11th CEG-SAM Meeting, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD), Germany, March 7-9, 2007 Presentations


Name Description Modified
 3345_EVAN_Bezlepkin Status of the ISTC project #3345 "Ex-vessel source term analysis (EVAN)", Phase 1 29/07/2008
 corium_transient_proposal_Strizhov Study of corium transient behavior; corum propertoes measurements 29/07/2008
 K-1265_INVECOR_Zhdanov Experimental study of core melt In-vessel retention 29/07/2008
 THOMAS_Porposal_Veshchunov Thermal Hysraulics of U-Zr-O melten pool under oxidising contions in multi-scale approach (crucilble-bundle-reactor scales) 29/07/2008
 VERONIKA_Goryachev Investigation of fission product releasse from high burn-up fuel annealed under oxidizing 29/07/2008
CHESS   29/07/2008
METCOR_CORPHAD   29/07/2008
PARAMETER   29/07/2008
QUENCH_VVER   29/07/2008