Job offers
Student assistants
We are always looking for motivated student assistants. Current offers are distributed via the ILIAS system here. In case you are interested in a certain subject within our research groups, please contact following persons:
- Production and Component Behaviour (Dr.-Ing. Stefan Dietrich)
- Hybrid and Lightweight Materials (Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Liebig)
- Physical Metallurgy (Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kauffmann)
- Fatigue (Dr.-Ing. Stefan Guth)
- Structure and Stress Analysis (Dr.-Ing. Jens Gibmeier)
- Materials and Processes (Nina Meng)
- Defects in Materials (Dr. Stefan Wagner)
Campus South
There currently no job offers pending.
Campus North
We are currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher (f/m/d) in the department of Materials and Processes within the POLiS project. Details about the advertisement can be found here.
All job offers at Campus North are managed by the human ressources department.
Alternative possibilities
You can directly contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Heilmaier regarding job possibilities at IAM-WK.