Name Description Modified
STCU_4207_Chernobyl_fuel_dust_Protsak Status of STCU Project #4207 "Long-therm prognosis of behacior of the fuel dust in Chernobyl Shelter". 07/04/2010
STCU_4758_hidden-clusters_Krasnov Status report on STCU Project #4748 "Estimate -experimental research of hidden nuclearly -hazardous clusters of fuel-containing materials in ruined ChNPP Unit 4". 04/04/2010
STCU_5244_fuel_construction_interaction_Krasnov Project proposal STCU #5244 "Research of opjects _ nuclear fuel interaction products with structural materials under heavy neclear-radiations accidents". 07/04/2010
STCU_Porposal_5243_magterial_interactions_Kornyeyeva project proposal #5243 "Interaction studies of improved VVER structural materials at severe accident 04/04/2010