Dr. Ermile Gaganidze
- Group leader Irradiation Influence
- IAM-MMI Mechanics of Materials 2 (WM2)
- Gruppe:
- Raum: 345, Bau 681 (Campus Nord)
- Tel.: +49 721 608-24083
- ermile gaganidze ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Effects of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of structural steels and tungsten alloys
- Modelling of nucleation and growth of irradiation defects in RAFM steels and tungsten
- Development of the material database and material properties handbook on DEMO relevant structural, heat sink and armor materials
- Development and validation of Small Specimen Testing Technology
Selected publications
- T. Metzler, E. Gaganidze , J. Aktaa, Prediction of fracture toughness of a reactor pressure vessel steel in the ductile-to-brittle transition region based on a probabilistic cohesive zone model approach, Journal of Nuclear Materials 605 (2025) 155556
- J. Gao, E. Gaganidze , J. Aktaa, Relative population of 1/2 < 111 > and < 100 > interstitial loops in alpha-Fe under irradiation: Effects of C15 cluster stability and loop one-dimensional movement, Acta Materialia 233 (2022) 117983
- Chauhan, Q. Yuan, D. Litvinov, E. Gaganidze, H.-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, J. Aktaa, Effect of temperature on the neutron irradiation induced cavities in tungsten, Philosophical Magazine (2022), DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2022.2079750
- E. Gaganidze, A. Chauhan, H.-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, G. Borghmans, J. Aktaa, Fracture-mechanical properties of neutron irradiated ITER specification tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials 547 (2021) 152761
- E. Gaganidze, A. Chauhan , H.-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev , B. Rossaert , J. Aktaa, Effect of irradiation temperature on the fracture-mechanical behaviour of tungsten irradiated to 1 dpa, Journal of Nuclear Materials 556 (2021) 153200
- L. Malerba, M.J. Caturla, E. Gaganidze, C. Kaden, M.J. Konstantinović, P. Olsson, C. Robertson, D. Rodney, A.M. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Serrano, et al., Multiscale modelling for fusion and fission materials: the M4F project, Nuclear Materials and Energy 29 (2021) 101051
- Q. Yuan, A. Chauhan, E. Gaganidze, J. Aktaa, Direct observation of dislocation loops shrinkage upon annealing neutron-irradiated Fe-9Cr alloy, Journal of Nuclear Materials 542 (2020) 152401
- Gomez-Ferrer, C. Dethloff, E. Gaganidze, L. Malerba, C. Hatzoglou, C. Pareige, Nano-hardening features in high-dose neutron irradiated Eurofer97 revealed by atom-probe tomography, Journal of Nuclear Materials 537 (2020) 152228
- Cabet, F. Dalle, E. Gaganidze, J. Henry, H. Tanigawa, Ferritic-martensitic steels for fission and fusion applications, Journal of Nuclear Materials 523 (2019) 510-537
- Dethloff, E. Gaganidze, J. Aktaa, Review and critical assessment of dislocation loop analyses on EUROFER 97, Nuclear Materials and Energy 15 (2018) 23-26
- B. Kaiser, E. Gaganidze, C. Dethloff, R. Schwaiger, D. Brimbal, M. Payet, L. Beck, J. Aktaa, Investigation of microstructure defects in EUROFER97 under He+/Fe3+ dual ion beam irradiation, Nuclear Materials and Energy 15 (2018) 148-153
- H. Tanigawa, E. Gaganidze, T. Hirose, M. Ando, S.J. Zinkle, R. Lindau, E. Diegele, Development of benchmark reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels for fusion energy applications, Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 092004 (13pp)
- Gaganidze, J. Aktaa, Assessment of neutron irradiation effects on RAFM steels, Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (2013) 118-128
- O. J. Weiß, E. Gaganidze, J. Aktaa, Quantitative characterization of microstructural defects in up to 32 dpa neutron irradiated EUROFER97, Journal of Nuclear Materials 426 (2012) 52-58
- Gaganidze, H.-C. Schneider, B. Dafferner, J. Aktaa, High-dose neutron irradiation embrittlement of RAFM steels, Journal of Nuclear Materials 355 (2006) 83-88