Name Description Modified
3690_PARAMETER_SF2_3_4_Ignatiev Final report on project #3690. 1) Metallographic investigation of the PARAMETER-SF2 bundle (test on simultaneous reflood from top and bottom); 2) PARAMETER-SF3 test on top reflood; 3) PARAMETER-SF4 test on air ingress with following bottom reflood 03/04/2010
LUCH_RIA_LOCA_overview_Gontar Overview of RIA and LOCA experiments performed at LUCH. Fuel simulators with indroduced fussion cladding 03/04/2010
LUCH_T_gap_difference_diagram_Gontar Results of experiments at LUCH on measurement of thermal conductivity of gap between pellet and cladding. 03/04/2010
PARAMETER_B4C_proposal_Gontar Proposal on "Study of fuel assembl8ies with B4C absorber rods under severe accident conditions in the PARAMETER facility". 03/04/2010
PARAMETER_SF4_posttest_calc_EDF_Beuzet_Schumm PARAMETER-SF4 post-test calculation at EDF with MAAP4.07. 03/04/2010

Preliminary PARAMETER-SF4 post-test calculation performed at GRS with ATHLET-CD

PARAMETER_SF4_posttest_calc_PSI_Birchley_Guentay PARAMETER-SF4 preliminary post-test calculation performed at PSI with SCADP/RELAP5/irs. 03/04/2010