- Course number: 2173421
- Lecturers: Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kauffmann, Dr. Sandipan Sen
- Language: English
- Contact hours: 3
- Series: every winter term
- Credit points: 4
- Exam: oral in English or German
- Work load: lectures 33 h, private studies 87 h
Please find the lecture notes in the following. You may use the material under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. Due to copyright restrictions, some of the images are only available in the hand-out material to the participants in the lecture.
The materials are prepared by Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kauffmann.
Ch. 0: General Information
Ch. 1: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Fundamentals
Ch. 2: Experimental techniques
- General Terms
- Structural Investigations
- Physical Investigations
- Chemical Investigations
- Microstructural Investigations
Ch. 4: Single-component systems
- Solidification and Allotropic Transformations
- Soldification of Elements
- Allotropic Transformations
- Continuous Phase Transitions
Ch. 5: Multi-component systems
- Reconstructive Transformation
- Solidification of Alloys with Complete Miscibility
- Spinodal Decomposition
- Eutectic Reaction
- Other Types of Reactions
- Solid State Transformations
- Displacive Transformation
- Shear Transformation
- Dilational Transformation
- Shuffling
- Intermediate Transformations
- Order Transition
- Massive Transformation