12th CEG-SAM Meeting, SPAEP (Atomenergoproject), Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 11-13, 2007, Presentations
Name | Description | Modified |
CEG-SAM SARNET-sept2007_Clement | Update of the information exchange and ineraction between ISTC CEG-SAM and SARNET | 29/07/2008 |
CEG-SAM_Status_Hugon | Status and Prospects in September 2007 | 29/07/2008 |
CEGSAM_Webpage_Status | Stutus of the CEG-SAM Webpage | 29/07/2008 |
K1265_INVECOR_Zhdanov | Status report on "Experimental study of core melt in-vessel retention" | 29/07/2008 |
2936_melt_Veshchunov | Melt Formation, Relocation and Evolution of Molten Pool. Final report on the Project #2936 | 29/07/2008 |
3345_EVAN_Bezlepkin | Status areport on "Ex-vessel source term analysis" phase 1 | 29/07/2008 |
3592_METCOR_P_Progress_Bechta | Progress Report "Investigation of Corium Melt Interaction with NPP Reactor Vessel Steel (MWETCOR-P)" | 29/07/2008 |
3609_EXPULS_Granovsky | Project proposal "Experimental Investigation of Flow Pulsation Effects on Burnout in RPV External Cooling System" | 29/07/2008 |
3635_LOWER_HEAD_Loktionov | ISTC Project "Scale experimental investigationof the thermal and stuctural integrity of the VVER pressure vessel Lower Head in severe accident". | 29/07/2008 |
LARGE_SCALE_Kondrashenko | Project Proposal "Development and experiments at large-scale installation for heating and retention of corium. Task I: medium-scale experiment". | 29/07/2008 |
VERONIKA_Goryachev | Project Proposal "Investigation of Fission Product Release from High Burn_up Fuel Aealed Under Oxidihzing and Reduction Conditions" | 29/07/2008 |
QUENCH-VVER | 29/07/2008 | |
CHESS | 29/07/2008 | |
PARAMETER | 29/07/2008 |