
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Heilmaier

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Werkstoffkunde (IAM-WK)
    Campus Süd
    Engelbert-Arnold-Straße 4
    76131 Karlsruhe

    Gebäude 10.91


  • Mechanisches Werkstoffverhalten von metallischen und intermetallischen Werkstoffen bei monotoner und zyklischer Belastung
  • Härtungs- und Verformungsmechanismen bei tiefen und hohen Temperaturen in metallischen und intermetallischen Werkstoffen
  • Pulvermetallurgische Entwicklung von warmfesten, oxidationsbeständigen Refraktärmetall-Silizidlegierungen
  • Gerichtete Erstarrung von warmfesten, oxidationsbeständigen Refraktärmetall-Silizidlegierungen
  • Pulvermetallurgische Herstellung und Charakterisierung von nanostrukturierten Stählen und Al-Legierungen
  • Plastizität und Festigkeit von massiven metallischen Gläsern.

Prof. Heilmaiers Publikationen können Sie anhand seines Google Scholar Accounts nachvollziehen.

Curriculum Vitae

ab 12/2011 Professor (W3) für Werkstoffkunde am Institut für Angewandte Materialien (IAM), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
06/2010 - 11/2011 Vizepräsident für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Technische Universität Darmstadt
11/2008 - 11/2011 Professor (W3) für Physikalische Metallkunde am Fachbereich 11 Material- und Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität Darmstadt
2006 - 2008 Prorektor für Studium und Lehre, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
2005 - 2006 Prodekan der Fakultät Maschinenbau, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
10/2002 - 10/2008 Professor (C4) für Werkstoffprüftechnik am Institut für Werkstoff- und Fügetechnik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
2001 - 2002 Teamleiter Forschung & Entwicklung Refraktärmetalle, Technologiezentrum, Plansee AG, Reutte / Tirol, Österreich
1994 - 2001 Gruppenleiter /Abteilungsleiter „Mechanische Eigenschaften am Institut für metallische Werkstoffe, Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstofforschung Dresden
1988 - 1994 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl "Allgemeine Werkstoffeigenschaften", Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Promotion 07/1992, Thema „Modellkompatible Beschreibung des Kriech- und Zeitstandverhaltens oxiddispersionsgehärteter Ni-Basissuperlegierungen“
1981 - 1987 Studium der Werkstoffwissenschaften an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Schwerpunkte: Allgemeine Werkstoffeigenschaften, Werkstoffkunde und Technologie der Metalle, Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik Diplomarbeit „Korngrenzendiffusion der Komponenten Chrom und Sauerstoff in Chromoxid"
16.02.1962 geboren in Erlangen
  Familienstand: verheiratet, 4 Kinder

Preise, Auszeichnungen, Gutachtertätigkeiten

  • Georg-Sachs-Preis 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Frankfurt
  • Preis des Fachschaftsrates Maschinenbau der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg für die beste Lehre im SS 2005, WS 2005/2006, SS2006 und im SS 2007
  • Key reader und Mitglied des Board of Review von Metall. Mater. Trans. A, (seit 2005)
  • Mitglied des Apparateausschusses der DFG, 2010 - 2015
  • Mitglied und Sprecher des DFG Fachkollegiums Werkstofftechnik, 2016 - 2024
  • Gutachtertätigkeit für DFG, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung, National Science Foundation (USA)
  • Mitglied des Forschungsbeirates der TU Kaiserslautern, seit 2015

Mitgliedschaften, Mitarbeit in Gremien

  • acatech Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, ab 2025
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Frankfurt:
    • 4/1999-9/2002 Leiter des Arbeitskreises ''Mechanisches Werkstoffverhalten bei hoher Temperatur''
    • Seit 2006 Mitglied des Preiskuratoriums II, seit 2011 Leiter des PK II
    • 2007 – 2010 Leiter des DGM Ausbildungsausschusses
    • 2020 – 2021 Vizepräsident
    • seit 2021 Präsident
  • The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Warrendale, Pennsylvania
  • Materials Research Society (MRS, Warrendale, Pennsylvania
  • Symposiumorganisator Materials Week 2002, Werkstoffwoche 2004, München
  • Symposiumorganisator ''Plasticity of Emerging Materials for Structural Applications at Ultra-High  Temperatures'', Plasticity 2008, Hawai
  • Symposiumorganisator MSE 2008 Nürnberg
  • Mitglied des National Organizing Committee der ICSMA 15, Dresden, August 2009

Forschungsaufenthalte im Ausland

04/1998 - 03/1999 "Visiting Academic" (Feodor-Lynen-Programms der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) am Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Western Australia, Perth, Australien.
07/2000 - 10/2000 "Visiting Professor" (Nachkontakteprogramms der AvH) am Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of California Davis, Kalifornien
07/2004 - 08/2004 "Visiting Professor" bei Prof. Dr. Robert Varin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Kanada
11/2007 Stipendiat der Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: "FY2007 JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Short Term)"
08/2014 Gastprofessor bei Prof. J.C. Earthman, Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering, University of California Irvine, California
11/2015 – 03/2016 "Visiting Professor" bei Prof. Dr. Xinhua Wu, Department of Materials Engineering, Monash University, Australien
01/2023 – 02/2023 "Visiting Professor" bei Prof. Dr. Aijun Huang, Department of Materials Engineering, Monash University, Australien
03/2023 “Aditya Birla Visiting Chair” bei Prof. Satyam Suwas, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indien


Creep behavior of a precipitation-strengthened A2-B2 refractory high entropy alloy
Yang, L.; Sen, S.; Schliephake, D.; Vikram, R. J.; Laube, S.; Pramanik, A.; Chauhan, A.; Neumeier, S.; Heilmaier, M.; Kauffmann, A.
2025. Acta Materialia, 288, Art.-Nr. 120827. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2025.120827
Operative slip system and dislocation behavior in a brittle refractory high-entropy alloy with the B2 ordered structure
Han, S.; Laube, S.; Chen, Z.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Inui, H.
2025. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1020, Article no: 179361. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2025.179361
Strengthening mechanisms in Ni and Ni-5Fe alloy
Agrawal, S.; Heilmaier, M.; Skrotzki, W.; Suwas, S.
2025. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 924, Article no: 147752. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2024.147752
Strategic alloy design and processing for improved mechanical response in the Mo-Si-Ti system
Vikram, R. J.; Schliephake, D.; Namadi, M.; Choudhury, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Suwas, S.; Heilmaier, M.
2025. Scripta Materialia, 255, Art.-Nr.: 116341. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116341
Exploring room-temperature deformation mechanisms of a B2-strengthened refractory compositionally complex alloy
Pramanik, A.; Konkati, C.; Laube, S.; Yang, L.; Sen, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Chauhan, A.
2025. Materials Science and Engineering: A, Article no: 148180. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2025.148180
Hot corrosion behavior of Mo–Si–Ti alloys
Beck, K.; König, T.; Senvardarli, E.; Hinrichs, F.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2024. Materials and Corrosion, 75 (12), 1610–1619. doi:10.1002/maco.202414491
Solid solution strengthening in single-phase Au-Cu-Ni-Pd-Pt-based high-entropy alloys
Drescher, S.; Seils, S.; Boll, T.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Freudenberger, J.
2024. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1002, Artkl.Nr.: 175273. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.175273
The Creep‐induced Micro‐ and Nanostructural Evolution of a Eutectic Mo‐Si‐Ti Alloy at 1200 °C
Schliephake, D.; Thota, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Wu, H.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301909. doi:10.1002/adem.202301909
Unveiling the Intricacies of a Ductile‐Phase Toughened Intermetallic: An In‐depth Exploration of a Eutectic Mo‐Si‐Ti Alloy and its Mechanical Behavior
Vikram, R. J.; Aramanda, S. K.; Schliephake, D.; Kauffmann, A.; Choudhury, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Suwas, S.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), Art.-Nr.: 2301843. doi:10.1002/adem.202301843
The effect of grain boundaries and precipitates on the mechanical behavior of the refractory compositionally complex alloy NbMoCrTiAl
Wang, J.; Basu, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Schwaiger, R.
2024. Applied Physics Letters, 124 (20), Art.-Nr.: 201905. doi:10.1063/5.0203536
One-step sputtering of MoSSe metastable phase as thin film and predicted thermodynamic stability by computational methods
López-Galán, O. A.; Boll, T.; Nogan, J.; Chassaing, D.; Welle, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Ramos, M.
2024. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), Art-Nr.: 7104. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-57243-3
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a precipitation‐strengthened Fe‐Al‐Nb alloy
Nizamoglu, S.; Gedsun, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Ghosh, M.; Michels, H.; Groten, T.; Schulz, C.; Breuner, C.; Seils, S.; Schliephake, D.; Laube, S.; Palm, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (4). doi:10.1002/adem.202300148
Strength of Disordered and Ordered Al‐containing Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Laube, S.; Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Li, J.; Kirchlechner, C.; Heilmaier, M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301797. doi:10.1002/adem.202301797
Unique Yttria Nanoparticle Strengthening in an Inconel 718 Superalloy Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing
Dai, S.; Zhu, J.; Yan, X.; Wu, S.; Liu, Y.; Gao, X.; Fraser, H.; Hodgson, P.; Zhu, Y.; Heilmaier, M.; Huang, A.
2024. Advanced Materials Technologies, 9 (3), Art.-Nr.: 2301421. doi:10.1002/admt.202301421
Aluminide diffusion coatings for improving the pesting behavior of refractory metals
Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Czerny, A. K.; White, E. M. H.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2024. Surface and Coatings Technology, 476, Art.-Nr.: 130205. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130205
On the inherent strength of Cr23 C6 with the complex face-centered cubic D84 structure
Kishida, K.; Ito, M.; Inui, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Eggeler, G.
2024. Acta Materialia, 263, Art.-Nr.: 119518. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119518
Influence of the oxidation on the optical properties of Mo-Si-Ti, Ta-Mo-Cr-Al and Ta-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al alloys
Charpentier, L.; Kauffmann, A.; Bêche, E.; Escape, C.; Laube, S.; Schliephake, D.; Esvan, J.; Gorr, B.; Soum-Glaude, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. Materials Today Communications, 37, Art.-Nr.: 107056. doi:10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107056
Plastic deformation of single crystals of the equiatomic Cr-Fe-Co-Ni medium entropy alloy – A comparison with Cr-Mn-Fe-Co-Ni and Cr-Co-Ni alloys
Li, L.; Chen, Z.; Yuge, K.; Kishida, K.; Inui, H.; Heilmaier, M.; George, E. P.
2023. International Journal of Plasticity, 169, Art.-Nr.: 103732. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2023.103732
The effect of carbides on the creep performance of Hastelloy X fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
Wu, S.; Dai, S. B.; Heilmaier, M.; Peng, H. Z.; Zhang, G. H.; Huang, S.; Zhang, X. J.; Tian, Y.; Zhu, Y. M.; Huang, A. J.
2023. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 875, Arktl.Nr.: 145116. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2023.145116
Temporal sequence of deformation twinning in CoCrNi under tribological load
Dollmann, A.; Rau, J. S.; Bieber, B.; Mantha, L.; Kübel, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Greiner, C.
2023. Scripta Materialia, 229, Art.-Nr.: 115378. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115378
Formation of rutile (Cr,Ta,Ti)O₂ oxides during oxidation of refractory high entropy alloys in Ta-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al system
Schellert, S.; Weber, M.; Christ, H. J.; Wiktor, C.; Butz, B.; Galetz, M. C.; Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Gorr, B.
2023. Corrosion Science, 211, Art.Nr. 110885. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110885
Revisiting analytic shear-lag models for predicting creep in composite materials
Dyck, A.; Wicht, D.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Böhlke, T.
2023. Scripta Materialia, 224, Article no: 115142. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2022.115142
Softening by spinodal decomposition in Au–Cu–Ni–Pd–Pt high-entropy alloys
Drescher, S.; Seils, S.; Pohl, D.; Rellinghaus, B.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Freudenberger, J.
2023. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 887, Art.-Nr.: 145772. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2023.145772
Chromium Diffusion Coatings for Mo-Based Silicides to Improve Their Oxidation Resistance
Beck, K.; Hinrichs, F.; Oskay, C.; Ulrich, A. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2023. Coatings, 13 (10), 1712. doi:10.3390/coatings13101712
Phase-Field Simulation of the Microstructure Evolution in the Eutectic Alloy NiAl-31Cr-3Mo
Kellner, M.; Schulz, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Crystals, 13 (7), Article no: 1046. doi:10.3390/cryst13071046
The influence of lattice misfit on screw and edge dislocation-controlled solid solution strengthening in Mo-Ti alloys
Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Herrmann, J.; Czerny, A. K.; Obert, S.; Seils, S.; Boll, T.; Baruffi, C.; Rao, Y.; Curtin, W. A.; Schwaiger, R.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. Communications Materials, 4 (1), 26. doi:10.1038/s43246-023-00353-8
The Piezoresponse in WO₃ Thin Films Due to N₂-Filled Nanovoids Enrichment by Atom Probe Tomography
Pineda-Domínguez, P. M.; Boll, T.; Nogan, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Hurtado-Macías, A.; Ramos, M.
2023. Materials, 16 (4), Art.-Nr.: 1387. doi:10.3390/ma16041387
Nanoscale oxide formation at α‐Al₂O₃–Nb interfaces
Eusterholz, M. K.; Boll, T.; Ott, V.; Stüber, M.; Lu, Y.; Gebauer, J.; Ulrich, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. Advanced Engineering Materials, 25 (14), Art.-Nr.: 2201441. doi:10.1002/adem.202201441
Simultaneous Twinning and Microband-Induced Plasticity of a Compositionally Complex Alloy with Interstitial Carbon at Cryogenic Temperatures
Tirunilai, A. S.; Osmundsen, R.; Baker, I.; Chen, H.; Weiss, K.-P.; Heilmaier, M.; Kauffmann, A.
2023. High Entropy Alloys & Materials, 1, 60–71. doi:10.1007/s44210-022-00001-9
Solid solution strengthening in medium- to high-entropy alloys
Freudenberger, J.; Thiel, F.; Utt, D.; Albe, K.; Kauffmann, A.; Seils, S.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 861, 144271. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2022.144271
Phase continuity, brittle to ductile transition temperature and creep behavior of a eutectic Mo‐20Si‐52.8Ti alloy
Tirunilai, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; Schliephake, D.; Engstler, M.; Mücklich, F.; Obert, S.; Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Advanced Engineering Materials, 24 (11), Art.Nr. 2200918. doi:10.1002/adem.202200918
Improving the intermediate- and high-temperature strength of L1-Co(Al,W) by Ni and Ta additions
Chen, Z.; Kishida, K.; Inui, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Glatzel, U.; Eggeler, G.
2022. Acta Materialia, 238, Art.-Nr.: 118224. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118224
A novel nitridation- and pesting-resistant Cr-Si-Mo alloy
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schliephake, D.; Beichert, B.; Winkens, G.; Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Galetz, M. C.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Corrosion Science, 207, Art.-Nr.: 110566. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110566
Effect of heat treatment on the electrical and mechanical properties of a Cu–Ni–Si cast alloy
Atapek, Ş. H.; von Klinski-Wetzel, K.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Materialpruefung/Materials Testing, 64 (8), 1103–1111. doi:10.1515/mt-2022-0022
Interface reactions of magnetron sputtered Si-based dual layer coating systems as oxidation protection for Mo-Si-Ti alloys
Anton, R.; Hüning, S.; Laska, N.; Weber, M.; Schellert, S.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.; Schulz, U.
2022. Surface and Coatings Technology, 444, 128620. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128620
Plastic deformation of bulk and micropillar single crystals of Mo₅Si₃ with the tetragonal D8 structure
Kishida, K.; Chen, Z.; Matsunoshita, H.; Maruyama, T.; Fukuyama, T.; Sasai, Y.; Inui, H.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. International Journal of Plasticity, 155, Art.-Nr. 103339. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2022.103339
On the formation of nanocrystalline aluminides during high pressure torsion of Al/Ni alternating foils and post-processing multilayer reaction
Ivanisenko, Y.; Mazilkin, A.; Gallino, I.; Riegler, S. S.; Doyle, S.; Kilmametov, A.; Fabrichnaya, O.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Journal of alloys and compounds, 905, Art. Nr.: 164201. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.164201
On the impact of the mesostructure on the creep response of cellular NiAl-Mo eutectics
Wicht, D.; Kauffmann, A.; Schneider, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Böhlke, T.
2022. Acta materialia, 226, Art.-Nr. 117626. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117626
Micro-mechanical deformation behavior of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy
Lu, K.; Chauhan, A.; Litvinov, D.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Freudenberger, J.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Aktaa, J.
2022. Journal of materials science & technology, 100, 237–245. doi:10.1016/j.jmst.2021.04.079
Materials properties characterization in the most extreme environments
Schreiber, D. K.; Schwaiger, R.; Heilmaier, M.; McCormack, S. J.
2022. MRS Bulletin, 47 (11), 1128–1142. doi:10.1557/s43577-022-00441-z
Formation and thermal stability of two-phase microstructures in Al-containing refractory compositionally complex alloys
Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Schellert, S.; Seils, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Greiner, C.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 23 (1), 692–706. doi:10.1080/14686996.2022.2132118
Dislocation-mediated and twinning-induced plasticity of CoCrFeMnNi in varying tribological loading scenarios
Dollmann, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Srinivasan Tirunilai, A.; Mantha, L. S.; Kübel, C.; Eder, S. J.; Schneider, J.; Greiner, C.
2022. Journal of Materials Science, 57, 17448–17461. doi:10.1007/s10853-022-07661-3
Coarse‐Grained Refractory Composite Castables Based on Alumina and Niobium
Zienert, T.; Endler, D.; Hubálková, J.; Gehre, P.; Eusterholz, M.; Boll, T.; Heilmaier, M.; Günay, G.; Weidner, A.; Biermann, H.; Kraft, B.; Wagner, S.; Aneziris, C. G.
2022. Advanced Engineering Materials, 24 (8), Art.-Nr.: 2200296. doi:10.1002/adem.202200296
High‐temperature ternary oxide phases in Ta/Nb‐Alumina composite materials
Eusterholz, M. K.; Boll, T.; Gebauer, J.; Weidner, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Franke, P.; Seifert, H.-J.; Biermann, H.; Aneziris, C.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Advanced Engineering Materials, 24 (8), Art.-Nr.: 2200161. doi:10.1002/adem.202200161
Role of orientation relationship for the formation of morphology and preferred orientation in NiAl-(Cr,Mo) during directional solidification
Schulz, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Laube, S.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Acta Materialia, 231, Art.Nr. 117857. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117857
Revealing the Role of Cross Slip for Serrated Plastic Deformation in Concentrated Solid Solutions at Cryogenic Temperatures
Tirunilai, A. S.; Weiss, K.-P.; Freudenberger, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Kauffmann, A.
2022. Metals, 12 (3), 514. doi:10.3390/met12030514
Correction to: The electronic states of ITO–MoS: Experiment and theory
López‑Galán, O. A.; Ramos, M.; Nogan, J.; Ávila‑García, A.; Boll, T.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. MRS communications, 12 (2), 283–283. doi:10.1557/s43579-022-00151-2
The electronic states of ITO–MoS₂: Experiment and theory
López-Galán, O. A.; Ramos, M.; Nogan, J.; Ávila-García, A.; Boll, T.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. MRS communications, 12, 137–144. doi:10.1557/s43579-021-00126-9
Grain boundary engineering and its implications on corrosion behaviour of equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy
Thota, H.; Jeyaraam, R.; Bairi, L. R.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Kauffmann, A.; Freudenberger, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Mandal, S.; Vadlamani, S. S.
2021. Journal of alloys and compounds, 888, Art.-Nr.: 161500. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.161500
Development of actual powder layer height depending on nominal layer thicknesses and selection of laser parameters
Jansen, D.; Hanemann, T.; Radek, M.; Rota, A.; Schröpfer, J.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Journal of materials processing technology, 298, Art.-Nr.: 117305. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2021.117305
Microstructure and mechanical properties of high-Mn-ODS steels
Seils, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Delis, W.; Boll, T.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Materials science and engineering / A, 825, Art.-Nr. 141859. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2021.141859
Oxidation mechanism of refractory high entropy alloys Ta-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al with varying Ta content
Schellert, S.; Gorr, B.; Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Christ, H. J.
2021. Corrosion science, 192, Article no: 109861. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2021.109861
Quantitative Phase Prediction in Dual-Phase High-Entropy Alloys: Computationally Aided Parametric Approach
Singh Negi, A.; Sourav, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Biswas, S.; Thangaraju, S.
2021. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 258 (6), Art. Nr.: 2100106. doi:10.1002/pssb.202100106
Microcantilever Fracture Tests on Eutectic NiAl‐Cr(Mo) in‐situ Composites
Gabel, S.; Giese, S.; Merle, B.; Sprenger, I.; Heilmaier, M.; Neumeier, S.; Bitzek, E.; Göken, M.
2021. Advanced engineering materials, 23 (6), Art.-Nr. 202001464. doi:10.1002/adem.202001464
Oxidation Resistance, Creep Strength and Room-Temperature Fracture Toughness of Mo–28Ti–14Si–6C–6B Alloy
Hatakeyama, T.; Kauffmann, A.; Obert, S.; Gombola, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Yoshimi, K.
2021. Materialia, 16, Art.Nr. 101108. doi:10.1016/j.mtla.2021.101108
Mo-Silicide Alloys for High-Temperature Structural Applications
Perepezko, J. H.; Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Materials Performance and Characterization, 10 (2), Article: 20200183. doi:10.1520/MPC20200183
Flexible Powder Production for Additive Manufacturing of Refractory Metal-Based Alloys
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Seils, S.; Obert, S.; Ratschbacher, K.; Allen, M.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Metals, 11 (11), Article no: 1723. doi:10.3390/met11111723
Microstructure tailoring of Al-containing compositionally complex alloys by controlling the sequence of precipitation and ordering
Laube, S.; Schellert, S.; Srinivasan Tirunilai, A.; Schliephake, D.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Acta Materialia, 218, Article no: 117217. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117217
Influence of Shot Peening on the Isothermal Fatigue Behavior of the Gamma Titanium Aluminide Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb at 750 °C
Breuner, C.; Guth, S.; Gall, E.; Swadźba, R.; Gibmeier, J.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Metals, 11 (7), Art.-Nr.: 1083. doi:10.3390/met11071083
The Effect of Al on the Formation of a CrTaO₄ Layer in Refractory High Entropy Alloys Ta-Mo-Cr-Ti-xAl
Schellert, S.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Pritzel, C.; Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Oxidation of metals, 96, 333–345. doi:10.1007/s11085-021-10046-7
Deformation mechanisms of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy under low-cycle-fatigue loading
Lu, K.; Chauhan, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Freudenberger, J.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Aktaa, J.
2021. Acta materialia, 215, Art.-Nr.: 117089. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117089
Current Status of Research on the Oxidation Behavior of Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Gorr, B.; Schellert, S.; Müller, F.; Christ, H.-J.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Advanced engineering materials, 23 (5), Art.-Nr.: 2001047. doi:10.1002/adem.202001047
Influence of Temperature and Plastic Strain on Deformation Mechanisms and Kink Band Formation in Homogenized HfNbTaTiZr
Chen, H.; Hanemann, T.; Seils, S.; Schliephake, D.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Weiss, K.-P.; Kauffmann, A.
2021. Crystals, 11 (2), 81. doi:10.3390/cryst11020081
The Creep and Oxidation Behaviour of Pesting-Resistant -Containing Eutectic-Eutectoid Mo-Si-Ti Alloys
Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Pretzler, R.; Schliephake, D.; Hinrichs, F.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Metals, 11 (1), Art.-Nr.: 169. doi:10.3390/met11010169
Superior low-cycle fatigue properties of CoCrNi compared to CoCrFeMnNi
Lu, K.; Chauhan, A.; Walter, M.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schneider, M.; Laplanche, G.; Freudenberger, J.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Aktaa, J.
2021. Scripta materialia, 194, Art.-Nr.: 113667. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.113667
Microstructural and Chemical Constitution of the Oxide Scale formed on a Pesting-Resistant Mo-Si-Ti Alloy
Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Seils, S.; Boll, T.; Kauffmann-Weiss, S.; Chen, H.; Anton, R.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Corrosion science, 178, Art.-Nr. 109081. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2020.109081
Dimensionless Enthalpy as Characteristic Factor for Process Control in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Hanemann, T.; Seyfert, C.; Holfelder, P.; Rota, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 15 (3), 257–266. doi:10.2961/jlmn.2020.03.2017
Origins of strength and plasticity in the precious metal based High-Entropy Alloy AuCuNiPdPt
Thiel, F.; Geissler, D.; Nielsch, K.; Kauffmann, A.; Seils, S.; Heilmaier, M.; Utt, D.; Albe, K.; Motylenko, M.; Rafaja, D.; Freudenberger, J.
2020. Acta materialia, 185, 400–411. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.12.020
Formation of complex intermetallic phases in novel refractory high-entropy alloys NbMoCrTiAl and TaMoCrTiAl: Thermodynamic assessment and experimental validation
Müller, F.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Laube, S.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Journal of alloys and compounds, 842, Article no: 155726. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.155726
Dislocation-based Serrated Plastic Flow of High Entropy Alloys at Cryogenic Temperatures
Tirunilai, A. S.; Hanemann, T.; Weiss, K.-P.; Freudenberger, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Kauffmann, A.
2020. Acta materialia, 200, 980–991. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.09.052
A zone melting device for the in situ observation of directional solidification using high-energy synchrotron x rays editors-pick
Gombola, C.; Hasemann, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Sprenger, I.; Laube, S.; Schmitt, A.; Gang, F.; Bolbut, V.; Oehring, M.; Blankenburg, M.; Schell, N.; Staron, P.; Pyczak, F.; Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Review of scientific instruments, 91 (9), Art.Nr. 093901. doi:10.1063/5.0019020
Effect of Y Additions on the Oxidation Behaviour of Novel Refractory High-Entropy Alloy NbMoCrTiAl at 1000 °C in Air
Müller, F.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Oxidation of metals, 94 (1-2), 147–163. doi:10.1007/s11085-020-09983-6
High-temperature low cycle fatigue behavior of an equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy
Lu, K.; Chauhan, A.; Litvinov, D.; Walter, M.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Freudenberger, J.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Aktaa, J.
2020. Materials science and engineering / A, 791, Article: 139781. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2020.139781
Challenges and Perspectives of the Phase Formation of Internally Oxidized PIT-Type Conductors
Buehler, C.; Holzapfel, B.; Sailer, B.; Wanior, M.; Abaecherli, V.; Thoener, M.; Schlenga, K.; Kauffmann-WEISS, S.; Haenisch, J.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 30 (4), Article: 6000805. doi:10.1109/TASC.2020.2969906
Creep of an oxidation resistant coated Mo-9Si-8B alloy
Gombola, C.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Perepezko, J. H.
2020. Intermetallics, 120, 106743. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2020.106743
Breakdown of Varvenne scaling in (AuNiPdPt) Cu high-entropy alloys
Thiel, F.; Utt, D.; Kauffmann, A.; Nielsch, K.; Albe, K.; Heilmaier, M.; Freudenberger, J.
2020. Scripta materialia, 181, 15–18. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.02.007
Temperature dependent strengthening contributions in austenitic and ferritic ODS steels
Seils, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Hinrichs, F.; Schliephake, D.; Boll, T.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Materials science and engineering / A, 786, Article: 139452. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2020.139452
Solid solution strengthening and deformation behavior of single-phase Cu-base alloys under tribological load
Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Ruebeling, F.; Freudenberger, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Greiner, C.
2020. Acta materialia, 185, 300–308. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.12.005
Characterisation of the oxidation and creep behaviour of novel Mo-Si-Ti alloys
Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Acta materialia, 184, 132–142. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.11.045
In Situ Thermal-Stage Fitted-STEM Characterization of Spherical-Shaped Co/MoS Nanoparticles for Conversion of Heavy Crude Oils
Ramos, M.; Galindo-Hernández, F.; Torres, B.; Domínguez-Esquivel, J. M.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Catalysts, 10 (11), Art.-Nr.: 1239. doi:10.3390/catal10111239
A New Method for Determining the Brittle-to-Ductile Transition Temperature of a TiAl Intermetallic
Nizamoglu, S.; Lang, K.-H.; Guth, S.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Metals, 10 (11), Article no: 1550. doi:10.3390/met10111550
Microstructural Investigations of Novel High Temperature Alloys Based on NiAl-(Cr,Mo)
Gombola, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Geramifard, G.; Blankenburg, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Metals, 10 (7), Art. Nr.: 961. doi:10.3390/met10070961
On the chemical and microstructural requirements for the pesting-resistance of Mo-Si-Ti alloys
Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Seils, S.; Schellert, S.; Weber, M.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Journal of materials research and technology, 9 (4), 8556–8567. doi:10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.06.002
Microstructural changes in CoCrFeMnNi under mild tribological load
Dollmann, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Haug, C.; Greiner, C.
2020. Journal of materials science, 55 (26), 12353–12372. doi:10.1007/s10853-020-04806-0
Effect of Water Vapor on the Oxidation Behavior of the Eutectic High‐Temperature Alloy Mo‐20Si‐52.8Ti
Weber, M.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Advanced engineering materials, 22 (7), Art. Nr.: 2000219. doi:10.1002/adem.202000219
Magnetron sputtered silicon coatings as oxidation protection for Mo‐based alloys
Anton, R.; Laska, N.; Schulz, U.; Obert, S.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Advanced engineering materials, 22 (7), Article Nr.: 2000218. doi:10.1002/adem.202000218
Comparison of cryogenic deformation of the concentrated solid solutions CoCrFeMnNi, CoCrNi and CoNi
Tirunilai, A. S.; Hanemann, T.; Reinhart, C.; Tschan, V.; Weiss, K.-P.; Laplanche, G.; Freudenberger, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Kauffmann, A.
2020. Materials science and engineering / A, 783, Art. Nr.: 139290. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2020.139290
A new strategy to intrinsically protect refractory metal based alloys at ultra high temperatures
Gorr, B.; Müller, F.; Schellert, S.; Christ, H.-J.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Corrosion science, 166, Art. Nr.: 108475. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108475
Controlling crystallographic ordering in Mo–Cr–Ti–Al high entropy alloys to enhance ductility
Laube, S.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Schellert, S.; Müller, F.; Gorr, B.; Müller, J.; Butz, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2020. Journal of alloys and compounds, 823, Article No.153805. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.153805
Study of indium tin oxide–MoS interface by atom probe tomography
Ramos, M.; Nogan, J.; Boll, T.; Kauffmann-Weiss, S.; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, C. A.; Enriquez-Carrejo, J. L.; Heilmaier, M.
2019. MRS communications, 9 (4), 1261–1266. doi:10.1557/mrc.2019.150
Crystallographic ordering in a series of Al-containing refractory high entropy alloys Ta-Nb-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al
Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Seils, S.; Boll, T.; Liebscher, C. H.; Harding, I.; Kumar, K. S.; Szabo, D. V.; Schlabach, S.; Kauffmann-Weiss, S.; Müller, F.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2019. Acta materialia, 176, 123–133. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.07.001
On the oxidation mechanism of refractory high entropy alloys
Müller, F.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Müller, J.; Butz, B.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2019. Corrosion science, 159, Article: 108161. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108161
Influence of SiC/Silica and Carbon/Silica Interfaces on the High‐Temperature Creep of Silicon Oxycarbide‐Based Glass Ceramics : A Case Study
Stabler, C.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Rouxel, T.; Kleebe, H.-J.; Narisawa, M.; Riedel, R.; Ionescu, E.
2019. Advanced engineering materials, 21 (6), Art. Nr.: 1800596. doi:10.1002/adem.201800596
In-situ alloying of AlSi10Mg+Si using Selective Laser Melting to control the coefficient of thermal expansion
Hanemann, T.; Carter, L. N.; Habschied, M.; Adkins, N. J. E.; Attallah, M. M.; Heilmaier, M.
2019. Journal of alloys and compounds, 795, 8–18. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.04.260
Microstructural evolution during creep of lamellar eutectoid and off-eutectoid FeAl/FeAl2 alloys
Schmitt, A.; Kumar, K. S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2019. Intermetallics, 107, 116–125. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2019.01.015
Aluminide Coatings on Mo-Si-B-Ti-Fe Alloy
Walsh, Z.; Kasnakjian, S.; Gallegos, L.; Patil, D.; Ravi, V.; Shliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.
2019. International Corrosion Conference series, March, Art.-Nr. 13501
Precipitation behaviour and mechanical properties of a novel AlMoTaTi complex concentrated alloy
Schliephake, D.; Medvedev, A. E.; Imran, M. K.; Obert, S.; Fabijanic, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Molotnikov, A.; Wu, X.
2019. Scripta materialia, 173, 16–20. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.07.033
Constitution, oxidation and creep of eutectic and eutectoid Mo-Si-Ti alloys
Schliephake, D.; Kauffmann, A.; Cong, X.; Gombola, C.; Azim, M.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2019. Intermetallics, 104, 133–142. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2018.10.028
High-pressure torsion driven mechanical alloying of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy
Kilmametov, A.; Kulagin, R.; Mazilkin, A.; Seils, S.; Boll, T.; Heilmaier, M.; Hahn, H.
2019. Scripta materialia, 158, 29–33. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.08.031
Contribution of Lattice Distortion to Solid Solution Strengthening in a Series of Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Laube, S.; Choi, I.-C.; Schwaiger, R.; Huang, Y.; Lichtenberg, K.; Müller, F.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2018. Metallurgical and materials transactions / A, 49 (3), 772–781. doi:10.1007/s11661-017-4386-1
Phase Evolution in and Creep Properties of Nb-Rich Nb-Si-Cr Eutectics
Gang, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2018. Metallurgical and materials transactions / A, 49 (3), 763–771. doi:10.1007/s11661-017-4367-4
Optical and Electrical Investigation of High-Current Arcing Modes and Correlation with Contact Microstructure after Single Current Interruption
Feilbach, A.; Hinrichsen, V.; Hauf, U.; Heilmaier, M.; Boening, M.; Müller, F. E. H.
2018. Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum: Greifswald, Germany, 23rd-28th September 2018. Volume 2., 169–172, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/DEIV.2018.8537042
Development of Oxidation Resistant Refractory High Entropy Alloys for High Temperature Applications: Recent Results and Development Strategy
Gorr, B.; Mueller, F.; Christ, H.-J.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Schweiger, R.; Szabo, D. V.; Heilmaier, M.
2018. TMS 2018. 147th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings (TMS), 647–659, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-72526-0_61
Peculiarities of deformation of CoCrFeMnNi at cryogenic temperatures
Tirunilai, A. S.; Sas, J.; Weiss, K.-P.; Chen, H.; Szabo, D. V.; Schlabach, S.; Haas, S.; Geissler, D.; Freudenberger, J.; Heilmaier, M.; Kauffmann, A.
2018. Journal of materials research, 1–14. doi:10.1557/jmr.2018.252
Tensile creep of miniaturized specimens
Luan, L.; Riesch-Oppermann, H.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Journal of materials research, 32 (24), 4563–4572. doi:10.1557/jmr.2017.414
Microstructure Formation and Resistivity Change in CuCr during Rapid Solidification
Hauf, U.; Kauffmann, A.; Kauffmann-Weiss, S.; Feilbach, A.; Boening, M.; Mueller, F. E. H.; Hinrichsen, V.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Metals, 7 (11), Art.Nr. 478. doi:10.3390/met7110478
Creep of binary Fe-Al alloys with ultrafine lamellar microstructures
Schmitt, A.; Kumar, S. K.; Kauffmann, A.; Li, X.; Stein, F.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Intermetallics, 90, 180–187. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2017.07.016
The effect of the ternary elements B, Ti, Cr, Cu, and Mo on fully lamellar FeAl + FeAl2 alloys
Li, X.; Schmitt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Stein, F.
2017. Journal of alloys and compounds, 722, 219–228. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.06.106
Combinatorial exploration of the high entropy alloy system Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni
Kauffmann, A.; Stüber, M.; Leiste, H.; Ulrich, S.; Schlabach, S.; Szabo, D. V.; Seils, S.; Gorr, B.; Chen, H.; Seifert, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Surface and coatings technology, 325, 174–180. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.06.041
Optimisation of selective laser melting parameters for the Ni-based superalloy IN-738 LC using Doehlert’s design
Perevoshchikova, N.; Rigaud, J.; Sha, Y.; Heilmaier, M.; Finnin, B.; Labelle, E.; Wu, X.
2017. Rapid prototyping journal, 23 (5), 881–892. doi:10.1108/RPJ-04-2016-0063
Effect of Ti addition on the thermal expansion anisotropy of Mo₅Si₃
Azim, M. A.; Christ, H.-J.; Gorr, B.; Kowald, T.; Lenchuk, O.; Albe, K.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Acta materialia, 132, 25–34. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.02.066
High-Resolution Studies on Nanoscaled Ni/YSZ Anodes
Szász, J.; Seils, S.; Klotz, D.; Störmer, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Gerthsen, D.; Yokokawa, H.; Ivers-Tiffée, E.
2017. Chemistry of materials, 29 (12), 5113–5123. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b00360
Coarsening kinetics of lamellar microstructures : Experiments and simulations on a fully-lamellar Fe-Al in situ composite
Li, X.; Bottler, F.; Spatschek, R.; Schmitt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Stein, F.
2017. Acta materialia, 127, 230–243. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.01.041
Phase-field simulation of the microstructure evolution in the eutectic NiAl-34Cr system
Kellner, M.; Sprenger, I.; Steinmetz, P.; Hötzer, J.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Computational materials science, 128, 379–387. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.11.049
Interdependency of test environment and current breaking capacity of a model vacuum switch
Feilbach, A.; Menne, H.; Hinrichsen, V.; Hauf, U.; Heilmaier, M.; Böning, M.; Müller, F. E. H.
2017. Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Denver, Colorado, USA, 10th - 13th September 2017, 258–263, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/HOLM.2017.8088097
Effect of microalloying with silicon on high temperature oxidation resistance of novel refractory high-entropy alloy Ta-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al
Müller, F.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Materials at high temperatures, 35 (1-3), 168–176. doi:10.1080/09603409.2017.1389115
Effect of Ti content and nitrogen on the high-temperature oxidation behavior of (Mo,Ti)5Si3
Azim, M. A.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Lenchuk, O.; Albe, K.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Intermetallics, 90, 103–112. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2017.05.023
Characterization of Oxidation Kinetics of Mo-Si-B-Based Materials
Azim, M. A.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.; Koch, U.; Engelhard, M.
2017. Oxidation of metals, 87 (1-2), 89–108. doi:10.1007/s11085-016-9659-3
Face Centred Cubic Multi-Component Equiatomic Solid Solutions in the Au-Cu-Ni-Pd-Pt System
Freudenberger, J.; Rafaja, D.; Geissler, D.; Giebeler, L.; Ullrich, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Nielsch, K.
2017. Metals, 7 (4), Art. Nr.: 135. doi:10.3390/met7040135
Enhanced Oxidation Resistance of Mo-Si-B-Ti Alloys by Pack Cementation
Schliephake, D.; Gombola, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Perepezko, J. H.
2017. Oxidation of metals, 88 (SI, 3-4), 267–277. doi:10.1007/s11085-017-9730-8
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys : Effect of Alloy Composition
Gorr, B.; Müller, F.; Azim, M.; Christ, H.-J.; Müller, T.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2017. Oxidation of metals, 88 (3-4), 339–349. doi:10.1007/s11085-016-9696-y
Nanostructure evolution in ODS steels under ion irradiation
Rogozhkin, S.; Bogachev, A.; Korchuganova, O.; Nikitin, A.; Orlov, N.; Aleev, A.; Zaluzhnyi, A.; Kozodaev, M.; Kulevoy, T.; Chalykh, B.; Lindau, R.; Hoffmann, J.; Möslang, A.; Vladimirov, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Wagner, J.; Seils, S.
2016. Nuclear materials and energy, 9, 66–74. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2016.06.011
High-temperature creep behavior of a SiOC glass ceramic free of segregated carbon
Stabler, C.; Roth, F.; Narisawa, M.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Lauterbach, S.; Kleebe, H.-J.; Riedel, R.; Ionescu, E.
2016. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36 (15), 3747–3753. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2016.04.015
Validation of the applicability of a creep model for directionally solidified eutectics with a lamellar microstructure
Albiez, J.; Sprenger, I.; Weygand, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Böhlke, T.
2016. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 16 (1), 297–298. doi:10.1002/pamm.201610137
Influence of post heat treatments on anisotropy of mechanical behaviour and microstructure of Hastelloy-X parts produced by selective laser melting
Tomus, D.; Tian, Y.; Rometsch, P. A.; Heilmaier, M.; Wu, X.
2016. Materials science and engineering / A, 667, 42–53. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2016.04.086
Physically motivated model for creep of directionally solidified eutectics evaluated for the intermetallic NiAl-9Mo
Albiez, J.; Sprenger, I.; Seemüller, C.; Weygand, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Böhlke, T.
2016. Acta materialia, 110, 377–385. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.02.024
Microstructure and mechanical properties at elevated temperatures of a new Al-containing refractory high-entropy alloy Nb-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al
Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Gorr, B.; Schliephake, D.; Seemüller, C.; Wagner, J. N.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2016. Journal of alloys and compounds, 661, 206–215. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.11.050
Effect of strain-rate on the deformation response of D0₃-ordered Fe₃Al
Janda, D.; Ghassemi-Armaki, H.; Bruder, E.; Hockauf, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Kumar, K. S.
2016. Acta materialia, 103, 909–918. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.11.002
MIM for HT turbine parts : Gas-atomized versus mechanically milled Nb-si alloy powder
Mulser, M.; Hartwig, T.; Seemüller, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Adkins, N.; Wickins, M.
2016. World Powder Metallurgy 2016 Congress and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 9th - 13th October 2016, European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
Investigation of current breaking capacity of vacuum interrupters with focus on contact material properties with the help of a reference model vacuum circuit breaker
Feilbach, A.; Hauf, U.; Böning, M.; Hinrichsen, V.; Heilmaier, M.; Müller, F. E. H.
2016. 27th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), Suzhou, China, 18–23 September 2016. Ed.: R. Boxman, 1–4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/DEIV.2016.7748691
The Al-Rich Part of the Fe-Al Phase Diagram
Li, X.; Scherf, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Stein, F.
2016. Journal of phase equilibria and diffusion, 37 (2), 162–173. doi:10.1007/s11669-015-0446-7
Investigation of the heat affected volume of CuCr contact material for vacuum interrupters
Hauf, U.; Feilbach, A.; Böning, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Hinrichsen, V.; Müller, F. E. H.
2016. 27th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), Suzhou, China, 18-23 Sept. 2016, 1–4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/DEIV.2016.7748695
Synthesis and high-temperature creep behavior of a SiLuOC-based glass-ceramic
Stabler, C.; Seemüller, C.; Choudhary, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Lauterbach, S.; Kleebe, H.-J.; Ionescu, E.
2016. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 124 (10), 1006–1012. doi:10.2109/jcersj2.16101
High temperature oxidation behavior of an equimolar refractory metal-based alloy 20Nb-20Mo-20Cr-20Ti-20Al with and without Si addition
Gorr, B.; Mueller, F.; Christ, H.-J.; Mueller, T.; Chen, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2016. Journal of alloys and compounds, 688, Part B, 468–477. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.07.219
Orientation relationship of eutectoid FeAl and FeAl₂
Scherf, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Kauffmann-Weiss, S.; Scherer, T.; Li, X.; Stein, F.; Heilmaier, M.
2016. Journal of applied crystallography, 49 (2), 442–449. doi:10.1107/S1600576716000911
Microstructure Evolution in a New Refractory High-Entropy Alloy W-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al
Gorr, B.; Azim, M.; Christ, H.-J.; Chen, H.; Szabo, D. V.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2016. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47, 961–970. doi:10.1007/s11661-015-3246-0
One-dimensional simulation of the creep behavior of directionally solidified NiAl-9Mo
Albiez, J.; Sprenger, I.; Heilmaier, M.; Böhlke, T.
2015. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 15 (1), 269–270. doi:10.1002/pamm.201510125
Oxidation behavior of pack-cemented Si-B oxidation protection coatings for Mo-Si-B alloys at 1300°C
Lange, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Sossamann, T. A.; Perepezko, J. H.
2015. Surface and coatings technology, 266, 57–63. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.02.015
Microstructure and Phase Transformation Temperatures of Two-Phase FeAl (B2) + FeAl2 Alloys
Li, X.; Palm, M.; Scherf, A.; Janda, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Stein, F.
2015. Advanced structural and functional intermetallic-based alloys : November 30 - December 5, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA ; [Symposium YY: Advanced Structural and Functional Intermetallic-Based Alloys ; held at the 2014 MRS fall meeting] . Ed.: I. Baker, 55–60, Materials Research Society. doi:10.1557/opl.2014.965
Mechanisms of oxide scale formation on yttrium-alloyed Mo-Si-B containing fine-grained microstructure
Majumdar, S.; Dönges, B.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. Corrosion science, 90, 76–88. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2014.09.017
Phase equilibria, microstructure, and high temperature oxidation resistance of novel refractory high-entropy alloys
Gorr, B.; Azim, M.; Christ, H.-J.; Mueller, T.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 624, 270–278. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.11.012
The influence of microstructural features on the electrical conductivity of solid phase sintered CuCr composites
Klinski-Wetzel, K. von; Kowanda, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Mueller, F. E. H.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 631, 237–247. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.249
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Phase Separation Affected by Cooling Rates and Marangoni Convection in Cu-Cr Alloys
Wang, F.; Klinski-Wetzel, K. von; Mukherjee, R.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. Metallurgical and materials transactions / A, 46 (4), 1756–1766. doi:10.1007/s11661-015-2745-3
Oxidation Behavior of Binary Aluminium-Rich Fe-Al Alloys with a Fine-Scaled, Lamellar Microstructure
Scherf, A.; Janda, D.; Baghaie Yazdi, M.; Li, X.; Stein, F.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. Oxidation of metals, 83 (5-6), 559–574. doi:10.1007/s11085-015-9535-6
Magnetron Sputtered Mo(Six,Al[1-x])2 Oxidation Protection Coatings for Mo-Si-B Alloys
Lange, A.; Braun, R.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. Oxidation of Metals, 84 (1-2), 91–104. doi:10.1007/s11085-015-9545-4
Creep Resistance and Oxidation Behavior of Novel Mo-Si-B-Ti Alloys
Azim, M. A.; Schliephake, D.; Hochmuth, C.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Glatzel, U.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. JOM, 67 (11), 2621–2628. doi:10.1007/s11837-015-1560-z
Influence of Vanadium on the Oxidation Resistance of the Intermetallic Phase Nb5Si3
Gang, F.; Klinski-Wetzel, K. von; Wagner, J. N.; Heilmaier, M.
2015. Oxidation of metals, 83 (1-2), 119–132. doi:10.1007/s11085-014-9510-7
Oxidation mechanisms of lanthanum-alloyed Mo–Si–B
Majumdar, S.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.
2014. Corrosion Science, 88, 360–371. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2014.07.058
High-temperature oxidation behavior of Mo-Si-B-based and Co-Re-Cr-based alloys
Gorr, B.; Wang, L.; Burk, S.; Azim, M.; Majumdar, S.; Christ, H.-J.; Mukherji, D.; Rösler, J.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.
2014. Intermetallics, 48, 34–43. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2013.10.008
Correlation between microstructure and properties of fine grained Mo-Mo3Si-Mo5SiB2 alloys
Krüger, M.; Jain, P.; Kumar, K. S.; Heilmaier, M.
2014. Intermetallics, 48, 10–18. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2013.10.025
Influence of zirconium content on microstructure and creep properties of Mo-9Si-8B alloys
Hochmuth, C.; Schliephake, D.; Völkl, R.; Heilmaier, M.; Glatzel, U.
2014. Intermetallics, 48, 3–9. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2013.08.017
Influence of the processing technique on the properties of Nb-Si intermetallic composites for high temperature applications processed by MIM and HIP
Mulser, M.; Hartwig, T.; Seemüller, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Adkins, N.; Wickins, M.
2014. Advances in powder metallurgy & particulate Materials - 2014 : proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation, May 18 - 22, Orlando, FL. Ed.: R.A. Chernenkoff, 04/8–04/16, Metal Powder Industries Federation
Hall-Petch Breakdown at Elevated Temperatures
Schneibel, J. H.; Heilmaier, M.
2014. Materials transactions, 55 (1), 44–51. doi:10.2320/matertrans.MA201309
High-Temperature Creep and Oxidation Behavior of Mo-Si-B Alloys with High Ti Contents
Schliephake, D.; Azim, M.; Klinski-Wetzel, K. von; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Bei, H.; George, E. P.; Heilmaier, M.
2014. Metallurgical and materials transactions / A, 45 (3), 1102–1111. doi:10.1007/s11661-013-1944-z
Influence of Powder Metallurgical Processing Routes on Phase Formations in a Multicomponent NbSi-Alloy
Seemüller, C.; Hartwig, T.; Mulser, M.; Adkins, N.; Wickins, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2014. JOM, 66 (9), 1900–1907. doi:10.1007/s11837-014-1096-7
High-Temperature Creep Behavior of SiOC Glass-Ceramics: Influence of Network Carbon Versus Segregated Carbon
Ionescu, E.; Balan, C.; Kleebe, H.-J.; Müller, M. M.; Guillon, O.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Riedel, R.
2014. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97 (12), 3935–3942. doi:10.1111/jace.13206
Influence of microstructure and processing on mechanical properties of advanced Nb-silicide alloys
Seemüller, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Hartwig, T.; Mulser, M.; Adkins, N.; Wickins, M.
2013. MRS online proceedings library, 1516, 317–322. doi:10.1557/opl.2012.1655
Effect of Ti (Macro-) Alloying on the High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Ternary Mo–Si–B Alloys at 820–1,300 °C
Azimovna Azim, M.; Burk, S.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Bornemann, R.; Bolívar, P. H.
2013. Oxidation of metals, 80 (3-4), 231–242. doi:10.1007/s11085-013-9375-1
A Study on Effect of Reactive and Rare Earth Element Additions on the Oxidation Behavior of Mo–Si–B System
Majumdar, S.; Burk, S.; Schliephake, D.; Krüger, M.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2013. Oxidation of metals, 80 (3-4), 219–230. doi:10.1007/s11085-013-9374-2
The effect of micro-alloying with Zr and Nb on the oxidation behavior of Fe₃Al and FeAl alloys
Janda, D.; Fietze, H.; Galetz, M. C.; Heilmaier, M.
2013. Intermetallics, 41, 51–57. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2013.04.016
Microstructural and micro-mechanical properties of Mo-Si-B alloyed with Y and La
Majumdar, S.; Kumar, A.; Schliephake, D.; Christ, H.-J.; Jing, X.; Heilmaier, M.
2013. Materials science and engineering / A, 573 (June), 257–263. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2013.02.053
Effect of Yttrium Alloying on Intermediate to High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Mo-Si-B Alloys
Majumdar, S.; Schliephake, D.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2013. Metallurgical and materials transactions / A, 44 (5), 2243–2257. doi:10.1007/s11661-012-1589-3
Influence of fiber alignment on creep in directionally solidified NiAl-10Mo in-situ composites
Seemüller, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Haenschke, T.; Bei, H.; Dlouhy, A.; George, E. P.
2013. Intermetallics, 35 (April), 110–115. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2012.12.007
Effect of Phase Architecture on the Thermal Expansion Behavior of Interpenetrating Metal/Ceramic Composites
Roy, S.; Albrecht, P.; Przybilla, L.; Weidenmann, K. A.; Heilmaier, M.; Wanner, A.
2013. Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites V, 33–43, John Wiley and Sons. doi:10.1002/9781118744109.ch4
Microstructural features of switched Cu-Cr surface melt layers
Klinski-Wetzel, K. von; Kowanda, C.; Rettenmaier, T.; Heilmaier, M.; Hinrichsen, V.; Mueller, F. E. H.
2013. 18th Plansee Seminar, 3-7 June 2013 [Konferenz]
Effects of Zr Additions on the Microstructure and the Mechanical Behavior of PM Mo-Si-B Alloys
Krüger, M.; Schliephake, D.; Jain, P.; Kumar, K. S.; Schuhmacher, G.; Heilmaier, M.
2013. JOM, 65 (2), 301–306. doi:10.1007/s11837-012-0475-1
Parameters influencing the electrical conductivity of CuCr alloys
Klinski-Wetzel, K. von; Kowanda, C.; Böning, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Müller, F. E. H.
2012. 25th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV’12), Tomsk, Russia, September 2-7, 2012, 392–395, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/DEIV.2012.6412536
On the Estimation of True Hall-Petch Constants and Their Role on the Superposition Law Exponent in Al Alloys
Thangaraju, S.; Heilmaier, M.; Murty, B. S.; Vadlamani, S. S.
2012. Advanced Engineering Materials, 14 (10), 892–897. doi:10.1002/adem.201200114
Effects of boron addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Co-Re based high temperature alloys
Mukherji, D.; Rösler, J.; Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Bölitz, M.-C.; Völkl, R.; Glatzel, U.; Szentmiklosi, L.
2012. Scripta Materialia, 66 (1), 60–63. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.10.007
High-temperature oxidation behaviour of a single phase (Mo,Ti)5Si3 (Mo-Si-Ti) alloy
Burk, S.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Schliephake, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Hochmuth, C.; Glatzel, U.
2012. Scripta materialia, 66 (5), 223–226. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.10.042
Two strain hardening mechanisms in nanocrystalline austenitic steel - An in-situ synchrotron X-Ray diffraction study
Schloth, P.; Weisser, M. A.; Swygenhoven, H. van; Van Petegem, S.; Susila, P.; Subramanya Sarma, V.; Murty, B. S.; Lauterbach, S.; Heilmaier, M.
2012. Scripta Materialia, 66 (9), 690–693. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.01.021
Potential of mechanical surface treatment for mould and die production
Groche, P.; Engels, M.; Steitz, M.; Müller, C.; Scheil, J.; Heilmaier, M.
2012. International Journal of Materials Research, 103 (6), 783–789. doi:10.3139/146.110778
Oxidation behavior of Mo-Si-B-(X) alloys: Macro- and microalloying (X= Cr, Zr, La2O3)
Burk, S.; Gorr, B.; Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Christ, H.-J.
2011. JOM, 63 (12), 32–36. doi:10.1007/s11837-011-0203-2
Fatigue resistance of Fe3Al-based alloys
Gang, F.; Krüger, M.; Laskowsky, A.; Rühe, H.; Schneibel, J. H.; Heilmaier, M.
2011. Intermetallic-based alloys for structural and functional applications : symposium held november 29 - december 3, Boston, Massachussetts, U.S.A.; [Symposium N, "Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Structural and Functional Applications" held ... at the 2010 MRS Fall Meeting]. Ed.: M. Palm, 59–64, Materials Research Society. doi:10.1557/opl.2011.26
Microstructural and mechanical properties of ternary Mo-Si-B alloys resulting from different processing routes
Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Shyrska, V.; Loboda, P. I.
2011. Intermetallic-based alloys for structural and functional applications : symposium held november 29 - december 3, Boston, Massachussetts, U.S.A.; [Symposium N, "Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Structural and Functional Applications" held ... at the 2010 MRS Fall Meeting]. Ed.: M. Palm, 361–366, Materials Research Society. doi:10.1557/opl.2011.188
Temperature dependence of the strength of fine- and ultrafine-grained materials
Schneibel, J. H.; Heilmaier, M.; Hasemann, G.; Shanmugasundaram, T.
2011. Acta Materialia, 59 (3), 1300–1308. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.10.062
Phase Continuity in High Temperature Mo-Si-B Alloys: A FIB-Tomography Study
Hassomeris, O.; Schumacher, G.; Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Banhart, J.
2011. Intermetallics, 19 (4), 470–475
Modification of Mo-Si alloy microstructure by small additions of Zr
Mousa, M.; Wanderka, N.; Timpel, M.; Singh, S.; Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Banhart, J.
2011. Ultramicroscopy, 111 (6), 706–710
Effect of yttria particle size on the microstructure and compression creep properties of nanostructured oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic (Fe-12Cr-2W-0.5Y2O3) alloy
Susila, P.; Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Murty, B. S.; Subramanya Sarma, V.
2011. Materials Science and Engineering A: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 528 (13-14), 4579–4584. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2011.02.078
Thermal stability of vacuum hot pressed nanostructured Al-Cu alloys
Shanmugasundaram, T.; Heilmaier, M.; Murty, B. S.; Subramanya Sarma, V.
2011. Materials Science Forum, 690, 234–237. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.690.234
Oxidation behaviour of Mo-Si-B-(X) alloys: Macro- and Microalloying (X= Cr, Zr, La2O3)
Burk, S.; Gorr, B.; Krüger, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Christ, H.-J.
2011. JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 63 (12), 32–36
Tracking of RRR value and microstructure in high purity niobium along the production chain from the ingot to the finished cavity
Janda, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Singer, G. X.; Singer, W.; Simader, W.; Grill, R.
2010. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2010; Kyoto; Japan; 23 May 2010 through 28 May 2010, 435–437, ACFA
Influence of processing on the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of Mo-Si-B alloys
Krüger, M.; Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.
2010. 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA), Dresden, Germany, 16.-21. August 2009. Ed.: W. Skrotzki, 374–377, Curran
Compression creep studies of mechanically alloyed nanostructured Fe-12Cr-2W-0.25Y2O3 ODS alloy
Susila, P.; Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Murty, B. S.; Subramanya Sarma, V.
2010. 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA), Dresden, Germany, 16.-21. August 2009. Ed.: W. Skrotzki, 386–389, Curran
Synthesis and characterization of fibre-reinforced microstructures in NiAl-Mo(Cr)
Haenschke, T.; Heilmaier, M.; George, E. P.; Bei, H.; Krüger, M.
2010. 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA), Dresden, Germany, 16.-21. August 2009. Ed.: W. Skrotzki, 278–281, Curran
High temperature creep behaviour of Al-rich Ti-Al alloys
Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Paninski, M.; Schmitz, G. J.; Drevermann, A.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Engberding, N.; Kelm, K.; Irsen, S.
2010. 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA), Dresden, Germany, 16.-21. August 2009. Ed.: W. Skrotzki, 362–365, Curran
Creep strength of a binary Al62Ti38 alloy
Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Aguilar, J.; Schmitz, G. .. J.; Drevermann, A.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Engberding, N.; Kelm, K.; Irsen, S.
2010. International Journal of Materials Research, 101 (5), 676–679. doi:10.3139/146.110321
L21-ordered Fe-Al-Ti alloys
Krein, R.; Friak, M.; Neugebauer, J.; Palm, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2010. Intermetallics, 18 (7), 1360–1364. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2009.12.036
Low cycle fatigue of Fe3Al-based iron aluminide with and without Cr
Schneibel, J. H.; Rühe, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Goncharenko, M.; Loboda, P.
2010. Intermetallics, 18 (7), 1369–1374. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2010.03.013
On the Hall-Petch Relationship in a Nanostructured Al-Cu Alloy
Shanmugasundaram, T.; Heilmaier, M.; Murty, B. S.; Subramanya Sarma, V.
2010. Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (29-30), 7821–7825. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2010.08.070
Metallic materials for structural applications beyond nickel-based superalloys
Heilmaier, M.; Krüger, M.; Saage, H.; Rösler, J.; Mukherji, D.; Glatzel, U.; Völkl, R.; Hüttner, R.; Eggeler, G.; Somsen, C.; Depka, T.; Christ, H.-J.; Gorr, B.; Burk, S.
2009. JOM, 61 (7), 61–67. doi:10.1007/s11837-009-0106-7
Current Status of Mo-Si-B Silicide Alloys for Ultra-high Temperature Applications
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Krüger, M.; Jehanno, P.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.
2009. Advanced intermetallic-based alloys for extreme environment and energy applications: Symposium, Boston, Massachussetts, December 1-4, 2008. Ed.: M. Palm, 1128-U07–07, MRS
Creep and oxidation resistance of refractory metal silicide based materials
Drawin, S.; Heilmaier, M.; Jéhanno, P.; Hu, D.; Belaygue, P.; Tsakiropoulos, P.; Vilasi, M.
2009. 17th International Plansee Seminar 2009: International Conference on High Performance P/M Materials, Reutte, Austria, 25-29 May 2009; Vol. 4, 33/1–10, Reutte
Influence of processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mo-Si-B alloys
Krüger, M.; Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Jéhanno, P.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.; Shyrska, V.; Dudka, A.; Loboda, P.
2009. 17th International Plansee Seminar 2009: International Conference on High Performance P/M Materials, Reutte, Austria, 25-29 May 2009; Vol. 4, 80/1–9, Reutte
High temperature strength and failure of the Nickelbase superalloy PM 3030
Nganbe, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2009. International Journal of Plasticity, 25 (5), 822–837
Creep strength of centrifugally cast Al-rich TiAl alloys
Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Paninski, M.; Schmitz, G. J.; Drevermann, A.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Engberding, N.; Kelm, K.; Irsen, S.
2009. Materials Science and Engineering A, 510-511, 373–379
Microstructures of Co-Re-Cr, Mo-Si and Mo-Si-B high temperature alloys
Depka, T.; Somsen, C.; Eggeler, G.; Mukherji, D.; Rösler, J.; Krüger, M.; Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.
2009. Materials Science and Engineering A, 510-511, 337–341
Recent advances in the development of mechanically alloyed Mo silicide alloys
Heilmaier, M.; Krüger, M.; Saage, H.
2009. Materials Science Forum (MSF), 633-634, 549–558
Ductilization of Mo-Si solid solutions manufactured by powder metallurgy
Saage, H.; Krüger, M.; Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Schneibel, J. H.; George, E.; L.Heatherly; Somsen, C.; Eggeler, G.; Yang, Y.
2009. Acta Materialia, 57 (13), 3895–3901
Metallic materials for structural applications beyond nickel-based superalloys
Heilmaier, M.; Krüger, M.; Saage, H.; Rösler, J.; Mukherji, D.; Glatzel, U.; Völkl, R.; Hüttner, R.; Eggeler, G.; Somsen, C.; Depka, T.; Christ, H.-J.; Gorr, B.; Burk, S.
2009. JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 61 (7), 61–67
Ultrafine-grained nanocluster-strengthened alloys with unusually high creep strength
Schneibel, J. H.; Liu, C. T.; Miller, M. K.; Mills, M. J.; Sarosi, P.; Heilmaier, M.; Sturm, D.
2009. Scripta Materialia, 61 (8), 793–796
Characterisation of microstructures, mechanical properties, and oxidation behaviour of coherent A2 + L21 (B2) Fe-Al-Ti
Krein, R.; Palm, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2009. Journal of Materials Research (JMR), 24 (11), 3412–3421
Creep Behavior and Damage of Ni-Base Superalloys PM 1000 and PM 3030
Nganbe, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2009. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 40 (12), 2971–2979
Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured Al-4Cu alloy produced by mechanical alloying and vacuum hot pressing
Shanmugasundaram, T.; Heilmaier, M.; Murty, B. S.; Subramanya Sarma, V.
2009. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 40 (12), 2798–2801
Superplasticity of multiphase Mo-Si-B alloys
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Jéhanno, P.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.
2008. Mechanics & mechanisms of finite plastic deformation: The 14th International Symposium on Plasticity & its Current Applications, Kona, Hawaii, January 3-8, 2008; 1 CD-Rom. Ed.: A. S. Khan, 184–186, Neat Press
High temperature strength and failure of the Ni-base Superalloy PM 3030
Nganbe, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2008. Mechanics & mechanisms of finite plastic deformation: The 14th International Symposium on Plasticity & its Current Applications, Kona, Hawaii, January 3-8, 2008; 1 CD-Rom. Ed.: A.S. Khan, 151–153, Neat Press
Enhanced plasticity of mechanically alloyed Mo-based materials for high temperature applications
Krüger, M.; Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Jéhanno, P.; Böning, M.
2008. Mechanics & mechanisms of finite plastic deformation: The 14th International Symposium on Plasticity & its Current Applications, Kona, Hawaii, January 3-8, 2008; 1 CD-Rom. Ed.: A.S. Khan, 193–195, Neat Press
Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra fine grained Cu-Zn and Cu-Al alloys produced by cryorolling and annealing
Subramanya Sarma, V.; Sivaprasad, K.; Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.
2008. Materials Science and Engineering A, 489 (1-2), 253–258
High strength bulk nanostructured 2219, Al alloy produced by high energy ball milling and hot pressing
Shanmugasundaram, T.; Subramanya Sarma, V.; Murty, B. S.; Heilmaier, M.
2008. Materials Science Forum (MSF), 584-586, 97–101
Mechanically alloyed Mo-Si-B alloys with a continuous alpha-Mo matrix and improved mechanical properties
Krüger, M.; Franz, S.; Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Schneibel, J. H.; Jéhanno, P.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.
2008. Intermetallics, 16 (7), 933–941
Molybdenum alloys for high temperature applications in air
Jéhanno, P.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Krüger, M.
2008. Powder Metallurgy, 51 (2), 99–102
Impact of additional gamma’ strengthening on the strength and fatigue behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened Ni-base superalloys
Nganbe, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Schaper, M.
2007. MS&T 2007: Proceedings from the Materials Science & Technology Conference "Exploring structure, processing and applications across multiple material systems", Detroit, Michigan, September 16-20, 2007; 1 CD-Rom, 251–262, ASM International
High temperature deformation behavior of a mechanically alloyed Mo-silicide alloy
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Jéhanno, P.; Böning, M.; Freudenberger, J.
2007. Advanced intermetallic-based alloys: Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, November 27-30, 2006. Ed.: J. Wiezorek, 309–314, Materials Research Society
Current status and future trends of Mo-based silicide alloys for ultrahigh temperature applications
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Krüger, M.; Jehanno, P.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.; Drawin, S.
2007. Current topics on high temperature materials: Memorial Symposium for the 50th Anniversary of the 123rd Committee on Heat-Resisting Materials and Alloys, 245–259, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Casting and Properties of Al-rich Ti-Al alloys
Paninski, M.; Schmitz, G. J.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Heilmaier, M.; Drevermann, A.; Engberding, N.; Saage, H.; Sturm, D.
2007. Ti-2007: science and technology. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Titanium (JIMIC 5), Kyoto, Japan, June 3-7, 2007; Vol. 2. Ed.: M. Niinomi, 1059–1062, Japan Institute of Metals
The influence of silicon on the strength and fracture toughness of molybdenum
Sturm, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Schneibel, J. H.; Jéhanno, P.; Skrotzki, B.; Saage, H.
2007. Materials Science and Engineering A, 463 (1-2), 107–114
Assessment of the high temperature deformation behavior of molybdenum silicide alloys
Jéhanno, P.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.
2007. Materials Science and Engineering A, 463 (1-2), 216–223
Characterization of the Microstructure of Al-rich TiAl-Alloys by Combined TEM Imaging Techniques
Kelm, K.; Irsen, S.; Paninski, M.; A. Drevermann; Schmitz, G. J.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Heilmaier, M.; Engberding, N.; Saage, H.; Sturm, D.
2007. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13 (S03), 294–295
Superplasticity of a refractory multiphase Mo-Si-B alloy
Jéhanno, P.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Heyse, H.; Böning, M.; Kestler, H.; Schneibel, J. H.
2006. Scripta Materialia, 55 (6), 525–528
Ductility and impact resistance of powder-metallurgical molybdenum-rhenium alloys
Leichtfried, G.; Heilmaier, M.; Schneibel, J. H.
2006. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 37 (10), 2955–2961
Assessment of the creep behaviour of a die-cast AlSi6Cu4-T6 alloy
Dehler, A.; Knirsch, S.; Srivastava, V.; Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.
2006. International Journal of Materials Research, 97 (12), 1697–1705
Strengthening mechanisms in mechanically alloyed nanostructured ODS metals
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Eckert, J.; Kudashov, D.; Martin, U.
2005. Dislocations, plasticity and metal forming: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications (PLASTICITY’05). Ed.: A. S. Khan, 481–483, Neat Press
Mechanical Behavior of Zr--Based Bulk Metallic Glasses: Processing for Properties
Heilmaier, M.
2005. Processing and fabrication of advanced materials XIII: Proceedings of the International Conference, Singapore, December 6 - 8, 2004. Vol. 2. Ed.: M. Gupta, 592–611, Stallion Press
High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms of Molybdenum Silicides with Molybdenum and Intermetallic Matrix
Jéhanno, P.; Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Böning, M.; Venskutonis, A.; Knabl, W.
2005. Powder metallurgical high performance materials: Proceedings of the 16. International Plansee Seminar 2005, Reutte, Austria, May 30- June 03, 2005. Ed.: G. Kneringer, 841–855, Plansee Holding
Untersuchung der Partikelgrößenverteilung in oxiddispersionsverfestigten intermetallischen Legierungen mittels FIB
Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.
2005. Fortschritte in der Metallographie: Vortragstexte der 39. Metallographie-Tagung, Erlangen, 14.-16. September 2005. Hrsg.: M. Göken, 255–260, Werkstoff-Informationsges
Assessment of a powder metallurgical (PM) processing route for refractory metal silicide alloys
Jéhanno, P.; Heilmaier, M.; Kestler, H.; Böning, M.; Venskutonis, A.; Bewlay, B.; Jackson, M.
2005. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 36 (3), 515–523
On the Orowan stress in intermetallic ODS alloys and its superposition with grain size and solid solution hardening
Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.
2005. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 96 (7), 801–804
Dependence of mechanical strength on grain structure in the gamma’ and oxide dispersion-strengthened nickelbase superalloy PM 3030
Nganbe, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
2005. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 96 (6), 625–631
Elevated Temperature Deformation Behavior of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses
Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.
2005. Advanced Engineering Materials, 7 (9), 833–841
Superplasticity in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses: a critical overview
Heilmaier, M.; Leonhard, A.
2004. Advances in superplasticity and superplastic forming: Proceedings of a symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, March 14-18, 2004. Ed.: E. M. Taleff, 233–244, TMS
A critical assessment of high temperature creep and fatigue of ODS Ni-base superalloys
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Nganbe, M.
2004. Processing and fabrication of advanced materials XII: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 13-15, 2003. Ed.: T. S. Srivatsan, 199–218, ASM International
Novel dispersion strengthened metals by mechanical alloying
Martin, U.; Heilmaier, M.
2004. Advanced Engineering Materials, 6 (7), 515–520
Characterization of an industrially processed Mo-based silicide alloy
Jéhanno, P.; Heilmaier, M.; Kestler, H.
2004. Intermetallics, 12 (7-9), 1005–1009
Modelling of particle strengthening in the gamma’ and oxide dispersion strengthened nickelbase superalloy PM3030
Nganbe, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2004. Materials Science and Engineering A, 387-389, 609–612
Microstructure and Room Temperature Hardening Mechanisms of Ultra-Fine-Grained (UFG) ODS - Copper prepared by Mechanical Alloying (Cryomilling)
Kudashov, D. V.; Baum, H.; Martin, U.; Heilmaier, M.; Oettel, H.
2004. Materials Science and Engineering A, 387-389, 768–771
Creep behaviour of ultrafine - grained (UFG) ODS - Copper prepared by mechanical alloying (Cryomilling)
Kudashov, D. V.; Martin, U.; Heilmaier, M.; Oettel, H.
2004. Materials Science and Engineering A, 387-389, 639–642
Free Volume Evolution in Bulk Metallic Glass during High Temperature Creep
Daniel, B. S. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Bartusch, B.; Kanzow, J.; Günther-Schade, K.; Rätzke, K.; Eckert, J.; Faupel, F.
2003. Supercooled liquids, glass transition and bulk metallic glasses: Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, December 2 - 6, 2002. Ed.: T. Egami, 293–298, Materials Research Society
Supersaturated Solid Solution of Niobium in Copper by Mechanical Alloying
Botcharova, E.; Drew, G.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.; Kudashow, D.; Martin, U.
2003. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 351 (1-2), 119–125
Creep properties of boron-doped dual-phase Ti-rich L12-based trialuminide intermetallics
Heilmaier, M.; Handtrack, D.; Varin, R. A.
2003. Scripta Materialia, 48 (10), 1409–1414
Oxide dispersion strengthened silver: manufacturing and properties
Grundmann, U.; Heilmaier, M.; Martin, U.; Oettel, H.; Schultz, L.
2003. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 94 (5), 587–592
Novel oxide dispersion strengthened alloys produced by mechanical milling
Heilmaier, M.; Grundmann, U.; Saage, H.; Eckert, J.
2002. Processing and fabrication of advanced materials X: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 5-8, 2001. Ed.: T. S. Srivatsan, 241–253, ASM International
Fatigue Life and Fatigue Crack Growth of ODS Nickel-Base Superalloy PM 1000
Schaper, M.; Böhm, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Klauss, H.-J.; Nganbe, M.
2002. Fatigue 2002: Proceedings of the Eighth International Fatigue Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, June 3-7, 2002; Vol. 5. Ed.: A. F. Blom, 3455–3462, EMAS
High-strength, high-nitrogen stainless steel-copper composite wires for conductors in pulsed high-field magnets
Grünberger, W.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
2002. Materials Letters, 52 (3), 154–158
Superposition of Grain Size and Dispersion Strengthening in ODS L12-(Al,Cr)3Ti
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Mirpuri, K. J.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.; Singh, P.
2002. Materials Science and Engineering A, 329-331, 106–111
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-Ag microcomposite wires for pulsed high-field magnets
Grünberger, W.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
2002. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 93 (1), 58–65
Thermal Relaxation and High-Temperature Creep of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 Bulk Metallic Glass
Daniel, B. S. S.; Reger-Leonhard, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.
2002. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 6 (2), 193–206
A Unified Description of Creep in Pure and Dispersion Strengthened Copper
Heilmaier, M.; Kestler, H.; Gibeling, J. C.
2002. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 93 (7), 666–671
Fatigue behavior of duplex treated TiCxN1-x and Ti1-xAlxN hard coating steel compounds
Jaeger, G.; Endler, I.; Bartsch, K.; Heilmaier, M.; Leonhardt, A.
2002. Surface and Coatings Technology, 150 (2-3), 282–289
On the high-temperature creep and relaxation behavior of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses
Daniel, B. S. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Reger-Leonhard, A.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.
2001. Supercooled liquid, bulk glassy, and nanocrystalline states of alloys: Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, November 27-30, 2000. Ed.: A. Inoue, L10.7.1–6, Materials Research Society
Fatigue life and fatigue crack growth of the ODS nickel-base superalloy PM 1000
Schaper, M.; Böhm, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Klauss, H.-J.; Nganbe, M.
2001. Proceedings of the 15th International Plansee Seminar 2001 "Powder metallurgical high performance materials", Reutte, May 2001. Ed.: G. Kneringer, 94–108, Plansee Holding AG
Predicting the Mechanical Response of Cu-Based Micro- and Macrocomposites
Heilmaier, M.; Grünberger, W.; Gibeling, J. C.; Schultz, L.
2001. Modelling the performance of engineering structural materials II: Proceedings of a Symposium of the TMS fall meeting 2001, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 4-8, 2001. Ed.: D. R. Lesuer, 31–42, TMS
Mechanical alloying of ODS-Copper
Kudashov, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Martin, U.; Oettel, H.
2001. Proceedings of PM 2001 Congress & Exhibition, Acropolis Convention Centre, Nice, France, October 22-24, 2001; 1 CD-Rom, 20–25, European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
Development of high strength and high-conductivity conductor materials for pulsed high field magnets at Dresden
Grünberger, W.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
2001. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 294-295, 643–647
Bulk nanostructured multicomponent alloys
Eckert, J.; Reger-Leonhard, A.; Weiss, B.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
2001. Advanced Engineering Materials, 3 (1-2), 41–47
Nanostructured materials in multicomponent alloy systems
Eckert, J.; Reger-Leonhard, A.; Weiss, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2001. Materials Science and Engineering A, 301 (1), 1–11
High-strength pearlitic steel-copper composite wires for conductors in pulsed high-field magnets
Grünberger, W.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
2001. Materials Science and Engineering A, 303 (1-2), 127–133
Bulk nanostructured Zr-based multiphase alloys with high strength and good ductility
Eckert, J.; Kühn, U.; Mattern, N.; Reger-Leonhard, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2001. Scripta Materialia, 44 (8-9), 1587–1590
Deformation behavior of Zr-based metallic glasses
Heilmaier, M.
2001. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 117 (3), 374–380
Plastic anisotropy of textured ODS nickel-base alloy PM 1000
Heilmaier, M.; Nganbe, M.; Beckers, B.; Brokmeier, H.-G.; Tamm, R.; Oertel, C.-G.; Skrotzki, W.
2001. Materials Science and Engineering A, 319-321, 290–293
Order strengthening in the cast nickel-based superalloy IN 100 at room temperature
Heilmaier, M.; Leetz, U.; Reppich, B.
2001. Materials Science and Engineering A, 319-321, 375–378
On the creep and superplastic behavior of the ODS nickel-based superalloy PM 3030
Heilmaier, M.; Nganbe, M.; Müller, F. E. H.
2000. Deformation, processing, and properties of structural materials: Proceedings of the Honorary Symposium for Oleg D. Sherby held at the 2000 TMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, March 14-16, 2000. Ed.: E. M. Taleff, 287–298, TMS
The effect of strain rate and temperature on the LCF behavior of the ODS nickel-base superalloy PM 1000
Heilmaier, M.; Nganbe, M.; Müller, F. E. H.; Schultz, L.
2000. Superalloys 2000: Proceedings of the 9. International Symposium on Superalloys, Seven Springs, PA., September 17-21, 2000. Ed.: T. M. Pollock, 593–600, TMS
Cyclic stress-strain response of the ODS nickel-base, superalloy PM 1000 under variable amplitude loading at high temperatures
Heilmaier, M.; Maier, H. J.; Nganbe, M.; Müller, F. E. H.; Jung, A.; Christ, H.-J.
2000. Materials Science and Engineering A, 281 (1-2), 37–44
Monotonic and cyclic high temperature deformation behavior of the ODS nickel-base superalloy PM 1000
Müller, F. E. H.; Nganbe, M.; Klauss, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2000. Journal of advanced materials, 32 (1), 9–20
Newtonian flow of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glassy alloys
Reger-Leonhard, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.
2000. Scripta Materialia, 43 (5), 459–464
High-temperature deformation behaviour of PM 2000 single crystals
Heilmaier, M.; Wunder, J.; Lee, J.-H.; Reppich, B.; Löw, U.
2000. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2 (6), 363–366
The synthesis and properties of Zr-based metallic glasses and glass-matrix composites
Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.
2000. JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 52 (7), 43–47
Glass transition, viscosity of the supercooled liquid and crystallization behavior of Zr-Al-Cu-Ni-Fe metallic glasses
Eckert, J.; Kübler, A.; Reger-Leonhard, A.; Gebert, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2000. Materials Transactions, JIM, 41 (11), 1415–1422
A new method of determining strength and fracture toughness of thin hard coatings
Jaeger, G.; Endler, I.; Heilmaier, M.; Bartsch, K.; Leonhardt, A.
2000. Thin Solid Films, 377-378, 382–388
Creep behavior of bulk amorphous and nanocrystalline Zr-base alloys
Leonhard, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.
1999. Creep behavior of advanced materials for the 21st century: Proceedings of the Symposium held at the 1999 TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, February 28 - March 4, 1999. Ed.: R. S. Mishra, 41–50, TMS
Creep behavior of novel oxide-dispersion strengthened chromium based alloys
Janousek, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Köck, W.; Singer, R. F.
1999. Creep behavior of advanced materials for the 21st century: Proceedings of the Symposium held at the 1999 TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, February 28 - March 4, 1999. Ed.: R. S. Mishra, 311–320, TMS
Particle threshold stresses in high temperature yielding and creep: a critical review
Heilmaier, M.; Reppich, B.
1999. Creep behavior of advanced materials for the 21st century: Proceedings of the Symposium held at the 1999 TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, February 28 - March 4, 1999. Ed.: R. S. Mishra, 267–281, TMS
Microstructural evolution during mechanical milling and consolidation of ODS L12 -(Al,Cr)3Ti
Saage, H.; Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.
1999. High-temperature ordered intermetallic alloys VIII: Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, November 30 - December 3, 1998. Ed.: E. P. George, Materials Research Society
Microstructural modelling of the creep behaviour of an ODS nickelbase alloy: dislocation motion versus void growth
Eisenmeier, G.; Heilmaier, M.; Reppich, B.
1999. Deformation induced microstructures analysis and relation to properties: Proceedings of the 20th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark, 6 - 10 September 1999. Ed.: J. B. Bilde-Sørensen, 321–326, Riso National Laboratory
Deformation behavior of bulk amorphous Zr-Base alloys
Leonhard, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.
1999. Bulk metallic glasses: Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1-3, 1998. Ed.: W.L. Johnson, 137–142, Materials Research Society
Deformation behaviour of particle-strengthened alloys: a Voronoi mesh approach
Estrin, Y.; Arndt, S.; Heilmaier, M.; Bréchet, Y.
1999. Acta Materialia, 47 (2), 595–606
The role of grain structure in the creep and fatigue of ni-based superalloy PM 1000
Heilmaier, M.; Müller, F. E. H.
1999. JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 51 (4), 23–27
Creep properties of an oxide dispersion strengthened nickel-base alloy: the effect of grain orientation and grain aspect ratio
Estrin, Y.; Heilmaier, M.; Drew, G.
1999. Materials Science and Engineering A, 272 (1), 163–173
Manufacturing of oxide-dispersion-strengthened silver by mechanical alloying
Grundmann, U.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
1998. Proceedings of the 1998 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, Granada, Spain, October 18 - 22, 1998; Vol. 3, 555–560, European Powder Metallurgy Ass
A microstructural model for primary and steady-state creep of particle strengthened superalloys
Heilmaier, M.
1998. Modeling the mechanical response of structural materials: Proceedings of a TMS Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, February 15-19, 1998. Ed.: E. M. Taleff, 137–144, TMS
A microstructurally based explanation for the high temperature LCF behaviour of the ODS nickel-base alloy PM 1000
Heilmaier, M.; Müller, F. E. H.
1998. Low cycle fatigue and elasto-plastic behaviour of materials: Fourth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 7-11, 1998. Ed.: K. T. Rie, 629–634, Elsevier
The influence of texture on the creep behaviour of the ods nickel-base alloy pm 1000
Heilmaier, M.; Müller, F. E. H.; Eisenmeier, G.; Reppich, B.
1998. Scripta Materialia, 39 (10), 1365–1370
Effect of crystalline precipitations on the mechanical behavior of bulk glass forming Zr-based alloys
Leonhard, A.; Xing, L. Q.; Heilmaier, M.; Gebert, A.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.
1998. Nanostructured Materials, 10 (5), 805–817
Assessing the HAI-model and the composite model of high temperature creep for a solid solution nickel-base alloy
Heilmaier, M.; Reppich, B.
1997. Creep and fracture of engineering materials and structures: Proceedings of the 7. International Conferenc, Irvine, August 10-15, 1997. Ed.: J. C. Earthman, 39–48, TMS
High temperature deformation behaviour of the ODS nickel-base superalloy PM 1000
Heilmaier, M.; Müller, F. E. H.; Schultz, L.
1997. Plansee Proceedings / 14th International Plansee Seminar ’97, Reutte, Tirol, Austria, May 12-16, 1997. Ed.: G. Kneringer, 844–856, Plansee AG
Modelling the tertiary creep behaviour of an oxide dispersion strengthened nickel based alloy
Müller, F. E. H.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
1997. Computational Materials Science, 9 (1-2), 85–91
Eine neue Methode zur Festigkeits- und Zähigkeitsbestimmung von dünnen Schichten
Jaeger, G.; Heilmaier, M.; Schaper, M.
1997. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 28 (3), 124–130
High temperature deformation behaviour of mechanically alloyed microcrystalline ODS silver
Grundmann, U.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
1997. Scripta Materialia, 37 (1), 103–109
On the microstructural origin of primary creep in nickel-base superalloys
Heilmaier, M.; Reppich, B.
1997. Materials Science and Engineering A, 234-236, 501–504
Deformation behaviour of oxide-dispersion-strengthened silver
Grundmann, U.; Gerner, M.; Heilmaier, M.; Martin, U.; Schultz, L.; Oettel, H.
1997. Materials Science and Engineering A, 234-236, 505–508
The influence of texture and grain structure on the high temperature low-cycle fatigue behaviour of the ODS nickel-based superalloy PM 1000
Müller, F. E. H.; Heilmaier, M.; Schultz, L.
1997. Materials Science and Engineering A, 234-236, 509–512
Formation of ODS L12-(Al,Cr)3Ti by mechanical alloying
Heilmaier, M.; Saage, H.; Eckert, J.
1997. Materials Science and Engineering A, 239-240, 652–657
High temperature creep of microcrystalline TiC dispersion strengthened copper alloys
Weißgärber, T.; Sauer, C.; Püsche, W.; Müller, F. E. H.; Heilmaier, M.; Kieback, B. F.
1996. Deformation and fracture in structural PM materials: Proceedings of the International Conference, High Tatras, Slovakia, October 13-16, 1996; Vol. 2. Ed.: L. Parilák, 163–174, IMR-SAS Kosice
Influence of grain morphology and texture on the high temperature deformation behaviour of the ODS nickel-base superalloy PM1000
Müller, F. E. H.; Heilmaier, M.
1996. Deformation and fracture in structural PM materials: Proceedings of the International Conference, High Tatras, Slovakia, October 13-16, 1996; Vol. 2. Ed.: L. Parilák, 151–162, IMR-SAS Kosice
Creep lifetime prediction of oxide-dispersion-strengthened nickel-base superalloys: A micromechanically based approach
Heilmaier, M.; Reppich, B.
1996. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 27 (12), 3861–3870
Application of the HAI-model to the creep behaviour of particle hardened nickel-base superalloys
Heilmaier, M.; Böhm, U.; Wunder, J.; Reppich, B.
1996. Computational Materials Science, 7 (1-2), 159–166
Modelling the elevated temperature deformation of the oxide dispersion strengthened superalloy MA 754
Heilmaier, M.; Böhm, U.; Wunder, J.; Reppich, B.
1995. Euro PM ’95: Proceedings of the European Conference on Advanced PM Materials, Birmingham, October 23-25, 1995, 294–301, European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
Micromechanical mdelling of the creep behaviour of superalloys. Part I: Single phase material
Heilmaier, M.; Wetzel, K.; Reppich, B.
1994. Strength of materials: fundamental physical aspects of the strength of crystalline materials. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Sendai, Japan, August 21-26, 1994. Ed.: H. Oikawa, 563–566, The Japan Institute of Metals
Micromechanical modelling of the creep behaviour of superalloys. Part II: Particle strengthened material
Heilmaier, M.; Wetzel, K.; Wunder, J.; Reppich, B.
1994. Strength of materials: fundamental physical aspects of the strength of crystalline materials. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Sendai, Japan, August 21-26, 1994. Ed.: H. Oikawa, 567–570, The Japan Institute of Metals
Anomalous creep behaviour of the ODS nickelbase superalloy MA 754
Heilmaier, M.; Reppich, B.
1993. Creep and fracture of engineering materials and structures: Proceedings of the 5. International Conference, Swansea, UK, March 28 - April 2, 1993. Ed.: B. Wilshire, 231–244, Institute of Materials
Verification of a microstructural concept for creep and creep rupture life time of ODS platinum based alloys
Reppich, B.; Heilmaier, M.; Schmidt, H.; Schossig, C.
1991. Strength of metals and alloys: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys, Haifa, Israel, July 14-19, 1991; Vol. 1. Ed.: D. G. Brandon, 405–412, Freund
Microstructural modelling of the creep behaviour of particle-strengthened superalloys
Reppich, B.; Heilmaier, M.; Liebig, K.; Schumann, G.; Stein, K. D.; Woller, T.
1990. Steel research, 61 (6), 251–257
Determination of the grain boundary diffusion coefficient of oxygen in Cr2O3
Sockel, H. G.; Saal, B.; Heilmaier, M.
1988. Surface and Interface Analysis, 12 (10), 531–533