Materials of Lightweight Construction



Constructive, production-orientied and material aspects of lightweight construction

Aluminium-based alloys

Aluminium wrought alloys

Aluminium cast alloys

Magnesium-based alloys

Magnesium wrought alloys

Magnesium cast alloys

Titanium-based alloys

Titanium wrought alloys

Titanium cast alloys

High-strength steels

High-strength structural steels,

Heat-treatable steels, press-hardening and hardenable steels

Composites - mainly PMC



Basic mechanical principles of composites

Hybrid composites

Special materials for lightweight design

Beryllium alloys

Metallic Glasses


learning objectives:
The students are capable to name different lightweight materials and can describe their composition, properties and fields of application. They can describe the hardening mechanisms of lightweight materials and can transfer this knowledge to applied problems.
The students can apply basic mechanical models of composites and can depict differences in the mechanical properties depending on composition and structure. The students can describe the basic principle of hybrid material concepts and can judge their advantages in comparison to bulk materials. The students can name special materials for lightweight design and depict differences to conventional materials. The students have the ability to present applications for different lightweight materials and can balance reasons for their use.
Werkstoffkunde I/II (recommended)

The workload for the lecture “Materials for Lightweight Construction” is 120 h per semester and consists of the presence during the lectures (24 h), preparation and rework time at home (48 h) and preparation time for the oral exam (48 h).


Oral examination, Duration approx. 25 min

Language of instructionGerman

Literaturhinweise, Unterlagen und Teilmanuskript in der Vorlesung