Name Description Modified
Birchley_3690_PARAMETERSF4_pre_test Parameter SF4 planning analyses by EU partners: status and plans 13/03/2009
Kiselev_3690_PARAMETERSF3_modeling Results of PARAMETER-SF3 pre- and post-test numerical modeling 13/03/2009
Nalivaev_3690_PARAMETERSF_Status Status of the ISTC projec t #3690 (PARAMETER-SF3 and PARAMETER-SF4 experiments) 13/03/2009
Nalivaev_3936_B4C_SF5_SF6 Project proposal on bundle tests with B4C absorber rod 13/03/2009
Trambauer_3690_Sf4 pre_test PARAMETER SF4 pre-test calculation with ATHLET-CD 17/03/2009
Yudina_3690_PARAMETER_SF2_SF3_metallography Post-test examination of the PARAMETER-SF2 and-SF3 fuel assemblies 13/03/2009