Mechanical Surface Treatments
Compressed air shot peening device
- Type Baiker
- Max. peening pressure: 8 bar
- 2 peening nozzles
- 3-axis processing of workpiece
- Stress peening with prestressing unit (axial and torsional)
- Warm peening using a 48 kW heat source
Micro peening device
- Type Iepco (modified)
- Injector-/ compressed air device
- 5 CNC-axes
- Component size: max. 150x150x50 mm
- Shot 10 - 200 µm, glass-/ ceramic beads, abrasive media
- Peening pressure 1,5 - 7 bar
Ultrasonic wet peeing device
- principe of cavitation
- 500 W (nominal power)
- pulsed / continuous operation
- PC-control and -process monitoring (temperature, power, pulse duration)
- water cooling
- component size: max 80x60x30 mm
Piezo peening device
Deep rolling device
- HG6 & Hydraulic aggregate HGP 4.7 of type Ecoroll at an CNC-milling machine