Defense KaijuK. Lu
Next successful defense

Kaiju Lu successfully defended his dissertation "Low-cycle fatigue deformation and damage behavior of equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi and CoCrNi alloys" on November 02, 2022. The work was completed under the supervision of apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jarir Aktaa. Congratulations!

Winners of the SOFT Innovation Prize 2022European Commission
1st SOFT Innovation Prize

A team led by Jarir Aktaa with cooperation partners from Forschungszentrum Jülich won the 1st SOFT Innovation Prize for the development of plasma-sprayed, functionally graded tungsten/EUROFER coatings for the first wall of future fusion power plants. The technology of these protective, on large areas well-bonded coatings was successfully transferred to industry with the aim of upscaling them to application-relevant sizes and shapes. The functional grading, which led to outstanding heat flux resistance, opens up potential deployment of this innovation in other components of fusion technology, in high-voltage components and in the concentrated solar power sector.

Posterpreis ElohoBenoit Merle
Best Poster Award

Eloho Okotete won the “Best Poster Award – First Place” at the leading conference in Nanomechanics, the ECI Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development held in Split, Croatia (October 2022). In her contribution „A geometry for quantitative analysis of interface fracture at the micron scale“ Eloho presented a new geometry for testing the toughness of interfaces at the micron scale. Congratulations!

Besuch FML
Visit of State Secretary Pirscher at the Fusion Materials Laboratory

On July 13, 2022, Judith Pirscher, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, together with President Holger Hanselka and Vice President Oliver Kraft, visited the Fusion Materials Laboratory (FML) and learned on site about new materials as the key to success in fusion research, the role of fusion as an interdisciplinary technology driver, and the synergy between fusion and hydrogen technology.

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Logo ERC
ERC Consolidator Grant to Christoph Kirchlechner

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded the prestigious Consolidator Grant to Prof. Dr. Christoph Kirchlechner. His project TRITIME aims to fundamentally understand the mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement and help tailor new materials used in the distribution and storage of hydrogen.

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Time for change

In the course of the restructuring of the IAM, our institute also changed its name. IAM – Materials- and Biomechanics (IAM-WBM) became Institute for Applied Materials - Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces (IAM-MMI)

Promotion F. StreichF. Streich
Successful defense

In his dissertation "NumericalModeling and Simulation of Lead-free Relaxor Ferroelectric Composites", a DFG project between the group of Prof. Kyle Webber (Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen) and IAM-MMI, Friedemann Streich developed a material law for constituent starting materials and implemented the theory in a finite element code. He succeeded in finding parameters for the starting materials that yield a composite effect in which the longitudinal large-signal piezoelectric coefficient is higher than for the starting materials. This provides important input for material developers on the way to optimized lead-free piezoceramics for actuators. Congrats!

MecaNano – European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale

The "European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale" (MecaNano) has been approved as a European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) for a period of four years. The IAM-MMI will also be part of MecaNano with Christoph Kirchlechner as the German representative.

MecaNano will offer its members numerous opportunities for interaction and collaboration and will be open to researchers from all countries.

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J. NaumannJ. Naumann
Post-Lithium Battery Research

At the conclave of the Cluster of Excellence Post Lithium Storage (POLiS), Johanna Naumann gave a statement on post-lithium battery research. Johanna's PhD focuses on the effects of electrode structure on the cell performance. Using numerical models, she illuminates the electrochemical processes during discharge.

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Posterprize Camila
Best Poster Award

Camila Aguiar Teixeira won the “Best Poster Award” of the Nanobrücken 2022 conference held at the Charles University (Prague). Camila presented her PhD study on slip of partial dislocations in high entropy alloys, for which she employed micro pillar compression with Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) and STEM imaging. Parabéns!

Zeiss Crossbeam 550
Zeiss Crossbeam 550 installed

An unique focused ion beam (FIB) microscope has been installed at our institute for the research programs “Information / P3T1”, “Materials and Technologies for Energy Transition” and “Fusion”, partly funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftungsprofessur for nanostructured functional materials.

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