MatCom-ComMat: Materials Compounds from Composite Materials for Applications in Extreme Conditions
The main scope of the RTG relates to the development, characterization and modelling of novel, revolutionary multi-phase composite systems capable of withstanding temperatures substantially beyond 1300°C and harsh environmental conditions (e.g., oxidative, corrosive, erosive atmospheres) as far as mechanical behaviour, environmental resistance and durability are concerned. This will be achieved via a materials combination consisting of metallic/intermetallic alloys based on refractory metal silicide systems (e.g. Mo-Si-B-X, X = Nb, Fe, Ti, Hf…) as substrates and polymer-derived ceramic nanocomposites based on Si(M)CY (M = B, Zr, Hf and Y = O, N) as materials of choice for graded coatings. The metallic/intermetallic alloys may provide adequate deformability and toughness at ambient temperatures combined with excellent high-temperature microstructural stability and creep resistance, whereas the graded polymer derived ceramic nanocomposite coatings will also offer self-healing capability in addition to extremely low intrinsic thermal conductivities and excellent stability in aggressive operation conditions, respectively. Beside their unique property combinations, the two materials classes are highly attractive because of the possibility to adjust their coefficients of thermal expansion to perfectly match one another and consequently to keep thermomechanical stresses in the target multi-layered systems at a minimum. This may give rise to an extended lifetime of components in foreseen application.
Our principle investigators, PhD students and associated members can be found here.
- Project 1: Single-source precursor synthesis of ceramic nanocomposites for (ultra)high-temperature applications
- Project 2: Preparation of ceramic coatings based on ultrahigh-temperature ceramic nanocomposites (UHTC-NCs) from precursors
- Project 3: Characterization of materials compounds from composite materials
- Project 4: Thermomechanical properties of ceramic-nanocomposite-based monoliths and coatings
- Project 5: High-temperature oxidation behaviour of ceramic coatings based on polymer-derived ceramic nanocomposites
- Project 6: Evolution of mechanical properties of coating systems during exposure at high temperature
- Project 7: High-temperature stability in harsh environments
- Project 8: Evaluation of additive manufacturing for RM-Si based substrates
- Project 9: Phase-field simulations of multiphase microstructural evolution in Mo-Si-based ternary alloy
- Project 10: Small-scale deformation and failure
- Project 11: Materials thermodynamics, kinetics and constitution in the Mo-Si-Ti-Cr-X system
- Project 12: Ab-initio calculations of bulk and interface properties at high temperatures
- Project 13: High temperature creep and fatigue of novel MatCom-ComMat systems (3rd period)
- Project 14: Elementary nanoscale mechanisms which govern nucleation, growth, oxidation and deformation processes in the high temperature Mo-Si-Ti system: Advanced in situ and ex situ TEM analysis

Please find the press release of our partners at Kansas State University in the following:
Kansas State University hosted the seventh National Science Foundation sponsored Partnerships for International Research and Education, or PIRE project. This was third time that the meeting was held in conjunction with the German Research Foundation, known as DFG, funded research training group, or RTG2561. Previous two annual meetings were held in Kleinwalsertal, Austria.
The NSF-PIRE effort was led by Gurpreet Singh, Harold O. and Jane C. Massey Neff professor in the Alan Levin Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering in the Carl R. Ice. College of Engineering. The contingents from Germany were led by Ralf Riedel, professor from Technische Universität Darmstadt, and Martin Heilmaier, professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Students from three German institutions participated in the workshop: Technische Universität Darmstadt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and DECHEMA Research Institute.
Singh was awarded the NSF PIRE grant in 2018 for his work on nanoscale precursors for silicon-based ceramics and concludes in September this year. The project aimed to establish research and education programs related to polymer precursor derived ceramic materials and composites in the U.S. academia. The project leverages unique expertise from leading universities in Germany, Italy, France and Japan who are renowned for advancements in processing of polymer precursors, fibers and related systems.
"The RTG on Materials Compounds from Composite Materials is focused on investigating new types of composite materials and coatings for refractory metal alloys that allow the temperatures of combustion engines and processes to rise sharply under extreme environmental conditions. There is good synergy between the U.S. PIRE and German RTG projects," Riedel said.
The research training group is a joint project of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, led by Professor Martin Heilmaier and Technische Universität Darmstadt, led by Riedel. DECHEMA Research Institute, led by Mathias Galetz, is also involved in the project.
"This was the final annual meeting of the PIRE project and we wanted to have strong focus on student learning, overall research accomplishments, and the path forward," Singh said. "This year we had invited guest speakers from University of Michigan, University of Bayreuth and the University of Montpellier. The workshop provided incredible learning opportunity to K-State students and those from PIRE partner institutions."
The workshop covered topics in the field of protective coatings for metal alloys, innovative materials science via machine learning, additive manufacturing of ceramics, and other advanced materials for aerospace applications. Industry participation was represented by attendees from Spirit Aerosystems and the Starfire Systems company.
"We feel excited about the future of the PDC materials and collaborations that are promoted through organization of joint meetings," Singh said.
The U.S. team will continue to seek collaborative funding opportunities with industry that involve U.S. work force development on advanced manufacturing, and the NSF/DFG that call for exchange of student researchers between the two countries. For more information about PIRE and related innovations visit
Press release by Kansas State
After the successful Review of the Continuation Proposal in February DFG decided to extend RTG 2561 for its second funding period on May, 8th, 2024. The second funding period starts on October, 1st, 2024 and lasts until March, 31st, 2029. A budget of more than 4 Mio. Euro for this period was granted.
The scope of the RTG relates to the development, characterization and modelling of novel, revolutionary multi-phase composite systems capable of withstanding temperatures substantially beyond 1300°C and harsh environmental conditions as far as mechanical behaviour, environmental resistance and durability are concerned.
Still within the first funding period, RTG‘s second PhD cohort has already started in 2023 and RTG’s third PhD cohort will start in 2026. The doctoral students as well as all participating principal investigators from Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Technische Universität Darmstadt and DECHEMA Forschungsinstitut Frankfurt are very grateful to the DFG for this funding and are happy to announce this success.
Press release by DFG
From 3-7 March 2024 more than 4,000 minerals, metals, and materials scientists and engineers convene at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Orlando, USA, creating a major global forum for the exchange of ideas, presentation of research, and establishment of enduring connections within their professional community.
This year the DFI is contributing with seven co-authored talks and four talks presented by Lisa Koliotassis, Fabian Lanoy, Emma White and Mathias Galetz. Emma White is currently also head of the Powder Materials Committee and Mathias Galetz has been elected the JOM advisor for the Refractory Committee.
Emma White also received the Young Leader Professional Development Award, one of three awards presented at the event on 5 March 2024.
"It is a great honour to receive one of the TMS 2024 MPMD Young Leader Professional Development Awards. Since my first participation in 2011, I have received crucial foundational support from TMS as well as opportunities for scientific development as I started and built my professional career in materials science," comments Emma White. "TMS became the professional organisation where I felt at home and where I experienced many inspiring and informative exchanges at the forefront of materials science."
Yangyiwei Yang successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title "Multiphysics-multiscale Simulation of Additive Manufactured Functional Materials". Congratulations from the RTG team!
Among others, Mr. Yang developed successfully a diffuse-interface model to simulate anisotropic interphase thermal resistance and paved the theoretical and numerical foundation for the subproject P4. It enabled particularly finite element thermal homogenization calculation of polymer-derived nano-composites, thanks to the advantages of the diffuse-interface model, including quantitative nature and high flexibility in handling complex interphase topology. For instance, a series of thermal homogenization of nano- and microstructure reconstructed from TEM images could be carried out with varying interphase thermal resistance parameters. By comparing the calculated effective thermal conductivity of the nano-composites with experimental ones, the interphase thermal resistance and its temperature dependency can be inversely determined.

We congratulate Georg Winkens on the successful defense of his doctoral thesis. He was awarded the doctorate for his work on “Solid solution strengthening in single-phase Mo alloys”. In the framework of the RTG2561 funded by DFG, he contributed to improved understanding of the strengthening contributions by different dislocation types in refractory solid solutions.
He successfully implemented the recently developed models by Maresca and Curtin for the use within our research groups and the alloy development of the RTG. By the experimental synthesis of binary model alloys, he was able to test these modern models against others as well as to investigate the potential change of strengthening contributions by screw and edge dislocations depending on alloy composition:
Apart from the Mo based solid solutions subject to the RTG, he contributed to the application of the respective models to refractory high entropy alloys from the Ta-Mo-Ti-Cr-Al system. These recent results were published in the RTG special issue in Advanced Engineering Materials:
You may also see Georg's open access publications of research data and program codes on KIT's repository to improve the accessibility of our research results:
We wish Georg all the best for his further career and look forward to discoveries in the field of physical metallurgy in the future.

Last Thursday and Friday (February, 1st and 2nd), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and external reviewers were guest at KIT to assess the activities and the continuation proposal of RTG2561 “MatCom-ComMat: Materials Compounds from Composite Materials for Applications in Extreme Conditions”. The doctoral students and principal investigators from Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Technische Universität Darmstadt and DECHEMA Forschungsinstitut presented their work in the form of presentations and posters as well as discussions with the review panel.
We thank Carolin König and Stefan Wagner for the preparation of the defense, our PhD students presenting their work in the form of talks, Nathalie Thor, Frauke Hinrichs, Mozhdeh Fathidoost, and Jurica Filipovic as well as all other contributors and eagerly wait for the final decision on May 8th.

We congratulate Nathalie Thor for successfully defending her PhD thesis. She was awarded the doctorate for her thesis on “Process Optimization for Si(Hf,Ta)(B)(C,N) polymer-derived ceramics via microstructural analysis”.
In the framework of RTG2561, funded by DFG, she contributed to our work on the characterization of novel Si-based polymer-derived ceramics nanocomposites (PDC-NCs) for potential high temperature applications.
The major scope of her thesis work was to guide the process optimization of novel refractory metal-containing polymer-derived ceramics nanocomposites by a microstructural enhancement. She successfully unraveled the microstructure evolution of polysilazane and polycarbosilane-based PDC-NCs upon different heat treatments as well as sintering parameters and developed a comprehensive comparison between ceramic powders and bulk ceramics.
In the first period she successfully developed a sample preparation in order to analyze a novel as-pyrolyzed and heat-treated polysilazane-based ceramic via different electron microscopic methods, such as SEM and TEM. This ceramic was tailored on a molecular level with different molar ratios of Hafnium and Tantalum and underwent crystallization and phase separation. She was able to show in great detail that local decomposition in surface-near regions and the corresponding transition metal carbide particle coarsening is an active and characteristic mechanism upon high-temperature annealing in these material classes:
In the final period of her thesis, Nathalie focused on the detailed understanding of the microstructure development of a novel monolithic polycarbosilane-based PDC-NC with and without the addition of boron. The addition of boron brought further improvements in the desired tailoring of the microstructure in advanced novel Si-based bulk ceramics for high-temperature applications.
We wish Nathalie all the best for her further career and look forward to discoveries in the field of materials science and engineering in the future

Congratulations to Nils Petry from DECHEMA Forschungsinstitut on the successful completion of his PhD.
Within the framework of his thesis, Nils Petry has achieved a significant milestone with his work on the influence of polymer-derived ceramics, used as sintering aids for preparing ZrB2-based monoliths and their oxidation
His dedication and commitment have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the impact of nitrogen and boron in such scales.
During the course of his research, Nils contributed to notable advancements in the characterization of ultra-high temperature ceramic nanocomposites (UHTC-NC) within the Si(HfxTa1−x)(C)N system, which was synthesized via the polymer-derived ceramics (PDC) synthesis route.
One abroad collaboration really stood out with the AHG in Krakow, Poland.
This collaborative approach has demonstrated, that PDC be used to successfully enhance the oxidation resistance of refractory high temperature alloys.
Nils Petry's achievements underscore his commitment to excellence in the RTG. We extend our best wishes to him as he continues his career in the ceramic industry. Congratulations once again on this well-deserved accomplishment!

We congratulate Frauke Hinrichs on successfully defending her doctoral thesis. She was awarded the doctorate for her thesis on “Microstructure and Oxidation Resistance of single-phase and multi-phase Cr-Mo-Si Alloys”. In the framework of the RTG2561 funded by DFG, she contributed to our work on the development of refractory element based alloys for potential high temperature application.
She implemented for the first time the powder synthesis of high Mo containing alloys on lab by ultrasonic atomization and presented the successful industrial upscale in collaboration with industry:
The major scope of her thesis work was the transfer of the alloy principle of pesting resistant Mo-Si-Ti to Cr containing Mo-Si alloys. She successfully transferred the alloy design to a novel alloy from the ternary Cr-Mo-Si system, incl. similar volume fractions of solid solution and silicide:
This alloy turned out being resistant against the catastrophic oxidation of most high Mo alloys (pesting) but also resistant against problems characteristic of Cr based alloys like nitridation.
In the final period of her thesis, Frauke focused on the oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of monolithic solid solutions derived from her previous investigations. These refractory solid solutions do not only exhibit an outstanding oxidation resistance but also significant ductility:
We wish Frauke all the best for her further career and look forward to discoveries in the field of materials science and engineering in the future.

Yuhan Cai successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title "Phasenfeldmodellierung der mikrostrukturellen Entwicklung in Mehrkomponenten-Legierungssystemen". Congratulations from the RTG team!
By simulating the lamellae growth during a eutectic transformation in Mo-Si-Ti alloy, Yuhan and the collaborators have constructed a microstructure selection map, which will be helpful to the RTG in the development of new tailored materials by new designing the microstructural morphology. His computational investigation of the quasi-peritectic four-phase reaction, combined with insights from the previous studies on the peritectic transition in binary systems, provides additional understanding of the underlying growth mechanism for the formation of lamellae pairs in the Mo-Si-Ti alloy. The study on the bending growth of lamellae explains two possible reasons for this phenomenon as found in experiments.

The picturesque town of Marktheidenfeld, nestled along the banks of the Main River in Germany, provided a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration among experts at the High Temperature Corrosion and Oxidation 2023 Workshop from September 25th to 29th, 2023.
This international event brought together 100 of the world’s leading scientists, researchers, and industry experts from thirteen countries to discuss the critical topic of high temperature corrosion and oxidation. The workshop was held against the backdrop of pressing challenges in energy production, particularly in the context of shifting from fossil fuels to renewable and carbon-neutral processes. The different talks highlighted the necessity of developing innovative material solutions capable of withstanding the harsh environments associated with renewable energy processes and pushing the efficiencies, and thus process parameters, at elevated temperatures.
Discussions centered on the impact of novel process conditions and media, such as nitride, carbonate or chloride salt melts, supercritical CO2, and changing the compositions of process gases. A key topic was higher levels of hydrogen (H2) and water vapor (H2O) when moving towards a hydrogen based economy. Many discussions covered the impact of new additive manufacturing techniques on the microstructure, chemistry and finally the oxidation and corrosion resistance of parts for high temperature components. Nine members of the RTG took part and had the opportunity to discuss their research projects and potential exchanges with top international scientist such as the Prof. Beth Opila (Virginia), Prof. Brian Gleeson (Pittsburgh) and Prof. Shigenari Hayashi (Hokkaido).
The workshop developed key takeaways and formed future directions also for the high temperature corrosion and oxidation research within the RTG. The event underscored the critical role of materials science and engineering in addressing the pressing challenges associated with the transition to renewable energy sources. Collaborative efforts, international partnerships, and multidisciplinary research approaches are essential components of future progress. As the workshop came to a close, it left all attendees from the RTG inspired and motivated to continue their pursuit of materials solutions that will shape the energy landscape of the future. RTG member Lisa Koliotassis was awarded the poster price for the best poster.
Name | Institute | |||
Prof. | Heilmaier, Martin | Spokesperson | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
Prof. | Albe, Karsten | Co-Spokesperson | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
Prof. | Eggeler, Yolita | Laboratory for Electron Microscopy (KIT) | ||
PD | Galetz, Mathias | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | ||
Prof. | Gorr, Bronislava | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | ||
PD Dr. | Ionescu, Emanuel | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | ||
Prof. | Nestler, Britta | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | ||
Prof. | Oechsner, Matthias | Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt Darmstadt (TUD) | ||
Prof. | Pundt, Astrid | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | ||
Prof. | Riedel, Ralf | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | ||
Prof. | Schwaiger, Ruth | Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung (former KIT, now FZJ) | ||
Dr. | White, Emma | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | ||
Prof. | Xu, Bai-Xiang | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) |
Name | Project | Institute | ||
M.Sc. | Bernauer, Jan | P1, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Boroojerdi, Minoo | P1, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Kredel, Samuel Aeneas | P2, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Camacho Ramirez, Anggie Daniela | P2, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Thor, Nathalie | P3, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Nurak, Ingrit Sisilia Rosari | P3, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Yang, Yangyiwei | P4, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Fathidoost, Mozhdeh | P4, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Petry, Nils-Christian | P5, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | |
M.Sc. | Prill, Büsra | P5, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | |
M.Sc. | Filipovic, Jurica | P6, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt Darmstadt (TUD) | |
Dr. | Kontermann, Christian | P6, assoc. PostDoc | Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt Darmstadt (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Beck, Katharina | P7, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | |
M.Sc. | Korell, Lukas | P7, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) | |
M.Sc. | Hinrichs, Frauke | P8, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Falcão, Gabriely | P8, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
Dr. | Schliephake, Daniel | P8, assoc. PostDoc | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Cai, Yuhan | P9, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Nourani Niaki, Kimiya | P9, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Winkens, Georg | P10, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Ramdoss, Sri Rathinamani | P10, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Czerny, Andreas | P11, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Ramasamy Chitra, Arun | P11, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Institute for Applied Materials (KIT) | |
M.Sc. | Hammoud, Julie | P12, doctoral researcher (2nd cohort) | Department of Materials and Earth Sciences (TUD) | |
M.Sc. | Thota, Hemanth | P14, doctoral researcher (1st cohort) | Laboratory for Electron Microscopy (KIT) |
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Zhang, H.; Nestler, B.
2024. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36, Article no: 495702. doi:10.1088/1361-648X/ad7660
Beck, K.; König, T.; Senvardarli, E.; Hinrichs, F.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2024. Materials and Corrosion, 75 (12), 1610–1619. doi:10.1002/maco.202414491
Kauffmann, A.; Obert, S.; Schliephake, D.; Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Falcão, G.; Eusterholz, M.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Gombola, C.; Thota, H.; Cong, X.; Beichert, B.; Kramer, L. K.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Eggeler, Y.; Galetz, M. C.; Inui, H.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, November 28. Seminar des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Werkstoffeigenschaften, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Erlangen-Nürnberg (2024), Erlangen, Germany, November 28, 2024
Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Kramer, L. K.; Falcão, G.; Schliephake, D.; Eusterholz, M. K.; Galetz, M. C.; Inui, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, October 30. doi:10.35097/y6memvsjw6bkm7x2
Raja Jothi, V.; Schliephake, D.; Kaufmann, A.; Choudhury, A.; Suwas, S.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, September 26. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2024), Darmstadt, Germany, September 24–26, 2024
Falcão, G.; Hinrichs, F.; Schliephake, D.; Winkens, G.; Galetz, M. C.; Kauffmann, A.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, September 26. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2024), Darmstadt, Germany, September 24–26, 2024
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Nestler, B.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2302082. doi:10.1002/adem.202302082
Schliephake, D.; Thota, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Wu, H.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301909. doi:10.1002/adem.202301909
Petry, N.-C.; Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Ulrich, A. S.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.; Pundt, A.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), Article no: 230202. doi:10.1002/adem.202302023
Thor, N.; Winkens, G.; Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Beck, K.; Wang, J.; Schwaiger, R.; Riedel, R.; Kolb, U.; Lepple, M.; Pundt, A.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301841. doi:10.1002/adem.202301841
Vikram, R. J.; Aramanda, S. K.; Schliephake, D.; Kauffmann, A.; Choudhury, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Suwas, S.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), Art.-Nr.: 2301843. doi:10.1002/adem.202301843
Bernauer, J.; Kredel, S. A.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17). doi:10.1002/adem.202301820
Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Thor, N.; Kredel, S. A.; Teja Teppala, D.; Galetz, M.; Lepple, M.; Pundt, A.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17). doi:10.1002/adem.202301864
Heilmaier, M.; Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Kramer, L. K.; Schliephake, D.; Falcão, G.; Christian Galetz, M.; Inui, H.; Kauffmann, A.
2024, August 21. 32nd International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2024), Cancún, Mexico, August 18–23, 2024
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Beck, K.; Christian Galetz, M.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, August 20. 32nd International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2024), Cancún, Mexico, August 18–23, 2024
Hinrichs, F.
2024, August 1. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000172819
Falcão, G.; Hinrichs, F.; Schliephake, D.; Galetz, M. C.; Pundt, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, March 11. International Conference on Resource Chemistry (ICRC 2024), Alzenau in Unterfranken, Germany, March 11–13, 2024
Ramdoss, S. R.; Kauffmann, A.; Winkens, G.; Schliephake, D.; Galgon, F.; Zenk, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Schwaiger, R.
2024, March 11. International Conference on Resource Chemistry (ICRC 2024), Alzenau in Unterfranken, Germany, March 11–13, 2024
Fathidoost, M.; Yang, Y.; Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Pundt, A.; Riedel, R.; Xu, B.-X.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials. doi:10.1002/adem.202302021
Niu, Z.- bo; Li, D.; Jia, D.; Yang, Z.; Lin, K.; Colombo, P.; Riedel, R.; Zhou, Y.
2024. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44 (3), 1520–1533. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.10.040
Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Kramer, L. K.; Schliephake, D.; Falcão, G.; Galetz, M. C.; Inui, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, February 9. BCC Superalloy Network Opening Workshop (BCC-Snow 2024), Reutte, Austria, February 8–9, 2024
Niu, Z.; Li, D.; Jia, D.; Yang, Z.; Lin, K.; Riedel, R.; Colombo, P.; Zhou, Y.
2024. Advanced Powder Materials, 3 (1), Article no: 100163. doi:10.1016/j.apmate.2023.100163
Niu, Z.- bo; Li, D.; Jia, D.; Yang, Z.; Lin, K.; Colombo, P.; Riedel, R.; Zhou, Y.
2024. Corrosion Science, 227, Article no: 111723. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111723
Niu, Z.- bo; Li, D.; Jia, D.; Yang, Z.; Lin, K.; Wang, D.; He, Y.; Zhou, G.; Colombo, P.; Riedel, R.; Zhou, Y.
2024. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44 (2), 668–678. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.09.046
Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Kramer, L. K.; Schliephake, D.; Falcão, G.; Galetz, M. C.; Inui, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, January 11. doi:10.35097/1866
Korell, L.; Beck, K.; Hinrichs, F.; Falcão, G.; Köni, T.; Oskay, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2024. Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion (EUROCORR 2024), Paris, France, September 1–5, 2024
Chitra, A. R.; Gorr, B.
2024. 51st International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD 2024), Mannheim, Germany, May 26–31, 2024
Nurak, I.; Brilz, M.
2024. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024
Ramdoss, S. R.; Kauffmann, A.; Winkens, G.; Schliephake, D.; Galgon, F.; Zenk, C.; Schwaiger, R.; Heilmaier, M.
2024. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2024), Darmstadt, Germany, September 24–26, 2024
Erhard, L. C.; Rohrer, J.; Albe, K.; Deringer, V. L.
2024. Nature Communications, 15 (1), Art.-Nr.: 1927. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-45840-9
Filipovic, J.; Beck, K.; Kontermann, C.; Galetz, M.; Oechsner, M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials. doi:10.1002/adem.202302027
Koliotassis, L.; White, E. M. H.; Galetz, M. C.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, Artkl.Nr.: 2301906. doi:10.1002/adem.202301906
Korell, L.
2024. International Conference on Resource Chemistry (ICRC 2024), Alzenau in Unterfranken, Germany, March 11–13, 2024
Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Schwaiger, R.; Heilmaier, M.
2024. International Conference on Resource Chemistry (ICRC 2024), Alzenau in Unterfranken, Germany, March 11–13, 2024
Czerny, A. K.; Ma, W.; Hausner, C. S.; Franke, P.; Rohde, M.; Seifert, H. J.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, Artk.Nr.: 230208. doi:10.1002/adem.202302085
Laube, S.; Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Li, J.; Kirchlechner, C.; Heilmaier, M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301797. doi:10.1002/adem.202301797
Dou, W.; Li, D.; Wang, B.; Cai, D.; Yang, Z.; Jia, D.; Riedel, R.; Qin, S.; Zhou, Y.
2024. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107 (1), 404–416. doi:10.1111/jace.19414
Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Czerny, A. K.; White, E. M. H.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2024. Surface and Coatings Technology, 476, Art.-Nr.: 130205. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130205
Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Kramer, L. K.; Schliephake, D.; Falcão, G.; Galetz, M. C.; Inui, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. doi:10.5445/IR/1000166092
Li, M.; Mo, R.; Zhou, J.; Zhang, C.; Cui, X.; Ye, F.; Cheng, L.; Riedel, R.
2023. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43 (16), 7354–7362. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.07.066
Winkens, G.
2023, November 2. doi:10.35097/1786
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Czerny, A.; Seifert, H. J.; Nestler, B.
2023. Acta Materialia, 258, Art.-Nr.: 119178. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119178
Bik, M.; Galetz, M.; Mengis, L.; White, E.; Wieczorek, W.; Łyszczarz, K.; Mroczka, K.; Marchewka, J.; Sitarz, M.
2023. Applied Surface Science, 632, Article no: 57601. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.157601
Petry, N.-C.; Bik, M.; Wilk, Ł.; Swadźba, R.; Ulrich, A. S.; Sitarz, M.; Lepple, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2023. Surface and Coatings Technology, 474, Article no: 130049. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130049
Winkens, G.
2023, August 3. doi:10.35097/1658
Liu, J.; Li, W.; Ricohermoso, E., III; Qiao, Z.; Dai, Q.; Liu, X.; Xie, W.; Ionescu, E.; Weidenkaff, A.; Riedel, R.
2023. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106 (8), 4931–4943. doi:10.1111/jace.19146
Li, W.; Widenmeyer, M.; Ding, J.; Jiang, T.; Feldmann, L.; Liu, J.; Molina-Luna, L.; Weidenkaff, A.; Riedel, R.; Yu, Z.
2023. Ceramics International. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.08.123
Seiz, M.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Acta Materialia, 254, Art.-Nr.: 118965. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118965
Liu, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Jia, D.; Yang, Z.; Duan, W.; Li, D.; Li, S.; Riedel, R.; Liu, B.
2023. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 12 (5), 984–1000. doi:10.26599/JAC.2023.9220733
Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.
2023, March 28. doi:10.5445/IR/1000157205
Hinrichs, F.; Schliephake, D.; Kauffmann, A.; Seils, S.; Obert, S.; Ratschbacher, K.; Allen, M.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2023, March 23. 4th International Conference on Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM 2023), Erlangen, Germany, March 22–24, 2023
Xu, X.; Luan, X.; Zhang, J.; Cao, X.; Zhao, D.; Cheng, L.; Riedel, R.
2023. Composites Part B: Engineering, 253, Article no: 110553. doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110553
Adam, M.; Kontermann, C.; Oechsner, M.
2023. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 145 (3), Art.-Nr.: 031014. doi:10.1115/1.4055668
Fathidoost, M.; Yang, Y.; Oechsner, M.; Xu, B.-X.
2023. Materials & Design, 227, Art.-Nr.: 111746. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2023.111746
White, E.; Schlereth, C.; Lepple, M.; Hattendorf, H.; Nowak, B.; Galetz, M. C.
2023. Materials and Corrosion, 74 (2), 190–196. doi:10.1002/maco.202213380
Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Obert, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Wu, H.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Mücklich, F.; Engstler, M.; Gorr, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2023, January 6. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture (ICPDF 2023), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, January 3–9, 2023
Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Herrmann, J. K.; Czerny, A. K.; Obert, S.; Seils, S.; Boll, T.; Baruffi, C.; Rao, Y.; Curtin, W. A.; Schwaiger, R.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. FEMS Euromat (2023), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 3–7, 2023
Bürckner, M.-L.; Mengis, L.; White, E. M. H.; Galetz, M. C.
2023. Materials and Corrosion, 74 (1), 79–90. doi:10.1002/maco.202213382
Kerbstadt, M.; White, E. M. H.; Galetz, M. C.
2023. Materials, 16, Article no: 7480. doi:10.3390/ma16237480
Teja Teppala, D.; Kredel, S. A.; Ionescu, E.; Matovic, B.
2023. Journal of Innovative Materials in Extreme Conditions, 4 (2), 77–103
Bondar, A.; Lukas, H. L.; Czerny, A. K.; Romaka, V.
2023. MSI Eureka, 97, 10.18571.2.8. doi:10.7121/msi-eureka-10.18571.2.8
Beck, K.; Hinrichs, F.; Oskay, C.; Ulrich, A. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2023. Coatings, 13 (10), 1712. doi:10.3390/coatings13101712
Yang, Y.; Oyedeji, T. D.; Zhou, X.; Albe, K.; Xu, B.-X.
2023. npj Computational Materials, 9 (1), Art.-Nr.: 103. doi:10.1038/s41524-023-01058-9
Mengis, L.; Bik, M.; Petry, N.-C.; Watermeyer, P.; Liebscher, C.; White, E. M. H.; Ulrich, S. A.; Sitartz, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2023. High Temperature Corrosion – Gordon Research Conference (2023), New London, NH, USA, July 16–21, 2023
Kellner, M.; Schulz, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Nestler, B.
2023. Crystals, 13 (7), Article no: 1046. doi:10.3390/cryst13071046
Petry, N.-C.; Bernauer, J.; Thor, N.; Wen, Q.; Ulrich, A. S.; Ionescu, E.; Kleebe, H.-J.; Riedel, R.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2023. 47th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2023), Daytona Beach, FL, USA, January 22–27, 2023
Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.; Pundt, A.; Kleebe, H.-J.
2023. Microscopy Conference (MC 2023), Darmstadt, Germany, February 26–March 2, 2023
Riedel, R.
2023. 11th International Symposium on Nitrides (ISNT 2023), St-Malo, France, May 2–5, 2023
Riedel, R.
2023. Seminarvortrag Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITEC) (2023), Nagoya, Japan, February 3, 2023
Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Herrmann, J.; Czerny, A. K.; Obert, S.; Seils, S.; Boll, T.; Baruffi, C.; Rao, Y.; Curtin, W. A.; Schwaiger, R.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. Communications Materials, 4 (1), 26. doi:10.1038/s43246-023-00353-8
Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Petry, N.-C.; Ionescu, E.; Riedel, R.; Pundt, A.; Kleebe, H.-J.
2022. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43 (4), 1417–1431. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2022.11.060
Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Obert, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; Gorr, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2022, November 30. Materials Research Society: MRS Fall-Meeting and Exhibit (2022), Boston, MA, USA, November 27–December 2, 2022
Schliephake, D.; Lopes, C.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Chen, H.; Freudenberger, J.; Bayoumy, D.; Huang, A. J.; Kauffmann, A.
2022. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 924, Artkl.Nr.: 166499. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166499
Tirunilai, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; Schliephake, D.; Engstler, M.; Mücklich, F.; Obert, S.; Winkens, G.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Advanced Engineering Materials, 24 (11), Art.Nr. 2200918. doi:10.1002/adem.202200918
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schliephake, D.; Beichert, B.; Winkens, G.; Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Galetz, M. C.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Corrosion Science, 207, Art.-Nr.: 110566. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110566
Galetz, M. C.; Ulrich, A. S.; Hasemann, G.; Krüger, M.
2022. Intermetallics, 148, Article no: 107620. doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2022.107620
Petry, N.-C.; Ulrich, A. S.; Feng, B.; Ionescu, E.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2022. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105 (8), 5380–5394. doi:10.1111/jace.18473
Obert, S.; Schliephake, D.; Hinrichs, F.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Cong, X.; Gorr, B.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022, July 6. Scientific seminar of the Institut für Komplexe Materialien / Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden (IKM / IFW Dresden 2023), Dresden, Germany, July 6, 2022
Ulrich, A. S.; Knowles, A. J.; Cantatore, V.; Bhowmik, A.; Wharmby, M. T.; Geers, C.; Panas, I.; Galetz, M. C.
2022. Materials & Design, 218, Article no: 110655. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2022.110655
Öztürk, B.; Mengis, L.; Dickes, D.; Glatzel, U.; Galetz, M. C.
2022. Oxidation of Metals, 97 (3-4), 241–260. doi:10.1007/s11085-021-10088-x
Yang, Y.; Fathidoost, M.; Oyedeji, T. D.; Bondi, P.; Zhou, X.; Egger, H.; Xu, B.-X.
2022. Scripta materialia, 212, Article no: 114537. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2022.114537
Kellner, M.; Enugala, S. N.; Nestler, B.
2022. Computational Materials Science, 203, Art.-Nr.: 111046. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.111046
Wen, Q.; Qu, F.; Yu, Z.; Graczyk-Zajac, M.; Xiong, X.; Riedel, R.
2022. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 11 (2), 197–246. doi:10.1007/s40145-021-0562-2
Hagen, S. P.; Beck, K.; Kubacka, D.; Zschau, H.-E.; Galetz, M. C.; Spiecker, E.; Virtanen, S.
2022. Oxidation of Metals, 97 (1-2), 209–226. doi:10.1007/s11085-021-10087-y
Erhard, L. C.; Rohrer, J.; Albe, K.; Deringer, V. L.
2022. npj Computational Materials, 8 (1), Article no: 90. doi:10.1038/s41524-022-00768-w
Feng, B.; Fetzer, A.-K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Christian Galetz, M.; Kleebe, H.-J.; Ionescu, E.
2022. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105 (1), 99–110. doi:10.1111/jace.18038
Riedel, R.
2022. 15th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTEC 2022), Perugia, Italy, June 20–24, 2022
Riedel, R.
2022. CMCEE (2022), Wuhan, China, June 9–11, 2022
Riedel, R.
2022. Korean Ceramic Society Remote Symposium (2022), Online, April 14, 2022
Filipovic, J.; Adam, M.; Kontermann, C.; Oechsner, M.
2022. International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition (ITSC 2022), Vienna, Austria, May 4–6, 2022
Filipovic, J.; Adam, M.; Kontermann, C.; Oechsner, M.
2022. 23rd Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde (2022), Online, July 20–22, 2022
Oechsner, M.; Adam, M.; Kontermann, C.
2022. 11th Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coatings VI (2022), Irsee, Germany, June 19–24, 2022
Adam, M.; Filipovic, J.; Kontermann, M.; Oechsner, M.
2022. 10th Les Rencontres Internationales de la Projection Thermique Conference (RIPT 2022), Jülich, Germany, June 1–3, 2022
Yang, Y.; Kühn, P.; Fathidoost, M.; Xu, B.-X.
2022. 20th International IGTE Symposium 2022 on Computational Methods in Electromagnetics and Multiphysics (IGTE 2022), Graz, Austria, September 18–21, 2022
Yang, Y.; Zhou, X.; Xu, B.-X.
2022. Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM 2022), Barcelona, Spain, November 9–11, 2022
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schliephake, D.; Beichert, B.; Winkens, G.; Beck, K.; Ulrich, S. A.; Galetz, M. C.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2022), Darmstadt, Germany, September 27–29, 2022
Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; König, T.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2022. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2022), San Diego, CA, USA, May 22–27, 2022
Winkens, G.; Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Schwaiger, R.
2022. 19th International Conference on Strength of Materials (ICSMA 2022), Metz, France, June 26–July 1, 2022
Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; König, T.; Oskay, C.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2022. 11th International Conference on Microscopy of Oxidation (2022), Cranfield, United Kingdom, September 12–14, 2022
Cai, Y.; Wang, F.; Czerny, A. K.; Seifert, H. J.; Nestler, B.
2022. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2022), Darmstadt, Germany, September 27–29, 2022
Czerny, A. K.; Rohde, M.; Seifert, H. J.
2022. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2022), Darmstadt, Germany, September 27–29, 2022
Czerny, A. K.; Rohde, M.; Seifert, H. J.
2022. Thermodynamic of Alloys (2022), Krakow, Poland, September 12–16, 2022
Petry, N.-C.; Ulrich, A. S.; Feng, B.; Ionescu, E.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2022. Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Materials for Extreme Environment Applications (2022), Snowbird, UT, USA, June 5–8, 2022
Petry, N.-C.; Bik, M.; Ulrich, A. S.; Sitarz, M.; Lepple, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2022. 15th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTEC 2022), Perugia, Italy, June 20–24, 2022
Petry, N.-C.; Thor, N.; Bernauer, J.; Wen, Q.; Ionescu, E.; Kleebe, H.-J.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2022. 11th International Conference on Microscopy of Oxidation (2022), Cranfield, United Kingdom, September 12–14, 2022
Schulz, C.; Kauffmann, A.; Laube, S.; Kellner, M.; Nestler, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Acta Materialia, 231, Art.Nr. 117857. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117857
Yang, Y.; Großmann, A.; Kühn, P.; Mölleney, J.; Kropholler, L.; Mittelstedt, C.; Xu, B.-X.
2022. Journal of materials processing technology, 299, Article no: 117316. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2021.117316
Zhou, X.; Yang, Y.; Bharech, S.; Lin, B.; Schröder, J.; Xu, B.-X.
2021. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 44 (4, SI), e202100017. doi:10.1002/gamm.202100017
Czerny, A.; Rohde, M.; Hausner, C.; Seifert, H. J.
2021, October 7. Intermetallics (2021), Bad Staffelstein, Germany, October 4–8, 2021
Czerny, A.; Rohde, M.; Hausner, C.; Seifert, H. J.
2021, September 16. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2021), Online, September 13–17, 2021
Galetz, M. C.; Schlereth, C.; White, E. M. H.
2021. Materials and Corrosion, 72 (7), 1232–1242. doi:10.1002/maco.202012075
Ulrich, A. S.; Glatzel, U.; Galetz, M. C.
2021. Oxidation of Metals, 95 (5-6), 445–465. doi:10.1007/s11085-021-10029-8
Pfizenmaier, P.; Ulrich, A. S.; Galetz, M. C.; Glatzel, U.
2021. Metals, 11 (7), Article no: 1072. doi:10.3390/met11071072
Riedel, R.
2021. Seminar an der Waseda University (2021), Tokyo, Japan, October 8, 2021
Adam, M.
2021. Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt). doi:10.26083/tuprints-00020057
Yang, Y.; Xu, B.-X.
2021. Seminar Numerische Mathematik und Mechanik, Institut für Mechanik (BauWi), Universität Duisburg-Essen (2021), Essen, Germany, April 1, 2021
Yang, Y.; Doñate-Buendía, C.; Oyedeji, T. D.; Gökce, B.; Xu, B.-X.
2021. Materials, 14 (13), Article no: 3463. doi:10.3390/ma14133463
Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Galetz, M. C.
2021. Materials Science and Technology: Technical Meeting and Exhibition (MS&T 2021), Colombus, USA, October 17–21, 2021
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Seils, S.; Obert, S.; Ratschbacher, K.; Allen, M.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Metals, 11 (11), Article no: 1723. doi:10.3390/met11111723
Hinrichs, F.; Schliephake, D.; Seils, S.; Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Ratschbacher, K.; Allen, M.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Intermetallics (2021), Bad Staffelstein, Germany, October 4–8, 2021
Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; Heilmaier, M.; Galetz, M. C.
2021. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2021), Online, September 13–17, 2021
Petry, N.-C.; Ulrich, A. S.; Feng, B.; Ionescu, E.; Galetz, M. C.; Lepple, M.
2021. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2021), Online, September 13–17, 2021
Ulrich, A. S.; Beck, K.; Galetz, M. C.
2021. Intermetallics (2021), Bad Staffelstein, Germany, October 4–8, 2021
Cai, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Nestler, B.; Fei, W.
2021. Acta Materialia, 219, Art.-Nr.: 117223. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117223
Obert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Pretzler, R.; Schliephake, D.; Hinrichs, F.; Heilmaier, M.
2021. Metals, 11 (1), Art.-Nr.: 169. doi:10.3390/met11010169
Riedel, R.
2020. CIMTEC 2020 (2020), Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 15–23, 2020