Project Progress Meeting, Podolsk, Russia, July 29, 2009

Short Information


Project Number: 3690
Project Title: Study of Fuel Assemblies under Vevere Accident Top Qunching Conditions in the PARAMETER-SF Test Series
Project Acromym: PARAMETER-2
Link on the ISTC Web:

Project Deliverables


Name Description
 SF3_posttest-SCDAP-RELAP-Birchley_PSI  PARAMETER SF3 first post-test calculation
 SF3_posttest-ATHLET-Erdmann_GRS  PARAMETER SF3 post-test calculation with ATHLET-CD
 SF4-test_first_results_Konstantinov_LUCH  Experimental results of complex starting-up and adjustment on preparation of the PARAMETER-SF4 Experiment
 SF4_pretest_SCDAP-RELAP-Bircherly_PSI  PARAMETER SF4 final pre-test calculation
 SF4_pretest_modelling-Tomashik_IBRAE  Results of pretest calculations of PARAMETER-SF4 experiment
 SF4_pretest_MAAP_Beuzet_EdF  PARAMETER-SF4 pre-test calculation with MAAP4.07
 SF4_pretest_ATHLET-Erdmann-GRS  Final PARAMETER SF4 pre-test calculation with ATHLET-CD
 SF4_pretest_ICARE-CATHARE-Volchek_KI  Pretest studies of PARAMETER SF4 scenario with ICARE/CATHARE V2