Systematic Materials Selection


Important aspects and criteria of materials selection are examined and guidelines for a systematic approach to materials selection are deeloped. The following topics are covered:

  • Information and introduction
  • Necessary basics of materials
  • Selected methods / approaches of the material selection
  • Examples for material indices and materials property charts
  • Trade-off and shape factors
  • Sandwich materials and composite materials
  • High temperature alloys
  • Regard of process influences
  • Material selection for production lines
  • Incorrect material selection and the resulting consequences
  • Abstract and possibility to ask questions

learning objectives:
The students are able to select the best material for a given application. They are proficient in selecting materials on base of performance indices and materials selection charts. They can identify conflicting objectives and find sound compromises. They are aware of the potential and the limits of hybrid material concepts (composites, bimaterials, foams) and can determine whether following such a concept yields a useful benefit.

WiIng SPO 2007 (B.Sc.)  

The course Material Science I [21760] has to be completed beforehand.

WiIng (M.Sc.)  

The course Material Science I [21760] has to be completed beforehand.


The workload for the lecture is 120 h per semester and consists of the presence during the lecture (30 h) as well as preparation and rework time at home (30 h) and preparation time for the oral exam (60 h).

Language of instructionGerman

Vorlesungsskriptum; Übungsblätter; Lehrbuch: M.F. Ashby, A. Wanner (Hrsg.), C. Fleck (Hrsg.);
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design: Das Original mit Übersetzungshilfen
Easy-Reading-Ausgabe, 3. Aufl., Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2006
ISBN: 3-8274-1762-7

Lecture notes; Problem sheets; Textbook: M.F. Ashby, A. Wanner (Hrsg.), C. Fleck (Hrsg.);
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design: Das Original mit Übersetzungshilfen
Easy-Reading-Ausgabe, 3. Aufl., Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2006
ISBN: 3-8274-1762-7