Battery materials: reactions and degradation

Abgeschiedenes Lithium, das bei Untersuchungen zum Wachstumsmechanismus von dendritischem Lithium erhalten wurde (REM-Aufnahme)
Deposited lithium obtained during studies on the growth mechanism of dendritic lithium (SEM image)

Our research interests include:

  • Mechanisms determining operation, aging and damage (degradation) of materials.
  • Reaction pathways of insertion materials
  • Mechanical properties of battery materials
  • Metal deposition and growth of dendrites

In addition to classical electrochemical characterization, we use and develop microscopic and spectroscopic techniques as well as diffraction methods adapted to the study of battery electrodes. In addition to methods based on synchrotron radiation, we use the following laboratory methods for battery research:

  • Light and Raman microscopy (operando LM, Raman).
  • Electron microscopy (in situ and ex situ SEM)
  • X-ray diffraction (in situ XRD)
  • Substrate curvature (operando), with which e.g. phase transitions and Li concentration changes can be detected highly sensitively on the basis of changes in the mechanical stress