696 (Campus Nord)
- Tel.: +49 721 608-24892
- camila teixeira ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Research interest
- Oxygen influence in microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses
- Small scale mechanical testing of materials
- Microstructure and mechanical properties correlations
12/2020 – present: Doctoral candidate (In-situ Microscopy Group) at the Institute of Applied Materials – Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces (IAM-MMI), Karlsruhe
02/2018 – 04/2020: M. Sc. (Materials Science and Engineering), São Carlos School of Engineering - University of São Paulo (EESC – USP), São Carlos
02/2011 – 01/2018: B. Eng. (Mechanical Engineering), Federal Institute of Bahia (IFBA), Salvador
- “Oxygen effect on bending behavior of a zirconium based bulk metallic glass” C.A. Teixeira, R.V. da Silva, L. T. Pereira and M. F. de Oliveira. (May 2020, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 535, 119966)
Awards and Scholarships
- Masters Scholarship (Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement - CAPES), 2018
- Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarship for Development of Technological Innovation - PIBITI (Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA), 2015
- Best performance Scholarship Institutional Program PITIBI, 2015
- Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarship for Development of Technological Innovation - PIBITI (Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA), 2014
- Bachelors Sandwich Scholarship Program in Canada (Science without Borders Program Scholarship), 2012
- Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarship for Development of Technological Innovation – PIBITI (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq), 2011
- XIII Seminar for Scientific Initiation, Technology and Innovation - SICTI, Brazil (2016)
- 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering - COBEM, Brazil (2015)
- XII Seminar for Scientific Initiation, Technology and Innovation - SICTI, Brazil (2015)
- XXI Symposium in Materials Science and Engineering – SICEM, Brazil (2019)
- Brazilian Congress of Materials Science and Engineering - CBECiMat, Brazil (2016)
- National Scientific Initiation Symposium - JNIC, 68th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Scientific Progress – SBPC, Brazil (2016)