
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Astrid Pundt
- Sprecherin der Institutsleitung
- Sprechstunden: nach Vereinbarung
- Raum: 035, Geb. 10.91
- Tel.: +49 721 608 42345
- Fax: +49 721 608 48044
- astrid pundt ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Werkstoffkunde (IAM-WK)
Campus Süd
Engelbert-Arnold-Straße 4
76131 Karlsruhe
Prozess-Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen an Systemen mit reduzierten Dimensionen bzw. defektreichen Systemen (z.B. an Material-Wasserstoff M-H Systemen). M-H Systeme bieten neben der Möglichkeit des Grundlagenstudiums physikalischer und materialwissenschaftlicher Effekte das Anwendungspotential als Energiespeicher der Zukunft.
- Thermodynamik und Kinetik von nanoskaligen Werkstoffen (Nanopartikel, perkolierende Schichten, Schichten und Multilagen bis hin zu defektreichen Metallen)
- mechanische Spannungen und "Finite-Size"-Effekte
- Versprödung von Konstruktionsmaterialien
- spezielle Eigenschaften nanokristalliner Werkstoffe, amorpher Metalle und Werkstoffen unter inneren mechanischen Spannungen
Curriculum Vitae
seit 21.7.2018 | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), W3-Professur am Institut für angewandte Materialien – Werkstoffkunde (IAM-WK), Lehrstuhl "Materialcharakterisierung" |
2010 - 2018 | Förderung im Heisenberg-Programm der DFG "Thermodynamik und Kinetik nanoskaliger Systeme" (W2-angelehnt) |
2013 | Auslandsaufenthalt Forschung und Lehre an der Uppsala Universiteit, Schweden, Materialfysik (Prof. B. Hjörvarsson) |
2008 | apl. Professur an der Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Physik |
2001 - 2008 | Wiss. Oberassistentin (C2), Arbeitsgruppenleiterin am Institut für Materialphyik |
2001 | Habilitation "Wasserstoff in nanoskaligen Metallen", Fakultät für Physik |
1997 - 2001 | Wiss. Assistentin (C1), Arbeitsgruppenleiterin am Institut für Materialphysik |
1995 - 1996 | Post-Doc am IMP mit Technion Haifa, Prof. Gutmanas |
1995 | Promotion am Institut für Metallphysik (Prof. P. Haasen/Prof. R. Kirchheim) "Untersuchungen zur Entmischung in Co-20 At% Cr-Legierungen mit Hilfe der analytischen Feldionenmikroskopie" |
1992 - 1995 | Aufbaustudium Physik an der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen |
1991 | Diplom am Institut für Nukleare Festkörperphysik und Metallphysik (Prof. J. Hesse) "Mössbauerspektroskopische Untersuchungen an amorphen und nanokristallinem Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 unter Einsatz selbstkonstruierter Zählrohre" |
1985 - 1991 | Studium Physik an der TU Carolo Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig |
Preise, Auszeichnungen und Ehrentätigkeiten
- Auszeichnung durch das Niedersächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur für hervorragende Leistungen (1000 DM Prämie), 1991.
- Auszeichnung durch Förderung im Heisenberg-Programm der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2009 - 2018.
- Auszeichnung durch die Uppsala Universität, "to identify outstanding individuals which can serve as role models, promoting gender equality", Department of Physics and Astronomy, zur Forschung und Lehre, 2013.
- Panel-Diskussionsrednerin (H. Dosch, A. Pundt) auf der "International Conference on Nanotechnology" in Sharjah, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, 2007.
- Panel-Diskussionsrednerin (mit 3 weiteren) auf dem "International Symposium on "Materials Issues in a Hydrogen Economy", Richmond, Virginia, 2007.
- Vice-Chair der internationalen Gordon-Research Konferenz "Metal- Hydrogen Systems" Barga, Italien 2009.
- Chair der internationalen Gordon-Research Konferenz "Metal-Hydrogen Systems", Easton, USA, 2011.
- Mentorin für das Gordon Research Symposium "Metal Hydrogen Systems", Barga, Italien 2013.
- Vorsitzende des "Peter-Haasen-Preis"-Gremiums, Göttingen, seit 2010. Regelmäßige Vergabe des mit 5000 € dotierten Peter Haasen Preises für eine herausragende Dissertation im Bereich der Materialwissenschaften, Peter Haasen Preis - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Mitglied im Arbeitsausschuss der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Metall- und Materialphysik AGMM der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft DPG, seit 2013.
- Mitglied im International Steering Committee (27 internationale Mitglieder) der internationalen Konferenz "International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems", seit 2014
- Vorsitzende der Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Fachverbandes Metall- und Materialphysik AGMM der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft DPG, seit 2022. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Metall- und Materialphysik (AGMM) - DPG
- Gast-Editorin für Molecules - Special Issue -Advances in Hydrogen Storage Materials 2.0, mit Dr. Ewa Ronnebro (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA), 2022, Molecules | Special Issue: Advances in Hydrogen Storage Materials for Energy Utilization 2.0
- Mitglied der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG).
- Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM).
- Delegierte im Sonderforschungsbereich SFB345 "Festkörper weit weg vom Gleichgewicht",
- Delegierte und Vorstandsmitglied im Sonderforschungsbereich SFB602 "Komplexe Strukturen in kondensierter Materie"
- Delegierte im Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 1073 "Kontrolle von Energiewandlung auf atomaren Skalen"
- Koordinatorin des EU-Projektes "Thematic Call of Energy" - INTAS 7672 (Göttingen, Prag, Moskau, Yekatarinburg) "Hydrogen generation and storage by highly porous nanocomposites"
- Koordinatorin des DAAD Institutspartnerschaft Göttingen-Prag
Organisation von Tagungen
- DPG-Symposium "Hydrogen in Materials: New developments", 72. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik 2008, Berlin
- Gordon Research Conference (GRC) "Metal-Hydrogen Systems", 2009, Barga, Italien
- Gordon Research Conference (GRC) "Metal-Hydrogen Systems", 2011, Easton, USA
- Special Session 10 "Hydrogen-related kinetics in materials (SS10)", AP mit Dr. Markus Wilde (University of Tokyo, Japan) auf der "International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids" DSL-2015, München, Deutschland.
- DPG-Symposium "Hydrogen in Materials ", AP zusammen mit Dr. Tilmann Hickel (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf) auf der 82. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik sowie und der EPS-CMD27, 2018, Berlin
Local Hydrogen Concentration and Distribution in Pd Nanoparticles: An In Situ STEM‐EELS Approach
Korneychuk, S.; Wagner, S.; Rohleder, D.; Vana, P.; Pundt, A.
2025. Small, Art.-Nr.: 2407092. doi:10.1002/smll.202407092
Korneychuk, S.; Wagner, S.; Rohleder, D.; Vana, P.; Pundt, A.
2025. Small, Art.-Nr.: 2407092. doi:10.1002/smll.202407092
In-situ TEM reduction of a solid oxide cell with NiO/YSZ fuel electrode
Korneychuk, S.; Grosselindemann, C.; Menzler, N. H.; Weber, A.; Pundt, A.
2025. Journal of Power Sources, 625, 235626. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235626
Korneychuk, S.; Grosselindemann, C.; Menzler, N. H.; Weber, A.; Pundt, A.
2025. Journal of Power Sources, 625, 235626. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235626
Drastic softening of Pd nanoparticles induced by hydrogen cycling
Zimmerman, J.; Vrellou, M.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.; Kirchlechner, C.; Rabkin, E.
2024. Scripta Materialia, 253, Art.-Nr. 116304. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116304
Zimmerman, J.; Vrellou, M.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.; Kirchlechner, C.; Rabkin, E.
2024. Scripta Materialia, 253, Art.-Nr. 116304. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116304
Phase transformation in the Niobium Hydrogen system: Effects of elasto-plastic deformations on phase stability predicted by a thermodynamic model
Dyck, A.; Böhlke, T.; Pundt, A.; Wagner, S.
2024. Scripta Materialia, 251, Art.-Nr.: 116209. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116209
Dyck, A.; Böhlke, T.; Pundt, A.; Wagner, S.
2024. Scripta Materialia, 251, Art.-Nr.: 116209. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116209
Pressurized single cell testing of solid oxide cells
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
2024. Journal of Power Sources, 614, Art.-Nr.: 234963. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.234963
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
2024. Journal of Power Sources, 614, Art.-Nr.: 234963. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.234963
Oxidation and compositional modulation in single phase C14 Zr Ti Fe Cr alloy
Khajavi, S.; Schlabach, S.; Pundt, A.; Huot, J.
2024. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications, 3, Art.-Nr.: 100026. doi:10.1016/j.jacomc.2024.100026
Khajavi, S.; Schlabach, S.; Pundt, A.; Huot, J.
2024. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications, 3, Art.-Nr.: 100026. doi:10.1016/j.jacomc.2024.100026
The Creep‐induced Micro‐ and Nanostructural Evolution of a Eutectic Mo‐Si‐Ti Alloy at 1200 °C
Schliephake, D.; Thota, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Wu, H.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301909. doi:10.1002/adem.202301909
Schliephake, D.; Thota, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Wu, H.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301909. doi:10.1002/adem.202301909
Oxidation Resistance and Microstructural Analysis of Polymer‐Derived (HfₓTa₁₋ₓ )C/SiC Ceramic Nanocomposites
Petry, N.-C.; Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Ulrich, A. S.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.; Pundt, A.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), Article no: 230202. doi:10.1002/adem.202302023
Petry, N.-C.; Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Ulrich, A. S.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.; Pundt, A.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), Article no: 230202. doi:10.1002/adem.202302023
Microstructure Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Polymer‐Derived (HfₓTa₁₋ₓ)C/SiC Ceramic Prepared upon Field‐Assisted Sintering Technique (FAST/SPS)
Thor, N.; Winkens, G.; Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Beck, K.; Wang, J.; Schwaiger, R.; Riedel, R.; Kolb, U.; Lepple, M.; Pundt, A.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301841. doi:10.1002/adem.202301841
Thor, N.; Winkens, G.; Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Beck, K.; Wang, J.; Schwaiger, R.; Riedel, R.; Kolb, U.; Lepple, M.; Pundt, A.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301841. doi:10.1002/adem.202301841
Exceptional hardness and thermal properties of SiC/(Hf,Ta)C(N)/ (B)C ceramic composites derived from single‐source precursor
Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Thor, N.; Kredel, S. A.; Teja Teppala, D.; Galetz, M.; Lepple, M.; Pundt, A.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17). doi:10.1002/adem.202301864
Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Thor, N.; Kredel, S. A.; Teja Teppala, D.; Galetz, M.; Lepple, M.; Pundt, A.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17). doi:10.1002/adem.202301864
Phase transformation in the palladium hydrogen system: Effects of boundary conditions on phase stabilities
Dyck, A.; Böhlke, T.; Pundt, A.; Wagner, S.
2024. Scripta Materialia, 247, Article no: 116117. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116117
Dyck, A.; Böhlke, T.; Pundt, A.; Wagner, S.
2024. Scripta Materialia, 247, Article no: 116117. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116117
Thermal Conductivity Analysis of Polymer‐Derived Nanocomposite via Image‐Based Structure Reconstruction, Computational Homogenization, and Machine Learning
Fathidoost, M.; Yang, Y.; Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Pundt, A.; Riedel, R.; Xu, B.-X.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials. doi:10.1002/adem.202302021
Fathidoost, M.; Yang, Y.; Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Pundt, A.; Riedel, R.; Xu, B.-X.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials. doi:10.1002/adem.202302021
Controlled Hydrogen Loading of Magnesium Thin Films in KOH—Effects on the Hydride Nucleation and Growth Regimes
Guardi, G.; Sarapulova, A.; Dsoke, S.; Wagner, S.; Pasquini, L.; Pundt, A.
2024. Micro, 4 (4), 765 – 777. doi:10.3390/micro4040047
Guardi, G.; Sarapulova, A.; Dsoke, S.; Wagner, S.; Pasquini, L.; Pundt, A.
2024. Micro, 4 (4), 765 – 777. doi:10.3390/micro4040047
Towards Establishing Best Practice in the Analysis of Hydrogen and Deuterium by Atom Probe Tomography
Gault, B.; Saksena, A.; Sauvage, X.; Bagot, P.; Aota, L. S.; Arlt, J.; Belkacemi, L. T.; Boll, T.; Chen, Y.-S.; Daly, L.; Djukic, M. B.; Douglas, J. O.; Duarte, M. J.; Felfer, P. J.; Forbes, R. G.; Fu, J.; Gardner, H. M.; Gemma, R.; Gerstl, S. S. A.; Gong, Y.; Hachet, G.; Jakob, S.; Jenkins, B. M.; Jones, M. E.; Khanchandani, H.; Kontis, P.; Krämer, M.; Kühbach, M.; Marceau, R. K. W.; Mayweg, D.; Moore, K. L.; Nallathambi, V.; Ott, B. C.; Poplawsky, J. D.; Prosa, T.; Pundt, A.; Saha, M.; Schwarz, T. M.; Shang, Y.; Shen, X.; Vrellou, M.; Yu, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Zhao, H.; Zou, B.
2024. Microscopy and Microanalysis. doi:10.1093/mam/ozae081
Gault, B.; Saksena, A.; Sauvage, X.; Bagot, P.; Aota, L. S.; Arlt, J.; Belkacemi, L. T.; Boll, T.; Chen, Y.-S.; Daly, L.; Djukic, M. B.; Douglas, J. O.; Duarte, M. J.; Felfer, P. J.; Forbes, R. G.; Fu, J.; Gardner, H. M.; Gemma, R.; Gerstl, S. S. A.; Gong, Y.; Hachet, G.; Jakob, S.; Jenkins, B. M.; Jones, M. E.; Khanchandani, H.; Kontis, P.; Krämer, M.; Kühbach, M.; Marceau, R. K. W.; Mayweg, D.; Moore, K. L.; Nallathambi, V.; Ott, B. C.; Poplawsky, J. D.; Prosa, T.; Pundt, A.; Saha, M.; Schwarz, T. M.; Shang, Y.; Shen, X.; Vrellou, M.; Yu, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Zhao, H.; Zou, B.
2024. Microscopy and Microanalysis. doi:10.1093/mam/ozae081
In-situ TEM reduction of a solid oxide cell with NiO/YSZ and NiO/BZCY materials for fuel electrode
Korneychuk, S.; Grosselindemann, C.; Schäfer, L.-A.; Ivanova, M.; Menzler, N. H.; Weber, A.; Pundt, A.
2024. 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum
Korneychuk, S.; Grosselindemann, C.; Schäfer, L.-A.; Ivanova, M.; Menzler, N. H.; Weber, A.; Pundt, A.
2024. 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum
Testing of Pressurized Solid Oxide Cells
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
2024. 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
2024. 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum
Hydrogen Interactions with Defects in Materials
Pundt, A.; Wagner, S.
2024. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96 (1-2), 182–191. doi:10.1002/cite.202300235
Pundt, A.; Wagner, S.
2024. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96 (1-2), 182–191. doi:10.1002/cite.202300235
Corrigendum to “Strain-induced twins and martensite: Effects on hydrogen embrittlement of selective laser melted (SLM) 316L stainless steel” [Corros. Sci. 208 (2022) 110669]
Hong, Y.; Zhou, C.; Wagner, S.; Schlabach, S.; Pundt, A.; Zhang, L.; Zheng, J.
2023. Corrosion Science, 215, Art.-Nr.: 111041. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111041
Hong, Y.; Zhou, C.; Wagner, S.; Schlabach, S.; Pundt, A.; Zhang, L.; Zheng, J.
2023. Corrosion Science, 215, Art.-Nr.: 111041. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111041
Modeling and Validation of Precipitate Formation During the Heat Treatment of 50CrMo4 Steel
Austin, A.; Autenrieth, H.; Dietrich, S.; Pundt, A.; Schulze, V.
2023. 28th Congress of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, IFHTSE 2023, International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE)
Austin, A.; Autenrieth, H.; Dietrich, S.; Pundt, A.; Schulze, V.
2023. 28th Congress of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, IFHTSE 2023, International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE)
Microstructural evolution of Si(HfₓTa₁₋ₓ)(C)N polymer-derived ceramics upon high-temperature anneal
Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.; Pundt, A.; Kleebe, H.-J.
2022. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43 (4), 1417–1431. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2022.11.060
Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.; Pundt, A.; Kleebe, H.-J.
2022. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43 (4), 1417–1431. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2022.11.060
Strain-induced twins and martensite: Effects on hydrogen embrittlement of selective laser melted (SLM) 316 L stainless steel
Hong, Y.; Zhou, C.; Wagner, S.; Schlabach, S.; Pundt, A.; Zhang, L.; Zheng, J.
2022. Corrosion Science, 208, Artkl. Nr.: 110669. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110669
Hong, Y.; Zhou, C.; Wagner, S.; Schlabach, S.; Pundt, A.; Zhang, L.; Zheng, J.
2022. Corrosion Science, 208, Artkl. Nr.: 110669. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110669
A novel nitridation- and pesting-resistant Cr-Si-Mo alloy
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schliephake, D.; Beichert, B.; Winkens, G.; Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Galetz, M. C.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Corrosion Science, 207, Art.-Nr.: 110566. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110566
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schliephake, D.; Beichert, B.; Winkens, G.; Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Galetz, M. C.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Corrosion Science, 207, Art.-Nr.: 110566. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110566
Effects of metal-based additives on dehydrogenation process of 2NaBH + MgH system
Shang, Y.; Jin, O.; Puszkiel, J. A.; Karimi, F.; Dansirima, P.; Sittiwet, C.; Utke, R.; Soontaranon, S.; Le, T. T.; Gizer, G.; Szabó, D. V.; Wagner, S.; Kübel, C.; Klassen, T.; Dornheim, M.; Pundt, A.; Pistidda, C.
2022. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (89), 37882–37894. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.08.293
Shang, Y.; Jin, O.; Puszkiel, J. A.; Karimi, F.; Dansirima, P.; Sittiwet, C.; Utke, R.; Soontaranon, S.; Le, T. T.; Gizer, G.; Szabó, D. V.; Wagner, S.; Kübel, C.; Klassen, T.; Dornheim, M.; Pundt, A.; Pistidda, C.
2022. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (89), 37882–37894. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.08.293
Microstructural Study of MgB2 in the LiBH4-MgH2 Composite by Using TEM
Jin, O.; Shang, Y.; Huang, X.; Mu, X.; Szabó, D. V.; Le, T. T.; Wagner, S.; Kübel, C.; Pistidda, C.; Pundt, A.
2022. Nanomaterials, 12 (11), 1893. doi:10.3390/nano12111893
Jin, O.; Shang, Y.; Huang, X.; Mu, X.; Szabó, D. V.; Le, T. T.; Wagner, S.; Kübel, C.; Pistidda, C.; Pundt, A.
2022. Nanomaterials, 12 (11), 1893. doi:10.3390/nano12111893
Role of atomic hydrogen supply on the onset of CO methanation over La–Ni based hydrogen storage alloys studied by in-situ approach
Sawahara, K.; Yatagai, K.; Boll, T.; Pundt, A.; Gemma, R.
2022. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (44), 19051–19061. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.04.089
Sawahara, K.; Yatagai, K.; Boll, T.; Pundt, A.; Gemma, R.
2022. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (44), 19051–19061. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.04.089
Fest gehalten : Speicherung von Wasserstoff in Nanoskaligen Metallen
Mrosk, C.
2022. Lookkit, 2022 (4), 32–34
Mrosk, C.
2022. Lookkit, 2022 (4), 32–34
Deuterium Distribution in Fe/V Multi-Layered Films
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Pundt, A.
2022. Molecules, 27 (22), Art.-Nr.: 7848. doi:10.3390/molecules27227848
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Pundt, A.
2022. Molecules, 27 (22), Art.-Nr.: 7848. doi:10.3390/molecules27227848
Transformation Kinetics of LiBH –MgH for Hydrogen Storage
Jin, O.; Shang, Y.; Huang, X.; Szabó, D. V.; Le, T. T.; Wagner, S.; Klassen, T.; Kübel, C.; Pistidda, C.; Pundt, A.
2022. Molecules, 27 (20), 7005. doi:10.3390/molecules27207005
Jin, O.; Shang, Y.; Huang, X.; Szabó, D. V.; Le, T. T.; Wagner, S.; Klassen, T.; Kübel, C.; Pistidda, C.; Pundt, A.
2022. Molecules, 27 (20), 7005. doi:10.3390/molecules27207005
Tuning the stress state in Nb-thin films by lateral size confinement
Klose, P.; Roddatis, V.; Pundt, A.
2022. Acta materialia, 222, Art.Nr. 117454. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117454
Klose, P.; Roddatis, V.; Pundt, A.
2022. Acta materialia, 222, Art.Nr. 117454. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117454
Hydrogen-related defects in titanium dioxide at the interface to palladium
Sotoudeh, M.; Bongers-Loth, M. D.; Roddatis, V.; Čížek, J.; Nowak, C.; Wenderoth, M.; Blöchl, P.; Pundt, A.
2021. Physical review materials, 5 (12), 125801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.125801
Sotoudeh, M.; Bongers-Loth, M. D.; Roddatis, V.; Čížek, J.; Nowak, C.; Wenderoth, M.; Blöchl, P.; Pundt, A.
2021. Physical review materials, 5 (12), 125801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.125801
Flexible Powder Production for Additive Manufacturing of Refractory Metal-Based Alloys
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Seils, S.; Obert, S.; Ratschbacher, K.; Allen, M.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Metals, 11 (11), Article no: 1723. doi:10.3390/met11111723
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Seils, S.; Obert, S.; Ratschbacher, K.; Allen, M.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Metals, 11 (11), Article no: 1723. doi:10.3390/met11111723
The impact of nanoscale compositional variation on the properties of amorphous alloys
Gemma, R.; Baben, M. to; Pundt, A.; Kapaklis, V.; Hjörvarsson, B.
2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), Art.Nr. 11410. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-67495-4
Gemma, R.; Baben, M. to; Pundt, A.; Kapaklis, V.; Hjörvarsson, B.
2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), Art.Nr. 11410. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-67495-4
Hydrogen as a probe for defects in materials: Isotherms and related microstructures of palladium-hydrogen thin films
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2020. AIMS Materials Science, 7 (4), 399–419. doi:10.3934/matersci.2020.4.399
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2020. AIMS Materials Science, 7 (4), 399–419. doi:10.3934/matersci.2020.4.399
In situ observation of hydride nucleation and selective growth in magnesium thin-films with environmental transmission electron microscopy
Hamm, M.; Bongers, M. D.; Roddatis, V.; Dietrich, S.; Lang, K.-H.; Pundt, A.
2019. International journal of hydrogen energy, 44 (60), 32112–32123. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.10.057
Hamm, M.; Bongers, M. D.; Roddatis, V.; Dietrich, S.; Lang, K.-H.; Pundt, A.
2019. International journal of hydrogen energy, 44 (60), 32112–32123. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.10.057
Role of surface oxide layers in the hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels: A TOF-SIMS study
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Deutges, M.; Martín, M.; Weber, S.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Uchida, H.-H.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.
2019. Acta materialia, 180, 329–340. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.09.019
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Deutges, M.; Martín, M.; Weber, S.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Uchida, H.-H.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.
2019. Acta materialia, 180, 329–340. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.09.019
Relationship between hydrogen embrittlement and M temperature: Prediction of low-nickel austenitic stainless steel’s resistance
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Deutges, M.; Martín, M.; Weber, S.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Uchida, H.-H.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.
2019. International journal of hydrogen energy, 44 (45), 25064–25075. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.179
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Deutges, M.; Martín, M.; Weber, S.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Uchida, H.-H.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.
2019. International journal of hydrogen energy, 44 (45), 25064–25075. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.179
Structural Phase Transitions in Niobium Hydrogen Thin Films: Mechanical Stress, Phase Equilibria and Critical Temperatures
Wagner, S.; Klose, P.; Burlaka, V.; Nörthemann, K.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2019. ChemPhysChem, 20 (14), 1890–1904. doi:10.1002/cphc.201900247
Wagner, S.; Klose, P.; Burlaka, V.; Nörthemann, K.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2019. ChemPhysChem, 20 (14), 1890–1904. doi:10.1002/cphc.201900247
Tayloring surface morphologies and stress states of thin niobium epitaxial films on sapphire substrates
Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2019. Thin solid films, 679, 64–71. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2019.04.002
Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2019. Thin solid films, 679, 64–71. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2019.04.002
Probing the Effect of Surface Strain on CO Binding to Pd Thin Films
Harding, D. J.; Bongers, M. D.; Wagner, S.; Hahn, H.; Neugebohren, J.; Kitsopoulos, T. N.; Wodtke, A. M.; Pundt, A.
2019. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 123 (19), 12255–12260. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b01435
Harding, D. J.; Bongers, M. D.; Wagner, S.; Hahn, H.; Neugebohren, J.; Kitsopoulos, T. N.; Wodtke, A. M.; Pundt, A.
2019. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 123 (19), 12255–12260. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b01435
Hydrogen-induced accelerated grain growth in vanadium
Martin, M. L.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2018. Acta materialia, 155, 262–267. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.06.011
Martin, M. L.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2018. Acta materialia, 155, 262–267. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.06.011
Insights into Hydrogen Gas Environment-Promoted Nanostructural Changes in Stressed and Relaxed Palladium by Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy and Variable-Energy Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
Roddatis, V.; Bongers, M. D.; Vink, R.; Burlaka, V.; Čížek, J.; Pundt, A.
2018. The journal of physical chemistry letters, (9), 5246–5253. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b02363
Roddatis, V.; Bongers, M. D.; Vink, R.; Burlaka, V.; Čížek, J.; Pundt, A.
2018. The journal of physical chemistry letters, (9), 5246–5253. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b02363
Fast lateral hydrogen diffusion in magnesium-hydride films on sapphire substrates studied by electrochemical hydrogenography
Teichmann, N.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2018. International journal of hydrogen energy, 43 (3), 1634–1642. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.11.101
Teichmann, N.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2018. International journal of hydrogen energy, 43 (3), 1634–1642. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.11.101
Influence of steel on the mechanical stress development during hydrogen-loading of ultrathin Nb-films
Klose, P.; Hamm, M.; Roddatis, V.; Pundt, A.
2017. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42 (35), 22583–22588. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.04.229
Klose, P.; Hamm, M.; Roddatis, V.; Pundt, A.
2017. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42 (35), 22583–22588. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.04.229
FEM simulation supported evaluation of a hydrogen grain boundary diffusion coefficient in MgH2
Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2017. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42 (35), 22530–22537. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.05.050
Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2017. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42 (35), 22530–22537. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.05.050
Hydrogenation behavior on 30 nm vanadium thin films with two different adhesion conditions
Tyagi, A.; Döring, F.; Krebs, H.-U.; Pundt, A.
2017. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42 (35), 22575–22582. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.04.011
Tyagi, A.; Döring, F.; Krebs, H.-U.; Pundt, A.
2017. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42 (35), 22575–22582. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.04.011
Defect generation in Pd layers by ‘smart’ films with high H-affinity
Burlaka, V.; Roddatis, V.; Bongers, M. D.; Pundt, A.
2017. Scientific reports, 7 (1), Art. Nr.: 9564. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09900-z
Burlaka, V.; Roddatis, V.; Bongers, M. D.; Pundt, A.
2017. Scientific reports, 7 (1), Art. Nr.: 9564. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09900-z
Nb-H Thin Films: On Phase Transformation Kinetics
Burlaka, V.; Nörthemann, K.; Pundt, A.
2017. Defect and diffusion forum, 371, 160–165. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.371.160
Burlaka, V.; Nörthemann, K.; Pundt, A.
2017. Defect and diffusion forum, 371, 160–165. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.371.160
Suppression of Phase Transformation in Nb–H Thin Films below Switchover Thickness
Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2016. Nano letters, 16 (10), 6207–6212. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02467
Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2016. Nano letters, 16 (10), 6207–6212. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02467
Mechanical stress and stress release channels in 10–350 nm palladium hydrogen thin films with different micro-structures
Wagner, S.; Kramer, T.; Uchida, H.; Dobron, P.; Cizek, J.; Pundt, A.
2016. Acta materialia, 114, 116–125. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.05.023
Wagner, S.; Kramer, T.; Uchida, H.; Dobron, P.; Cizek, J.; Pundt, A.
2016. Acta materialia, 114, 116–125. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.05.023
Quasi-thermodynamic model on hydride formation in palladium–hydrogen thin films: Impact of elastic and microstructural constraints
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2016. International journal of hydrogen energy, 41 (4), 2727–2738. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.11.063
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2016. International journal of hydrogen energy, 41 (4), 2727–2738. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.11.063
In-situ STM and XRD studies on Nb–H films: Coherent and incoherent phase transitions
Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S388–S391. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.103
Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S388–S391. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.103
Influence of microstructure and mechanical stress on behavior of hydrogen in 500 nm Pd films
Vlček, M.; Lukáč, F.; Vlach, M.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Baehtz, C.; Shalimov, A.; Pundt, A.; Čížek, J.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S446–S449. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.086
Vlček, M.; Lukáč, F.; Vlach, M.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Baehtz, C.; Shalimov, A.; Pundt, A.; Čížek, J.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S446–S449. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.086
Stress release during cyclic loading of 20 nm palladium films
Lukáč, F.; Vlček, M.; Vlach, M.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.; Bell, A.; Čížek, J.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S450–S453. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.085
Lukáč, F.; Vlček, M.; Vlach, M.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.; Bell, A.; Čížek, J.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S450–S453. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.085
Investigation of nanocrystalline Gd films loaded with hydrogen
Hruška, P.; Čížek, J.; Dobroň, P.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Gemma, R.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S308–S311. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.156
Hruška, P.; Čížek, J.; Dobroň, P.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Gemma, R.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.
2015. Journal of alloys and compounds, 645 (Supplement 1), S308–S311. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.156
Achieving reversibility of ultra-high mechanical stress by hydrogen loading of thin films
Hamm, M.; Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2015. Applied physics letters, 106 (24), Art. Nr.: 243108. doi:10.1063/1.4922285
Hamm, M.; Burlaka, V.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2015. Applied physics letters, 106 (24), Art. Nr.: 243108. doi:10.1063/1.4922285
Absorption kinetics and hydride formation in magnesium films: Effect of driving force revisited
Uchida, H. T.; Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Kürschner, J.; Kirchheim, R.; Hjörvarsson, B.; Pundt, A.
2015. Acta materialia, 85, 279–289. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2014.11.031
Uchida, H. T.; Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Kürschner, J.; Kirchheim, R.; Hjörvarsson, B.; Pundt, A.
2015. Acta materialia, 85, 279–289. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2014.11.031
Delamination-supported growth of hydrides in Pd thin films studied by electrochemical hydrogenography
Kürschner, J.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2014. Journal of alloys and compounds, 593, 87–92. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.026
Kürschner, J.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2014. Journal of alloys and compounds, 593, 87–92. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.026
Stress release and defect occurrence in V1−xFex films upon hydrogen loading: H-induced superabundant vacancies, movement and creation of dislocations
Gemma, R.; Dobron, P.; Cizek, J.; Pundt, A.
2014. Acta materialia, 67, 308–323. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2013.12.034
Gemma, R.; Dobron, P.; Cizek, J.; Pundt, A.
2014. Acta materialia, 67, 308–323. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2013.12.034
SIMS analysis on austenitic stainless steel: The influence of type of oxide surface layer on hydrogen embrittlement
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Martin, M.; Weber, S.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Uchida, H. H.; Pundt, A.
2013. Journal of alloys and compounds, 580 (Supplement 1), S13–S17. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.02.153
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Martin, M.; Weber, S.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Uchida, H. H.; Pundt, A.
2013. Journal of alloys and compounds, 580 (Supplement 1), S13–S17. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.02.153
Huge hydrogen-induced resistive switching in percolating palladium thin films
Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2013. Scripta materialia, 69 (10), 756–759. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2013.08.023
Wagner, S.; Hamm, M.; Pundt, A.
2013. Scripta materialia, 69 (10), 756–759. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2013.08.023
Hydrogen microscopy – Distribution of hydrogen in buckled niobium hydrogen thin films
Wagner, S.; Moser, M.; Greubel, C.; Peeper, K.; Reichart, P.; Pundt, A.; Dollinger, G.
2013. International journal of hydrogen energy, 38 (31), 13822–13830. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.08.006
Wagner, S.; Moser, M.; Greubel, C.; Peeper, K.; Reichart, P.; Pundt, A.; Dollinger, G.
2013. International journal of hydrogen energy, 38 (31), 13822–13830. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.08.006
Hydrogen-induced microstructural changes of Pd films
Čížek, J.; Melikhova, O.; Vlček, M.; Lukáč, F.; Vlach, M.; Procházka, I.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Mücklich, A.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.
2013. International journal of hydrogen energy, 38 (27), 12115–12125. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.03.096
Čížek, J.; Melikhova, O.; Vlček, M.; Lukáč, F.; Vlach, M.; Procházka, I.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Mücklich, A.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.
2013. International journal of hydrogen energy, 38 (27), 12115–12125. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.03.096
Anisotropy of Hydrogen Diffusivity in ZnO
Čížek, J.; Lukáč, F.; Vlček, M.; Vlach, M.; Procházka, I.; Traeger, F.; Rogalla, D.; Becker, H. W.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.; Bähtz, C.
2013. Defect and diffusion forum, 333, 39–49. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.333.39
Čížek, J.; Lukáč, F.; Vlček, M.; Vlach, M.; Procházka, I.; Traeger, F.; Rogalla, D.; Becker, H. W.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.; Bähtz, C.
2013. Defect and diffusion forum, 333, 39–49. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.333.39
Visualization of deuterium dead layer by atom probe tomography
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2012. Scripta materialia, 67 (11), 903–906. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.08.025
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2012. Scripta materialia, 67 (11), 903–906. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.08.025
Structural Studies of Nanocrystalline Thin Pd Films Electrochemically Doped with Hydrogen
Čížek, J.; Vlček, M.; Lukáč, F.; Vlach, M.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.
2012. Defect and diffusion forum, 331, 137–147. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.331.137
Čížek, J.; Vlček, M.; Lukáč, F.; Vlach, M.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Pundt, A.
2012. Defect and diffusion forum, 331, 137–147. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.331.137
Hydrogen site occupancy and strength of forces in nanosized metal hydrides
Pálsson, G. K.; Wälde, M.; Amft, M.; Wu, Y.; Ahlberg, M.; Wolff, M.; Pundt, A.; Hjörvarsson, B.
2012. Physical review / B, 85 (19), Art. Nr.: 195407. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.195407
Pálsson, G. K.; Wälde, M.; Amft, M.; Wu, Y.; Ahlberg, M.; Wolff, M.; Pundt, A.; Hjörvarsson, B.
2012. Physical review / B, 85 (19), Art. Nr.: 195407. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.195407
Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy for accurate and well resolved analysis of coatings and thin films
Wilke, M.; Teichert, G.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Romanus, H.; Schaaf, P.
2011. Thin solid films, 520 (5), 1660–1667. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2011.07.058
Wilke, M.; Teichert, G.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Romanus, H.; Schaaf, P.
2011. Thin solid films, 520 (5), 1660–1667. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2011.07.058
SIMS study on the surface chemistry of stainless steel AISI 304 cylindrical tensile test samples showing hydrogen embrittlement
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Martin, M.; Weber, S.; Bourgeon, A.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Pundt, A.
2011. Journal of alloys and compounds, 509 (Suppl. 2), S885–S890. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.12.143
Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Martin, M.; Weber, S.; Bourgeon, A.; Pargeter, R.; Michler, T.; Pundt, A.
2011. Journal of alloys and compounds, 509 (Suppl. 2), S885–S890. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.12.143
Analysis of deuterium in V–Fe5at.% film by atom probe tomography (APT)
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2011. Journal of alloys and compounds, 509 (Supplement 2), S872–S876. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.11.122
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2011. Journal of alloys and compounds, 509 (Supplement 2), S872–S876. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.11.122
Influence of machining-induced martensite on hydrogen-assisted fracture of AISI type 304 austenitic stainless steel
Martin, M.; Weber, S.; Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.; Theisen, W.
2011. International journal of hydrogen energy, 36 (17), 11195–11206. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.05.133
Martin, M.; Weber, S.; Izawa, C.; Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.; Theisen, W.
2011. International journal of hydrogen energy, 36 (17), 11195–11206. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.05.133
Influence of hydrogen loading conditions on the blocking effect of nanocrystalline Mg films
Uchida, H. T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2011. Scripta materialia, 64 (10), 935–937. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.01.036
Uchida, H. T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2011. Scripta materialia, 64 (10), 935–937. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.01.036
Achieving coherent phase transition in palladium–hydrogen thin films
Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Burlaka, V.; Vlach, M.; Vlcek, M.; Lukac, F.; Cizek, J.; Baehtz, C.; Bell, A.; Pundt, A.
2011. Scripta materialia, 64 (10), 978–981. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.02.004
Wagner, S.; Uchida, H.; Burlaka, V.; Vlach, M.; Vlcek, M.; Lukac, F.; Cizek, J.; Baehtz, C.; Bell, A.; Pundt, A.
2011. Scripta materialia, 64 (10), 978–981. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.02.004
Combined impact of microstructure and mechanical stress on the electrical resistivity of PdHc thin films
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2011. Acta materialia, 59 (5), 1862–1870. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.11.052
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2011. Acta materialia, 59 (5), 1862–1870. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.11.052
Double-locked nucleation and growth kinetics in Nb-H thin films
Nörthemann, K.; Pundt, A.
2011. Physical review / B, 83 (15), Art. Nr.: 155420. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.155420
Nörthemann, K.; Pundt, A.
2011. Physical review / B, 83 (15), Art. Nr.: 155420. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.155420
The influence of films thickness on hydrogenation behavior of titanium thin films
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. Journal of materials science, 45 (23), 6389–6394. doi:10.1007/s10853-010-4776-x
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. Journal of materials science, 45 (23), 6389–6394. doi:10.1007/s10853-010-4776-x
Hydrogen behavior in nanocrystalline titanium thin films
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. Acta materialia, 58 (8), 3042–3049. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.01.036
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. Acta materialia, 58 (8), 3042–3049. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2010.01.036
The effect of residual hydrogen on hydrogenation behavior of titanium thin films
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. Scripta materialia, 62 (9), 709–712. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.01.037
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. Scripta materialia, 62 (9), 709–712. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.01.037
Size distributions of nanoscopic holes in Ti/h-BN and Ti/B nanocomposites
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Morozova, O. S.; Borchers, C.; Pundt, A.
2010. Journal of applied physics, 107 (4), Art. Nr.: 043509. doi:10.1063/1.3305790
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Morozova, O. S.; Borchers, C.; Pundt, A.
2010. Journal of applied physics, 107 (4), Art. Nr.: 043509. doi:10.1063/1.3305790
Electrical resistivity and hydrogen solubility of PdHc thin films
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2010. Acta materialia, 58 (4), 1387–1394. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2009.10.045
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2010. Acta materialia, 58 (4), 1387–1394. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2009.10.045
A Study on Hydrogen in Titanium Thin Films
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. 6th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials - THERMEC’2009, Berlin, Germany, 25 August 2009 through 29 August 2009, 2950–2955, Trans Tech. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.638-642.2950
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2010. 6th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials - THERMEC’2009, Berlin, Germany, 25 August 2009 through 29 August 2009, 2950–2955, Trans Tech. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.638-642.2950
APT analyses of deuterium-loaded Fe/V multi-layered films
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2009. Ultramicroscopy, 109 (5), 631–636. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2008.11.005
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2009. Ultramicroscopy, 109 (5), 631–636. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2008.11.005
Hydrogen Interactions with Titanium Thin Films
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A. A.; Kirchheim, R.
2009. 2008 International Hydrogen Conference - Effects of Hydrogen on Materials; Jackson, WY; United States; 7 September 2008 through 10 September 2008. Ed.: B. Somerday, 548–555, ASM International
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A. A.; Kirchheim, R.
2009. 2008 International Hydrogen Conference - Effects of Hydrogen on Materials; Jackson, WY; United States; 7 September 2008 through 10 September 2008. Ed.: B. Somerday, 548–555, ASM International
Hydrogen Absorption in Ion Beam Sputtered Titanium Thin Films
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2009. Defect and diffusion forum, 283-286, 662–668. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.283-286.662
Tal-Gutelmacher, E.; Gemma, R.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2009. Defect and diffusion forum, 283-286, 662–668. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.283-286.662
Hydrogen-vacancy complexes in electron-irradiated niobium
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Daniš, S.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Islamgaliev, R. K.
2009. Physical review / B, 79 (5), Art. Nr.: 054108. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.054108
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Daniš, S.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Islamgaliev, R. K.
2009. Physical review / B, 79 (5), Art. Nr.: 054108. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.054108
Size and Structure of Palladium Clusters Determined by XRD and HREM
Suleiman, M.; Borchers, C.; Guerdane, M.; Jisrawi, N. M.; Fritsch, D.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2009. Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, 223 (1-2), 169–182. doi:10.1524/zpch.2009.6031
Suleiman, M.; Borchers, C.; Guerdane, M.; Jisrawi, N. M.; Fritsch, D.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2009. Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, 223 (1-2), 169–182. doi:10.1524/zpch.2009.6031
Ti/C and Ti/h-BN nanocomposites: Comparison of hydrogen sorption/desorption properties
Borchers, C.; Morozova, O. S.; Khomenko, T. I.; Leonov, A. V.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Moewes, A.; Pundt, A.
2008. Chemical physics letters, 465 (1-3), 82–85. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2008.09.054
Borchers, C.; Morozova, O. S.; Khomenko, T. I.; Leonov, A. V.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Moewes, A.; Pundt, A.
2008. Chemical physics letters, 465 (1-3), 82–85. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2008.09.054
Defect studies of hydrogen-loaded nanocrystalline Gd films
Cizek, J.; Prochazka, I.; Vlach, M.; Zaludova, N.; Danis, S.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Gemma, R.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2008. Applied surface science, 255 (1), 251–253. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.188
Cizek, J.; Prochazka, I.; Vlach, M.; Zaludova, N.; Danis, S.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Gemma, R.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2008. Applied surface science, 255 (1), 251–253. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.188
Hydrogen Interaction with Vacancies in Electron Irradiated Niobium
Čižek, J.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2008. Acta physica Polonica / A, 113 (5), 1293–1299. doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.113.1293
Čižek, J.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2008. Acta physica Polonica / A, 113 (5), 1293–1299. doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.113.1293
Effect of h-BN additive on hydrogen sorption by Ti under mechanical treatment in H2/He flow
Borchers, C.; Morozova, O. S.; Khomenko, T. I.; Leonov, A. V.; Postnikov, A. V.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Moewes, A.; Pundt, A.
2008. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 112 (15), 5869–5879. doi:10.1021/jp077582s
Borchers, C.; Morozova, O. S.; Khomenko, T. I.; Leonov, A. V.; Postnikov, A. V.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Moewes, A.; Pundt, A.
2008. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 112 (15), 5869–5879. doi:10.1021/jp077582s
Effect of Hydrogen on the Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steels
Borchers, C.; Michler, T.; Pundt, A.
2008. Advanced engineering materials, 10 (1-2), 11–23. doi:10.1002/adem.200700252
Borchers, C.; Michler, T.; Pundt, A.
2008. Advanced engineering materials, 10 (1-2), 11–23. doi:10.1002/adem.200700252
Mechanical stress impact on thin Pd1−xFex film thermodynamic properties
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2008. Applied physics letters, 92 (5), Art. Nr.: 051914. doi:10.1063/1.2841636
Wagner, S.; Pundt, A.
2008. Applied physics letters, 92 (5), Art. Nr.: 051914. doi:10.1063/1.2841636
Coherent-to-semi-coherent transition of precipitates in niobium-hydrogen thin films
Nörthemann, K.; Pundt, A.
2008. Physical review / B, 78 (1), Art. Nr.: 014105. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.014105
Nörthemann, K.; Pundt, A.
2008. Physical review / B, 78 (1), Art. Nr.: 014105. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.014105
Metal nanowires and hydrogen loading: An AFM-study
Schmidt, S.; Pundt, A.
2008. Surface science, 602 (1), 54–61. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2007.09.048
Schmidt, S.; Pundt, A.
2008. Surface science, 602 (1), 54–61. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2007.09.048
Adhesion-energy measurements by means of white-light interferometry and controlled-buckling technique
Pundt, A.; Brekerbohm, L.; Niehues, J.; Wilbrandt, P.-J.; Nikitin, E.
2007. Scripta materialia, 57 (9), 889–892. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.05.013
Pundt, A.; Brekerbohm, L.; Niehues, J.; Wilbrandt, P.-J.; Nikitin, E.
2007. Scripta materialia, 57 (9), 889–892. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.05.013
Studies on hydrogen loaded V–Fe8at% films on Al2O3 substrate
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 534–538. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.01.099
Gemma, R.; Al-Kassab, T.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 534–538. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.01.099
Hydrogen-related surface modifications of 20nm thin straight-sided niobium nano-wires and niobium meander-films
Pundt, A.; Nörthemann, K.; Schmidt, S.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 549–554. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.01.137
Pundt, A.; Nörthemann, K.; Schmidt, S.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 549–554. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.01.137
Hydrogen-induced defects in niobium
Cizek, J.; Prochazka, I.; Danis, S.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 479–483. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.11.105
Cizek, J.; Prochazka, I.; Danis, S.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 479–483. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.11.105
Positron annihilation study of hydrogen trapping at open-volume defects: Comparison of nanocrystalline and epitaxial Nb thin films
Cizek, J.; Prochazka, I.; Danis, S.; Melikhova, O.; Vlach, M.; Zaludova, N.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 484–488. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.12.131
Cizek, J.; Prochazka, I.; Danis, S.; Melikhova, O.; Vlach, M.; Zaludova, N.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Gemma, R.; Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2007. Journal of alloys and compounds, 446-447, 484–488. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.12.131
Hydrogen in metals: microstructural aspects
Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2006. Annual review of materials research, 36, 555–608. doi:10.1146/annurev.matsci.36.090804.094451
Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2006. Annual review of materials research, 36, 555–608. doi:10.1146/annurev.matsci.36.090804.094451
Defects in nanocrystalline Nb films: Effect of sputtering temperature
Čížek, J.; Melikhova, O.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2006. Applied surface science, 252 (9), 3245–3251. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.08.083
Čížek, J.; Melikhova, O.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2006. Applied surface science, 252 (9), 3245–3251. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.08.083
Defect studies of hydrogen-loaded thin Nb films
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Bähtz, C.; Knapp, M.
2006. Applied surface science, 252 (9), 3237–3244. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.08.081
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Bähtz, C.; Knapp, M.
2006. Applied surface science, 252 (9), 3237–3244. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.08.081
Study of Hydrogen-Defect Interaction in Thin Nb Film on Si Substrate Using Positron Annihilation
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Bähtz, C.; Knapp, M.
2006. Materials Structure, 13 (2), 82–89
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Bähtz, C.; Knapp, M.
2006. Materials Structure, 13 (2), 82–89
Hydrogen-induced defects in niobium studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Kužel, R.; Bečvář, F.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2005. Journal of alloys and compounds, 404-406, 580–583. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2004.11.125
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Kužel, R.; Bečvář, F.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2005. Journal of alloys and compounds, 404-406, 580–583. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2004.11.125
Hydrogen absorption behaviour in nanometer sized palladium samples stabilised in soft and hard matrix
Suleiman, M.; Faupel, J.; Borchers, C.; Krebs, H.-U.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2005. Journal of alloys and compounds, 404-406, 523–528. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2005.01.118
Suleiman, M.; Faupel, J.; Borchers, C.; Krebs, H.-U.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2005. Journal of alloys and compounds, 404-406, 523–528. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2005.01.118
Determination of adhesion energies by means of hydrogen loading
Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2005. Journal of alloys and compounds, 404-406, 477–480. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2004.11.128
Nikitin, E.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2005. Journal of alloys and compounds, 404-406, 477–480. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2004.11.128
Hydrogen and Pd-clusters
Pundt, A.; Suleiman, M.; Bähtz, C.; Reetz, M. T.; Kirchheim, R.; Jisrawi, N. M.
2004. Materials science and engineering / B, 108 (1-2), 19–23. doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2003.10.029
Pundt, A.; Suleiman, M.; Bähtz, C.; Reetz, M. T.; Kirchheim, R.; Jisrawi, N. M.
2004. Materials science and engineering / B, 108 (1-2), 19–23. doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2003.10.029
Adhesion energy between metal films and polymers obtained by studying buckling induced by hydrogen
Pundt, A.; Nikitin, E.; Pekarski, P.; Kirchheim, R.
2004. Acta materialia, 52 (6), 1579–1587. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2003.12.003
Pundt, A.; Nikitin, E.; Pekarski, P.; Kirchheim, R.
2004. Acta materialia, 52 (6), 1579–1587. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2003.12.003
Hydrogen in Nano-sized Metals
Pundt, A.
2004. Advanced engineering materials, 6 (12), 11–21. doi:10.1002/adem.200300557
Pundt, A.
2004. Advanced engineering materials, 6 (12), 11–21. doi:10.1002/adem.200300557
Hydrogen-Induced Defects in Niobium Studied by Positron Annihilation
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Kužel, R.; Bečvář, F.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2004. Materials science forum, 445-446, 60–62. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.445-446.60
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Kužel, R.; Bečvář, F.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2004. Materials science forum, 445-446, 60–62. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.445-446.60
Hydrogen-induced defects in bulk niobium
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Bečvář, F.; Kužel, R.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2004. Physical review / B, 69 (22), Art.Nr. 224106. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.69.224106
Čížek, J.; Procházka, I.; Bečvář, F.; Kužel, R.; Cieslar, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2004. Physical review / B, 69 (22), Art.Nr. 224106. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.69.224106
Surface modification of Nb-films during hydrogen loading
Nörthemann, K.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2003. Journal of alloys and compounds, 356-357, 541–544. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(02)01259-8
Nörthemann, K.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2003. Journal of alloys and compounds, 356-357, 541–544. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(02)01259-8
Hydrogen loading behaviour of multi-component amorphous alloys: model and experiment
Bankmann, J.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2003. Journal of alloys and compounds, 356-357, 566–569. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(02)01278-1
Bankmann, J.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.
2003. Journal of alloys and compounds, 356-357, 566–569. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(02)01278-1
Phase transition and lattice expansion during hydrogen loading of nanometer sized palladium clusters
Suleiman, M.; Jisrawi, N. M.; Dankert, O.; Reetz, M. T.; Bähtz, C.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2003. Journal of alloys and compounds, 356-357, 644–648. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(02)01286-0
Suleiman, M.; Jisrawi, N. M.; Dankert, O.; Reetz, M. T.; Bähtz, C.; Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.
2003. Journal of alloys and compounds, 356-357, 644–648. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(02)01286-0
Stress development in thin yttrium films on hard substrates during hydrogen loading
Dornheim, M.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Molen, S. J. v. d.; Kooij, E. S.; Kerssemakers, J.; Griessen, R.; Harms, H.; Geyer, U.
2003. Journal of applied physics, 93 (11), 8958–8965. doi:10.1063/1.1568153
Dornheim, M.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Molen, S. J. v. d.; Kooij, E. S.; Kerssemakers, J.; Griessen, R.; Harms, H.; Geyer, U.
2003. Journal of applied physics, 93 (11), 8958–8965. doi:10.1063/1.1568153
Metal-oxide interfaces and their reaction with hydrogen
Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Al-Kassab, T.; Wang, F.; Kluthe, C.
2003. International journal of materials research, 94 (3), 266–271. doi:10.3139/146.030266
Kirchheim, R.; Pundt, A.; Al-Kassab, T.; Wang, F.; Kluthe, C.
2003. International journal of materials research, 94 (3), 266–271. doi:10.3139/146.030266
Buckling of thin niobium-films on polycarbonate substrates upon hydrogen loading
Pundt, A.; Pekarski, P.
2003. Scripta materialia, 48 (4), 419–423. doi:10.1016/S1359-6462(02)00461-X
Pundt, A.; Pekarski, P.
2003. Scripta materialia, 48 (4), 419–423. doi:10.1016/S1359-6462(02)00461-X
Hydrogen-induced percolation in discontinuous films
Dankert, O.; Pundt, A.
2002. Applied physics letters, 81 (9), 1618–1620. doi:10.1063/1.1501761
Dankert, O.; Pundt, A.
2002. Applied physics letters, 81 (9), 1618–1620. doi:10.1063/1.1501761
Evidence for a cubic-to-icosahedral transition of quasi-free Pd-H-clusters controlled by the hydrogen content
Pundt, A.; Dornheim, M.; Guerdane, M.; Teichler, H.; Ehrenberg, H.; Reetz, M. T.; Jisrawi, N. M.
2002. The European physical journal / D, 19 (3), 333–337. doi:10.1140/epjd/e20020080
Pundt, A.; Dornheim, M.; Guerdane, M.; Teichler, H.; Ehrenberg, H.; Reetz, M. T.; Jisrawi, N. M.
2002. The European physical journal / D, 19 (3), 333–337. doi:10.1140/epjd/e20020080
H- and D distribution in metallic multilayers studied by 3-dimensional atom probe analysis and secondary ion mass spectrometry
Kesten, P.; Pundt, A.; Schmitz, G.; Weisheit, M.; Krebs, H. U.; Kirchheim, R.
2002. Journal of alloys and compounds, 330-332, 225–228. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(01)01596-1
Kesten, P.; Pundt, A.; Schmitz, G.; Weisheit, M.; Krebs, H. U.; Kirchheim, R.
2002. Journal of alloys and compounds, 330-332, 225–228. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(01)01596-1
Interaction of hydrogen and deuterium with dislocations in palladium as observed by small angle neutron scattering
Maxelon, M.; Pundt, A.; Pyckhout-Hintzen, W.; Barker, J.; Kirchheim, R.
2001. Acta materialia, 49 (14), 2625–2634. doi:10.1016/S1359-6454(01)00185-9
Maxelon, M.; Pundt, A.; Pyckhout-Hintzen, W.; Barker, J.; Kirchheim, R.
2001. Acta materialia, 49 (14), 2625–2634. doi:10.1016/S1359-6454(01)00185-9
Small angle neutron scattering of hydrogen segregation at dislocations in palladium
Maxelon, M.; Pundt, A.; Pyckhout-Hintzen, W.; Kirchheim, R.
2001. Scripta materialia, 44 (5), 817–822. doi:10.1016/S1359-6462(00)00654-0
Maxelon, M.; Pundt, A.; Pyckhout-Hintzen, W.; Kirchheim, R.
2001. Scripta materialia, 44 (5), 817–822. doi:10.1016/S1359-6462(00)00654-0
Solubility of hydrogen in single-sized palladium clusters
Sachs, C.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Winter, M.; Reetz, M. T.; Fritsch, D.
2001. Physical review / B, 64 (7), Art.Nr. 075408. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.075408
Sachs, C.; Pundt, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Winter, M.; Reetz, M. T.; Fritsch, D.
2001. Physical review / B, 64 (7), Art.Nr. 075408. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.075408
Influence of hydrogen loading on the microstructure of niobium-palladium multilayers
Borchers, C.; Laudahn, U.; Pundt, A.; Fähler, S.; Krebs, H. U.; Kirchheim, R.
2000. Philosophical magazine <London> / A, 80 (3), 543–553. doi:10.1080/01418610008212067
Borchers, C.; Laudahn, U.; Pundt, A.; Fähler, S.; Krebs, H. U.; Kirchheim, R.
2000. Philosophical magazine <London> / A, 80 (3), 543–553. doi:10.1080/01418610008212067
H-induced plastic deformation of Gd thin films studied by STM
Pundt, A.; Getzlaff, M.; Bode, M.; Kirchheim, R.; Wiesendanger, R.
2000. Physical review / B, 61 (15), 9964–9967. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.61.9964
Pundt, A.; Getzlaff, M.; Bode, M.; Kirchheim, R.; Wiesendanger, R.
2000. Physical review / B, 61 (15), 9964–9967. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.61.9964
Study of laser-deposited metallic thin films by a combination of high-resolution ex situ and time-resolved in situ experiments
Störmer, M.; Sturm, K.; Fähler, S.; Weisheit, M.; Winkler, J.; Kahl, S.; Kesten, P.; Pundt, A.; Seibt, M.; Senz, S.; Krebs, H.-U.
1999. Applied physics / A, 69 (7), S455–S457. doi:10.1007/s003390051437
Störmer, M.; Sturm, K.; Fähler, S.; Weisheit, M.; Winkler, J.; Kahl, S.; Kesten, P.; Pundt, A.; Seibt, M.; Senz, S.; Krebs, H.-U.
1999. Applied physics / A, 69 (7), S455–S457. doi:10.1007/s003390051437
Hydrogen sorption in elastically soft stabilized Pd-clusters
Pundt, A.; Sachs, C.; Winter, M.; Reetz, M. T.; Fritsch, D.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. Journal of alloys and compounds, 293-295, 480–483. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(99)00469-7
Pundt, A.; Sachs, C.; Winter, M.; Reetz, M. T.; Fritsch, D.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. Journal of alloys and compounds, 293-295, 480–483. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(99)00469-7
Hydrogen-induced stress in Nb single layers
Laudahn, U.; Pundt, A.; Bicker, M.; v. Hülsen, U.; Geyer, U.; Wagner, T.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. Journal of alloys and compounds, 293-295, 490–494. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(99)00471-5
Laudahn, U.; Pundt, A.; Bicker, M.; v. Hülsen, U.; Geyer, U.; Wagner, T.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. Journal of alloys and compounds, 293-295, 490–494. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(99)00471-5
Determination of elastic constants in thin films using hydrogen loading
Laudahn, U.; Fähler, S.; Krebs, H. U.; Pundt, A.; Bicker, M.; v. Hülsen, U.; Geyer, U.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. Applied physics letters, 74 (5), 647–649. doi:10.1063/1.123028
Laudahn, U.; Fähler, S.; Krebs, H. U.; Pundt, A.; Bicker, M.; v. Hülsen, U.; Geyer, U.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. Applied physics letters, 74 (5), 647–649. doi:10.1063/1.123028
Hydrogen Induced Plastic Deformation of Thin Films
Pundt, A.; Laudahn, U.; Hüilsen, U. v.; Geyer, U.; Wagner, T.; Getzlafft, M.; Bode, M.; Wiesendanger, R.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. MRS online proceedings library, 594. doi:10.1557/PROC-594-75
Pundt, A.; Laudahn, U.; Hüilsen, U. v.; Geyer, U.; Wagner, T.; Getzlafft, M.; Bode, M.; Wiesendanger, R.; Kirchheim, R.
1999. MRS online proceedings library, 594. doi:10.1557/PROC-594-75
Optical deflection setup for stress measurements in thin films
Bicker, M.; Hülsen, U. von; Geyer, U.; Laudahn, U.; Pundt, A.
1998. Review of scientific instruments, 69 (2), 460–462. doi:10.1063/1.1148721
Bicker, M.; Hülsen, U. von; Geyer, U.; Laudahn, U.; Pundt, A.
1998. Review of scientific instruments, 69 (2), 460–462. doi:10.1063/1.1148721
Structural properties of laser deposited metallic alloys and multilayers
Krebs, H. U.; Störmer, M.; Fähler, S.; Bremert, O.; Hamp, M.; Pundt, A.; Teichler, H.; Blum, W.; Metzger, T. H.
1997. Applied surface science, 109-110, 563–569. doi:10.1016/S0169-4332(96)00635-6
Krebs, H. U.; Störmer, M.; Fähler, S.; Bremert, O.; Hamp, M.; Pundt, A.; Teichler, H.; Blum, W.; Metzger, T. H.
1997. Applied surface science, 109-110, 563–569. doi:10.1016/S0169-4332(96)00635-6
Magnetically induced decomposition in Co-Cr thin-film and bulk alloys
Pundt, A.; Michaelsen, C.
1997. Physical review / B, 56 (22), 14352–14359. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.56.14352
Pundt, A.; Michaelsen, C.
1997. Physical review / B, 56 (22), 14352–14359. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.56.14352
APFIM study of the compositional inhomogeneity of sputtered Co-Cr magnetic thin film
Pundt, A.; Michaelsen, C.
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